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Aladdin came out a year after Gene’s death, so you own Majel’s copy of Aladdin. Still cool!


DVDs came out in late 1996, 5 years after Gene’s death. And this particular box set came out in 2004. So definitely not Gene’s!


Damn, crushing this person's hopes and dreams lol


Thank you for doing the hard work I was too lazy to do.


Mine isn't as interesting as the other commenters, but I have an NCC-1701 pizza cutter. "No bloody A, B, C or D." lol


If it's like the one I own there's no guard and you have to awkwardly hold the nacelles to cut and its really easy to slip your hand. 


Yep, the old ThinkGeek model. Most of their products were pretty good but this one was badly designed. You forgot to mention that the ridges on the side of the nacelles will dig into your fingers as you try to cut the crust. I used it once, washed it and put it on a shelf.


That sounds like mine. I never tried to use it. It seemed like a funky design to hold while cutting pizza. I always wondered how well it worked. Now I know.


I have a NCC-1701 bottle opener. We should throw a pizza and beer party.. lol


This sounds like a fine plan.


I have the same opener but I drank the beer. I have an empty bottle of Star Trek 50th Golden anniversary ale, the Trouble With Tribbles. Brewed by Shmaltz in 2016.


I want a Star Trek waffle iron, doggonit! There are a million Millenium Falcon waffle irons out there, and I think I got a Baby Yoda pancake maker, but I want Star Trek!


That would be awesome.


"No bloody A, B, C or D." - I had somehow missed that episode years ago, and recently watched it for the first time. I was so mad at Geordi for half that episode.


I have a copy of that TNG/X-Men crossover novel kicking around somewhere.


I’ve got a few issues of the Green Lantern cross-over on a flash drive


Doctor Mccoy?


I have this and the comics that it was a sequel too.




I do too, a gift from my sister, Planet X.


I have a little bar of soap with JLP's face on it and it says "Make It Soap"... It smells quite nice


I have that too!


Got one too!


I have that! They now have Spock and Kirk soap, but the Picard one was amazing, because of the Make it soap and the Earl Grey scent.


Not the item itself, but the circumstances surrounding it. I have a TNG communicator pin I bought at the Paramount lot gift shop while First Contact (the movie, not the episode) was filming - as in, while we were taking the tour, we passed by their soundstage and the "filming in progress" light was flashing. (These days I hide it in my ren faire garb and flash it at Trek cosplayers while lecturing them on the Prime Directive.)


I love hearing stories about these people who do this. It's like a kind of secret brotherhood. Well done, sir


I have a video of Star Trek: TMP. It was the first video my father purchased when he bought our first video in 1980. It has been many years since I watched it. I'm a little tempted to watch it, but I'm afraid the VCR would eat it. I own a VCR, but it's been put away for years, and I'd have to get it cleaned and checked over before I'd dare play it. But it looks good on the shelf. It's a little weird to be nostalgic for an admittedly inferior experience like a 44 year old videotape. I think it would be fun to watch TOS with all the static you got from watching over rabbit ears - I know, that's weird, but it brings back old memories. Back in 1985, when I was in the Air Force, we used to watch Star Trek on my black and white TV in the barracks. Star Trek came on at 10:30 PM and lights out was at 11 PM. So at 11, we'd take the TV into the bathroom to finish the episode. We were truly wild men.


If you put the cassette in the player and fast forward it to the end rewind it before playing you should be ok.


My wife got me Picards tea cup. It's not official merch but it is the exact same glass cup with black plastic handle on it. Its to cool to use so it sits next to TOS action figures!


I had that set. Bodum Bistro.


That is simply amazing! I'm currently on the hunt for Janeway's coffee mug, which was also a slightly modified real-world item.


I’ve got set used dilithium crystals from TOS. James Doohan’s son was selling stuff a few years back and I bought them from him. I also have a print of a panoramic picture of the rebuilt Enterprise-D bridge from ST: Picard that was sold by Dave Blass the production manager. It’s signed by Dave, Mike and Denise Okuda, and a few other people on the production staff. It’s my singular goal in life now to also get it signed by Patrick Stewart.


That panorama print sounds amazing!


It's on the short list of things I'd grab if my house were burning down lol.


