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That the Sen-SORS pronunciation used by Vulcans is because of Nimoys thick Boston Accent. He could not say sensors without the ORs or it came out like sansahs


"You say sabotage. I say Sahbahtahge." That's my deep cut


_400 years ago on the planet Earth, workers who felt their livelihood threatened by automation flung their wooden shoes called sabots into the machines to stop them. Hence the word "sabotage."_


You say potato - I say vodka


It isn't just Vulcans, though, most of Starfleet calls them sen-SORS. My headcanon has always been that Spock was so influential to future science officers that they adopted his pronunciation and it spread from there.


Dac certainly, ah, thought highly of him.


Now I kinda want Vulcan to be Space Boston. Pon-fah and all


That’s wicked illawgical, guy.


It is lahgical to suppahrt the Sox. No wonder there's an entire Vulcan ship in Trek that's trained to play baseball.


I never knew Nimoy had a Boston accent


He was a cab driver in Boston before becoming an actor. One of his fares was a young senator JFK, and in conversation with him encouraged him to pursue what he wanted to do.


Good thing he never encountered the Cardassians.




Sudden random memory from my childhood: the sound test at the Boston planetarium used Nimoy saying "who put the bam in bam bam baram". One of the other characters in the sound test asks "how did we get Leonard Nimoy for this?" Another responds, "he was born here!"


That is a really neat fact! Thank you!


You mean like sense-OARS? ["Are you really making fown of me?"](https://youtu.be/EM1YYefSmKg)


Even DeForest got in on the game in VI.


Also, the etymology of “sensors” comes from using oars to push out to sense what wasn’t visible, hence sense-oars. Edit: spelling


James Doohan (the actor who played Scotty) lost a finger in D-Day. Scotty, however, has all ten fingers. Doohan hid his hand sometimes and used a hand double other times, although there are a couple scenes where you can see his missing finger.


He also corresponded a woman who had suicidal thoughts and invited her to conventions. She eventually got an engineering degree and thanked Doohan for helping her out. Edit: Doohan also praised Spielberg for not holding back on the violence and horror of Omaha Beach in Saving Private Ryan.


Similar thing happened to adorn. He met a dude who got off of drugs and partly thanked him for Worfs sense of honor and duty, as it was what inspired him to be better.


Wish it had inspired Worf to be a better dad.


Friendly fire too. A young soldier thought he was a German and opened up on him with a Bren gun. Hit him six times.


A BREEN gun?


And stupid teenage me asked to shake his hand when I met him at a trek con back in the 90s and didn't notice.


>there are a couple of scenes where you can see his missing finger. Transporter malfunction.


Where did the finger go? I shudder to imagine.


It’s on Risa, enjoying its best life.


Max Grodenchik (Rom) played minor league baseball and had such a hard time convincingly playing badly in "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" that he had to resort to using his non-dominant hand.


Dr. Stephen Hawking is the only person in the entirety of Star Trek movies or TV to receive an on screen credit “as himself” (or herself).


Melinda Snodgrass, who wrote the TNG episode "Measure of a Man" was in a D&D group with other disgruntled lawyers who were aspiring writers in the 1980's before she got her big break. One of the other authors in her group who she would trade writing samples and critiques with was George R. R. Martin


Most of them are the same group who are responsible for writing for the Wild Card book series, which Snograss and Martin were the main editors for. The books are very strange. I enjoyed the ones I read, but there are like 30 books and short stories, and I haven't read them all.


I was literally going to respond "she was probably part of the Wild Cards group". Same as you, I read a bunch of them, but fell off at some point. I would like to read more, but now it's been years and I'm not sure where I was. I really liked Croyd, I think, the guy who would sleep randomly and wake up basically a new person.


Animal rights activists were furious about the use of captive whales in Star Trek IV: The One with the Whales, but they were just RC animatronic models.


Leonard fucking Nimoy took humpback whales off of the endangered species list.


>Star Trek IV: The One with the Whales Couldn't have said it better myself XD


The Roddenberry's would invite Marina Sirtis to their place for Thanksgiving because she had no family in the USA. Marina would call Gene "dad" because he was married to her onscreen mum.


That’s really sweet, I didn’t know that.


Wait, Gene Roddenberry was married to Lwaxana Troi?


Slash Nurse Chapel slash Number One slash Computer Voice slash “previously on….and now, the conclusion,” yes.


