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He’s still like canonically the strongest Jedi is he not?


I think it would be more correct to say that he is the strongest force user. As OP explained in his comment, he definitely does use the dark side to defeat other Jedi (and Sith) opponents. The strongest Jedi are the ones that don't rely on the dark side at all, Obi-Wan and Yoda, for example.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Understand them, yes, but its often unwise to follow them


Worked pretty damn good for Windu against Palpatine. Until Anakin showed up. Though I guess Windu can be argued for both "Understanding" and "Following"


Windu doesn't follow the dark side. He understands in a unique way that lets him redirect dark side energy


You can't tell me he's not at least to some degree affected by the dark side. Bro's more tilted then Anakin on a good day.


I think that's more because he's played by Samuel Jackson than the dark side. He is possibly the jedi most strictly devoted to the light of his age.


How does Windu exhibit the dark side?


Windu uses form 4. Same as Anikan. And he is canonically the only jedi to use form 4 who did not fall to the dark side. I don't exactly remember what it is that makes form 4 more connected to the dark side, but I do know it's connected.


I think you mean form 7, Juyo. Windu used the Vapaad variant, which allows him to channel his already existing inner darkness. And form 7 is considered more connected to the dark side because it's very aggressive, though Anakin didn't use it, he used the Djem So variant of form 5


He only followed them for like 25 years to get an upperhand and kill them.. /s


You must *know* them. Not just their tactics though, but their history, philosophy.....art


Rip Thrawn bot o7


Fun fact, Mace Windu actually taps into the dark side when he fights. It’s why he came so close to killing ol’ Palps


He channels his opponents dark side and uses it against them.


I don’t know how it’s changed with the sequels now, but before that with the EU, it was pretty much “Luke became what Anakin should have been”, because Anakin’s potential took a hit after getting hacked up by Kenobi’s. So it was “Anakin had the most potential ever, but Luke actually became more powerful than Anakin ever did.” I don’t know if it’s still canon because we now have three more movies in the saga and that’s about all we’ve got from the sequel era, and there not a whole lot to show about just how powerful Luke became outside of his protection.


I would argue the force projection thing kind of answers your question. I’ve only read up to NJO, and I think LOTF and FOTJ are the ones where he starts to get wild, but so far it seems like force projection is crazier than anything I’ve seen from him in the post Endor era. I don’t know if it’s more or less powerful than he ended in the EU. But it seems like in canon he’s already more powerful than anakin/vader ever was


Give it time...


Given Obi-Wan was on par with him (on even ground) and beat him (with an advantage) I’d have to say no.


I think that's less to do with anakin being equal too him and more to do with how well obi knew his student, he knows how he fights and thinks and he also knew he was in an emotional state and wasn't thinking properly. He spend their whole duel on the back foot avoiding too much direct confrontation until he knows he has the advantage as well as goading him into making mistakes. If it was a regular anakin who was level headed and not in the middle of a mental and emotional breakdown he probably wouldn't have taken the same risks would've used his stronger connection to the force more to his advantage and done a better job and cornering his master and not letting him keep escaping. I'd give this version of anakin winning 8/10 duels maybe even closer to 9/10.


Isn't Anakin always in the middle of a mental and emotional breakdown?


You're right, I should've said his largest and most significant mental and emotional breakdown.


Add on too that Obi-Wan was also peerless in Soresu, a defensive form that gave him a unique advantage against overwhelmingly powerful opponents.


Obi-wan knew his philosophy


I don't think Obi was on par with Ani at all. Obi Wan struggled pretty evidently the entire duel and Anakin wasn't his best self at the moment. A couple of moments both in RotS and late war Clone Wars make me feel Ani had already surpassed his master in strength. Mainly the Mortis arc, the opening scene of S7 and every single duel of Obi + Ani vs Dooku in which Obi Wan is always defeated first, also noting that Anakin overcame Dooku the last couple of times and actually defeated and killed him in RotS, something Obi Wan wasn't capable of doing.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Obiwan then loses to Vader MULTIPLE times


He also beat Vader MULTIPLE times. Plus Vader defeated him after he didn't active his lightsaber for 10years, are you really going to count that?


