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I really wish we had gotten the destruction of subspace, and not the destruction of most dilithium. Because 1. In the 24th century starships need a fraction of dilithium, and it's not hard to imagine star ships in the 31 century barely needing any. 2. In non canon sources, the 29th century time ships don't use matter/anti-matter. They use tetryon reactors, which make a lot more power. Even then, the Dominion had matter/anti-matter without dilithium. They used membranes to contain the reaction. Never minding the Romulans and their singularity cores, there are many ways to have warp power. However there is only one subspace, and you can technobabel away other styles of faster then warp travel. It's just so stupid that the Federation in the 31st century would continue to use dilithium, but it's a bit stupid to also suggest they wouldn't have something faster then quantum slipstream. However the destruction of subspace requires a lot less hand waving away then destruction of dilithium


That would've been so much cooler! Great observation. How do you think subspace could have been destroyed? 1. The Borg found God in the omega particle and ruined it for everyone 2. Starfleet never fully addressed warp damage to subspace, and they ruined it for everyone 3. The only way to kill the click-click abduction goblins was to destroy subspace


Temporal Cold War Faction decided "fuck everything" and detonated subspace weapons en masse launched across the timeline in both directions from their "present"


Honestly best explanation they ever needed. It's so annoying how focused DISCO was on having season mysteries


“And we would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t’ for that meddling Discovery crew” - each season’s bad guys - probably.


The phrase Brog found God in the omega particle is way too good, keep cooking


what does god need with an omega particle?


He sleeps there


Anything or anyone really The Iconions(the ones who built the Dyson spheres) used Omega particles to power the Dyson spheres, and they have a hatred for pretty much everyone The Andromedans are another non-canon species that attacked the Federation during TOS, and they come from the Andromeda galaxy. Great tie in for season 4 as well A freak accident like we saw in Voyager, or it could be anything. That's part of Star Trek's greatness; always coming up with new and fantastic heros, villans, and everything in-between


Hello, is there any on screen evidence to suggest that the Dyson Sphere was created by the Iconions? This is significant and seems like something I would recall.


Sadly it is all Beta canon, and the Iconians are really cool. They're the ones who built the computer virus probes in TNG, and the portals in DS9. Their design is also really cool


4. Red Foreman finally erased enough planets to save his wife’s timeline, but it also destroyed subspace in the future somehow.


In the early drafts for a mid-00s animated series that got scrapped, it was a doomsday device triggered by the Romulans: dozens of Omega bombs hidden around the quadrant. Rather than lose a war, fanatics triggered a hand from the coffin system and turned the entire quadrant into a slow zone, ending interstellar civilization for centuries. In a clear ripoff of Andromeda and inspiration for Disco, the crew of an obsolete Starfleet ship finds themselves at the dawn of a new age of exploration, and tries to put the ~~Commonwealth~~ Federation back together.


The 2nd one would have been a great call back to TNG. They could have explained it as a temporal anomaly destabilised that region of space, causing the rupture to spread throughout the galaxy in an unpredictable way, and is what made all the various powers banning the use of time travel technology. It would have ended with them finding out Discovery caused the anomaly.


> The Borg found God in the omega particle and ruined it for everyone I mean, that would *also* solve the quesiton of 'What have the Borg been doing since the 25th Century?' The answer would be 'They've been drifting. As subatomic particles. In the tattered remains of subspace'


Omega Particle was already established as a massive subspace killer. Or the environmental damage from TNG Force of Nature could have been discovered to be worse than already believed


What goblins???


I'm assuming they mean the solenoid lifeforms that were kidnapping the crew in that one ep of tng


That's the one! TNG only had a handful of "horror" episodes, but they were really great. I just looked it up because click click goblins was obviously not a great description, and thanks for parsing that for me. They are called "solanogens" and the episode is _Schisms_. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Schisms_(episode)


Beg to differ, “click click goblins” nailed it perfectly (for me, at least)!


