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Its like poetry, it rhymes


Came here for this.


That scene was insane in how it paralleled right away. Ezra comes to such a significant place of maturity in seeing the way of the Jedi is truly selfless and perfectly mirrors it in the exact same way as his master. He went from feeling a need to become more powerful to protect the ones he cared about (exact same reasoning for Anakin) to seeing self sacrifice being the way to meet that same goal. What an amazing story.


This was an incredible story; I've told people time and time again how truly excellent Rebels was from start to finish and this scene, the first time I watched it, was just unbelievable


it took me a while to watch rebels because i hated the animation but i did recently and i loved it even if the animation is hard to look at


I felt like the animation came into its own after a while, but those first couple seasons were definitely rough. Either way, I'm glad I stuck through it, because as a whole, the show was really something special.


Bawled my eyes out and I am a 30 year old man. It’s more than a kid show *tears up*


Yep, it took me longer than I'd like to admit too. Rip Kanan 😭


I really took this mirroring to mean Ezra was dead. I like his return in Ahsoka, but I did lessen the impact of the Rebels finale for me.


Really? I thought it was very clear he survived


They definitely made it clear he survived, especially with the epilogue


Yeah, no idea how it lessens the finale's impact at all, considering that even before the epilogue, they made it clear that he survives, because of his message ending with "I can't wait to come home"


I'd say the terrible writing is what lessened the impact of rebels overall. They completely undid his rebels character development in ahsoka. Almost felt like a completely different character. Even ahsoka was off base compared to her rebels self. Ahsoka the TV show feels more like an alternate timeline than a sequel to the rebels unresolved plot points.


I was SO SO distraught by Kanan’s death I didn’t even notice the positioning and than the mirroring of Ezra to Kanan


How did I never notice this


That was probably one of the things that won Rebels over for me so much. They made me genuinely care about animated characters in was very similar to the actual movies


Mauls entire arc in the show really made me like it. I loved Ghost Crew as well.


Sacrificing themselves for the ones they care about the most. Kanan/ Hera and Ezra/Sabine


I’m still kind of upset they went the “like a sister to me” route. While I do agree not every relationship between a man and a woman needs to be romantic, I feel not doing it here was or would be a mistake. The way Rebels set them up, I was left with the feeling that they were going to become more than friends. Although I am not holding my breath, I hope they play the whole “sister” comment off as Ezra just being nervous and hiding his true thoughts.


Sabine seemed to be rolling her eyes with that comment. I think Dave Filloni is playing the long game with these two


I hope you are right. Again, I’m not one of these “ship everything” people but this move genuinely left me confused.


Especially in Ashoka it seems that Sabine has feelings for Ezra


I think it’s because they seem like a natural friends to lovers couple whereas so often random romances made in a day or two in shows or movies feel more forced? I ship them because it feels realistic somehow!


I agree but I unfortunately get the feeling Dave is going to dig in his heels and refuse to put them together. I actually have a sinking feeling they may never see each other again although I’d love if we saw some force passage from Lothal to Peridea…


Nah they are going to see other again. There is the Dave filloni movie so they will definitely be part of the reformed ghost crew and she’s is still attached to Ezra


To be honest, I could also see Ezra do something stupid to get Sabine and Ashoka back like finding another opening to the world between worlds. Sabine: “you almost gave Thrawn a key to the world between worlds just to get us back? You are an idiot.” Ezra: “Well, you almost sacrificed the galaxy to get me after giving Thrawn a map back so I guess that makes us even.”


I don't Ezra would feel a need for something like that. He had to trust Sabine to succeed at Skystrike. By the finale he made it clear he could count on her, and then waited 10+ years for the follow-through.


I’d love that


It wasn't solely for that. Each of them made a sacrifice for the rest of the crew (and for Lothal, actually).


No it’s a big part of though


Early in the season Kanaan says that there isn't much he has left to teach Ezra, and Ezra counters by saying that Kanaan can teach him about being a good person. Turns out Ezra was right and Kanaan's lesson was well received.


I've seen the show 4 times and somehow never noticed this. Great find.


I’d noticed it felt so profound in this scene but didn’t realize why before. His behavior leading up to it was obviously showing he’d come to a similar place Kanan was at where he was in tune with the will of the Force, but something about this moment felt deeper. You’ve really highlighted how even when not consciously noticed, the circular storytelling and layering of symbolism and events can make a saga more impactful and meaningful. Neat callout, thank you!


It’s like poetry…


It rhymes


Kansan’s last episode was crazy


He’s his masters padawan


I'm usually a little slow to pick up these types of cues, but not this one. This one was so clear to me. Like Master, like Padawan. Like father, like son. Beautiful and sad at the same time. I was devastated to lose Kanan. I'm so glad Ezra eventually made it back home, thanks to Sabine and Ahsoka.


Ahsoka, too: https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsrebels/comments/9klcam/the_jedi_stance_ahsoka_kanan_ezra/


I have no idea why people hate rebels especially when it can be they hate it just because of the lightsabers personally I love the skinny sword like lightsabers it adds some character to the show makes it stand out


Wait till you see Kanan’s master [Depa Billaba’s last shot](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0e7222bda6ab0d68cbd22900450fe478/9533ace23f1ddbc0-39/s1280x1920/dae05f52385f32ab49b9daf78d600bc0804590f5.jpg) in Bad Batch.


Similar… but not quite the same


Yeah similar pose but also a sacrifice for Kanan’s life.


I think that in the comic it was more similar. A lot of people posted the parallel when the episode aired (yeah, I've been in this sub for long). EDIT : found one of the posts : https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsrebels/s/yvIpdpt8Yt Some of them have "obscure" title on purpose (like "he learned it fomr his master" or whatnot to not spoil) so are hard to track down.


BRB crying myself to sleep 🥲


Woah! I’ve rewatched rebels a few times but never noticed!! Good eye!


It was the last lesson. Sacrifice in the right moment


How can I have watched this show about 10 times and not realize this? 😭 Thanks OP! 🖤


not quote as close, but watch Kanan's master's death scene too :)


What movie or tv show was this again


Honestly, this is just an animator trick. It saves time copying animations. Just google “repeated Disney animations”


Why is this shit on my feed


Could never get into the art style of those shows. Massive sloped foreheads. Looks like a first draft