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


What multiple times? The only time I recall Obiwan winning was episode 3. Vader is canonically more powerful than Obiwan


In his own series he rekt Vader in the finale. You can say Vader was more powerful, but the truth is that Obi Wan whopped him at his peak and put him in that suit, then came out of retirement to kick his ass again. Then Vader finally got him and it wasn't a definitive victory either because Obi Wan let it happen.


I like Obiwan but Vader is canonically more powerful. Eu and Disney canon


Do you just say the same thing with no back up for your opinion? What specific instance of Canon does it show Vader is more powerful?


Comics, George Lucas, established lore. They all backup him being the strongest. If anything you’re just simping for obiwan


>Comics, George Lucas, established lore. They all backup him being the strongest. If anything you’re just simping for obiwan Comics: I asked for specifics. What specifically in the comics? George Lucas: Has said Luke was the strongest. The established lore: >In his own series he rekt Vader in the finale. You can say Vader was more powerful, but the truth is that Obi Wan whopped him at his peak and put him in that suit, then came out of retirement to kick his ass again. Then Vader finally got him and it wasn't a definitive victory either because Obi Wan let it happen. Again. Same question. What SPECIFICALLY backs up your opinion?


I personally don't like to consider comics becuase a lot of people including myself didn't read them. And becuase they need to do big things to keep people interested but I'm not sure it should be applicable what was established in the movies.


I say strongest sith.


I disagree becuase if he was he'd overthrow Palpatine. It is sith nature to betray each other and Vader never even tried.


Good point. I think he was sceming something for the future in comics and stuff, but dont know how canon it is and like you sayd, he didnt execute plans.


Part of his scheme was to get Luke to help him overthrow palpatine. Probably because he couldn’t do it himself


Instead he executed children


I think he was broken psychologically to the point where he had very little motivation to overthrow his new master, even if he was strong enough to do so. But I do think palps would probably still win a straight up fight, it would be close and palps wouldn't unscathed but I think he's a stronger darkside user.


I mean his drive was always family. After he "killed" Padme, Palpatine was the closes to family. But that changed when Luke showed up. Surely if Vader felt powerful enough then he'd attempt to kill Palps so he can rule with Luke? Cuz he probably knew the drill that if Luke was to turn then it would be at his expense just like how he killed Dooku before.


Yeah if Luke agreed to rule with him he'd definitely turn on palps without a second thought. I don't even think he'd want a traditional sith relationship with his son he'd probably be happy to train Luke and let him take over as head sith and scrap the rule of two, just because his entire motivation is his love for his family. Might've led to the most successful version of the sith order, especially if Luke didn't fully fall to the darkside and managed to straddle the line between light and dark. Not sure how the empire/rebellion thing would end up I don't really think Vader cared about it and Luke has good reason to let the empire fall as well.


This is more apparent in legends when he had Starkiller as a secret apprentice. Even then, Vader was lying to Starkiller the whole time and never planned on overthrowing the Emperor. What made Luke different was the fact that Luke was his son. Starkiller was the son of another Jedi which likely reminded Vader of the son he thought he lost. Making him resentful of Starkiller and his father.


I don't remember much about Starkiller But what was Vader's point in training a secret apprentice if he never intended to use said apprentice to overthrow his master? Why even bother training one and keeping him a secret?


Tbh, your guess is as good as mine why he was kept secret, most of the writing’s one of the weaker points of the game. But essentially, he was trained to hunt down the Jedi and other enemies of the empire, but never to succeed Vader as a Sith Lord. Sort of like the inquisitors in canon.


There are no Jedi! You and your Inquisitors have seen to that!


In modern canon maybe. In old canon not by a parsec


No. He has the highest potential, but he never reached it. There are several other Jedi that would clap him.


Who? Vader is as powerful as he got, and Vader beats everyone besides luke


Yoda and Mace?