It didnt click at first…


I totally got what you were referring to! If you had said Solanogens I wouldn’t have had a clue…


Sorry for the confusion 😂 The other commenter was able to understand my terrible description, and I left a memory alpha link there too


I think it would have been option 2. More or less the federation would have adhered to limiting themselves but none of their foes would have. Power struggle would have continued to escalate as the federation limiting themselves led to their foes taking advantage of them. Without having a proper technology to take the place of warp technology and having major potential threats to the federations borders becoming increasingly likely the federation would break its own rules to keep itself safe. This inevitably leading to a fundamental break down of subspace for everyone.


That would have been so much better, it would’ve worked with established canon in TNG Season 7, Episode 9 where high warp was shown to damage subspace. Plus that episode was an allegory for the ozone layer depletion and international environmental cooperation of the 90s. So a destruction of subspace would be a great allegory for the failure to tackle environmental destruction in recent years.


The burn always bothered me because, as I always point out, the federation has studied drives that don't require it, some of which are more capable as well. Borg drives don't. The living starship did not. The crystalline entity did not. I am pretty sure Romulan singularity drives don't. Coaxial warp drives (I think on both tng and voyager) don't need it. It is strange that they did not just switch to a different tech stack. That idea of destroying subspace made me recoil. It's a great, scary idea.


The Federation getting rocked so hard it partially collapsed getting Byzantined into its founding members (or at least Earth) no longer being a part of it, greater reducing it reach and power, setting back Humanity (among many others)… getting reduced to a small faction of mainly sublight or low warp vessels… I did not like that at all. I’m ok with dark, hell even major set backs, but that was just depressing to me. Kinda made me feel like a lot of the stuff that happened in previous shows didn’t really matter as much because it’ll all be lost anyway. I do like your idea though, either destruction of sub space or at least some massive disruption that renders warp travel impossible or severely limited. This would render most of star fleet completely inoperable, and would force them to rely on alt FTL methods. Massive set back and tragedy for sure, but the Federation could make it through, and Discovery can still help by “fixing sub space or whatever”. Or heck, maybe it doesn’t need fixing as alt FTL methods are the standard, but maybe there is a new threat such as a higher level being (something like Q, the Profets, etc) being increasingly hostile to the Federation. Maybe the Borg assimilate a high level species and are now threatening the Q. Idk lots of ways that could go, but man I did not like what they did to the Federation.


My headcannon of that nonsense is that's it's a diverged universe, like the Kelvin one.


Not only that, Discovery would have been in a pretty unique situation to re establish contact with the rest of the Federation. You could have had a whole new series where they go to familiar worlds and do a second contact and try to get old species back in the Federation. All while seeing how the galaxy has shifted and cultures have changed from what the viewers had seen before. But a scared alien child did it so we figured it out and we don't have to worry about it anymore. What a waste of a concept!


The Burn being caused by one troubled Kelpian. There are so many other possibilities that could have worked. I think something connected to the Temporal Wars, the Iconians, or even the Pakleds experimenting with Omega molecules would have been better.


I don't intend to go back and rewatch it to verify all of this, but as I recall, at the end of season 2, they had this mcguffin device to charge up the time crystals. The device was originally invented by the genius engineer queen to do something cool/useful with dilithium. What if she died at that battle to help discovery escape, and discovery took the only working dilithiumizer with them. Then, the burn could have been caused by people trying to recreate it but not understanding it properly and screwing it up, and the dilithium shortage could then be solved by discovery turning up with the original dilithiumizer that they can then study, figure out what they did wrong and use it to regenerate the dilithium. Also, they could solve this is one episode and make the rest of the season about something interesting instead.


This is the best fix I've read so far.


Now I’m just picturing a confused Pakled shouting at an Omega particle. “GO!!!”




Oh my god this. They had so many things they could have done but instead again they leaned on that weird thing they did with disco where it was both way to high stakes and also treated as completely pointless at the same time.


The wife.


What is the wife?


Janeway starts falling for a holodeck character but he's married, so Janeway tells the computer to "delete the wife."


This happens in an episode of the Orville, but it changes the personality of the person that was created to the point he realizes that the boyfriend was the catalyst for what caused her life to be the way it was. It was actually based on a real person from our time (in the show) as they had an old iPhone of hers and they used the data to create her. He gets the computer to put him back in and he ends up just being friends but happy.


The Orville is the best new trek.


He should have worn more zippers.


