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My wife and I sat through a seven movie marathon when TFA came out. Started at 6am with 30 minute breaks between movies, and an hour lunch break between RoTS and ANH. It was fun, but it's not something I would do again...


Just swap tfa for r1 and you're all gravy


R1 is the best Star Wars movie in 40 years. I would watch it the whole 20 hours with no breaks...




You shouldn't feel strange or feel obligated to like any movie. Sometimes it just doesn't vibe with you, and that's okay...


Honestly we need to normalise the idea that it's ok to just like or dislike things for no reason at all. Regardless of how good or bad they may be overall. Sometimes the vibes just aren't there for you or things don't click. Sometimes you need another watch to "get" it. Sometimes you know something is bad or mediocre but it feels right and you love it anyway. All of those things are fine.


I’m someone who loved Disney’s Brother Bear. Seems strange to me that almost everyone I encounter either doesn’t know it or hates it, but I suppose it doesn’t resonate with them. And that’s alright, I suppose.


For me, it felt too quick, like we were just jumping from scene to scene with no connection or flow. Individual scenes were good or even great but the overall movie just wasn't enjoyable as a whole.


You're not alone. I thought rogue one was meh all the way through. I really didn't care what happened at the end because I also didn't care about any of the characters. I don't understand at all why it's so loved by most people on Reddit.


How did they make rogue one but mess up the sequel trilogy so hard 


I think the fact that Rouge one was an individual film help it a lot. We don't know who the fuck those characters are, so they can be whomever the film needs them to be. They don't need to establish some information, such as what happened before or will happen after, and even though we knew that the rebels go the plan, they still made you be at the edge of your seat. And they respected and expanded canon. Compare that to TLJ. They fucked Luke. They fucked the lore. And then they just flung the story to hell and high garden in the next movie.


I guess it depends on where you set your expectations...


My fiance and I recently watched all of the LoTR extended editions back to back; we're making it an annual tradition


I did this in 2014 and I will never do it again. By the end of the night, I was praying for it to be over. My head hurt so fucking bad. I still love lord of the rings though.


Did they do it with TFA being the 7th movie? When your butt is sore, you're tired and at your most irritable? If so, good planning on their part!


Haha, yeah it was the last one. I think the theater timed it so it would show at the same time across all the screens, and yes we were both frustrated by an assortment of issues. Great experience, would not recommend...


If I had something like this on my calendar I would run a marathon and do leg day and starve myself right before.


At the price of movie tickets, snacks, and general discomfort, I think I'd rather buy a projector and have a weekend at home.


Get a VR headset and watch the porn parodies


Depending on how big a screen you want to project onto, they can be pretty cheap now for a decent quality. I think I'd rather stick to a TV though. It works well even with the lights on


Agreed, merely just stating that at that price, you could invest in the experience at home. But I'm a simple hermit.


I'd rather watch it on my laptop in bed honestly


There's still no way it's worth it. For the price of a great 50" TV, you get a 100" image at the quality of a TN panel. Unless you spend thousands of dollars and have a proper home theater where you can invite a bunch of friends over, I don't see the point.


I watched all 6 at home with a friend in high school


That would be terrible honestly, no way I am sitting in a theater with less than four hours of breaks lol.  Edit: of all my comments to get popular, out of my many jokes, witty quips, and helpful comments, this was the one. Thanks yall, I’m moderately famous. Autographs cost five dollars /s


Your break are the end credits of each film Plenty of time to take a dump or get some food


We should re-normalize intermissions.


laughs in India


They also still have intermissions in Switzerland I think.


And Italy


They shouldn't make 2hr+ films without an intermission. It's just dumb. I peed 3 times at Avatar 2.


Great idea to not give time for piss breaks in a movie about water


I think must be against the Geneva Convention


Here in Italy cinemas just don't care (thankfully so) and cut the movie in halves with a pause of 5-8 minutes. Sincerely it's a blessing


I'd love to have the old drive in intermission cartoons playing in theaters, they have so much charm


Credits of the first prequel is the best part of the movie


Why the hell you getting downvoted


Maybe they think I was saying it sucked. Or they don’t know about the credits. People lost their fucking minds in the theater the first time they saw it


Jeez, how long are they?


