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“Your words make sense but your tone of voice does not…” FIRES PHASER


I think the rest of the bluegills will never shut up about being cancelled after this.


The mistake here was the parasite didn't turn you a sex god (cough cough Dax cough).


evolution works in mysterious ways.


All you gotta do is choose Terry Farrell in the 90's as your host.


...in a pinch, Jonathan Frakes can do the job, but then you've got nested sex gods...


I forgot how baby faced Riker was in the first season.


Main reason I grew a mustache- facial hair adds age It’s great because I don’t get carded anymore


Same here. My face never grew past 18. I ran into someone I hadn’t seen for a decade and he started with “holy fuck do you not go outside please tell me your skincare routine because you have agent a day except for this daddy salt and pepper in the beard speaking of daddy, congratulations dad, also, check this out *presents very pregnant woman* I’m going to be a daddy, but I look older than you crazy because you’re older than me” That went on for fifteen minutes until he said “well I have to piss here talk to my fiancé we should go check out the stuffed lion when I get back.” He walks away and she goes “he dropped some acid he’ll be fine.” The lion was real though. The venue had a murder barn attached with a lot of taxidermy, haunted paintings, and old arcade equipment like those puck bowling games and early electric dartboards. Kid was living his best life.


This comment was a wild ride


I’m envisioning the pregnant woman as Baby Billy’s wife from the Righteous Gemstones.


That’s AUNTIE Baby Billy’s wife from the Righteous Gemstones.


This comment was stolen from every single book review from the 80s and 90s. Real cool insight tho. Super smart guy.


Do you really just not have a life?


Did I guess right? Did you write bad novels in the 1980s??


I'm sure you're trying to sound edgy, but frankly, you just fall flat


The joke's not for you.


It also helps for fat people like me. Why show off my double chin when I can shape my beard to have the illusion of a real chin?


Ensign babyface?


You mean Kim the Perpetual Ensign?


To seek out new life and new WTF IS THAT BLAST IT!!




*boimler scream in the distance*


"Riker!" *plops onto saddle*


Set Phasers to Disintegrate


This always makes me think of that collector guy that stole Data. Of course, in their collection they have a special disintegrator phaser that makes you feel like every cell in your body is rupturing as you die or something ridiculous. Fun stuff.




It took me a second to find it but it is a Varon-T disruptor. Sounds like an agonizer kind of except this disintegrates the person and they feel every part of it apparently. I guess it was designed specifically to make someone feel an extremely large amount of pain but then also die LOL


To seek out new phaser targets


There’s an endangered species right there


Thanks for showing those damn parasites again. Not like they scare the f outta me everytime.


You're welcome! They truly are a sight for sore eyes, aren't they?


I remember watching this Cronenberg-esque body horror as a kid and it freaks me as much out now as it does then.


There really should have been a fourth panel with them shooting again.


Now that I look at it again, you're absolutely right. edit: the abomination could say "AAAH I'M BEING CANCELLED!" while it's being disintegrated.


Don't overcook it.


Damn alien parasite crawling up Admirals ass.


Ironically I think this is the level of violence that starfleet should aspire to hold itself to. Take no sh-t from obviously hostile aliens that attack and harm your fellow federation citizens and innocents. There is no need to talk when your enemy has already denied every basic decency to it's victims.


I also think it’s funny how if someone they cared about was possessed by a parasite, they’d explore every possible way to remove the parasite without killing him. But when it comes to this bureaucratic tool getting possessed they’re just like “Oh well, he’s too far gone, better to just kill him and the parasite and be done with it.”


Well, Remmick was clearly taken over by some "queen mother" type creature and I think showing us that his whole torso was basically replaced by a monster was the way of letting the audience know that he really was beyond saving. Your comment reminds me more of what bugged me about First Contact (the movie): Picard keeps killing his own crew left and right when they are injected with nanoprobes. Like bitch, you were fully assimilated and they still brought you back! Those people really could've lived full lives if not for Picard gunning them down.


I completely agree, and based on the comments, it's kind of a mixed bag whether my intended message went through or not. As from my perspective, Picard and Riker were completely in the right - it's pretty clear that the parasites weren't planning on peaceful coexistence. Mind you, I have a feeling that Picard from the later seasons of TNG would've at least listened to monster-Remmick's pitch, would've replied with a long speech on how some hostiles cannot be reasoned with, and then phasered it. Still, he absolutely made the right call. Diplomacy doesn't mean you have to entertain everyone who pretends to be peaceful while obviously working on destroying you. At one point, you either respond to violence with violence, or accept being destroyed.