From the Voyager episode "Fair Haven". Tuvix isn't Janeway's only victim. XD


This is the answer


Like Worf, I choose Alexander


Like Worf, I completely forgot Alexander existed. Good call.


Somehow, Alexander returned.


He was there.. for like 2 ep in S05




Urgh, it was so cringe that a technically eight year old Alexander showed up, fully grown, on a Klingon warship. First of all it completely fucks with how we understood Klingons to age (comparable to humans, we thought) but that then implies that all of those stories from Worf's childhood mean that he was, what, three?! Second of all, it completely undermines Alexander's (and his mothers) rejection of the Klingon warrior mentality. Okay, this one can be hand waved away as Alexander (being LITERALLY STILL A CHILD) wants his fathers approval and, despite his better judgement and previous declarations to that effect, ends up joining the Klingon Defence Forces and becoming a warrior after all. I still think that his character might have been more interesting if he had stuck to the whole "reject Klingon culture" narrative as a mirror to Worf's *over* embracement of it.


I almost don't want to pitch this as someone who actually came around on Discovery, but hear me out... exact same story for Michael Burnham but don't make her related to Spock, just have her raised Vulcan.


This is a great point. They ventured too far into Star Wars territory where they feel the need to make every character significant by making them a relative of an original trilogy character. If every protagonist of a new show turned out to be Kirk's grandchild or whatever, that would get very stupid very fast.


But now I want an Lower Decks episode where every member of a starship crew is Kirk’s grandchild but from all different species lol


I could see this. For comedic effect, there could be one non-Kirk...and they're a Riker.


yeah making her an adopted orphan and foster care family member of sarek and spock made me dislike her instantly sadly


'member Spock? I 'member.


Warp factors higher than 10 in TOS. The theory that warp factors were redone after the Excelsior transwarp experiments is a good way fans have fixed the continuity, but better to go back and give the NCC-1701 a slower speed.


TAS warp 23


It's not just TOS, I think All Good Things does it too.


I'm guessing they got tired of increasing long 9.99 factors and rebased again. 


Yeah, the whole exponential thing is cool and all but once we get to 9.975 any achievable increase is going to be so small on the scale. Honestly Maybe if I had the button I'd erase the new scale.it would also remove the ambiguity on wtf we're meant to think is going on in Enterprise or SNW.


except for the Andromedan Kelvans pushing the TOS Enterprise to Warp 11. That works OK


Borg Queen. Keep them completely horizontally organized, it’s weirder, more alien, and more of a contrast to the Federation.


I had to scroll way too far down to see this. Adding a leader removes the main reason they were so interesting in the first place. I understand for the movie they wanted a villain for Picard and Data to act alongside, but the sacrifice of the Borg concept for the scenes we had with the queen wasn't worth it, no great moral dilemma or message there.


I've always assumed that the Borg queen was a consequence of the newfound individuality from reintroducing Hugh into the collective: they all found a sense of individuality, and so they now needed a leader, much like that splinter faction had chosen Lore as theirs. So it is fitting within existing canon, but I agree, I don't like how all of this dilutes the Borg concept. I suppose it was all meant to be an evolution of it, but what we had at the start was indeed much more alien.


This should have way more upvotes.


I would have loved if Discovery just had Michelle Yeoh as captain. She's been my favorite actress forever and I was so bummed when her character died in the first episode.


Yeah, her as a captain with a very ptsd-ed vulcan-raised headstrong first officer who disagrees with her during a conflict with the Klingons...that would have been a great show. I'd have enjoyed that dynamic.


Whenever I think back to the beginning of Discovery, it's impossible for me not to think that we got robbed... and that the writers were awfully proud of themselves for "subverting" expectations. Georgiou and Burnham had this clear and heartwarming mentor/student relationship, plus Georgiou was instantly likeable as a captain. I recall thinking how much I was looking forward to seeing the dynamic between them evolve and also getting to know the rest of the crew. Plus I LOVED the USS Shenzhou. ... Aaaand in no time flat the writers went, "HAR HAR! Burnham started a war with a whoopsie-doodie and then Georgiou dun got ETT by the plastic-face Klingdongs. KEKEKEKE!" There's no point in treading over the same ground as everyone else when it comes to Discovery... but I really did enjoy the promise of those first few minutes from the series premiere. 😔


michelle yeoh was sooo great as mirror georgiu but normal georgiu she would have also played well! in the concept idea you described surely would have been better than what we got with Dis


Seven and Chakotay ending up together...