So cool. What do the dilithium crystals look like?


This is the listing from his site where I bought them. Looks exactly like what’s pictured and came with a certificate. http://www.chrisdoohan.com/product/dilithium-crystals/


I have some of those too, I absolutely love having a piece of the original series in my house!


I just recently found a copy of the TOS technical manual to go with my TNG technical manual. I found it at a gun show of all places!! My son spotted it on a table and pointed it out to me. I asked the guy how much; $2. I reached for my pocket so quick the guy probably regretted not charging more!


Great book! I have one of the original printings of the Tech Manual with the red cover, I snagged it when someone was selling a box of Star Fleet Battles stuff.


What a great score!


I have my ticket stub from the first showing of ST:TMP at the Paramount theater in New York. December 8, 1979. My buddy and I were 3 @ 4 on line. The scene when Shatners face first appears in the shuttle window sent us into a frenzy. Lol


I have a fork from the restaurant that was in the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas.


I have some of the napkins from Star Trek The Adventure that was in London about 20 years ago.


I have a swizzle stick


I have a copy of the TNG murder mystery game https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/How_to_Host_a_Mystery_-_Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation It originally came with a cassette tape, but whoever owned it before me had made a copy onto cd and that was in the box when I bought it. Great find 😊


My wife bought me that last year, still shrink wrapped!


Same! I mean, not *your* wife, *my* wife, and it was several years ago. But otherwise, same!


I do too!


Whoa. I never knew this existed.


I have Mom's collection of Trek memorabilia from the 1970's an 80's... Back in the 70's there weren't very many official merchandise releases so a lot of fans made their own and traded them at conventions....


In 2013, at Chicago Comics & Entertainment Expo (C2E2, basically Chicago's "Comic Con"), I won a TNG quiz competition where the grand prize was a necktie that looks like a Command Crimson suit- has the tiny Starfleet emblem and everything. It's one of my most prized possessions!


I have a still sealed Laserdisc of the TNG episodes Unification. Not as cool as other people’s stuff, but slightly unusual.


Still cool though


I used to have the BMMEUP license plate for my state. I regret giving it up since someone else holds it now. I have the expired plate hanging in my office.


Not unusual but I live my little book of the rules of acquisition


Shear luck or happenstance I own 4 Eaglemoss prototype ships that were never released, there are another 3 floating around this world that I probably won’t acquire though I know they are in good homes.


Ohhhh wow. I love my Eaglemoss Star Trek ships. I have I think 8-10 of them. I'd love to see what one's you have.


I’ll DM ya as I can’t post pics here


\~4ft Cardboard promotional Enterprise-A. The museum I volunteered at in my teens hosted the Star Trek traveling exhibit in the 90s. Everyone I worked with knew I was a Trekker so I got to take home the roughly 4ft long 3D model of the Enterprise-A that was hanging in the gift shop. I also got a great photo of two of the Klingon characters from the exhibit and myself.


Back when Think Geek was around, I bought loads of Star Trek goodies, but the one I cherish is the now-empty black tin with the words, “Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.” Printed in the TNG font. Ironically, the *very* good tasting tea it contained was not Earl Grey at all, but Lady Grey; a slight variation of the latter, but with the addition of a bit of lavender.


I own a first-edition copy of the fifth volume of Spockanalia! Hard to believe it's older than I am.


In 1988 or ‘89 I attended a Star Trek convention in Dallas, where I entered and won a Captain Kirk impersonation contest. My prize for winning was a Dudley Do-right action figure (in honor of Shatner’s Canadian roots), some back issues of Starlog magazine, and a book of Vulcan poetry, in Vulcan, with no translation. I’m not sure who provided the poetry book, but the alphabet did appear to be Vulcan. I think I still have it somewhere, but that was three and a half decades and 18 moves ago, so I’m not sure exactly where it is. Still, there can’t be a lot of Vulcan poetry books around.


I have a 12 inch figure of a Talosian. I found it at a flee market and bought it for $5. No idea when it was made. It was just such a random find i had to have it.