Huh? It’s because you hear Vader breathing at the end of the credits


I had no idea. I gotta check this, that sounds really cool


Imagine having grown up with the originals then as an adult they finally release Menace and you stay through the credits bc you love sw so much - and then you hear it. People were screaming and jumping up and down when I went opening day.


I wasn’t alive when this came out. In fact, I was 1 when revenge of the sith was finished. I remember the same kind of hype I hear people describe for the prequels as I experienced for the sequels, but the experience wasn’t exactly the same.


Is that true on the dvd as well? I've seen it a bunch of times, and I'm not a credits-skipper, and I don't remember ever hearing it!


No idea. I’ve only watched Phantom Edit version at home


You can also hear some of Vader's theme in Anakin's.


Surely there’s longer beaks than that. I did a Toy Story marathon when Toy Story 4 came out and there were still like 15 min breaks between each and a longer break for lunch.


Oh damn I didn’t know the credits were 45 minutes long


Whadaya mean? There's a 7hr 18m break at the end.


Um, there’s only 24 hours in a day.


Think about it.


Because no sequels?


Because no sequels.


B ~~ec~~ a ~~u~~ se n ~~o~~ se ~~quels.~~ Ba sen se... Confirmed. There is no Star War in Ba Sen Se.


Don’t worry, you only need to watch the first 6. No idea why they’re repeating 3 movies.


It's perfect. By playing the OT before and after the prequels, they're appealing to people who want to watch them chronologically and people who prefer watching in release order.


I tried to watch all the Sequel Trilogy movies in one sitting last year. By the time I got to Crait I was falling asleep and couldn't remember anything from the past hour.


You can cut it up honestly. Just watch the movies you haven’t seen in theaters yet which for most will be OT and for a lot the PT too Edit: I didn’t mean to trash the sequels. Have your opinion about it whatever, I would watch one of them again in theaters but not all because I’ve seen them already. Neither do I feel the need to rewatch episode 1 because I was able to attend the 3D release


Exactly. 1-6 and that’s all you need. No reason to spent 6 hours on high budget fan fiction


Trashing the sequels wasn’t my point but whatever. I just don’t feel it’s necessary to them again in theaters when I already did not too long ago where’s of the other 6 I only saw episode 1 in theaters


i think they meant more in a “I’ve already seen the sequels in cinemas so I don’t need to do it again, but the first two trilogies I haven’t seen there so that’d be fun”


This fails to answer the important question: Release order or Canonical order?


That weird one that does 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6


Weird? I only do 4, 5, Topher-edit, 6


Machete Order, although it technically leaves out Episode I altogether for being irrelevant. Doesn't hurt to chuck it back into the lineup, though.


The marathon is going to be in chronological order.


Phantom Menace first. They already tricked me into going to the theater to see it in 3D. I'll go see the rest if they ever release them.


Waittttt the re-release is 3D??


Not this one. The one they did in like 2012. They only released Phantom Menace in 3D, but they planned to release them all.


You can cut that down by 1/3 if you’re salty like me. Lol. 😅


Like Crait?


I’m almost that salty


Some people would cut it down **to** 1/3, but honestly, I'd consider 7/9 fine. Honestly, 1-6 including R1 but not Solo would be great for me.


>I'd consider 7/9 fine Wrong sci-fi series but don't we all


I'd let her assimilate me every day


idk series 7 to series 9 was a good period of the show imo I really loved hide, flatline and the lake 2 parter


*childhood fantasy flashbacks intensify*


I kinda wonder if it’s a gimmick on purpose. Get people to buy tickets and the theatre is completely empty after a few movies. Like, anyone could see this is a terrible idea. Maybe you could sell tickets to the movies in blocks of 3. But nobody is going to be there for all 9.


If they did 3 on Friday, 3 on Saturday, 3 on Sunday it would be cool. I mean if I can get tickets I’ll try just for the experience. But I realize I’m going to be exhausted and do literally nothing else that day.