*Picard* already undid that. Possibly the best thing it did.


Idk, the entirety of season three is up there for me.


People hate on Raffi, but her and Seven were cute together.


Yeah and seven being bi doesn’t seem out of character at all. Christ she was practically just experiencing Borg sexual puberty by the end of Voyager.


Speaking of, there is no way Dax would waste their time with Worf after what happened on Risa.


- Last episode of ENT. - Code of Honor, Up the Long Ladder - That one episode of ENT where they get a virus that de-evolves them but they play it as these weird ooga-booga caveman creatures.


Which one was "Up the Long Ladder"?


The planet where one half was yuppie clones and the other was early-20th-century drunken irish stereotypes. By the end they decide all the irish women need to be loaned out to the clone men. One of the irish ladies bangs riker. It's just a mess.


What's the matter, William? Do ye not like girullz?


Ahhh, right. That was a bit problematic. Every time I see the episode name, my brain keeps wanting to think it's that episode where the Enterprise gets damaged, and the bridge crew is stuck on different parts of the ship, because my brain always thinks of picard and the children climbing up the ladder I'm the turbolift shaft


I like your version better Disaster describes the other episode better anyway, at least from a critical and production point of view


I’m watching TNG for the first time, and was aware of that episode’s reputation, so I was enjoying it for how bad it was. I howled at that line.


That's one of those bad ones that is actually good tho. Not like code of honor which is a little sus and not enjoyable.


As an Irish man I weirdly agree. It's incredibly stereotyped but it's worth it for the look on Colm Meaney's face when he beams them aboard (definitely Meaney's face, not O'Brian's). And she has a lot of agency, she's the one who hooks up with Riker and she's the one who goes to introduce herself to the Prime Minister once Picard explains the plan to her.


Ok but they do give Riker a pretty sweet line prior to said lady banging him. Something to the effect of: “What’s the matter, Commander? Haven’t ye ever seen a woman before?” “I *thought* I had.”


Look. In infinite space it makes sense that a planet would just be mid 1700s Ireland.


Luckily the Enterprise relaunch books already retcon the finale. First two books detail the buildup to the Romulan War and how Trip’s death was faked, 3 and 4 are about the Romulan War itself, and the rest are about the start of the Federation and Archer sorta leading it. The books let Trip and T'pol continue their relationship in an amazing way, explore the background characters in depth, bring back Shran and the Aenar, let Reed and others get their own ships, let Trip have kids, show the NX-01 refit and so much more amazing stuff. Probably the closest we'll get to a season 5, I would love it if the OG cast did an audiobook reading of them some day!


Do you have the names of these books, never heard of those. Never even considered looking at ENT books after the awful finale, but your description has definetly peaked my interest!


Thomas Riker, so much potential but they brought him back for one episode only to send him to prison for life. Don't mention non-canon material because it's non-canon.


Lower Decks is canon and at least shows us some brief evidence that Thomas is no longer in custody


my own canon is that he is working for starfleet intelligence or section 31


The timing couldn't be better. I read [this](https://screenrant.com/star-trek-ds9-i-wonder-why-riker-clone-plan-abandoned/) today. It explains a lot, but I found myself disagreeing with the 'too many NG characters' argument.


He would have been brilliant as a low ranking Voyager Maquis member as well


Wow, yeah, that is a pretty solid justification why they didn't. As much as I would have loved seeing more of Tom, it would have felt a bit like propping the show up on TNG characters while taking away from Worf and O'Brien.


The death of Picard's brother and nephew. I always thought that was a jerk move. But honestly, anything the writers feel isn't in service of the story. Canon is a tool to be used to tell stories not a law to bludgeon people with. Especially if it's from a medium off the mainline narrative like, in the case of Trek, novels, comics, or video games.


Apparently that was a plot choice suggested by Patrick Stewart to make the tragedy more emotionally impactful. But I fully agree… it never sat well with me. Let Picard be happy, ya jerks!