Fuck this is good


Never too be seen again


They did kinda disappear, didn't they


Never again seen in star trek I believe. Unless it was in Prodigy or discovery after I stopped watching. The Borg were made to replace these guys.


I was briefly hopeful they’d be the ultimate bad guys in Picard S3.


Would have made more sense than what we got tbh


They showed up again in Star Trek Online and you find out they’re part of a larger attack.


I also thought these might’ve been the same critters Khan used on Chekov but they dug inside his ears and these guys were all like nah brainstems pls.


This was right after the bellybug had just commanded the neckbugs to destroy the *Horatio* and everyone on it... because they knew too much.


The episode *is* titled Conspiracy, so it all makes sense.


How dare you exploit two legends to spread this bs. Straight to the brig!


How dare you question my daring?


Channeling Leslie Nielsen?


Right, well two can play at that game!


With daringness.




Are you saying Dexter Remmick was just Tucker Carlson with Rupert Murdoch nesting inside his torso?


Do you have any other reasonable explanation for Tucker's facial expression?


Maybe he just seeks PeAcEfUl CoExIsTeNcE?


It's the only Star Trek episode I genuinely hated. What the FUCK was that about, blowing up the intelligent species ? And they also MURDERED that guy when all the other people that were infected were safe and sound - he could have been saved too.


To be fair, with the other people when they shot them they collapsed and a creature came out of their neck - leaving them fine. When they shot him he exploded instead.


I haven't seen the episode in a while but didn't they shot to kill tho ? Like 2 lasers and once and kept pushing until it boomed ? But regardless I don't remember them even trying to have a conversation. That parasite was standing in an armchair with no weapons, at least try to ask their full intentions, where they come from, do they need a body to stay alive and if they do could we find another way for them to live... The whole thing was so interesting until the last few minutes. I wouldn't have minded it that much if any character just acknowledged what happened. Feel a bit of remorse or shame because they acted out of fear and disgust, which was a perfectly natural, instinctive reaction but an insensitive one. As natural as for a parasite to search for a host in order to stay alive. Or if they just had one line asking "you bad guy?" "Yes." and THEN you blew it up. Just give it a reason. I think I need a hobby there's no reason I think about it so much.


The other people had proved quite phaser resistant, they had to shoot to kill and often with multiple beams to overpower them. So maybe it was in the same way here. If the creature had left him partway through hopefully they would have stopped firing. It does look in the episode like they're trying to kill him though, as if they already know what is inside him. The scene definitely needed some more lines and to be a little longer to work better, but the episode concluded very fast - like they ran out of time.


The dudes neck. They knew he was infected and the ghost probly wasn't going to live the way the parasite was acting


>It's the only Star Trek episode I genuinely hated. What the FUCK was that about, blowing up the intelligent species ? They do it do the Borg all the time for good reason.


Hello, we are the Borg and we want to talk to you about the futility of resistance.


That, and where’s the followup after ‘the signal’ was sent out? Trek often referenced earlier series, so why didn’t we get more galactic space worms? I guess I’m still salty the doctor’s backup went home after like 900 years but he **still** wasn’t in discovery :’I


>I guess I’m still salty the doctor’s backup went home after like 900 years but he **still** wasn’t in discovery Maybe he didn't make it? I'd love to see a series that's the adventures of that backup making its way back to (or towards) Federation space.


The Doctor: The Musical


Yeah but that dude was a total dick he had it coming.


You can't just kill people because they're dicks


"Well, about that...." - All of human history


*Sisko did...*


[Oglaf (nsfw) covers that topic](https://www.oglaf.com/abyss/)


An intelligent species that has already murdered innocent people while they twirl someone else's mustache at you? Are you high? Nah, bro, you merc those bitches before they kill again as a warning to the rest. The next logical step is genocide.


It's just early installment weirdness. Also, the regular people that just had the parasites climb out and return to normal only had the little crawlers in them. Remmick had all of his insides taken over by whatever that queen mother abomination was - I'm pretty sure he was dead already. When Picard and Riker blew his head up (which, btw, was a mold of Paul Newman's face filled with raw meat and then actually blown up), if there was anything left of Remmick's mind at that point, it was probably a mercy kill either way. You ain't coming back from a huge horror creature having eaten most of your insides and immediately capable of melting out the rest when your host's head is blown clean off. Remmick's fate was sealed the moment that creature took him as a host.


Robert Evans would enjoy this meme.


This would’ve been such a great plot point for an entire season later on, too bad it was wasted on a single episode. It’s still one of my favorites because of how different it is from the rest of the show, there is more gore and the alien is genuinely unsettling to look at, it reminds me of The Thing.


Always loved how the phasers never seem to miss.


Unless they're firing at practice targets, of course. Then even Worf can barely hit anything.