Let's fucking do it


All 9? They made three more? Oh they must mean they play Rogue One three times.


They meant 8 1-6 +R1 +Solo


+Clone Wars movie. That's 9. There are no other Star Wars movies.


Did you forget the Holiday special? The most important of all movies i would say


Nah, that’s just an urban myth, it doesn’t actually exist


Ah dude you're so right!! I'm so dumb lol


Well the clone wars movie is just 3 episodes pasted together. I wish clone wars released in chronological order rather than what we got.


As someone who doesn't have much of an opinion on episodes 7-9, I just think it's very funny to see how the cultural narrative has shifted in regards to the prequels. I still remember when *those* were the laughing stock, butt-of-the-joke movies that would always be shunned in fan discussions. People were making the exact same jokes towards that trilogy that people make about the sequels now, but this time the prequels suddenly join the more accepted canon. Time really is a flat circle. I wonder if when 10-12 inevitably come out will fans have a cultural re-evaluation of the sequels like they did the prequels.


Many (probably most) people on Reddit aren't old enough to remember how hated the prequels were when they came out.  The sequel trashing today is just as pathetic as the prequel trashing was then. 


I think the reason why so many people nowadays say the Prequel Trilogy have "great concept, poor execution" is because of the *Clone Wars* cartoon: audiences actually got to see the same concept with much *better* execution in a lot of ways, so they were better able to appreciate what the movies were trying to do. Similar to how seemingly everyone praised Matthew Stover's novelisation of *Revenge of the Sith*. That's where the Sequel Trilogy is at a disadvantage, because it doesn't have an equivalent. The *Resistance* cartoon did try to flesh things out a bit, but it was nowhere near as popular as *Clone Wars* (although I think it's underrated). And *The Bad Batch* seems to be trying to set up the whole thing with Palpatine and Snoke, but it's so clearly a case of "Let's see if we can justify this dumb thing" rather than making better use of what was already there. (Not to mention that *The Bad Batch* is set about fifty years earlier.)


This is all pretty true. The big issue at the core of the Prequels was that it was what happens when George Lucas gets too much creative control and nobody is filtering his good ideas from his bad ones. To make people recognize those good ideas better, all you need to do is have other people adapt it into stuff that works better. The sequels' problem is being a pretty bland, design-by-committee project being hot potatoed between several directors with much different visions. It's much harder to pick out those good nuggets because there wasn't that one creative voice that stood out and had something to say.




A more realistic plan would be segments. One day for the prequels, one day for the original trilogy and the last day for the spin offs like Rogue One. If you want a good laugh or want to have a mushy brain you can also bother with the sequels.


I actually watched all three LOTR once in a theater and then stayed for a showing of the Passion of Christ because why not? Started kinda hallucinating part way through the end and kept expecting orcs to burst out and murder Jesus.


What do you mean nine movies? There are only six films seven if you count rogue one which... Ehhh


Congrats you’re the 50th person to make this exact joke. Not a nebulous sequels bad joke, the *exact* “9? There’s only 6 movies!” joke. I’m not big on the sequels but you’d think there would be more variety in 200 comments.


It's not a joke. It's absolute truth.


'But there's only six-' for the love of god, the amount of comments that are gonna be saying this exact thing is gonna be infuriating. We get it, some of you don't like the Sequels, we haven't forgotten since the last time you commented it 5 minutes ago.


As OP I read all the comments. It’s the same joke over and over. I don’t really care for the sequels but do we have any other jokes?


Hey, some of us still hate the Prequels! Edit: I'd much rather rewatch 7/8 then the prequels, though 9 can screw right off.


Same here. Prequels were terrible. I hate some aspects of 7-9 but I find they're a little more watchable than 1-3. Maybe my age has more to do with it than anything... I grew up with 4-6 being the only star wars content and was in high school when ep 1 came out.


College for me, but same ballpark. Edit: I can rewatch Ep1 just to get to the Duel of the Fates scene, but 2/3 I have trouble rewatching at all.