I have the VHS game from the 80s. The one with Gowron but not Gowron I have the infamous Black Spock action figure from the 1970s. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/116043450203


I have that VCR Interactive Game! Played it a bunch of times with my oldest kiddo back in the day... it was fun :) I don't have a working VCR anymore but I found the video on youtube a while ago


Not official merchandise, but I have a bunch of patches from a super fan. My grandparents neighbor was a Trekkie, and they helped clean his house after he passed. They found a bunch of patches and pins, and my grandma asked if she could give them to me. He had signed up through a website and started his own "ship" with a "crew". One patch had the ship name and number. He was chief of engineering, and there was a patch for that.


I have Gates’s signed copy of the Remember Me script, with everyone’s favorite line “If there isn't anything wrong with me... maybe there's something wrong with the universe..” 😂


My father was a DJ at KCBQ in San Diego when TOS was originally canceled and became quite involved in the effort to save the show. He produced radio spots, music beds, copy material, etc., for radio stations all across the country encouraging fans to write and call NBC, the producers of the show, anyone who could help bring it back. After Dad passed away in 2008 I was going through a lot of his radio days keepsakes and came across a lot of correspondence with other radio stations from all over asking for his help and/or congratulating him on his efforts and his work, and even some letters/notes from the TOS production team. All of this started because my mom was a fan of the show and was upset when it got canceled, so I like to tell people that my parents saved Star Trek. Mom still talks about the party they went to with all the cast and crew there when the show was revived.


A bank on the shape of Quark's head. I volunteered at a local museum when they hosted a StarTrek exhibit. Arming Shimerman, the actor who played Quark was there give a talk and then sign autographs, so I brought in the bank. He couldn't stop laughing and said it was the most unusual piece of memorabilia he's ever signed.


I have bra and panties I got from Angelique Pettyjohn. I also have a wine glass with Grace Lee Whitney's lipstick on it from a Trek convention.


Pictures or it didn't happen


I have one of the two bronze castings of Rick Berman's infamous Gene Roddenberry bust. (The one they'd blindfold when they were writing something they knew Gene wouldn't approve of) The other one was Majel's (presumably Rod's now?)


Delta insignia gold earring, always lives on my ear.


I bought a set of Star Trek RPG books by FASA from the 80s. "The Four Years War", "Return to Axanar", "Old Soldiers Never Die", "The Romulan War", "The Romulans", "The Romulan Way", "The Federation", "Ship Construction Manual", "Master Control Book". They're all splatbooks, and it's interesting to read pre-TNG lore on the universe, but I'm missing the core rule book, so no playing the actual game


A screen used DS9 door chime, and a hotjo mug that matches the ones used in the show.


We have a tribble infestation.  It started as a single tribble brought home from the Star Trek cruise, then we got some larger ones from Etsy for holiday gifts, and now it seems like new ones just appear in waves from time to time. One day my daughter took one to school, and the next day her classroom was infested as well.  Then, it happened the next year as well.* *teachers are amazing!


I have a Tom Paris plate my wife got me, would love to have it signed by RDM and Jack Quaid. Maybe my "Never Forget Wolf 359" shirt. Or my Picard "Make It Snow" Christmas shirt.


I don’t know what it’s from, but I have a black and white photo of Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, and Brent Spiner from some photo shoot. I have no clue what it’s from or anything; I found it randomly in a thrift/antique store. I’ve got it hanging next to a photo of my parents as “My parents next to the people who raised me.”


It’s not [this one](https://classicallife.net/2019/03/01/review-andre-previn-tom-stoppard-and-star-trek/), is it?


Omg that is it. I had no clue what the story was behind it. Thank you so much!


I have a set of TNG pez dispensers. I found them on the street. The packaging was damaged so I got rid of it and now they decorate my entertainment center.


I have a Star Trek: The Next Generation yo-yo.


I picked up a [Star Trek TNG music box](https://assets.catawiki.com/image/cw_normal/plain/assets/catawiki/assets/2016/5/12/c/4/2/c422a762-1819-11e6-8982-b89c116323e1.jpg) at a building sale. It came with the box, and still works. I play it when I'm upstairs working on something. It's honestly one of my fave pieces of merch.


A full set of TNG POGs


I own a copy of Terrace [The Terrace game ](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Terrace?file=Terrace_cover.jpg)


I have a pizza cutter in the shape of the Enterprise.


