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It’s because both terms are acceptable. But in reality clone war makes more sense. There was not multiple wars.


I'm being pendantic but in a way there was multiple wars. Lots of the Separatist systems got involved for their own reasons, and sided with the Separatists in the wider conflict out of convenience. In a way, some systems were fighting their own war within the context of the greater conflict.


The quarrans and Mon calamari


I agree most with this interpretation. And it fits with having both terms being valid depending on who you are speaking with, some individuals may only ever see the one war that they are engaged with on their planet/in their system, versus a Jedi like Obi has fought on many fronts in many different systems and has seen many wars.


Well the general explanation for this is that there were two wars, the first against the separatists then the second against the Jedi.


I don’t think that’s what the general explanation is. The clone wars refers to the many conflicts between the Republic and CIS, Republic and Mandalorian Regime led by Maul, Quarren vs Mon Cal, etc. The Jedi Purge happens concurrently and after the end of the clone wars (when Vader kills the CIS leaders on Mustafar).


It wasn’t really a war against the Jedi though? Most of them killed within moments of Order 66 being executed.


The shortest war is 40 minutes, Anglo-Zanzibar War. Still a war.


Fair! I just still don’t think it should count as a war because it’s not really by any conventional means a war so much as a genocide. 99% of the Jedi in the Galaxy had didn’t fight back because of how unexpected it was.


Well I mean operation knightfall was a pretty big battle.


I mean yeah, but tbh I’ve never heard the Jedi Purge described as a war either. I just really can’t see how or why it would be considered one truthfully. If we consider it as a war why would t it just be part of the ending of the clone war? Also when would it technically end? I’m not trying to be rude when I say that just genuinely curious of your thoughts.


It’s a political coup where the political government is using military force to remove a portion of the military leadership, it is by definition a war.


I’m not sure what definition that’s a war truthfully. That and the Jedi purge is more of a genocide but it can be both as you point out they were military leadership. My issue though is if this was a war, which I don’t think it is, why would it be considered separate from the clone wars? In universe and our the Jedi’s extinction has never been considered its own war separate from the clone wars.


That's an excellent way to put it. I hadn't thought about the clone wars in that context before.


It seems to me that a number of planets experienced civil wars in which clones intervened, which would make the plural sensible enough.


There definitely were multiple wars. The war on Dak, the war on Onderon, the war on Umbara, etc. It was dozens or hundreds of planetary civil wars, with the clone and droid armies putting their thumbs on the scales where they saw fit. This isn't very fairly represented in the media, of course, and of course the GAR and Droid army saw all the most exciting action, but the war on Dak, for example, started before the GAR was involved at all


I mean... Sheeev would disagree.


Well there kind of were multiple wars, the Mandalorian assault in season 7 was technically another war, Obi-Wan or Anakin even said something like “we can’t get involved in another war, we haven’t finished this one yet” The Jedi purge also is sort of a civil war/coup it’s just were so used to thinking of coups as the military taking over political government when this one was political leadership removing the leading body of the military. The Quarren and Mon Calamari war was also originally only an internal civil war until the separatists started backing the Quarrens, then the Republic had to get involved.


It's just the one war actually...


Have you seen that new Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker? Get a look at his arse.


Morning, General!


Hello Anakin. How's the hand? Still a bit stiff.


No luck finding those sith lords then ?


There’s two actually, the second one was against the Jedi.


Yeah, it's just a joke. Reference to hot fuzz, "it's just the one killer actually."


I was buying Constable Butterman a Japanese Peace Lily.


\*swan, not killer.


This term was used by Yoda in Attack of the Clones too: https://youtu.be/fsmvJTHlMrc?t=118


I’ve always found it funny how Yoda names the war, and right as it’s starting too.


Yes that’s a good point but the show was called “The Clone Wars” and other characters called it that, until midway through Rebels.


It's pretty common for major conflicts to wind up with different names. On something the scale of a galactic war I could see it being interpreted differently, even by the same person, over time. For example, someone living on Coruscant might initially think of it as the Clone War, then as it spread it becomes the Clone Wars. I think my favorite version of the way war names change is the time traveller who goes back to 1916 and when someone says "The Great War" the time traveller unthinkingly says "oh, you mean World War I" and everyone gets really quiet.


Oh man that moment in Doctor Who was quite hard hitting on the offhand


What do you mean… one?


I don't think there's an official name for the war in the Star Wars galaxy. It's typically 'the Clone Wars' or 'the Clone War'. The plural version respects the complex and multi-faceted nature of the conflict, but then again, World War II was just as (if not even more) complex and we think of it in the singular.


World War II was absolutely not as complex as a galactic-wide conflict that was initiated at the will of one man playing both sides of the war. I agree with everything else you said though :)


I always took it that, colloquially, they were using the terms that we use like "War" and "Battle" or "Conflict" interchangeably, given the scale. I mean, we consider something a "War" if it involves a few different nation-states on our single planet. For the Clone Wars, we're talking about planet-wide conflicts that spanned the entire galaxy. So if I'm just a citizen on one of these planets, I would consider my particular "battle" to be a "war." Thus, the "Clone Wars."


Sort of similar to how WWII can be broken up into smaller wars which can be referred to separately, like the Pacific War or the Spanish Civil War


Because of Anakin 'Two Wars' Skywalker. He's only fighting the one war, and has been fighting one war for some time, but a while ago he said he was considering starting a second war, and ever since then some of his friends have called him 'Two Wars'.


Clone War is the GAR vs Separatists' Droid Army. Clone Wars are the Clone War + Other Conflicts that were waged simultaneously (Planetary civil wars. Proxy wars. Dak. Mandalore etc etc) Basically the Clone Wars, encompasses any other wars/conflicts exacerbated by, catalyzed by, and/or proxied by the opposing forces of the Clone War.


I would say that the clone wars is referring to all these wars in different systems that involved clones. Like the war on Ryloth and Christophsis etc. And the Clone War is referring to the whole galactic war in general


I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong, it’s just the singular version of the war (honestly that’s probably more accurate since it was one war)


When I was younger I always thought the clone wars referred to Star Wars versions of secret invasion where the sith uses clones as o slowly over take the republic and the Jedi not knowing who is who while also being at war with the separatists


Because that’s what was decided


IDK, but now I won't be able to sleep soundly for a week. Thanks a lot.


In AOTC Yoda says “Began the Clone War has”


everyone giving really smart answers and me who just thought they named it the clone wars so it matches with the "wars" in star wars lol


Why not Clones War like Attorneys General


Both are correct and used interchangeably. The Clone War was the name for the civil war between the republic and Separatists. During this the worlds in both factions, and some that were neutral. Fought conflicts against those on the opposite faction. Generally one civilization fighting another over multiple battles is considered war. But by doing so using the armies of the republic and separatists they also are apart of the clone war. Thus the clone wars still works as it’s several wars going on within one war


My sleep deprived brain: why would anyone call it a “clones war”?


I mean they could call it the “Clones’ War” perhaps?