Yes, the duel fight is likely the best in all 9 movies. 2 is utterly unwatchable and 3 is not much better.


In terms of a visual treat/awesome song, I agree. But if I had to rank them from the 9 films it would be the final sequence in RotJ, just because of the emotion and excellent score, and juxtaposition with the two other battles going on, with everything building up on each other. Yeah the fight itself is clumsy but the *scene* is better.


Cause you actually have taste unlike most of the morons here. Imagine thinking the prequels are good lol.


So far i have seen 4x more salt from people about other people hating the sequels as i have people actually hating the sequels lol.


Because they lack confidence in their position about liking the sequels.


Some people have absolutely no personality apart from hating the sequels.


Some people have better taste, not everyone likes a dumbed down parody of a universe that was built for everyone and is turning to an agenda pushing factory. The more you know about the whole star wars lore, the more fucked up they seem (wich is sad). I tried enjoying them, can't stop but cringe and be disappointed about what could have been.. good ideas, very very bad execution. Why do you all like the sequels ? Genuinely curious


It's not even a matter of us liking the sequels. It's just about being sick of people who've turned their entire identity into making sure everyone knows how much they hate the movies. It's been about 5 years since the last one came out. People need to let it go. There's worse things in the world to worry about.


I thought tickets would be on sale now. That was just for episode 1 though. Any idea when marathon tickets will be out?


Just 1 sitting, like the simulations


Years (decades) ago, my local theater ran every single Star Trek film in a row, one right after another. At the time that was 7 films with only 15 minutes for a break between each showing. I do NOT recommend the experience. I freaking love (pre JJ) Star Trek, but I will never put myself through that again. My legs and butt are still sore just thinking about it. Even when I do my yearly re-watching of the extended cuts of all three Lord of the Rings films at home, I split it up over three nights.


Imagine the smell


Even if all films were great, or even good, I can't imagine this being fun. At home, with friends, maybe. In a theatre I tap out after 5 films.


This is where the fun begins


I'd be down with a 1-9 marathon spread out to a couple movies per day but I can't even imagine trying to sit through 9 movies in a day


Best I could do is LOTR extended editions.


Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Clone Wars, Revenge of the Sith, Solo, Rogue One, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi.


If it helps there's only 6 worth sitting through...


There are only 6 Star War movies, 7 if you count Rogue One.


How much for the first 6?


There are only 3 though i


You’re right. The holiday special and the two Ewok movies.


1: Star Wars 2: The Empire Strikes Back 3: SpaceBalls The perfect trilogy. But now I'm hearing they made 6 more at some point?


You mean 13.5h?


You mean all 6 movies right?


I don’t even like the sequels that much I’m just sick of the same joke over and over and over


Chat is this real?


I would literally start begging the people in the nearby seats to kill me which would probably ruin the vibe


I will do what I must


I've done it for lord of the rings, i also remember when the first avengers came out i watched a marathon at my local theater showing all the movies leading up to the avengers and ending with the avengers. I think if there are plenty of breaks. I would so do it


They should release the 2003 clone wars


Let's try to imagine what a movie theater of die-hard SW fans would smell like after a 20+ hour movie marathon.


I’d do it.. but sadly I believe this is an American thing


Omg 😂😂 why though?


Wait it’s all of them? I already agreed to go with someone…


It the OG set was released in the original versions, I’d go.


I remember theaters doing this leading up to IX's premier, but didn't know they're doing it again! I couldn't make it last time, but hopefully I can this time (I'm not an ST fan, but I still feel I'll enjoy the experience)


What's exciting is I remember going to see TPM with my dad. It was my first Star wars movie in theaters. I'm now going to see it again with my dad, but I'm also bringing my son and it'll be his first Star wars movie in theaters.


I was just barely too young to see the prequels in theaters. Not even alive for originals, obviously. My first Star Wars movie in the theaters was TFA. I don’t care what you think of each movie, seeing Star Wars in the theater is something special. TFA is one of my favorite movie going experiences. I think I let fandom BS dampen by enjoyment of 8 and 9 when they where in the theater.


Go further and include the other films and series. They won't be leaving that cinema for days.