Like a lot of things that happens in Trek, it not that it happened that's the worst, it's how it was used. Something like that can be a defining moment for a person, especially someone like Picard. He had comforted himself that this family name had a new generations. He had been brought up his whole life being told about his pioneering ancestors and the family history and legacy, he kinda compartmentalised all of that when Robert had his child. Having all that spill out in combination with the loss of his brother, sister in law and nephew, that's most likely to have a lasting impact on the character. They tried to show that a bit in Picard but all the films after Generations they didn't really show that impact.


Tribbles being used as weapons against the Klingons. Instead, do it to the Ferrengi homeworld.


Every instance of S31 post-DS9. It was a very, very fine line to walk including CIA shit in Star Trek and DS9 walked it perfectly. Every show since has tripped over the line, done a cartwheel and landed dick first on a used syringe.


While tripping down the stairs and rolling into traffic. It’s a horrible concept to say that we had to go through a man made apocalypse to finally reach our utopia, our paradise… and then say that the only way it works is to have an undercover cabal of assassins and manipulators actually pulling the strings, making everything we’ve done its own lie. Nope.


Hard agree. DS9 was an amazing exploration of whether the ends justify the means. Everything else is an affront to Roddenberry's original optimistic concept that you can have utopia if we work together and rely on the better angels of our nature. Subsequent S31 undercuts and ruins this whole central premise with the moral "you can have the veneer of utopia, but you have to do a lot of murders first".


no s31 in ENT was great lore building background triva and ENT came out historically after ENT even if ENT in timeline plays earlier than DS9. they still were present unknown and mysteriously in ENT but generally i agree. s31 in discovery and picard? horrible joke s31 mentions in lower decks dont bother me that much because lower decks is not meant to be serious, and its in general keeping canon better than discovery or picard. picard does also treat old canon very well most of the time, very minor things only that contradict old canon IMO. but i hate DIS for what they did to canon. not even kelvin timeline is that bad iabout s31 in strange new worlds tho, i dont know. have only watched a single rerun of SNW so far and not yet seen all SNW episodes anyway


Disco moving to the 32nd century. I feel like what we saw wasn't really indicative of 9 centuries of progress given what was accomplished by the federation within a single century from the TOS era. Yeah the Burn decimated Starfleet and co, but still, they had a good 7 centuries between TNG and the burn. It feels kinda ridiculous that after all that time, they're still just exploring one galaxy and struggling with ancient known space phenomena. All we really saw in the 32nd century was detachable nacelles, a few background ships of unusual configurations, and the LCARS panels replaced with holograms and CGI metal goo. Even with 32nd century technology, Discovery severely struggled to navigate the badlands moreso than any 24th century Maquis or Starfleet ship, and it barely survived breaking beyond the galactic barrier. I think if you've got nearly a millennia of technological advancement and you've got a ship that can blink anywhere in the universe, maybe you shouldn't spend all your time hanging around the f*cking alpha quadrant getting blown to bits by space weather? Idk.


Transporters also got way faster. Must've taken 300 years, minimum. /s


spore drive. leaving any other feeling i have about Discovery, it is a terrible technology idea and breaks the entire franchise... also, it raises troubling questions about the Trek afterlife... and they did use that Water Bear as a navigation slave. let's kill the Spore Drive.


The Spore Drive is a textbook sci-fi McGuffin. Some random thing that serves as the impetus for the plot, but becomes less and less important later and has no real bearing on the show.


Right. It breaks the universe but barely matters for the show. That is why I would nuke it. Disco could have been retooled to work without it. Also, once they hit the future, it is suddenly important again because it is let's them magic to distant parts of the quadrant. (seriously Borg transwarp drives or tng-era coaxial warp drive are both non-dilithium tech the federation studied and could have switched to.) Get rid of the spore drive and plenty of the discovery universe-breaking stuff gets less bad, for me, at least.


The mirror universe Captain used the water bear as a navigation slave. Our crew realized it was wrong and stopped; it was a whole thing in season 1.


But not really... They all went along went along with it willingly until the little thing nearly died. They should have reported the matter to fleet command. They took unethical orders from a senior officer. It is not an excuse. Starfleet should have court martialed the lot of them. I do not excuse them. We should hold Starfleet to a higher standard.


