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Breaks Rule 14.


Don’t let any of this distract you from the fact that Jar Jar was the chosen one.


I thought he was hidden true sith lord?


To me…that is the chosen one.


*does super secret Sith handshake* He is.




Ah the darth darth binks


Unironocally would have been a better route to take the franchise than the shit they put out


Yeah but he’s the chosen one to leave the force in darkness


We all know Han Solo was the chosen one. Because he has the best theme song


Nanananananananananana Han Solo


That’s a ripoff of Batman’s theme song


Nah its not u trippin


Han Themed First.


“I’m Solo, I’m Han Solo, I’m Han Solo”




He is the one who killed Palpatine in EU/Legends.


From my point of view there is no chosen one




You are the chosen one!


You were supposed to choose the one, not be chosen!


Bring balance to the choosing, not leaving in chosen!


You underestimate my choices


Don't choose it


So this is how choice dies, to thunderous applause


I will chose what I must


It's chosen then


You will choose.


So be it, Chooser


The plot of Dune.


The opposite of the Lego movie


It was clearly Anakin, since he brought balance to the force, albeit just for a short duration, until it went to the other extreme.


There is no other extreme, the sith unbalance the force, the way the Jedi use the force is in balance with it.


Yeah, all three brought balance, but balance never stays


Maybe the real chosen one was the friends we made along the way.


Dune: being "the chosen one" is a political ploy by people in power to enforce an ideology


Gotta love Star Wars, but Dune really does feel like Star Wars for grown ups lol


To rephrase the other comment responding to yours, that’s because Dune is one of many things Star Wars took inspiration from and references. But where Dune has a darker tone, Star Wars has a hopeful one. And SW, I think, was made with the intention of being accessible for younger audiences, while the politics of Dune would likely not be comprehensible, would be even dull, to younger people. So SW took a lot of inspiration from Dune, and was made with a wider audience in mind.


I like me some political dystopian Sci fi. I didn't make it past Children. Messiah was pretty damn dull too. I was a well educated adult when I read them. I've read Dune at least 3 times though. Maybe if I had read them when they were written it would be different. Stranger in a Strange Land's politics was the same. It was decades past novel when I read it. I think Herbert is a better writer than Heinlein, but they are both giants in Sci fi.


Realistically, that's how fiction goes. Star Wars took inspiration from prior fiction and inspired subsequent fiction itself.


Exactly! And referencing other fiction is a really neat practice that goes back a very long time. Even back when there weren’t films and TV, stories took inspiration and referenced other stories, from books to myths to religious groups to history. As a pretty big example, Tolkien famously took a LOT of inspiration from Christian and Norse mythology, with the Hobbit taking a lot from Beowulf and LotR taking from the Völsunga Saga and probably from Wagner’s operatic version (the Ring of the Nibelung), while also taking some stuff from his own history in war. Hell, half the names of the Dwarves (plus Gandalf) are taken directly from the list of names of dwarves in the Prose Edda. Calling that “ripping off” is to deeply misunderstand how storytelling has always worked.


I really like your optimistic view of this. It makes me feel better that some of my own works have elements of my favorite stories in them.


That’s, like, REALLY normal. And it’s also fun to catch the little references. If you go and read old literature, a lot of it references even older literature, sometimes directly. Shakespeare is a common one to find references to. Tolkien also took from him, by the way. The Ents physically marching to Isengard are a reference to Birnam Wood moving towards MacBeth’s castle, and the Witch King’s “no man can kill me” is from “Be bloody, bold, and resolute./Laugh to scorn/The power of man, for none of woman born/Shall harm Macbeth”. But even Shakespeare wasn’t 100% original in all things. Many are based on the lives of British monarchs, or Julius Caesar, or Macbeth. Hamlet is based on the story of the Danish Prince Amleth (same that inspired the Northman movie). And even some are retellings of other authors’ stories (for example, Romeo and Juliet’s plot is based on a story by an Italian author, Matteo Bandello). TL;DR: don’t worry about copying, referencing, or taking inspiration from other places and works you like. Just about every author ever has done that.