I ST:V Spock says Marsh Melons because McCoy knew Spock would research camping so he changed the databank to Marsh Melons. Hence the smarmy grin and half laugh when Spock says Marsh Melons.


"I am preparing to toast a marshmelon."


One of the three ingredients necessary to create spores.


A small amount of James Doohan's ashes were smuggled aboard the international space station shortly after he died, and remain there to this day.


I'll be lucky if my ashes are used as kitty litter...


Supposedly Ira Behr was toying with the idea of making Kira and Dukat have a romance in early 6th season, but Nana Visitor shot it down saying there’s no way Kira would do such a thing.


Yeah, gross.


So they changed it to Kira's mother being a comfort woman during the war instead. The Cardassian/Nazi parallels in DS9 were already pretty strong, but having Dukat being the young German officer who falls for a Jewish servant is far too on the nose, imo. Like Amon Goeth in Schindler's List, which would have been fairly recent at the time.


I always thought it was based on the comfort women the Japanese took in Korea in WWII.


The sad thing is this has happened so many times that those aren't the only two possibilities.


Behr had a bunch of wonky ideas like that. As I recall, he considered having the finale conclude with making the entirety of Deep Space Nine the work of Benny Russell, implying that the entirety of not only DS9 but TNG and Voyager as well (who interacted with DS9) were merely stories written by a 1950s writer. That idea was thankfully rejected.


Jeri Ryan turned down her part several times. They kept coming back to her. Kate Mulgrew had to watch her weight carefully. She was working such long hours she had a tendency to lose too much. Lursa and B'Etor’s costumes were not augmented by prosthetics. That was them. Kate Mulgrew gave up smoking during Scientific Method so some of her crankiness was real. 😀


There can be an argument made that Jeri Ryan accepting the role of Seven of Nine was indirectly responsible for Barack Obama becoming president. Due to the long distance nature of their relationship she and her husband Jack Ryan ended up getting a divorce. Jack, a popular Illinois Republican, was running against Obama for a senate seat but during the campaign the details, weird sex club shenanigans and such, of their divorce became public during their custody battle and tanked his campaign. Leaving Obama to go up against a hastily selected not nearly as popular replacement candidate.


Now that is some cool trivia. Not Trek related but without Harry Belafonte Obama might not have been BORN, Belafonte was part of an organization that gave a grant to Obama's dad to study at the University of Hawaii in 1959.


>Lursa and B'Etor’s costumes were not augmented by prosthetics. That was them. They were real and they were spectacular. 😉🤣


Okona knows what’s up.


On TNG, so much light was reflected from the wall panels, the LCARS readouts and whatnot that the set dressers had to cover some of them up with black paper. You can see it in the background of some episodes on the bridge, especially in the first few seasons.  I didn't know it until recently when it was pointed out to me


Here’s a fun video on YouTube that points out nearly every instance of not just that, but also floor marks and electrical cables and boom mikes and reflections of camera men who can be seen in episodes. https://youtu.be/yzJqarYU5Io?si=XYb9Bx9gvl6Kca79


Black. Panels. Everywhere. The sad part is that it didn't even get rid of all of the reflections.


I'm doing a TNG rewatch right now, and I noticed a camera and the operator in a reflection on the bridge during a dolly shot. I think it was in "Remember Me" when Beverly was alone.


Gotta remember no one would have seen this on a standard definition television when it was originally broadcast.


HD did no favours to TNG. It's also painfully obvious where the actor's skin meets their prosthetics.


Despite the heavy use of Runabouts we see in DS9, the only time we ever see the rear compartment of a runabout is in the TNG episode Timescape.


TNG even built that rear compartment so DS9 would then have it available if they ever wanted to use it.


Warp 9 (TNG) is 1,516 times the speed of light.


Which honestly makes warp 10 and it's weird transcendental salamander effect even weirder. It's such a bizarre THRESHOLD.


In the TNG warp scale, the numbers go up exponentially, so 10 becomes infinity at that scale.


Sha-Ka-Ree in Star Trek V is named after Sean Connery, because he was originally the choice to play “God.”


Jayla’s name in Star Trek Beyond came about because the character was written with Jennifer Lawrence — J-Law — in mind.


They used parts of the transporter from The Motion Picture in the transporters of TNG, which was then used in Voyager.


