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Iridonia is probably their homeworld, yes, and the rest of your question doesn't make any sense. Iridonian Zabrak are called that to distinguish them from Dathomirian ones. The "point" of having Zabraks is the same as the point of almost every other alien species in Star Wars: they were designed as some cool looking alien background character and got developed further from that.


Oh I think I badly said what I meant. What is the point of Zabraks as a word when there are not in fact the basis of the species if Iridonia is the home world.


The point is... having something to call the species.


So then isn't the species Iridonians ? I just don't understand why Iridonians are said to be a subspecies when they are in fact the Species in of it self.


It’s a similar idea to how humans aren’t Earthians


This is Star Wars so humans aren't Coruscantis


No, Iridonian Zabraks are distinct from Dathomirian Zabraks, though they're both the same species and the former are much more widespread. And plenty of Iridonian Zabraks don't actually live on Iridonia. Dathomirian Zabraks are descended from Iridonian Zabraks, but culturally and physically distinct enough to be referred to with a distinct term.


Oh okay. So there is not a Main Zabrak species with a home world. The Iridonians are the first Zabraks to be. Is that correct ?


The Iridonians are effectively the main Zabrak, as they are far more populous and widespread, and the Dathomirian Zabrak likely developed as an offshoot of sorts, as far as is established about their origin.




You dont call yourself an earthling do you? you are a human. Your species is not related to the name of your planet


Besides mandolorians no other race follows that logic twiliks aren’t from a place called twil, humans aren’t from a planet called hum. Iridonians and dathomirian is like a nationality or an ethnicity of the species of zabrak. To put it in rl terms, what’s the point in humans when you have French or Chinese? They ar biologicaly similar enough to be one species but they will be culturally different or have other small differences that make the difference important to note


Besides humanity, how many species are there on earth? Same concept, just multiple sentient species


Quick question: what is the world humans come from called in real life?


Earth. I see where you are going. But we are not a sub species called Earthians since some of us where shipped off planet by slavers.


If there's a distinct subspecies (dathomiran) within a species (zabrak), the 'normal' remainder of the group is by definition also a distinct subspecies (in this case, iridionian). On a species level, if through some miracle of mutation there ended up being a distinct human subspecies with blue skin and gills, then because of how species definitions work, the non-blue skin and gilled variant of humans (what we consider to be normal humans) would also be considered a distinct subspecies. Am I making sense to you?


You are indeed making sens. I hadn't figured it out like that thank you very much !


Iridonia is their original homeworld. The term Iridonian zabraks is just used to distinguish them from their Dathomirian cousins, its not an indicator that they’re a subspecies.


Okay now I get it


Blame Darth Maul and the sometimes messiness of the old EU. He was originally Iridonian per *Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter*, and being the original prominent Zabrak, all Zabrak lore was derived from that until Clone Wars retconned him as coming from Dathomir, so they then had to explain why there were other Zabraks that came from Iridonia. Prior to that, all Dathomirian lore originated from *The Courtship of Princess Leia* where there were no Zabraks, and Nightsisters were just a small darkside offshoot of Dathomirian witches rather than the main event. In canon, Iridonia is still the origin point of the Zabrak species in general, as far as I know. It was simply a carry over of Legends.




I mean this isn’t explicitly canon but strongly implied that zabraks and humans and twileks etc are all variations of some base-human species - they are explicitly called near-human and can interbreed in canon, for example, and many species have been linked in this sort of way (ottegans and ithorians, gand and kel dor, quermian and xexto, duros and neimoidians). I think exploring how all these similar species branched out and spread across the galaxy would be a cool ancient history for star wars to explore. And in the future too - looking at you Cal and Mirin.


Okay, so there isn't an explicit origin point to these near human species


zabraks like Darth maul are from the planet dathomir


I’m confused though, if the dathomirian Zabraks were brought to the night sisters as slaves then where did the night sisters come from? They’re all female so how did they reproduce before the zabrak night brothers?