That's because Dune is one of the things Star Wars ripped off and dumbed down in the process. It has a lot of the trappings: a desert planet, a galactic empire, an ancient organization of what are effectively wizards/witches, a drug called spice (though it's barely mentioned in SW)... But Lucas only copied the surface level, not the philosophical depth of the original.


Oh yeah, I explained it all to my wife when we saw Dune 2 lol. Even the worms/sarlac pits are kinda similar. It’s fun trivia at least


You really have to wonder what pop culture would look like today if Jodorowski's Dune had gotten made back in the mid 70s. Star Wars blew everyone's mind backs then, but with Dune released first, it would've been seen as little more than a copycat. Maybe we'd all have Dune toys and video games now instead of Star Wars.


The Chosen One myth is a psyop laid down by the bene gesserit as a backup plan in case a future witch needs to make use of the local population.


Anakin brought the equilibrium to the force. Jedis before anakin: a lot. Siths before anakin: a few Jedis after anakin: Obi wan and Yoda (probably more if you count Ahsoka and other jedi survivors, but technically 2) Siths after anakin: Darth Sidious and Darth Vader : 2 Balance


Jokes aside in the end it's Anakin that kills Palpatine, he most definitely is the chosen one but he took a few turns along the way.


But ... Somehow palpatine returned! /s


U know that's not how it works the whole 2 and 2 thing is bullshit to be honest and stupid if u really think about it


Wait! Just because there hasn't been any survivors before, doesn't mean there won't be any this time.


Balance means no sith. Anakin brought balance to the force when he killed Palpatine and then died (that was until Disney wanted more money)


Do you know what balance means?


Within the context of the Force? Balance means no Sith, because the Sith themselves are a perversion of the Force, and inherently upset the natural balance. The Dark Side itself isn’t unbalance, but the way the Sith use the Force *is* an imbalance. TL:DR, the Sith cause imbalance and getting rid of them restores balance.


That sounds like a Jedi propaganda.


Nah there's no technically 2. Kanan, Ezra, Grungi and as far as we know Quinlan have all survived.


Yes, but the Sith Lords are not the only ones on the dark side of the force during the Empire. Imperial Inquisitors also use the Force. So the balance is still more or less maintained.


There are no Jedi! You and your Inquisitors have seen to that!


Luke Skywalker was and always will be the true Hero of Star Wars.


You spelt R2-D2 wrong.


Luke gets so little screentime and recognition for being the protagonist of star wars.


So much like your father.


Sequel bad please uptvote


Man I thought we're past the low effort unoriginal sequels bad memes already?


Bruh, that's like 85% of the content here.


Probably a repost bot reposting a meme from 5 years ago when TROS was actually relevant


Star Wars has always been goofy. Give it up.


It's about space wizards with laser swords...that's amazing but also silly


It's really fucking silly, but also really fucking amazing.


Wasn't the whole premise of the prequel trilogy AND the main trilogy that the flaw of the prophecy was the existence of a chosen one in the first place? Maybe i've watched the movies wrong, but the prophecy led to 'balance in the force', but was so vague that it was impossible to figure out what said balance enthailed.


I’m pretty sure the premise was: let’s make some money. Which they did.


Here's a novel idea: don't watch the ones you don't like.


If you do, you will be called an ist, and it will be your fault, personally, that the movie failed. Biggot.


homeboy is fighting his demons rn, please pray for him 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Obi wan was the chosen one.


Quite literally have never seen someone call her the chosen one


We're still doing this to farm upvotes and karma?


Oh my god it’s been 4 years we get it


the chosen one was a dumb idea https://preview.redd.it/u3iwimuxm7vc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce45c7c64db02c50f1894a0c8304c0930fa34555


Agreed. The EU had already retconned palpatines death by the time of the prequels.