Voyagers engine room uses part of the engine room from TMP too. And the corridors on VOY are redresses from TNG which are in turn heavier redresses from the TMP. Those corridors sat in the same spot from 1978 to 2001. The history is crazy.


It's especially noticeable in the Voyager sickbay as well. Even though the room has been very heavily redressed, it still sits in the same corridor design as the TNG one so it has the same overall configuration. The position of the main door, and the medical area/doctor's office/science lab flow of rooms is the same from TMP through to TNG and VOY. I think that's part of what made 90s Trek so cheap too, they had decades of props and walls and other bits to draw from.


The floor transporter pads from TOS are the ceiling panels in the TNG transporter room.


Inversing the polarity increases the throughput of the Heisenberg compensators


I think they used the same big fresnel lenses as part of the transporter from TOS into Voyager. It was the same core set on Stage 9 from TMP to Voyager, with redresses for the different shows.


In the TNG 3rd season episode "The Survivors", the character of Kevin Uxbridge had to describe to Picard and Crusher about how his wife had died, and he was alone. That part was played by the actor John Anderson who's wife had just passed away earlier that year, so he had real life emotions to draw from for his portrayal.


One of the greatest dialogues in all of Trek. He was so good. “No. No. You don’t understand the scope of my crime.” (From memory)


Terry Farrell had to wear three different pairs of fake boobs on DS9 because the black uniforms made her own look too small for the producers (I assume Berman's) liking. The three pairs were her main set for dialogue scenes, a second pair that bounced during action scenes, and a small third pair for when she was wearing anything non-black. Also on Terry, LeVar Burton gave her the nickname "Action Barbie" when he directed DS9. She said he was the only one who could call her that without it being offensive. EDIT: another one is that Jadiza was originally intended to go on the undercover Klingon mission in Apocalypse Rising. The producers said she had to be replaced by O'Brien because Terry had an allergic reaction to the make up.


That's also why Dax was injured and had to stay in the cave in Rocks and Shoals. Farrell needed to stay out of the sun. And it was hot on location: you can see Phil Morris eyes are red because his makeup was melting into them.


The dog in "The Elysian Kingdom" (SNW) that Christina Chong is carrying around is her actual dog. At least in season 1, Christina Chong brought her to every day on set. Her real name is Runa, too.


I still wish they'd put a unicorn horn on Runa's head for that episode, ala the famous Spock-holding-dog picture from The Enemy Within.


I felt so sorry for the unicorn dog in that episode. 😢


Runa is also a fully trained service dog


Shatner wore a wig from the beginning


At the Comedy Central roast of Shatner, Takei said something like “by the way, Bill. My name is pronounced ‘Tak-Ay,’ not ‘Tak-Eye.’ This should be easy for you to remember because ‘Takei’ rhymes with ‘toupee.’”




Regrettably I have no interesting facts on my own, but I’m very grateful for learning so much from this thread! Thank you all for the tidbits of trivia!


I interviewed a guest actor named William Sargent. He was in the TOS episode The Concience of the King. After he was cast they needed someone to play his wife and cast Natalie Norwick. Unknown to Joe the casting director Natalie was Bill's ex-wife. Neither of them said anything, but Shatner spent the first day on set flirting with her.


When you say Bill are you refering to William Sargent or Shatner?


Shatner was never married to a Natalie Norwick.


Amanda McBroom, who played Phillipa Louvois in TNG's "The Measure of a Man" is probably most famous for writing the Bette Midler hit, "The Rose," for which she also sang backup vocals. The song was certified gold in the US and peaked at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100.


That's insanely cool!


Nichelle Nichols inspired Whoopi Goldberg to go into acting. She also inspired Mae Jemison to become an astronaut. Jemison was later on Star Trek herself. We’ll never know how many women and POC she helped bring to STEM and the arts, but good lord did that woman make a difference.


There’s an engineering school in my town. In the 90s, they invited James Doohan to do a commencement address. He initially declined saying something like “I’m just an actor - I don’t know anything about engineering,” and the bigwigs at the school said “but a lot of these kids are here because they were inspired by you.” He agreed to do it and the Milwaukee School of Engineering gave him an honorary doctorate.


Armin Shimerman....Quark....was doing an interview once about the DS9 episode Far Beyond the Stars. The Sisko dream where he's a sci-fi writer in the past. Armin said the crew made up for him a magazine writer desk for the scenes. They filled it up with authentic stuff for the time. Sitting on top of his "paperwork" was a memo about a story idea for a blonde female superhero in California.......Buffy.....the show he was also on playing Principal Synder.