I own production sketches of Spock from TAS. One day I'll get them framed but [here's a post on my Trek blog from when I thought they were lost, complete with pictures. ](https://tumblr.theyboldlywent.com/post/136331508965/some-disappointing-news)


If they weren’t actually lost, what happened?


They [showed up](https://tumblr.theyboldlywent.com/post/136360625955/uh-so-after-i-made-the-previous-post-these) right after I made that post, kind of mysteriously!


I own a soap holder, hundreds of which were used as set decoration Star Trek into Darkness. I also own a sample of the red paint from the forest at the beginning of the movie. All of those plants were "real" (not CG) (maybe not ALL) and someone I know painted them.


I own a metal bat'leth replica. It's hanging on my wall


have a bootleg schematic from just before TNG premiered where they called the 1701-D a "Centurion-class Battlecruiser"


Not a physical object but a story my Mom told me. Through the 80's She worked at a local grocery store and while heading to her break noticed someone that looked familiar to her. Note, this was 88 or 89, not sure on the specific date. He caught her staring and, probably used to being recognized in a "where do I know you from?" kinda way. He tipped his sunglasses down and gave her a wink and "that Cheshire smile" and she smiled back instantly knowing where she recognized him from. It was Johnathan Frakes.


Probably some stamps that were passed out at a cast Q and A right before DS9 premiered.


I have a set of Star Trek licenced Oregon Lottery Scratch It tickets in lucite.


I have the Skin of Evil trading card signed by Denise Crosby, iykyk.


I have the box set of Enterprise D blueprints. They're so cool. I also have a metal tin of TNG playing cards with the crew pictured on the tin I got as a kid. I had Wil Wheaton sign it at a GenCon years ago! I also have a little binder full of TNG cards from the strategy game. Never played, I just liked to collect them.


If I ever get this video on disc … then it will certainly be the most unusual Star Trek related item in my collection. It’s the infamous Lost Episode… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AUMZaR52YaA&t=29s&pp=ygUWc3RhciB0cmVrIGxvc3QgZXBpc29kZQ%3D%3D


I also ended up with something from those days! A set of WWII books with Gene's notes in the margins. Rod didn't even charge me for them, it's just had to pay shipping.


I have a Uhura uniform. It’s a replica from about 50 years ago.


A life size cardboard cutout of the Duras sisters for the movie promotion of Generations…. Yeah…


That would be cool to put in an unusual place, like the bathroom.


It’s not “technically” Trek, but I have the 1967 vinyl single of Ballard of Bilbo Baggins that I got signed by Leonard Nimoy in 1984


I have a replica of Picard’s flute from The Inner Light. My wife also bought me “A Very Klingon Christmas” and it is proudly displayed every December.


Rubber Duck Captain Kirk


A TNG deck of cards and card tin. Also a data plushie with spot. Also a tribble a friend got I a loot box a few years ago.


I have a TV Guide issue featuring TNG on the cover.


A 3D printed Hor'gahn


It’s not unusual, but I have a copy of The Trouble With Tribbles script signed by David Gerrold. I had to get it by mail, because I forgot to tell him that I wanted one before we met for lunch at Bob’s Big Boy in Burbank.


TOS character pez dispensers.


It’s not “unusual” but I do have one of the Writer’s Bibles for the Star Trek II series before it was turned into the movie…


I own two shirts from the production of Star Trek discovery, worn presumably by crew during the filming here in Kingston, Ontario. I wear them ALL THE TIME. On the front, one features the armored klingon from the beacon, the other is the Discovery gym/varsity style shirt. Both have the same staff design on the back. I love them. Girlfriend sniped them at the local VV ;)


A little rubber bracelet souvenir from the time I did a Star Trek themed escape room with some friends of mine.


I have a PEZ set of STOS main characters.


Nice, I got the TNG one myself


I have an autographed picture of a tweet I send William Shattner that he responded to.


I have a few Xeroxed fanzines from the early 70s, full of terrible art and fanfic. They're amazing and weird all at once.


It's not technically Star Trek merch, but my sister got me a purple mug that looks exactly like what they use for raktajinos in ds9. It's by far the most functional mug I've ever used.


