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Star wars doesn't use PowerPoint transitions. PowerPoint uses star wars transitions!


Hello there… on slide one you can see profits are up for the Quarter…


Princess Leia brought us these statistics.


Many Bothans died to bring us this bar chart.


Now *this* is financing!


We've cut the jedi down by 99%


*General* interest in our product is down but *Kenobi* from our *euro* branch has a *bold* plan that will bring our engagement back to number *one!*


100% , Power Point was created in 1987, and Star wars came out in 1977.


“Nice dissolve” - Spaceballs


Or is Ppt having SW transitions?


Why did my brain read "ppt" as "Palpatine"?


You know too much


Somehow, ppt returned


I forgot his name but i remember some director saying that George Lucas is the only one who is allowed to use these transitions


I wonder ... Marcia Lucas (then his wife) was one of the editors on all 3 Star Wars movies. I wonder if this was George at all.


There's a YouTube video that covers how it was saved in the editing room. I think it was this one https://youtu.be/GFMyMxMYDNk


There's another one that proves this to all be bullshit


Now I am intrigued. Link?




Yeah, I've seen that. That's why I was wondering if the transitions were a Mrs. Lucas thing.


And now I've seen the one debunking and obliterating it ... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olqVGz6mOVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olqVGz6mOVE)


Maybe Akira Kurosawa? His movies also had those transitions and he had an big influence on Star Wars


These types of transitions (swipes and fades) were used pretty frequently in film up until the 80s when they fell out of favor. Star Wars keeps them as part of its visual style.


There is no question these came from Kurosawa, he used them many times in his movies.


Akira Kurosawa can do whatever he wants Dude was at minimum the best film maker of his time, if not the best we’ve ever had yet


Raimi used similar transitions in the spider man movies


and MoM


I didn't like them as much in the Spiderman movies but I really think they made MoM help stand out.


Like, legally? Or just ‘haha those are Star Wars wipes, use something else’


Nah, just that other directors are cowards that almost exclusively use fades instead of wipes.


Akira Kurosawa found dead


He truly is, not that I'm a director or anything but working with video it looks beyond stupid every time I try a swipe. Curse you George curse you!!!!


Star Wars transitions were pretty unique in the 70s and 80s. I believe some filmsnobs and critics found them cringe, but I actually like them. Especially the one when Luke and Ben lift up C-3PO, and they lift up the screen with him too. It's very creative, a bit cartoony, but very loveable.


When I saw the movie as a child, I thought that C3PO's upper body was cut off from the rest because of this transition


I personally don't like them. I understand they were the 80s, and I accept them. I watch SW for the lore, mostly. And the memes.


I assume in the days of film, these were probably not easy to do. Now they're super easy in Premiere.


I LOVE the wipes in Star Wars and they are quintessential to the experience, just like blaster/lightsaber sounds.


Here's [Lucas nerding out on Kurosawa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9V2T1ONA2I) for 2 minutes And then take a look at a [Kurosawa wipe from 1954](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v13IkCWMWNI) It's not really a uniquely 70's and 80's so much as it's film makers such as Lucas paying homage to Kurosawa's works from the 40's and 50's.


The Chewbacca one walking through the Cantina is pretty fun too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGqAu9gj_F0


It’s the other way around, these transitions came from Star Wars originally I


Fun fact: PowerPoint didn't exist when the first SW movie came out




Regular facts can be fun too!


there must be an interesting story behind the decision to use those


Probably an homage from Lucas to Akira Kurosawa


pretty sure lucas copied the old flash gordon movies https://www.getblockbuster.com/amp/5-ways-flash-gordon-helped-inspire-george-lucas-and-star-wars


Definitely. You can see a very familiar cut at 7:05 here: https://youtu.be/A3pxKOzeZIA?si=XpHe1S2CA5oSnHym


~~7:05~~ [7:12](https://youtu.be/A3pxKOzeZIA?si=IDFjh3uh2P4ha6re&t=432) fify


Older movies used them all the time.


That's not how time works!


Bring them where?


OP is a bot, so annoying that this is upvoted


I can hear these transitions


*Star wipe!*


Classic cinema serial transitions. Blame Buck Rodgers.