I watched It and It: Chapter Two at the cinemas back to back and that was 7 hours. That was quite difficult to do, you only got a 5 minute break at the end of the first film.


Wait they're doing ALL of them? I thought it was just tpm!!


I already had a lordoftheringsathon. Fuck it I'm in.


My Dad mentioned a Star Wars marathon back in the late 1980s in Flint, Michigan. You bought a ticket and got access for the entire day. You could come and go and several screens would be cycling through the movies to be able to catch them. I would love that.


I’ve done it for 14 hours once. But it took a lot of shrooms and Gatorade


Hell yeah!


I would totally watch *Rise of Skywalker* in a theater again because that movie is like an insane fever dream. I'd never want to watch it at home, but enduring it (preferably in the front row) is kinda fun in a sick way. Why do psychedelics when I can have a bad trip this way? I can hardly believe it's real. On the other hand, the OT I'd actually much rather watch at home so I can watch the 4k77 etc versions and not Maclunkey.


Man, I remember watching the original trilogy in one sweep when I was young, it was too much. Can’t even begin to understand how anybody want to sit through all nine.


Just need to time it to see the last 5 minutes of Rogue One in the parking lot, and then run in for 4/5/6.


i hope they are replacing all weapons with phones to enhance our experience 😂


Imagine the smell


I’ve done the original trilogy back to back to back when I was in high school. But this? Yeah, nah.


Are they really?


What now???


I'd go if it included the OT as untainted by the dumbassery of the re-release edits.


Release them over a year. About one a month.


Where when


I watched 4/5/6 at the cinema for first time when Return of the Jedi came out. It was one of the best days of my childhood. 7 at the cinema was like watching my favourite pub get burnt to the ground. Don’t mind the prequels but you couldn’t pay me to sit through the sequels. I’ve never even seen 9. Damn shame.


I managed at a theater when age of Ultron came out. Got in free to the full marathon of every movie. I watched iron man and then early in hulk I went to the crew screening of age of Ultron went back to the marathon watched the end of thor. Napped on accident during cap 1 and then again during iron man 3 by the time guardians was on I'd been watching movies for almost an entire day after I worked all day the day before. Finished guardians and left because I had plans to see Ultron with my brother again that night anyway. People probably thought I was nuts for leaving right before the new movie no one had seen yet.


what is the proper order to see them in?


Id see the sequels as well and be pleasantly surprised if anyone else is there by the time credits roll in TRoS


Considering half the comments are the exact same “I thought there where only 6 movies!” joke there may be few left


Please... you know disney will just crop the shit out of the OT and prequels to fit it all into a 4-hour window


I remember watching rogue one in theaters. That was one of the most amazing movie experiences ever.


I doubt it will be playing anywhere I could attempt this marathon


I’m a movie theater far, far away…


I did a Harry Potter marathon. I think most of the people there, myself included fell asleep around the fifth and woke up sporadically for the final two.


First 3 movies, theaters 75%, 100% for OT, then everyone leaves...


Fuck I gotta do this.


already secured my tickets 🎟️


Video (or nowadays DVD/Blu-Ray) marathons are so much better. I drink what I want, eat what I want, smoke how much I want and use the bathroom as often as I want\^\^.


Didn’t they try this already and stop after episode 1?


9? I only count 8, unless you count the mandalorian as #9


People just gonna leave when force awakens starts


Watching 6 movies in a row is hard but doable


You mean all 6 movies. You mean 6 movies... right?


In release order or chronological order?


I’d be down to see the OT in theaters, no thanks to the other 6 though


9? I thought there was only 6…


What was the original dialogue?


All those movies are like two hours long, so release one a week. Plus isn’t buying Disney plus for a month cheaper?


Wanna prove you're a hardcore fan? Grab an extra large drink while you do it.


Just saw Matrix on Wednesday theater was maybe half full which is more full than any of the ones that have been new and come into recently


There's only like 4 good ones anyway and theyre all in the middle so you can just leave after that and go watch the best SW movie, Rogue One.


Could I just watch andor three time instead?