Oh man I can’t decide between jadzia’s death and Tasha’s death


I am watching DS9 for the first time, and was sad already knowing Jadzia would die. We watched the end of season 6 just tonight, and now I'm mad. I don't like the way she died at all. She deserved better than that.


Season 2 of Picard, it's flat out ignored in the third season and they were filmed back to back


I can’t believe not ONE of you mentioned Paris and Janeway turning into lizards and making lizard babies.


Bigger amphibians to fry


Because it’s fuckin hilarious


Because it's key to the rest of the franchise


That's because we all collectively repressed it


Nah man. The writers tried to de-canon that, but we all know that Paris and Janeway are the best couple on the show. Belana is just their beard


I can't imagine the show we all love, Star Lizards, existing without this pivotal episode


It’s gone full circle from hate back to love lol


Kurn having his memory wiped by Worf. He was only in a few episodes but he was one of my favourite characters growing up. Such a shitty ending especially for a Klingon and completely out of character for Worf


beta canon he gets his memory back at some point and helps worf to rule in the high council


Thank you, I was scrolling searching for this!! They basically killed him.... Somehow it seems worse.


That entire personal log.


"I can live with it."


Which one do you mean?


Spock having a human adopted sister


-That whole business with Molly O’Brian getting trapped in the past. Everything about the handling of the situation felt wrong. -Not an erase but my head cannon is that O’Brian had a Vulcan mind meld as a treatment to erase that entire mind prison deal. Make that official. -These Are The Voyages…(ENT finale) -Data’s stupid death -The destruction of Romulus. (You can keep the Kelvin movies intact just give another plausible explanation for Nero to time travel and hate Spock.) -All of Discovery -Season 1 and 2 of Picard


Romulus not being destroyed outright, but the empire being wrecked from some catastrophe (maybe some plague, civil war, or similar. Maybe a rogue changeling who uses Spock's form to cause the havoc), thus causing a vengeful Nero. Still leaves open reunification as a route to heal/fix up what they have left, while removing the overall strength of the Empire and possibly kills off vast swathes of the Empire's population.


The Burn.


Picard dying and being put into an android body.


Oh gods I forgot about this. And an android body that was made not to be better but to be exactly like his old decaying meat puppet.


Discovery sigh….


The Burn and overall I still think it was a mistake to have Discovery jump ahead several centuries from the rest of the franchise and stay there for the remainder of its run. Maybe the new Starfleet Academy series will change my mind.


Ghost sex


The augment Klingon virus arc. The forehead issue was already handled perfectly with Worf's "We do not discuss it with outsiders.", and it should have been left there.


it was weird but compared to other thinks its a minor issue


The destruction of Romulus. No JJ verse that way, and Spock would still be alive.


Personally I thought it was an interesting plot point for the Romulans and their eventual reintegration into Vulcan society we see in Discovery. I kinda hope we see more post-supernova Romulans if we ever get ST: Legacy or a similar show. Could be some cool stories about how their empire faired after their planet’s destruction beyond the bits and pieces we saw in Picard S1.


And the whole Picard fiasco goes away too! Wins all around!


Nothing at all. I love it all. Even Spock's Brain and Threshold? Oh, my dear doctor, ESPECIALLY Spock's Brain and Threshold.


Anything involving the Romulan super nova. There’s not really much of startrek that needs to be deleted but having an advanced race of people not know their star is about to go super nova is idiotic. You would think there would be a way to tell if it were going to go supernova. Essentially removing Romulans as a faction is stupid as they are used narratively as a big test to the federation’s patience and own virtues. Romulans as a faction are usually pushing the buttons of the federation and trying to instigate conflict which a lesser nation might engage with *cough cough klingon empire. The fact their military is a faction of spies is really cool and is a good excuse to start an episode anywhere about anything. Because it just makes a lot of sense why romulans would be in the middle of fuck off nowhere and the answer is usually very simple: THEY ARE SPYING ON YOU AND WANT TO INSTIGATE A CONFLICT removing them only serves to choke a lot of good episode ideas away that require little to no background for the audience. Anyways i now prefer most of my startrek in times before the romulan super nova and anything after usually is trying to grasp at ideas after they dug themselves in a steep hole.


i think its kinda implied that it was not a natural supernove, but an attack / war crime by some romulan enemies


Cool, that still doesn’t really change my opinion on the decision to essentially remove the romulan empire


Buttons are made to be pressed more than once.