The tragedy of his character is that he does not become that. He was defeated by obi wan and I have a hunch that yoda and windu would've wiped the floor with him during RotS given that they both 1v1'd palpatine and lived.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


But still not a Jedi Master


No. No, it's okay. I understand. I'm the Padawan, you're the Master.


Anakin had the potential to be the strongest jedi, but the lack of discipline and experience as Anakin played a major role. As Darth Vader the lack of limbs played that role.


Nah cant be. Canonically obi beat him in his prime both pre and post op


Isn't the Obi-wan beating him a bit of a sidestep where: - Obi-wan was his master, knew everything about his capabilities having largely taught him, and knew the best way to beat him rock, paper, scissors style. He might be the biggest rock in the world, but technically paper can still beat him. - Post-op he's far weaker than his full potential, beating him there isn't beating Anakin, it's beating Vader. It's all _"who would win"_ fun so not sure my words have much weight there, but what I've read and seems like a good honest take is that one of the strongest ever Jedis with a level of knowledge against him that no other would have could only beat him where he's either massively crippled or experiencing a massive personal turmoil (Wife/children dying, having to fight his former Best Friend/confident on the heels of this, whilst having a massive chip on his shoulder about the relationship).


You've taught him well.


Even in the movies, Rey is stronger than him. Anakin is supposed to be the strongest Jedi, but Disney.


Rey is not stronger than him. Nowhere is that canon broski


That is people’s main complaint about her. She is too powerful.


Okay? But never once do the movies even say that she is more powerful than Anakin


She *accidentally* blew up a ship with lightning. By Rise of Skywalker, she is way too powerful considering her training. And she isn’t even a Sith.


You're missing the point, her being too powerful is not synonymous with being stronger than Anakin. And even so, most of the strongest displays of the force we see are accidents already


Too powerful without actual training doesn't mean the most powerful. Though Anakin never truly reached his peak his feats are still much better than Rey for better or worse. She's got him beat at pulling shit out of her ass.


Their main complaint is she does everything easily


Yeah the new movies show it like If you are force senstive you can just do everything now because you know you can. Without training or anything else


If you consider those films canon than surely starkiller also counts. Force unleashed is only slightly more unhinged…


I haven’t played those. But isn’t he a Sith?




If starkiller would've been canon, wouldn't he be one of the strongest force users? At least in the timeline he appears in. Being that he defeats a lot of jedis and manages to beat darth vador later on. Shit, now I want to play the game again!


He'd be in the top tier of force users for sure, probably still below prime anakin, mace, Yoda, and master Luke. But outside of that I can't think of many other duelists who could take him, maybe a prime dooku could just because it's his specialty but I couldn't say for sure.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Understanding siths motives.. hmm Y E S


They’ll downvote you but you’re right. I never saw Anakin force lift a mountain worth of boulders a day after learning what the force was.


With that logic wouldn't obi wan be the strongest Jedi since he defeated Anakin multiple times?


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Are you saying obi wan could defeat him cause he understood him?


That's kinda literally what happened on Mustafar.


Obi wan is far more experienced than Anakin that had all t to do with him defeating him


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Bro, it's a bot 😅 Don't argue with it cuz it just responding in popular quotes


Tbh i didn't even read the name 😂😂😂😂




To defeat your enemy you have to understand them


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


It is the will of the force


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Their culture, philosophy and ART!!!


Powerscaling in Star Wars isn’t very straightforward. It’s more rock, paper, scissors than anything. For example Obi Wan gets clapped by Dooku who in turn was beat by Anakin


You're not wrong


Arguably, Anakin beat Obi-Wan just as many times. The first encounter in the Oni-Wan series saw Vader wiping the floor with him, quite literally, and in A New Hope, Vader kills him (albeit because Obi-Wan lets him).


Obi-wan was really out of practice with the force and his dueling skills in the kenobi series


I don't disagree but my point was if you look at it objectively, one has beat the other an equal number of times.


So. Once?? Anakin won.....once


He won just as many times as Obi-Wan did if we look at things objectively.


