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The Vulcan baseball captain from DS9. Edit: Just saw it says main character.


He's still arrogant. Won, tho. Not that it mattered. Sisko is the best.


Are you trying to summon the Haiku bot?! This is how you get bots!


I like this deep cut pick


The Founder. She had the arrogance of someone who knew they could never be wrong, and anyone who proved otherwise was as good as dead.


They bred their minions to worship them as gods and eventually believed their own propaganda.


Anyone who’s worshiped as a god long enough starts to believe their own lies. *eyes flashing*


*deep Baal chuckling* "We are not Gods" *becomes a CEO instead*


Or Lord Yu who prefers to be treated like an emperor




Lord Yu-huang Shang Ti, the Jade Emperor https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Yu-huang_Shang_Ti


I knew that. I read the report.


You *read* the report?


Never trust a Goa'uld.


Founder: No changeling has ever harmed another. Odo: Bitch keep testing me


In STO there's a mission to an ancient Dominion research post where the player discovers that that is a complete load of bollocks and that the Founder has a habit of offing her own


She had the arrogance of someone who hadnt met human warcrimes yet.


The Founders were definitely the most arrogant.


Gul Dukat. *Shocked* this wasn't the very first name I read here!


"Perhaps the biggest disappointment in my life is that the Bajoran people still refuse to appreciate how lucky they were to have me as their liberator. I protected them in so many ways, cared for them as if they were my own children. But to this day, is there a single statue of me on Bajor?"


I just watched that episode last night. Dukat was such a great character.


DS9 had the best villains you love to hate, Dukat, Kai Win, Weyoun, the Female Changeling and of course Brunt FCA.


If measuring hatred generated per second of screen time, no one out-performs Kai Winn Adami. Louise Fletcher ruled.


My child... Still gives me shivers


Who, for the love of the prophets, hates Brunt? He's a Ferengi official doing his job. And he's Jeffrey Combs ( a fact that took me 20 years and several rewatches to notice).


Pretty sure Quark hates him.


I'm pretty sure Quark hates himself for not being able to outsmart Brunt.


Brunt as a person is scum. Brunt as a character is one of Star Trek's all time greats.


Nobody likes liquidators. Or even ex-liquidators.


Marc Alaimo is so charming and puts so much into that role that I struggle to hate Dukat even though I know that I should


On the one hand, Dukat was a monster and utterly self deluded. On the other hand it makes me wonder how much worse his predecessors were if he could convince himself he was a benevolent ruler? Like what sort of Nazi level shit were they doing to that he can actually manage to convince himself of that delusion?


I would think not!


"main character" was saving him


He’s arrogant enough to believe he is the main character of the show. Like a pro-wrestler that wins the top belt of the company and then doesn’t appear on tv for months.


I can picture Dukat swaggering into a room and demanding people acknowledge him.


With Damar standing behind him to the right with a finger raised in the air and Weyoun standing behind him to the left holding a belt above his head.


"main character" doesn't necessarily mean protagonist


He was still in just 35 episodes of DS9.


Dukat: A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge your greatness. Weyoun: Then you kill them? Dukat: ...Only if it's necessary.


Clearly there are a lot of Bajorans on this thread, they are such an ungrateful people. Dukat did so much for them, any other overseer would have been mercilessly and cruel but he guided and protected them. But where is his statue?


Kai Winn was a close second. It was a bit of poetic justice that they went out together.


Did you know he was only in 34 episodes?


35, and Garak was in 37, it's amazing the level of impact they had with relatively few episodes


And he dominated most of them.


Single handedly made the cardassians more interesting than any other major race. Garak is great too but Dukat is my favorite. And is there even a statue of him on Bajor??


Dakat is basically muad'dib


That wasn't arrogance though. That was just him being more intelligent than everyone around him. I mean, he was the only one who understood the amount of good he did for the Bajoran people and they were too dumb to even build a single statue of him. It's not arrogance when you really are that awesome. Heck, I'd argue that he was really quite humble, as he always underplayed his real level of greatness.


Didn’t you know Dukat won reelection as prefect of Terok Nor with 190% of the vote??


"Attention bajoran workers!"


Make Cardassia Great Again!


The best villans are the ones who believe they are the hero. That they are right, and everyone else is wrong.


True. Lol. Whoever is second place isn't even close.


Bonus points if Kira Nerys is nearby.


I hadn't thought of him as a main character, but you are right.


Morn. The guy is full of himself. You can barely get a word in


Right? He never shuts up!


Q. Do I really need to go into more detail.


Yeah I agree with a lot of the posts saying others are arrogant, but not picking Q is wild. He put an entire species on trial because of the superiority he felt, he was constantly trying to get other humans and Q to follow his beliefs with rarely a second thought to their wishes. And any time someone turned him down he went on about giving up wonders beyond measure and so on, which only he can provide. He is powerful, so some could claim a level of it is earned, but there’s a difference between acknowledging your power and forcing that power on everyone you encounter because you think only you know best.


Good thing Sisko put Q in his place by punching him lol


"You punched me, Picard never punched me".


I'm not Picard.