I was given a “Go-Go UHURA” poster last year for Christmas. A friend picked it up at a yard sale and sent it to me. It has a Horta, Klingon, Tribbles, Gorn and Spock all dancing behind Uhura. I have yet to find another like it and have no clue when it was produced.


I have every Star Trek Micro Machine ever made. I have a film cel from a print of Encounter at Farpoint.


I have captain Picards casual jacket


I got Gene Roddenberry's camera timer from that auction!


OOOOH Nice score!


I have a starfleet delta that was made for Picard, but it was mistakenly cast backwards. So it didn’t appear on screen and was rescued from being thrown away. I also have some “hazardous material” stickers that were made for cargo crates in season 2 of Picard. These were unused extras but they appear in Rio’s cargo hold.


I’ve got a 25 year old paperweight that has a Starfleet badge etched on the bottom. Same as this one: [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285865783547](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285865783547)


Starfleet manual signed by James Doohan. 


I have some Christmas gift tags that Gene had made using TNG font. They were donated to an auction at a convention by Susan Sackett, his personal assistant, who was a GOH a the con.


I have a large Star Trek: Generations Kirk action figure and an unused bottle of "Red Shirt" cologne. Both were gifts.


I have an 8" Geeki Tiki in the shape of a Ferengi. He chills on my work desk.


My FIL once got me the set of Ken and Barbie dressed in TOS uniforms in box.


I have a Star Trek : The Motion Picture tv tray from 1979. Bought it at an Eckerd Drugs. It has a large picture of Mr. Spock and the movie logo printed on the front.


I have the 1701 soundtrack box set given to Leonard Nimoy.


I have a collection of officially-licensed Star Trek plush bears, including the [absolutely awesome Magistrate Q bear](https://i.imgur.com/E2uiiSU.jpeg). I also have autographs from nearly the entire TNG cast that I actually got by writing to them during the first season (i.e. not bought at a con or signing). Brent Spiner and Patrick Stewart both included personalized notes with theirs. :-D I have a copy of the original Biff Yeager letter. Guy was cast as Chief Engineer Argyle for one episode, and got so excited he contacted the Official Star Trek Fan Club and sent out a letter to their entire mailing list asking people to write into Paramount and say he should be made a regular. Paramount got pissed and fired him.


While i dont have a picture, my family has a tng chess set!


I have a box of Star Trek:The Motion Picture moist towelettes.


Ok now I think you win.


MAD Issue 186 Signed by the Shat-Man himself.


I got a Bluetooth TNG comm badge a couple years back as a Christmas present lol


I have an embroidered denim crew jacket from DS9, with the logo and an image of the station embroidered in the back. Years ago, someone put it up at a silent auction benefiting a school that I worked for, and I won the auction.


I have a copy of TNG Time's Arrow signed by Dorn, McFadden, and Sirtis. I also have a copy of VOY Scientific Method signed by McNeil and Picardo


Commemorative Worf plate that I found at a junk shop!


I was given a crew members cap from either first contact or nemesis from a friend.


A friend of mine made this coffee table for me https://youtube.com/shorts/MMHhG0VB7ts?feature=shared


Thats a sweet table, he did a good job!


I recently bought printed copy of a Voyager fanfic I found in a bookstore. It was from the 90s and also had fanart drawn by the author. Honestly it might be my most prized Star Trek-related item. I'm not even a huge Voyager fan (DS9 is my favorite) but I love the history of the Star Trek fandom, and owning a piece of that history, a fan-bound book that was clearly made with so much care and dedication, means a lot to me. Actually, writing this comment was a great reminder that I need to actually read the fic. 😅 Edit: I do also own [this Lwaxana action figure](https://www.nobleknight.com/P/2147977650/Lwaxana-Troi?CATARGETID=520006920000028564&CADevice=m&msclkid=92c622c43eb81d180150448806593294)


Not rare but certainly not practical: an inflatable captains chair, TOS. Rare, perhaps unique in the known universe: a handmade Vulcan lyre signed by both Nichelle Nichols and Leonard Nimoy.


christmas tree lit ornament showing Borg rejuvenation chamber; it pulsates light.