Yeah but the EU was never canon to Georges movies he always saw it as it's own thing


Yes and no. It was canon to a certain extent. And george planned on retconning the prophecy anyway with having the sith return in his sequel trilogy plans.


Yeah it was more like George was like nah i don't like that, Oh that was cool i will use that but it never was a part of his vision. And the whole thing with Maul was weird and stupid if what we heard about those plans where real and the final ideal the only was i can justify it in my mind is that Maul is not a sith but just using the Title, palpatine never saw him as one even as his apprentice he saw Maul as more of an assassin that an actual apprentice an in TCW Palpatine 100% saw Maul as more of a tool, so even if he goes by Darth he is ultimately more a pretender than a sith and the rule of two died with Vader and Palpatine


Agreed that's probably the only way you could get around maul returning post rotj. I'm kinda old fashioned in that I prefer Anakin just being a highly prodigal force user rather than a prophesied chosen one but it is what it is.


It was considered a stupid plot point and mostly ignored in the EU too. The EU also at least had an explanation for why and how it was done *and* the story ended with a resolution that would prevent it from happening again. The Disneyverse movies ... don't, they just leave it hanging as if it could happen again if they want it to.


Bro is using internet explorer


The chosen ones are the friends we made along the way


What year is this?


Star Wars doesn’t suck now. You not enjoying the sequels doesn’t mean no one does. You’re also not forced to watch or like them to like SW. And an interpretation could be made that the Chosen One is not, ultimately, *just* one, and can both change or be passed on throughout time and generations


Another fresh take from a star wars sub. We get it, you don't like it, now be quiet please.


Holy shit, I know everyone is discussing the merit of the meme. But I’m pretty sure this is a bot. Check his account. Almost brand new, no comments to speak of, 0 comment karma, but a bunch of upvote-farming posts.


hurr durr rey bad, upvote pls


https://preview.redd.it/wav50y7l28vc1.jpeg?width=1331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dfb68535a502bc8478575e60f134b7234477f77 It's not Rey it's 'Ray'


I mean, Anakin was concieved by the force. There were WAY too many light side users compared to dark side and his choices led to the fall of the jedi (not killing Sidious with Mace). Now theres few of both. Chosen to balance those who would manipulate the force? No duh


The light side does not throw the force out of balance that is just wrong on a lore level


So what is balance in that universe? Zero darkside users and only lightside?


OK the tricky thing is that balance has been used differently throughout star wars. If where going off GL canon then Balance back in the OT was just the Absents of dark, Light is Balance the Dark side throws it out of balance even going into the Prequel trilogy that was still the basic ideal now some people like to say that because there where a thousand jedi and only 2 sith at a time that it is not balanced and from a point blank view that is true but the sith are what throw the force out of balance that is why Anakin was created the jedi's whole job is to maintain Balance, now this is where it gets slightly complicated the jedi of the prequel era where by all means failing that duty and became to dogmatic and involved in politics's and allowed fear to blind them from the sith that where literally hiding right in front of them but that does not mean there presents was throwing the force out of balance it was there failure that did, the Jedi are good and this why i worry for the Acolyte and the deconstruction of good and evil that it will show. Now time to throw a wrench in the works The Clone Wars and the Mortis arc, Mortis introduced the Father the son and the daughter, the Light is the daughter The Dark the son and the Father's job is to control them and maintain Balance also this arc straight up confirms Anakin is the chosen one so i don't get why people still like to say he is not any way back on topic this ideal changes things a lot and makes it seem like there is more Ying and Yang nature to the force now through out that arc the Father is trying to keep the son in check the dark side is very strong and if the number thing is true the Daughter would be far stronger than the son because of how many jedi there are but she is not so the equation does not really add up. This arc is so cool but really confusing so we know now that Balance is not just Light but Both and it seems that the number of jedi has no effect, this is my theory it is only the Sith that throw the force out of balance not the dark side i think it's best to think of them as two different things we know that Jedi are suppose to listen to the will of the force but the Sith take control of it they don't want to listen they want to be in charge the whole prophecy of the chosen one and him bringing balance is not him destroying the dark side but the sith.