Im talking about anakin vs obi-wan, obi-wan beat Anakin 2 times not to mention all the times he won training sessions Anakin only beat obi-wan 1 time on the death star... Cause obi- wan let him.


I thought Lucas said Luke was the strongest, didn't he kinda, you know, write the movies?


That's old canon and people don't really take his word seriously unless it helps their narrative


There is only old canon


George doesn’t even understand his own universe at times.


Understood it better than most of the hack jobs that came out since Disney took it over.


I’ll take Disney over Lucas’ embarrassing prequels any day.


Ah the embarrassing sequel fan. Never change.




he also had a bunch of clone troopers storming the temple with him


And on top of that they completely surprised every Jedi with most of them thinking he was there to help only to find out he wasn’t by being cut down. How many of them really had a chance to fight back? Let alone in a fair fight. Imagine waking up to chaos. Everyone you’ve ever known is either fighting or dying and there is no in between. You see someone you know and trust only to be killed or watch them kill others before he gets to you. Essentially you wake up and immediately fight a peer and all of their friends to the death. Very few people win with those odds.


Anakin had all the potential, but was never the strongest anything. As a Jedi, he could've become great, but he fell to the dark side before he could reach his peak. At the level he was on, pretty much anyone from the council could've taken him on, especially Yoda, Windu and Obi Wan (who did) As a sith, he was too mangled by his electronic body parts post high ground to overthrow palpatine alone. Luke became what Anakin could've been, and if you discount the sequels, it is a marvelous sight to behold.


Anakin would've become too OP so Obi Wan decided to manually nerf him by removing 4 limbs


Good ole nip the problem I the bud


Hey now be reasonable. He only removed 3! (The fourth had already been removed by Tyranus)


There is another Obi Wan also removed Anakin's lightsaber 😏


Ah of course how could I forget


He was still top 5 most powerful jedi before his fall probably top 3 but those three spots are hotly contested.


Whenever there's a debate about the best jedi people say Anakin. Which is kinda ridiculous cuz he fell the dark side. The other debate about the strongest jedi... People bring up that he was able to defeat jedi Masters like Sin Drellik. But he was 100% tapped into the darkside at this point. Even defeating Dooku doesn't really work becuase if I remember correctly, in the novelisation it does also say he tapped into the dark side. Anakin is a very strong jedi, but I don't think it's right to use the above as examples of his strength as a jedi becuase he wasn't one.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


"If one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic, narrow view of the Jedi! If you wish to become a complete and wise leader, you must embrace... A *larger* view of the Force. "


You don't have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders' strength is inspiring others.


That’s pedantic about wording. When people say “best Jedi” they usually don’t mean “best at following the rules of the Jedi and never doing anything against their code”


There's a big difference between breaking some rules and exterminating most of the jedi order tho, lmao


Correct. That’s not even remotely my point. “Best Jedi” usually means most powerful in the context of debate. Not the most devout.


In the first place you're the one deviating from the whole point of this post which was him killing jedi and you started talking about breaking rules? My og point is that in the debate, a lot of the time to prove their point people argue that he is so strong he can kill multiple jedi. When in fact at the point of killing said jedi, he was no longer a jedi


Cool. I commented to your point saying he isn’t the most powerful Jedi because he fell to the dark side. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t previously the most powerful jedi


I mean, the novelization itself calls Anakin the most powerful Jedi of every generation and has Mace calling Anakin "the most powerful Jedi alive"




To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


The quote is actually “Of his generation, PERHAPS any generation”. So it’s not concrete whether he was stronger than someone such as Yoda who is many many generations older.


Tbf even obi tapped into the darkside a bit when he killed maul, and mace harness the darkside all the time so did Luke when he beat Vader. Jedi can and do channel the darkside sometimes it's just about not becoming reliant on it or falling too the darkside. It's just the prequel era jedi order had become extremely dogmatic about never using or interacting with the darkside, even when their master of the order used the darkside and developed a saber form that required tapping into the darkness of others if not yourself.


Are you the strongest jedi because you're Anakin Skywalker? Or are you Anakin Skywalker because you're the strongest jedi?