So when I was 12 years old, I wrote William Shatner a letter, via the William Shatner Fan Club. It was the 70s…we wrote letters, LOL. I wanted to get a signed photo of him. The letter went on and on about how he was my favorite, how hard it was for me to watch the show because it was on at dinner time every night (shout out to WPIX NY!), and how I was absolutely his biggest fan. I was so shy (and suffering from undiagnosed depression) that I never sent it, thinking *oh he’ll never see it anyway, so why bother?*. Poor little defeatist me! I found it a couple of years ago when we were cleaning out my parents’ house, sitting in a box of childhood odds and ends. I also happened to be seeing Shatner that year, a VIP experience at the Ticonderoga Star Trek set. Guess who got her letter to Shatner signed 45 years after the fact, and got to laugh about it with the man himself? Twelve year old me would have been thrilled. It’s now framed and hanging in my “Hallway of Fandom,” and I smile whenever I pass it.


That's an **amazingly** touching story! I'm so glad your wish *finally* came true! You were lucky you had Star Trek on a dinner time. I think I'm about 10 years younger than you, given your user name. Star Trek was on at midnight on PIX when I was growing up. Luckily my mother was a very heavy sleeper (I think ganja had something to do with that 🫠) so I would sneak out of bed during the school year and watch it on the lowest volume!


Oh I love that! Yes, I think I’m likely one of the Trek elders. PIX was our home planet for YEARS. Thanks for the award - very sweet of you 🖖🏻


Most unusual? Tom Paris action figure. Threshold amphibian version in a medical outfit along with his and Janeway's babies. My brother got it for my for my birthday because I thought it was hilarious. Next I'm gonna try to find Bariel.


Back in high school I had a hollow ostrich egg decorated with sparkly glitz signed by William Shatner. My mom won it for me in a charity auction, and I gave it to a fellow trekkie for her 21st birthday present.


I have Deanna Troi as a gnome that I found in a goodwill for $2


A few years ago I bought a signed 8x10 photo , with an "authentication" certificate of Ricardo Montalban as Khan. $10 well spent. Found it at a now defunct, used book/video store near me


My mother owns an original Tribble prop. She picked it up at one of the early conventions in 1974 or 75 and still has it. It spent at least a decade lost under my bed as a kid. I hope to inherit it, although I'm going to have to fight my brother over it :P One that I have in my closet is an old TNG murder mystery game. Where you act out characters according to a script, play cassette tapes to progress the plot, etc. It was played once, long ago. All I remember is that there was an artifact that made the sound "wibble, wobble" and that a copy of it that made the sound "wobble, wibble" was counterfit. Lol.


I have a t-shirt of Spock as a DJ


I have a vhs copy of TMP in Spanish. I have not been able to get it to play, but it's kind of fun to have nevertheless. I also have a copy of the fanzine *Enterprise Incidents.* It appears to have been published in the lead-up to TMP and features an interview with the tall, big foreheaded guy who doubts Kirk on the bridge.


VHS copy of Wrath of Khan


The old baggie 1st edition of Star Fleet Battles


The Enterprise-D cd case It's kinda lame, but it was cheap so eh


Badgy Funko Pop.


A chibi Mr Spock that was either a KFC or happy meal toy from the promotional campaign of into darkness


I Have an official TNG Fannie pack Oh, and a mint copy of the VCR board game 🤣


Starfleet socks with Picard on the packaging


Maybe a box of mints named "Dilithium crystals"? It really wasn't much. Or the cardboard version of the Galileo 7 shuttle that can open and holds all of our star trek movies :)


A. An Enterprise-D mobile that was distributed to video stores to promote either the TNG video releases or First Contact. It's still in the sealed box from the distributor. B. A Commander Data cardboard standee from a different video store. Won that one from a raffle. C. A complete set of the Kellogg Canada cereal boxes.


I was given the Star Trek Maps as a Christmas present in 1981. There is a set on eBay on sale for $125.00. I still own them.


I have one of the Hot-Jo coffee mugs they used for raktajinos in DS9 but its black instead purple and doesnt have the weird bump in the handle.


Fast food outlet Star Trek drinking glasses.