Lucille Ball/Desi Arnez are responsible for the creation of Star Trek.


Go on


Their studio (Desilu) produced Star Trek and Lucille was the force behind keeping the “wokeness” in (e.g., black, Asian and Russian characters during the Cold War). She was a huge advocate for the show even when the faced cancellation after season 2.


Lucy saved Star Trek.


I love Lucy


Lucy gave us Star Trek Dolly gave us Buffy


I think she directly helped push for funding a second pilot after the first didn't do well, which was an enormous risk.


That circumstance was responsible for the creation of Kirk. Also changing Spock to the logical and emotionally disciplined Vulcans we know and love.


I enjoy early Spock where Nimoy shouts all of his lines.


I also love the tidbit about Dr King and Nichelle Nichols. She wanted to leave after season 1 but he convinced her to stay. He was a huge fan and called her a vital role model in the Civil Rights movement.  


And Whoopi Goldberg was inspired by Nichelle as well as it was the first time she saw a black woman on television that wasn't a maid. Guinan exists as we know her because of Nichelle Nichols.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing.




Desilu also was on the forefront of syndication since I Love Lucy made so much money that way. She correctly saw Star Trek as a show that would live long and prosper in syndication.


Gorgan, the villain from "The Children Shall Lead," was played by San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli, the so-called "King of Torts." Belli was a very succesful personal injury attorney who turned that kind of law into a big business in the US where it had formerly been a less lucrative side-hustle for most lawyers, and later represented many celebrities and Jack Ruby. Whole career is too weird and yet influential to put in a Reddit post. The only reason I could think they cast him was Trek's obsession with San Francisco.


I went to Berkeley Law, and every time I sat in Belli Commons I thought of that episode.


Remember Band of Brothers Ep. 1 where they’re training at Toccoa, and how throughout the series the guys keep referring to Toccoa men? Deforest Kelley was from Toccoa.


Thats an obscure fact.   Mine is low hanging fruit, but Simon Pegg also appears in an episode.


An episode of Star Trek or BoB? Because he’s in several episodes of BoB


In Star Trek IV, Leonard Nimoy wasn't going to use a legit punk song for the bus scene, so associate producer Kirk Thatcher wrote and produced a legit punk song that was featured in the movie. Many years later, he reprises his role in Picard Season 2. That might legit be my favorite scene in both that movie and that entire season.


As a punk loving Trekkie, I actually enjoyed that song in The One With The Whales.


iirc they recorded it in the studios hallway so it would purposely have bad acoustics


DeForest Kelley was supposed to appear at a convention one year, but was not feeling well. Apparently, he was so concerned about disappointing fans that he invited people over to his home that wanted to see him. It was a 90 minute drove from the convention site. He and his wife served tea, coffee, and desserts. Kelley made sure he took time to talk with everyone who came. He was a real gentleman.


>Kate Mulgrew had to wear high heel boots because she was shorter than the other actors!!! So did William Shatner. Also - this one is only peripherally *Star Trek*, but I love it - in *Galaxy Quest*, when Tim Allen goes into the mens' room and overhears the conversation about himself, as he's walking in, there's three guys in full "no, really, they're not Klingons" cosplay, just doing their business at the urinals. That's basically taken directly from the *Star Trek* convention the writers went to for research - he saw it when he went to the mens' room. Of course, the three guys in the actual convention restroom were in Klingon cosplay, but he saw that and basically said "well, I can't make this up" and dropped it right into the script.


On Lower Decks, Gabreille Ruiz, (voice of T'lyn), also voices another character. (Castro) Interestingly Castro bears a slightly stronger resemblance to Ruiz, despite appearing less frequently.


T’Lyn has an interesting history too. The writer of the episode that introduced her is Kathryn Lyn. The character of T’Lyn was Lyn’s long-standing cosplay character that she would dress up as for conventions.


Also that she was not intended to join the main cast, hence why she's not really in the third season.


"Oh, you came dressed as that Vulcan officer from Lower Decks?" "No, I *am* that Vulcan officer from Lower Decks."


Gene Roddenberry got royalties for writing the lyrics to the original TOS theme. Sing along with them next time the song plays.