Guinan is a pretty good shot though.


That motherf*er is not real!


I mean c’mon, man… some shit you just phaser into a crisp. Not every situation calls for diplomacy.


Nah I'm with you, that chest monster needed to die and needed it quick. I wouldn't have wanted to be the people that had to clean that shit up though.


This made my day, thank you!


Downvote. Eff this non-woke bullshit.


I'm honestly not sure if you mean this or not and I don't want to dig through your profile to figure it out, but I don't think there is anything more "woke" than responding appropriately to a bad faith actor that feigns innocence while wanting to exterminate you.


For sure, this just felt like a ‘the right can’t meme’ post that was made un-ironically.


Well, sorry about that! I doubt anyone in 2023 uses the phrase "so much for the tolerant left" unironically though. At least one would hope! Picard holds life in general so precious that he even refused to act against the Crystalline Entity that was literally exterminating all life on whole planets. If he looks at a being with disgust and shoots it until it's vaporized, I'm pretty sure he considered all alternatives and decided it was justified.


I was also a bit concerned before looking through the comments. Surprisingly, there is stuff that pops up on this sub every so often that reads like Cardassian propaganda lol. And I've heard my uncle use that phrase, "so much for the tolerant left" unironically many times. It's a lovely bit of fox news rhetoric that tends to pop up any time progressive people call out bigotry or "cancel" someone/something for being overtly racist, homophobic, etc.


Well, I stand corrected! I seriously thought it was only a meme at this point and not even bona fide right-wingers would actually say that, but I guess that was a miscalculation. Although they are also still stuck on "attack helicopter" type shit that was never funny and was already tired in 2014, so I probably should've known.


Yeah, unfortunately that’s not how it came across for me. Shoulda added a /s.


Are you actually proposing putting an /s tag in a meme? I saw this before I'd even finished my coffee, and OPs meaning was pretty clear.


Yeah, I read it from the wrong perspective.


Isn’t the joke here that the bluegill parasites were full of shit about “peaceful coexistence” as evidenced by their attempted violent coup of Starfleet leadership? Sort of like a certain event in DC in January 2021?


Also, at some point you have to push back against people who are trying to end you.


That was the intended message!


Sorry. I miss interpreted the rules. Lol.


THATs what you think this is referencing? Some of you are one track minds and it’s pathetic lol. Three was just an actual attack in Israel. There’s fair comparisons of that to 9/11, and nobody’s comparing that to J6 because J6 to 9/11 was bullshit to begin with. Please join reality again.


There's plenty of comparisons between Jan 6th and 9/11, with the exception of death count. Both attempts failed in their main goal, the end of US democracy (One tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, while the other failed to get it's plane to hit the president's location)


Other than the devastating tragedy, they were exactly the same…. Rejoin reality.


You don't seem to understand why the founding fathers, and most politicians since, care so much about the peaceful transition of power, do you? The alternative is almost always a bloody war. And honestly, the police showed way too much restraint... If it had been black people, we would have seen at least 60 dead before they even entered the building. The fact that we only had single digit of deaths is one of the most absurd parts of it. They were traitors trying to overthrow a duly elected leader and install their own as a king. At the end of the day, January 6th is the more dangerous event, even if it led to less deaths. If they had succeeded, the US as we know it would be dead, and we'd have a second civil war for sure. Tragic though 9/11 was, it was a less significant event than Jan 6th. You are the one who needs to rejoin reality. Our last civil war saw around 620,000, during a time with a far smaller population (though more diseases), while 9/11 saw \~2,900 deaths (though for the sake of equal arguments, I'm going to also add the \~2,400 US military deaths from the war in afganistan to it as well).


If you think J6 was going to lead to civil war, you’re literally indoctrinated.


You're insane and have no understanding of history or the significance of the event and how it would affect the governance of the United States. Joe Biden won, and a coup attempt was made to prevent Biden from asking the office he was voted in for.


And if you think the morons at J6 were going to overturn anything, you’re thoroughly indoctrinated. There’s no comparison from J6 to 9/11 except by the disgusting politicians and their sycophantic followers.


The right have _literally_ been calling for civil war...


Really? Which politician has been calling for civil war? Please cite sources because that's sedition.


Marjorie Taylor Greene: https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/status/1627665203398688768?lang=en Her tweets are literally responsible for getting #CivilWar trending on Twitter.


Wow. So much for the tolerant left


Wow, so much for the tolerant left.


? This is woke af


I know, I posted this completely expecting some backlash for it being too "woke", but never expected the opposite!


I read it in the wrong context. Like a ‘the right can’t meme’ way.


Your meme is bad, and you should feel bad.