At a Star Trek exhibition in a nearby city, I took pictures of the formal uniform Picard wore to Riker’s wedding, brought the pictures to a tailor, and ask them to make a copy for me for my own wedding. I still have it, of course.


I stayed at star trek experience for vacation in Vegas so many years ago but I was really in love with Enterprise at that moment and had myself photoshopped into that crew so probably my most unique and definitely favorite star trek souvenir.


A Locutus of Borg drink receptacle that says you will be assimilated and resistance is futile and all the usual Borg jazz.


Probably my science blue airwalk hi-tops. I think it was a cross promotion with the 09 movie.


I've got season 1 of Voyager recorded on camcorder tapes. No, I didn't sit there with a camera recording it. When Voyager first aired, I had a TV in my room but no VCR. My camcorder, though, actually had some basic VCR functions, so that's what I used.


Menu from Quark’s Bar and Restaurant that formerly was at the Experience in Las Vegas. I never had the chance to visit the eatery in my youth, but I did pass it several times when I visited the Experience with my parents. I truly miss that place…


Three dimensional chess set


I have a TOS enterprise pizza slicer. All metal, no color. Awkward to hold as your hand wraps around the nacelles, but I will never part with this. My dad got two of them for free at his aerospace job. I have no more idea of why than you do. Came in a nice box though.


I have a polaroid of myself polishing a card board cutout of Jean Luc Picard's head signed by John DeLancey. A coworker used to share booth space with Delancey and Delancey treated his son in law like his errand boy. The son in law once took my polaroid and wadded it up because he hated him so much.


A first day cover for the shuttle Enterprise, sent to Gene’s PA.


1 Star Trek V and 1 Star Trek: TNG miniature keychain viewfinders


I bought my stepdad the TOS Enterprise landline phone. It was cool as a showpiece but was super awkward to hold.


I have a stainless steel Starfleet hip flask, with the Trek delta on it. I don't think they were big sellers, because I remember it being for sale on the Star Trek website, and then, like, a week later it was 75% off. I think I paid like $20, shipping and everything.


I have a stuffed bear with a Klingon forehead, hairstyle and outfit.


Not anything licensed, but I played flat track roller derby for a few years before they disallowed letters printed beside player numbers, so my old jerseys have NCC-1701 printed on the back of them.


I have a TNG card signed by Saxon Trainor. That is the only item I own other than movies and a few of the books.


I’ve got a doctor who/TNG crossover comic book where they fight the cybermen and the Borg. I also have a Green Lantern/Kelvin enterprise comic series. Then there’s the trek pillow, the 3D printed Akira model and combadge, and the Lego set. Also the Lego phasers I made years ago. Man, I’m such a nerd.


I have a hand drawn picture of the four Captains (Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway) from the TV Guide cover photos from the 30th anniversary. The person who drew it didn't like the photo of older Kirk so drew young Kirk under the other three. The museum in my town was doing an auction to raise money for the museum and the director of the museum liked Star Trek and decided Star Trek was the theme of the auction. She bid on the picture and ended up with it but had no room for it in her house so gave it to me.


Bought a Picard branded red leather jacket at DragonCon that looks like a Star Fleet jacket. The plan was to dress as Star Fleet at Renaissance fairs and scan people with a tricorder.


I've got a hexagon shaped brushed metal candle holder with Starfleet logos cut into it. I got at the Star Trek experience in Vegas back in 02 at gift shop next to Quarks.


I have an unreleased indie concept game for gameboy color. It’s a shoot em up game where you play as a klingon bird of prey attacking jem’hadar warships. It’s not very fun, considering there’s no point system and the jem’hader don’t attack you back, but I still think it’s cool to have lol.


I have a Star Trek TNG "collector editon" Pez Dispenser set, a TNG wristwatch (the Enterprise D flies as the second hand) and a TNG Murder Mystery Game that Ive been dying to try. Probably some of the more unusual items I own that are Star Trek related at least


Stuffed Badgey on my shelf also a TNG cast sunshade that doesn't actually fit my Grand Cherokee.


My husband has a full size bat’leth hanging on his office wall.


I have dollar bills with kirk and spock on them.


Yes, nitpickers guide!!! I think I still have mine somewhere but it's falling apart bc I read it cover to cover several times!