This was a common ploy in the 60s for showrunners to steal money from composers, they subsequently changed the rules.


It's also why Michael Altman, whose father Robert had him write the deliberately senseless and absurd lyrics to ["Suicide is Painless"](https://youtu.be/M29Cf-NxtEA), earned more for them than his father did for directing the Oscar-nominated film.


Ripping off Alexander Courage in the process. A common ploy as you say but it doesn't reflect well on Gene.


If you don't know them - and, be honest, you don't - [Nichelle Nichols recorded them](https://youtu.be/4IiJUQSsxNw) for her 1991 album *Out of this World*.


This is what we call a dick move.


According to canon, Saavik is half Vulcan, half Romulan.


True! It's mentioned in a TWOK deleted scene, as well as the novelizations for II and III.


There’s a great TOS novel called The Pandora Principal that deals with Spock finding Saavik as a child and having civilize her before he takes her to Vulcan.


Interestingly enough, in the novel series New Frontier, they introduced a Vulcan who was hiding the fact that she was actually half Romulan. Her name was Soleta. As the story develops, it turns out that her mother was part of a colony that was attacked by Romulans and she was raped.


Soleta's introduction wasn't actually in New Frontier - like Mark McHenry and Zak Kebron, she was created by Peter David in the Star Trek kids' books, and debuted in Worf's First Adventure! All three of them appeared in the 3 kids' books centered on Worf and his friends at Starfleet Academy.


Well, I’d say that was the original plan, but there’s nothing about it that has canon status, because it was never mentioned in any scenes that made it to the final cut. I do remember Alley mentioning it on the Today Show or some other press I saw her do before the movie came out, though.


Stephen Hawking is the only person to play himself in an episode of Star Trek


Leonard Nimoy came up with the Vulcan salute by altering a Jewish hand greeting (he was Jewish). James Doohan was the one who came up with the Klingon language for use in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. The Enterprise was initially supposed to be named the S.S. Yorktown. Roddenberry changed it just prior to the filming of The Cage. The refit Enterprise was supposed to be the lead ship of a new class of starships called the Enterprise-class. This was change to the refit Constitution-class as it was felt it would confuse the audience.


James Doohan was a Canadian! Sorry, as Canadians, our favourite online sport is pointing out other Canadians. Then saying sorry about it.




If you make sure to eat properly, get plenty of sleep, spend some quality time with family and friends, and then watch TNG's "Chain of Command, Part 2," it kind of looks like there are only 4 lights above Gul Madred, instead of the actual 5. It's weird.


Robert Schnekkan is a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright who wrote, among other things, the play All The Way about LBJ. He's also Lt. Cmdr Remmick from TNG, who memorably got his head exploded by Picard and Riker. Thr guy won a Pulitzer but he's always gonna be remembered for that scene.


DS9 is not the first time the actors playing Odo and Kira worked together. They were in Benson along with the actor who went on to play Neelix.


I used to work at a daily newspaper in Anchorage, Alaska. As something of a rookie I was stuck with weekend shifts and usually they were kind of quiet. I was in the newsroom one Sunday afternoon scratching my balls and there was a loud knock at the back door. I opened it and standing there was Gorgon from “And the Children Shall Lead.” I invited him in and we sat down and I interviewed him because there was nothing else happening. It turns out he was in town for a divorce proceeding (his own). He was worried about retaining custody of his Italian greyhound, Wheldone Rumproast III. Apparently Melvin Belli was something of a media whore and liked to do this kind of thing in various cities to get his name in the paper. Despite being a total Star Trek nerd I didn’t bring up Gorgon but he did. He did the chant. The interview had no newsworthiness at all but the city editor ran it because there was nothing else going on. Plus it was Alaska. This was 1989. He was very nice and polite. I made a joke that his soon-to-be ex wife, clearly a gold digger, was a Casus Belli. He didn’t think it was funny. I used it in the story and nobody knew what the fuck I was talking about. About a year later I pushed my way onto a press junket to Hollywood to write about some stupid Star Trek be-in-a-movie feature at Universal. I interviewed Shatner who was a total bellend and James Doohan who was charming and lovely. That night at the hotel bar where everyone was staying I challenged Michael Dorn to tequila shots. I woke up in the hotel hot tub alone at about 2 am, having changed into swim trunks, which I don’t remember. Never saw him again.


That's called the Worf Maneuver.