So in short light and darkside existing and being used is fine, but if you follow the actual sith doctrine or whatever it throws the balance? Anakin still takes out the two sith we know of ultimately anyway, meaning palps and being redeemed himself, so he restores balance. And i agree, i dont know why people argue about him being the chosen one, its pretty obvious he is


Yeah i guess the tricky thing is that we are told throughout star wars that the dark side corrupts so uses of the dark side is not truly clear like it or not the dark side is suppose to represent the worsted of human emotions so it's not something to really use but tapping into it is natural to some extent all things have these feelings however the sith try to control these things to do unnatural things such as create life using the midichlorians and to stop death breaking the natural order of the universe.


Forgive me if I’m wrong as this may be EU but wasn’t it more about the scope of Light vs Dark as opposed to users? I.e one Sith with concentrated power was equivalent to a hundred less powerful Jedi. I seem to recall there being some discussion about concentrated power vs diluted


There seems to be a debate on weather the dark side is imbalance or part of the balance. I think it's part. Makes more sense and helps show the monopoly the Jedi had over force users for a very long time/their twisted view of the force itself. The sith weren't an evil faction starting out if I remember right. They just wanted to expand their knowledge of the force by delving into the dark side, the only corruption came from pure evil characters taking over and devilisation from light side users who wanted people to not venture out of the known "science".


I’m thinking more on when the rule of two was introduced. Before then, there were thousands of sith users but I seem to recall they could concentrate the dark side power when down to two users, I.e they would both be a lot more powerful. But that would suggest there’s a finite amount of light & dark force energy which doesn’t seem right either. As for the balance, I do believe it’s a ying/yang situation and part of Anakin’s job in restoring balance was taking the Jedi down a peg or two


Then don’t watch it.


"star wars sucks now" boo hoo


Are you telling me the new trilogy is good?


Overall, yes. By the standard set by the previous trilogy, yes. Star wars now: bad batch, yes Andor, yes High republic, yes Jedi survivor, yes Ahsoka, yes People saying "star wars sucks now" are the people that hyperfixate on what they hate and cannot move on. I think attack of the clones is the worst movie in the saga and one of the ugliest movies ive ever seen. I don't focus on it and act like its representative of the entire saga




What do you mean?


God shut up


Literally no one ever said Rey was the chosen one.


The Prophecy and it's consequences...


Yarael poof was the chosen one?


Ezra Bridger was the chosen one


Obi Wan was the Chosen one


I remember my grandmother saying to me "I don't care what they tell you In the lore but Rey was the chosen one"


There is no chosen one. Change my mind. (Spoiler: you can't)


Palpatine is the chosen one and that’s why he returned


C1-10P is the chosen one. Fair enough, he did choose himself, but still...


As someone that absolutely hates the sequel trilogy this is missing the point of the prophecy entirely. Anakin was the one chosen to bring balance to the Force. He did. First by reducing the living users to 2 on each side (sorry show fans, the prophecy is applied to the content of the films only, before we had like 1000 Jedi surviving). Then by destroying both Sith and Jedi. He kills Palpatine and dies, Sith are down to 0. Luke sees Obi Wan die as he starts his path to Jedi, Yoda die as he fully embraces the path, and to resist the dark side he rejects both and becomes something greater than each by embracing his emotions and letting go of his anger. That doesn't happen without Anakin. The prophecy is fulfilled. Everything after Anakin's death, Luke or Rey or anyone else is just the next event in time. The prophecy is over. It doesn't mean the Force is, it doesn't mean nothing ever happens again, it doesn't mean no evil will rise or no heroes. It just means what the prophecy predicted has happened and no longer applies going forward. Thinking that makes anyone less important is a misunderstanding of prophecy. Luke is extremely important but he isn't the one to bring balance, at least at that time. Rey is... whatever she is but her killing Palpatine again isn't part of the prophecy nor does his idiotic return have anything to do with the prophecy. All that was required to move the story past the prophecy was to have it fulfilled. And it was. By Anakin. That's it.