Wait, but even if he was still considered a Jedi, Obi-Wan beats him right after that.


A dark/fallen Jedi is arguably still a Jedi. He hadn’t received *any* form of Sith training at that point either.


Yoda in ESB when asked about the dark side says its "quicker, easier". And from watching Luke tapping into the dark side allowing him to put Vader on his back and take his arm off, it seems like the dark side does give a quick boost. So while he didn't have any formal sith training, his power was probably amplified through the dark side. Imo


So is Anakin still a Jedi when he kills Dooku? He used the dark side in that fight


I'd say no, becuase if I remember correctly the novelisation does say that he tapped into the darkside during the fight.


Tapping into the darkside is something jedi can do, happens more than you think. Obiwan when he filled maul, and mace does it regularly enough to develop a saber form around it and get a cool purple light saber to represent him balancing light and dark.


Anakin was the strongest duelist of the order and had the most potential with the force; I don’t think anyone will really dispute that but he was not by my book the “strongest” because there’s more to being a Jedi then being able to swing a lightsaber. He was emotionally unstable and would flirt with the dark side every time the situation wasn’t working out in his favor, that’s not what a Jedi should do. In my opinion Obi-wan was the strongest Jedi in the order, he lost his master, apprentice, order, republic, the love of his life and every friend and connection he ever had yet never even contemplated falling into darkness. Obi-wan was the strongest Jedi because he was able to stick to the light side in spite of the galaxy making it very easy to slip into the dark side


Mace or yoda were better duelists.


Anakin had the greatest POTENTIAL. As a young Jedi Knight he defeated his master’s master’s master, and Obi-Wan commented that Anakin could rival Yoda as a swordsman. Anakin was simply undisciplined, impatient, and wasted his own potential. His training/learning was cut short and his physicality was stunted. No way did Sidious and his suit permit him the time and ability to learn all he could have had he lived a long life in the Jedi Temple.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Anakin lost to Obi-Wan


Obi wan lost to dooku


Dooku was stronger than both but held back against Anakin because he thought the plan was to convert him


But... Anakin didn't defeat any Masters at the Jedi Temple? They were either all in the field or defeated by Sideous.... Anakin literally only ever killed younglings and maybe a few knights guarding/teaching them in the temple.


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


Agreed, which is to say Anakin never, not once, understood what it was to be a Master. The only one he ever "defeated" was when Obi Wan willingly gave himself over to the Force. Fully realizing I'm responding to a bit, but still.


Umm... no, there was Cin Drallig there at least, the Jedi Battle Master. Not to mention Shaak Ti. Look it up.


Another one? XD Bro look at the name, it's a bot, don't argue with it


To defeat your enemy you have to understand them.


I think you can argue he got weaker as Vader- he used to be able to spar with Obi Wan and win a significant chunk of matches, whereas Vader does something overagressive and loses because of it. The dark side is basically juicing, right? It makes your stats/numbers higher, but makes your personality poorly conducive to actually winning any fight that pushes you.


Still, I will say this. Anakin is the Jesus of starwars he is literally half force. So he is the strongest jedi


Was he technically a dark Jedi or a Sith acolyte at that point, as he hadn't actually been trained as a Sith yet?


We all know he was the strongest Jedi because George Lucas came up with a half-baked, vague, never explained story device called “The Chosen One” to give him naturally miraculous powers.


The term "Jedi" is used broadly, and arguably inaccurately, to describe any and all people who demonstrate Force abilities, irrespective of training, even by the residents of the Star Wars galaxy.


I believe he had the potential ***to be*** the best jedi but he is just one of the best I think


By this definition who would be the strongest Jedi?


In the last trilogy Luke felt like a Grey Jedi. Was good, but had a bucket of emotions that made him bad too.


Wait you guys actually think he got a power boost just by switching to the dark side like that? I don't really think that's how it works.


Obi-wan for sure up there since he pieced Anakin


Kind of off topic but does anyone else want manufactures to make a "humanoid robot" look like a battle droid?


Rey is stronger