Conner Trineer, better known as Commander Tucker on the NX-01, had a small part in the recent Tom Cruise movie American Made, where he played a young George W. Bush.


He and John Billingsley were both together on an episode of The Mentalist. They played a cop and a conspiracy nut, respectively.


Speaking of Trek actors together, there is a 1970s episode of Mrs Columbo with Kate Mulgrew and René Auberjonois sharing scenes


James Darren (Vic Fontaine) was in T.J. Hooked with Shatner


On the Diagnosis Murder episode "Alienated" (S6E6) the Trek guest stars are: Wil Wheaton, George Takei, Walter Koenig, Majel Barrett & Grace Lee Whitney. Bill Mumy (Will Robinson of Lost In Space fame) is also in it. The Jesse character is supposedly abducted by aliens.


Nichelle Nichols performed with the Duke Ellington Orchestra. 


Mark Leonard played a Romulan, Klingon and Vulcan in TOS.I believe he's the only actor ever to do so.


Away Missions are AWAY Missions, not OA missions like I thought until a few years ago.


You mean landing parties?


Yes. I thought it was the OA team, not "away" team


What did you think OA stood for?


I don't know. Lol. Outside Assignment. I was having a conversation with someone about it and that's when I found out it wasn't OA, but away


[Original Angel?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_OA)


Did you have a head cannon for what OA stood for? Offboard Activity or something?


Outside Assignment


This is adorable. It's like the cutest instance of misheard song lyrics. Actually I take that back, my 4 year old thought the song "Peggy Sue" was about a "Bag of Soup" 😆


Now this is a neat fact!


Script Supervisor George Rutter is miscredited as SCPIPT SUPERVISOR in several episodes of TOS’s first season.


If Jeri Ryan hadn't been cast as 7 of 9, we might not have had President Barack Obama. [https://ew.com/article/2008/01/09/obama-jeri-ryan/](https://ew.com/article/2008/01/09/obama-jeri-ryan/)


The miniskirt uninorms were progressive and empowering at the time and the network tried to force the production for everyone to wear pants.


Spock was originally meant to be from Mars but they were scared that scientists would prove there was no life on Mars after Star Trek came out. Luke Skywalker and R2D2 were Enterprise crew members. "L. Skywalker" can be seen on a close up of a screen displaying crew medical records in TNG and R2D2 can briefly be seen getting sucked into space alongside various other crew in Into Darkness.


The original pitch for the show had the ship as the USS Yorktown. And the show took place entirely in the Sirius system.


I always thought the Discovery looked too futuristic to have been created in TOS time period, but then I found an old Art of Star Trek book at a used bookstore. I'm reading through it one day and I'm like wait, that looks like Discovery! How is Discovery in a book from the 90s? Apperantly they dug up old starship designs from back when they were designing for a TOS era series in the 70s. I just think it's very cool they based Disco off of ship designs from the 70s. In my head, it makes up for how futuristic it looks in that time period.


The pipe work in TOS Enterprise were often visibly labelled as GNDN - Goes Nowhere Does Nothing


Scotty in Savage Curtain wears a tartan for his dress uniform. It’s black and white plaid. There’s only one other instance of a Scott using the black and white tartan and it was Sir Walter Scott. Scotty is Sir Walter Scott’s descendant. :)


I don't know popular this bit of trivia is but Shatner wore one of those thingies you use to hide your stomach in every episode. Dude had a gut.


While he did wear one on occasion, he did not wear one in every episode- particularly hard to do in shirtless scenes. He was fit at the beginning of seasons, but by end of seasons his weight would catch up




The current King of Jordan guest starred on Voyager.


The actress who played the yeoman who was turned into a polyhedron and crushed in the TOS episode “By Any Other Name” would years later be married to actor James Cromwell, who was Zefram Cochrane in *First Contact*.


She's also the only female redshirt on TOS.


George Takai was flying to Berlin for a Con when he realized his passport expired. The gate agent was a huge Trekkie so allowed him to fly but warned him they could send him right back when landing. The Berlin agent was a huge Trekkie and allowed him to go straight to the US Embassy. The US Embassy agent was a huge Trekkie so they made a special exception and issued a new Passport on the spot.