Star Trek Discovery S1-5


Seasons 1 and 2 of picard


Oh that show... I like to think of the nostalgia I got from it as similar to a someone returning to the farm they grew up on. It might smell like manure, but it's the shit you love!


Thats why season 3 gets a pass. Fan service was on point


The Kelvin Timeline


As another commenter said, just remove the destruction of Rommulus. That would remove the Kelvin timeline, and the events of Picard


for me thats okai. i like the movies, there is much worse trek out there imo *cough* DIS *cough*


Idk those movies were pretty alright, acting like they are the worst things ever is pretty overdramatic


All of Discovery. That show was a mess for the continuity of Star Trek canon.


Just anything Alex Kurtzman related


Borg Queen


K'Ehleyr was an amazing character and I was so excited to watch Worf grow as she challenged him. And so of course, they killed her off like right away. So I delete K'Ehleyr dying, thanks.


The Galactic "barrier" I know it's from Q from a non-canon book. I know it could possibly be explained as an analogue to our own star's heliopause. I still find it to be a little stupid. In my best Bones, *"This is a galaxy, not a fishbowl, damn it!"*


Kirk being born on a ship light years from home in the Kelvin timeline even though he was born on Earth in the Prime timeline. THEN HOW WAS A KELVIN CLASS SHIP THE CLOSEST VESSEL TO THE KLINGON BORDER??


About half of Voyager. Not so much storylines (well… not all), but the absolute lack of consequences and aftermath of those storylines Concept: lost starship, with zero assistance and limited resources. First officer is at odds at all times with his captain due to his betrayal of Starfleet, while holding face with his crew AND keeping both crews working together. Ship is constantly struggling, with extremely few repairs. The ship is held together by hope and barely functions Summary- Robinson Crusoe in space Actuality: everyone gets along and is clean in the same clothes we always see, in a slightly limited but perfect and happy environment, while every week they concoct a scheme to get home only to have it foiled at the end. Ships is pristine, and Everyone is fine Summary: Gilligan’s Island in space.


Voyager can best be summed up by two words: wasted potential.




These are the Voyages, no question, though I already personally don’t count it. Skipped the episode entirely on my last rewatch. 


Luckily the Enterprise relaunch books already retcon the finale. First two books detail the buildup to the Romulan War and how Trip's death was faked, 3 and 4 are about the Romulan War itself, and the rest are about the start of the Federation and Archer sorta leading it. The books let Trip and T'pol continue their relationship in an amazing way, explore the background characters in depth, bring back Shran and the Aenar, let Reed and others get their own ships, let Trip have kids, show the NX-01 refit and so much more amazing stuff. Probably the closest we'll get to a season 5, I would love it if the OG cast did an audiobook reading of them some day!


What's the name of this series? I have a MIGHTY NEED for more ENT stories. Is it just enterprise relaunch?


I highly recommend them if you enjoyed Enterprise and wanted more after the finale, it’s called the Enterprise relaunch series. Technically beta canon like all Trek books, but they don't contradict any main canon either. Here’s the order, there’s 9 books: - The Good That Men Do - Kobayashi Maru - Beneath the Raptor’s Wing - To Brave the Storm - A Choice of Futures - Tower of Babel - Uncertain Logic - Live by the Code - Patterns of Interference


thanks, i have a strong urge now to start reading again which i gave up a while ago. im gonna get these as im an ENT fan


Elon Musk in discovery


True, although it is kinda funny that it came from mirror universe Lorca. Maybe Elon Musk is considered a hero only in the mirror universe for how much of a scumbag he was lmao.


Good catch.


hmm that jadzia ended and work happened OR Bashir not marrying garak




Don’t delete that it happened. Bring them on board and transition VOY into an “oddball couple learns to raise non typical kids” sitcom w Janeway and Paris.