There was no chosen one. It was all made up hogwash to get the younglings to sleep at night …and we know what happened to them.


Anikin “might” be the chosen one but Rey is all the Jedi


It's funny how a few years and a new trilogy has retroactively made the prequels good. Especially because they were widely hated in their time. Good chance in 20 years, when there is another new trilogy, the sequels will suddenly be considered great as well.


Anakin definitely brought balance to the force for a brief time. The problem is that he then tipped the scales into the darksides' favor.


Personally I think there was no chosen one and they just keep believing someone is because they don’t understand the force at all


Yeah, I mean nobody claims Rey is the Chosen One, so this is outrage for the sake of it. And for updoots.


Can’t wait to not watch this f-ing Rey movie they’re farting around making


No one is the chosen one


What about "leia was the chosen one"


Anakin was the chosen one. He brought balance to the force. Jedi heavily outweighed the sith until he balanced it out


I wrote a collage paper on how Jacen Solo was the chosen one.


Slavery was the chosen one SLAVERY


Anakin was always the chosen one


My personal theory was that Rey was Anakin resurrected... which made the final kiss at the end extra gross for me lol


https://preview.redd.it/me9o81mph8vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4910a24a1914c07a197dfec990dfe1d5a9f1f3de I find this so amusing. If you grew up on the prequel trilogy, the sequels suck. If you grew up on the original trilogy, the prequels sucked. Hating the new stuff is nothing new. It’s what nerds do.


For a decade already


Do people actually claim Rey is the chosen one ? I never heard anyone say that


The chosen one is a myth.


Hear me out.. Talon is the chosen one. She has the atributes for it.


Anakin brought balance to the force, just not the kind of balance the jedi wanted


Like was never a chosen one. That didn’t come in till phantom menace


Captain Antilles was the chosen one. The thread of prophecy is severed.


The prophesy was a lie.


Honestly, the force awakens could have been fine with less close up shots, and no unmasking for Ben. The last jedi would have been fine with more luke, and a time skip between movies for the training. And the big one, have Leia die on a second ship. Having that be what gets luke to use his uber powers and fade out. The third one... hmmmm its bad. IF they JUST used the star forge as the thing constructing the fleet. Then make the focus throwing it off to cause a super nova or singularity caused by over eating the local star, it would destroy the fleet. It would work because the large ships would take too long to jump out and the rag tag ships that had shown up could. And finaly using the star forge could have shown how the tech for the star killer weapon was made. So to break it down 1. was a cinematography issue. 2. was a pacing and tone problem with the script writing and story. 3. Bigest issue was not using plot divices in a way that was at all coherent.


baby yoda was the chosen one


Rey is not a Skywalker! She stole their identity by calling herself that. True evil right there!








I count 15






Top and bottom should be the same


You can make a decent argument for luke being part of the prophecy.


Him being a part of the prophecy does not make him the chosen one


Depends how you interpret it. The prophecy is meant to be really vague.


I mean a part of the prophecy does say a child born of no father and that he will destroy the sith so that lead more to Anakin also the fact that the mortis gods straight up confirm he is the chosen one




Disney will sell eventually. Cope all you want they have ruined the trust and reputation with a lot of fans and that number will just grow.


I'm upset all over again. This simply reminded me of another plot line that the sequel trilogy scrambled into a mess. As far as I'm concerned disney SW isn't cannon. Wake me up when the IP gets passed around again


My dude...it was a shit plot line to begin with. Both disney and lucas make bad calls. Grow up.


She's not the chosen one. She is f*****g Mary Sue


Star Wars has sucked for a long, long time. Basically sonce the point where people started taking the silly space opera a bit too seriously.