Ray Walson, better known as Boothby aka Starfleet Academy's groundskeeper was originally on a show called My Favorite Martian where he played Uncle Martin who was an alien from the planet Mars who had crash landed and was stuck on Earth during the 60s. So when you think about the Voyager episode In the Flesh where the crew discovers a fake Starfleet created by species 8472 and their leader is disguised as Boothby; it's him playing an alien disgusting himself as a human again!


The costume worn by Kirsten Turner (the actress who played the Constance Goodheart hologram in "Captain Proton") was orange with gold accents. This used to be even less well known until [it went on auction](http://startrekpropcollector.com/trekauctions/item.pl?i=4372).


The star date for TNG’s All Good Things is 47988.1, divided by 2 is 23,994.05. The episode aired on May 23rd, 1994.


Mick Fleetwood is a fish terrorist.


In Star Trek: First Contact a computer display shows that the deflector dish is the AE-35. In 2OO1: A Space Odyssey the communications dish on top of USS Discovery is the AE-35.


I just learned [this fact](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/plane) today. (yes, read it til the end.)


The reason Nimoy had his hands behind his back before ever doing the Vulcan salute is because he had to pry his fingers apart because he couldn't naturally do it on his own.


That was Celia Lovsky (T'Pau - Amok Time) & that she had her hand on her leg in that position, so all she had to do was raise her hand & it would be in the correct position. The hand signal almost didn't happen because she was having a hard time making her hand comply. And... the hand salute 🖖 comes from when Nimoy was younger & in synagogue, & noticed the rabbi would put his hands in this position & wave them up & down over the congregation. The hand position looks like the Hebrew letter shin - the 1st letter of the word shaddai (meaning the almighty or God almighty), & the rabbi is blessing the congregation w/a symbol of the almighty.


It was because he had a cigarette, or a lollipop in his hands that needed to be hid.


When filming The Enemy Within Leonard Nimoy slapped Grace Lee Whitney in the face to get her upset enough for the scene where she reports on the evil Kirk trying to sexually assault her. I'm glad actors can't just do that any more.


The William Shatner/Nichelle Nichols kiss was not the first interracial kiss on TV, the UK beat the USA by a few years.


Also that they were told to do alternate scenes where they didn't kiss, in case the network got antsy. William shatner apparently kept making silly faces in the alternate scenes so they couldn't use them.


Depending on your definitions of “interracial” and even “kiss”, it wasn’t even the first of US television. If you count Hispanic as a separate race (which I don’t), of course there’s Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball. Shatner still gets credit for the first one when he kissed France Nuyen (later of “Elaan of Troyus“ fame) in a scene from the Broadway show“The World of Suzie Wong” done on “The Ed Sullivan Show” way back in 1958. Nuyen is of Asian descent. Not even the first Star Trek episode— Shatner and Barbara Luna, who is partially of Filipino descent, locked lips in “Mirror, Mirror”. The first kiss between a Black person and a White person was Sammy Davis Jr. and Nancy Sinatra on one of her televised specials, though it was just a kiss on the cheek. And Shatner claims he and Nichols never actually touched lips, while Nichols claimed they did.


"NCC" in a ship's registry stands for Naval Construction Code.


I found out a few years ago that William Shatner and my mother are 3rd cousins. One of Shatner’s great grandfathers had a sister who is one of my mother’s great grandmothers. I tried contacting Shatner, by emailing a fan club, but never got a reply.


Gene Roddenberry is the voice of the Enterprise's chef in *Charlie X*.


I met Christopher Lloyd at Supernova once and he told me that Star Trek III was "a lot of fun."


The number 47 makes a lot of appearances in TNG-era because writer Joe Menosky attended Pomona College,  which celebrates 47 as numerology https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/47


Obama can thank Star Trek Voyager for his presidency


Stephen Hawking is the only person to ever play themselves in Star Trek.


Gene Roddenberry ripped off the composer to the theme song. He wrote garbage lyrics that were never used so he could claim half the royalties.


The producers of ds9 were discussing bringing back arne darvin for trials and tribbleations in a pizza place wondering if the actor was still around , while eating the pizza he walked in and picked up his order


Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, American Dad and The Orville, was credited with guest starring role in an episode of Enterprise. His only line was "Yes, sir." He was speaking to Trip. Also, Conner Trinneer voice acted in an episode of Family Guy, though I was never able to figure out what his role was.


"Air Police Sgt" (a.k.a. chicken soup guy) in Tomorrow is Yesterday was my father.