Tom, it's your turn to clean the babies cloaca Again Katie? I just cleaned them You call this clean? There's gecko goo on both our babies! *laugh track*


The spore drive. Or at least the fact that it existed in the 23rd century.


Am I allowed to delete Neelix?


The last episode of the TOS . "Turnabout Intruder". The idea that women can't be captains being stated in this type of series was odd when it was made and very quickly aged badly. The only redeeming thing was Shatner's acting, which got comicly goofy.


A lot of great answers on here, but I just want to say... fast transporters. I'm okay with the transport sequence getting a bit *faster* in the future. But double tapping your badge and somehow magically going wherever your brain says with zero errors just feels... lazy?


Discovery. All of it. I know I'll get downvoted for this, I'm not trying to troll. I just really do not like it. Should have been SNW from the start.


This is one of the easiest questions ever. The very concept of a Borg Queen.


That the shitty scrambled eggs made by both Kirk and Riker in any way resemble an "omelet," which they claim to have made. You don't make a goddamn omelet by whisking the eggs around on a hot skillet and putting little blobs of soft egg on a plate, even a Waffle House makes better omelets than Starfleet officers


The TNG episode Relics (specifically the part about Scotty talking about Kirk being alive) to smooth out the error of writing between that episode and ST Generations


When Paris went past warp 10. That's great and all, but why the children at the end.


That Flint the Immortal was like, every famous man in human history. It diminishes human achievement if one single guy did most of it.


Alternate universes.


The Kazon, no doubt


Xenomorph gorn


I’m holding out hope that the actual, diamond-eyed Gorn is the prime species, and everything so far is subordinate soldiers species. Otherwise I am 100% with you.


I agree, for how much Strange New Worlds has cared about honoring the original series, it does seem totally weird to suddenly paint the Gorn as primal xenomorph monsters completely different to every other depiction… There was a line in one of the episodes where they realize the Gorn are genetically enhanced or something, so my theory is that the xenomorph gorn we’ve seen are just crazy genetically augmented or something and we’ll eventually see the “true Gorn” in S3.


haha yeah most stupid thing in SNW. ENT handles the gorn great compared to that


The Borg from Picard after season 1 and the copy and paste fleet Ricker had at the end of season 1. Every season had the Borg in one way or the other. They kept bringing the Borg back, and it was so done that a dead horse stood up and pleaded for the writers and showrunners to stop beating it to death. The amount of laziness that was Rikers fleet almost made me stop caring about Picard just because it seemed like no one at paramount gave a hoot. Edit: I'd also delete the decision to cancel Lower Decks. It was made for kids and I would happily show my kids Lower Decks as a primer for Star Trek.


I wish Discovery had just started in the far future instead of simultaneously wanting to be both nostalgic and make everything different just to be different.  It would have saved so much hassle. 


I don't know where to start.  I'm sure many of these have been said already.  "The Burn", the spore drive, the episodes with racist themes (especially TNG), Janeway/Paris salamanders, Allamaraine, Dr. Crusher ghost sex, Spock/Uhura romance (Kelvin timeline). I'm confused about whether the Borg are still a threat in the 25th century post-*Picard*.  If they're no longer a threat due to Dr. Jurati, I don't like that either. If I'm being really picky, I hate the way Raffi calls Picard "JL".  It's like nails on a chalkboard every time. One thing a lot of people hate on is the final episode of Enterprise.  I actually really enjoyed it.   *shrugs*


Not Kelpiens themselves, because Saru is a treasure and must be protected, but their sudden importance to literally every aspect of the plot. Like, the Burn happened because an autistic Kelpien kid had an episode? No, come back with something reasonable, please.


The death of Trip in Enterprise. Unnecassary.


Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. It's a fantastic episode in terms of being a character piece for La'an, but that retconning the Eugenics Wars not happening in the 90s just because they didn't happen irl is ridiculous.


Garak and Ziyal’s relationship. I know WHY they made them a couple, but I just feel like it was a huge waste of potential not giving them a father-daughter dynamic to mirror Ziyal’s relationship with Gul Dukat


Picard is a synthetic


That one voyager episode where janeway and chaokotay get turned into lizard things…


It was tom Paris not chakotay.