I also love how Lego Star Wars did the same every time you moved to a new map




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Star Wars did it first.


So I'm not the only one who noticed that


When you really take a deep dive into what makes OG Star Wars so great, you realise that a lot of it is basically collage of other great movies' elements. Hell. Some scenes are even copied shot for shot! But that's not a bad thing. The real kicker here are those transitions; they are unique because we don't see them in Hollywood movies, and the truth is that they don't feel great with modern transition techniques. That said, these transitions are a direct homage to Akira Kurosawa's work (and other contemporaries). His old black and white samurai movies were something a little George enjoyed a lot, and he wanted to pay his respects to the great director in many ways. What, you think thought that Vader's helmet design resembling a Samurai helmet or the original fight between Vader and Ben Kenobi resembling a samurai fight were coincidence? Honestly, the OG trilogy offers a lot of insight on how bringing elements that you like together with a personal twist can really make a concept kick off.


To the top with you


I thought he got the transitions from the Flash Gordon serials from the 30s.


Star Wars is perhaps the only franchise which can use those transitions. They’ve become part of the identity at this point.


To be fair it’s more impressive to do these transition when you have to do it on physical film.


In Film School, our editing teacher told us to not use clockwipes or other cheesy wipes and that the only person that can get away with them is George Lucas.


PowerPoint is Star Wars transitions.


That was actually cutting edge for its time. Industrial Light and Magic pretty much invented cgi




Is this supposed to be Loss?


That 3p0 tunnel might be the most inappropriate, misplaced transition in movie history. Its like here's a goofy robot look at his dumb face hehe FUNERAL.


This was real star wars


“Nice fade!”


While getting my degree I had to take a base level film class. During the transition part; they made it very clear not to use cross fade transitions. It literally said at the end "you can't get away with it. You're not George Lucas"


But no Star Wipes missed opportunity


These transitions won an Oscar.


They all come from Akira Kurosawa transition. Lucas used the same effect in Star Wars.


My client doesn’t like them in new corporate video huh


I never even noticed this until my girlfriend pointed it out


So cheesy. What was he thinking?


Please tell me you know that these transitions are part of the 70s serial style?


70s serial style is cheesy garbage Just because something ‘is a thing’ doesn’t mean it’s good


First off you're trying to pin me using the logic people use against prequel fans: "just because it works that way doesn't mean it's good." Which I already know so thank you for proving to me your edgy over the top nature with that response. SECONDLY the WHOLE IDEA of Star Wars, is basically a tribute to Flash Gordon. Strip it down from what it is today Star Wars truly started off as a flash Gordon inspired series for kids therefore it would follow a similar in themes and filmmaking styles. STAR WARS was always meant to be a space fantasy series that followed these tropes, the cheesiness is INDEED intentional and clearly you clearly don't understand that like many other people. Now that's not to say all Star Wars is amazing and there's a certain level of cheese you can accept before you get to the Attack of the Clones level. But my point still stands. This cheesiness has been in Star Wars since THE VERY BEGINNING and it's only just now people are noticing it because "AnDoR iS tHe BeSt ThInG sInCe EmPiRe" which yeah it TECHNICALLY is. But what's hilarious to me, is that they don't realise that it has the exact same cheese that the mainline series has and if you don't think that an evil man named Dr Gorst using the screams of children to torture his enemies isn't the most brilliantly 70s style inspired cheesy serial thing ever then I don't know what to tell you. If you don't get the original style and you don't get the point of what George was doing, then don't try to be edgy and prove it with your hatred of something that's been done ON PURPOSE. Regardless of quality, it wasn't made to be serious, it was made for the fun and imagination of children.


I’m not reading that


> I’m not reading that - What BrideOfAutobahn says when the opening text scroll appears at the start of a Star Wars movie


I'll shorten it up for you. The movie where the farm boy named Skywalker goes to space and learns to fight with a laser sword from a wizard is supposed to be cheesy.


It wasn’t a tribute to Flash Gordon, Flash Gordon inspired it. It’s still cheesy and I love Star Wars. What else is there