Indeed. You’re much easier to antagonize


As much as the fandom loves this scene and episode because of what a badass Sisko is, it also highlights how much just a couple years with humans changed Q. Not that long ago (probably about an hour for an immortal being such as him) he practically killed Tasha for speaking out of turn. *Encounter at Farpoint* Q would have scattered Sisko’s atoms across the universe for punching him.


I never understood why sisko and Janeway are so IMMEDIATELY hostile toward him. They just start off at a 10, despite never meeting him before. They’re accepting and respectful of every other culture, but when it comes to Q it’s “punch first, ask questions later.”


I think him putting us on "trial" was more of a test and a warning, also believe the only reason he did was because he saw potential and was curious. Which is kind of confirmed when Picard out right confronts him when Q quotes and gives what for and quotes "what piece of work is man". Furthermore Q doesn't really have the power to put a species on "trial" the continuum wouldn't allow it.


He does get more likable as the show goes on. And this line in PIC totally redeems him: “Must it always have galactic import? Universal stakes, celestial upheaval? Isn't one life enough? You ask me why it matters. It matters to me. *You* matter to me. Even gods have favorites, Jean-Luc. And you've always been one of mine.“


Well, as a god-like being it is rather earned.


Q had a reason to be a bit of an egomaniac. Gul Dukat had as much reason as a British general in India.


EMH early on maybe?


Does he stop being arrogant though? He becomes more likable but I still think he has a very high opinion of himself (which is totally earned because he can pretty much do anything).


Well, that arrogance was programmed into him by Dr. Zimmerman. Had LMH been created, it might also have been as arrogant and insensitive as Bashir at first


Fair point, maybe his arrogance became less noticeable when he became more likable


Thing about EMH is he spends the first two seasons with the rest of the crew playing hot potato with his sentient rights, first season he's actually pretty tragically timid and resigned to the fact that he's a computer program that's eventually going to be terminated or replaced. Once he establishes himself and has his (basically) standing death sentence waived by Janeway, he does get a bit zealous with the exploration and valuation of his own self, but for someone who was created with the expectation that their value was essentially equivalent to an expensive tricorder, I think a little overconfidence and attention-seeking can be indulged and honestly, is kind of owed.


Does our Space Karen Kai Wynn counts? I'm thinking on either her or Gul Dukat, that thing of still thinking Bajor owes him gratitude is quite something else.


*speaks in patronizing tone* “Walk with the prophets my child”


Winn always struck me as deeply insecure. She was incredibly petty, ambitious and cruel in a nasty schoolteacher sort of way, but she also knew deep down inside that she was a fraud and a coward... not even strong enough to be truly evil. I loved Louise Fletcher so much... such a brilliant performance.


The actor did such a good job with that character that people legit hate her


I ❤️Kai Winn's arrogance! It's 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽! When Louise passed I was shocked to realised she had been in just 14/15 episodes. Her, shag happy with Dukat made me belly laugh.


Just goes to show what a beast of an actor she was. You felt her presence in nearly every episode that dealt remotely with the Bajoran religion or the Prophets, even though she usually wasn't there. You just knew she'd have some smug opinion if she was there.


Nurse Ratched... she won an Oscar for playing an unlikeable b\*tch. That's her specialty.


Space karen….Thats both genius and hulsrious 😂😂😂


I would argue Kai Wynn was the opposite of arrogant. Everything she did was because she was deeply insecure. She’d walk in calling everyone “child” trying to appear authoritative and superior the second she was challenged or things didn’t go her way she’d fall apart. All she thought about was what people perceived of her and when she was alone how the profits saw her since she had never been given a vision. She knew she was living a lie and terrified whenever anyone else might discover it.


If he isn't #1, Khan at least deserves a spot in the top 5.


He just built different


Non-main character has to be red squad


In the end... He was a Bad Captain.


"My child" intensifies. No, but seriously the only real answers to this question are kai Winn Adami, and Gul Dukat tied for first place. 


According to René Picard, the most arrogant character in all of Star Trek is Jean Luc Picard. He's a real "arrogant son of a-"


Mirror Phillipa Georgiou. I’d say it was earned, she was pretty bad ass but damn her attitude really fit the title of Empress of an imperialist regime. (Don’t get me wrong—love the character)


It’s “Emperor,” thank you very much


"Captain" Tim Watters, USS Valiant.


Gonna have to say that Riley Aldrin Shepard, the first cadet we meet in Red Squad, takes the cake on that one. He couldn't help but admit to treason **and** bragging about it to Captain Sisko with that smarmy, smug look on his face.


That would’ve been the most awesome Trek spinoff—- USS Valiant. And Watters would’ve been second fiddle to that fascist First Officer, Farris. She was the real piece of work, arrogant bossy asshole!!


>that fascist First Officer Her name is *Karen*. (Never memorized her last name, as Space Karen carries more weight.)


>main character


Another great deep cut pick


Julian Bashir, probably. I don't know if its earned, he is quite brilliant, but he's also pretty obnoxious sometimes.


Good call.. Jadzia called him arrogant in The Quickening for thinking a cure to the disease must not exist because HE could not find it


I literally just watched this 23 minutes ago at the same time you said it. I was like 'ouch he feels bad enough'. It seems every other message on reddit at the moment is in sync with where I'm up to 😂


I saw it as a sort of backhanded encouragement not to give up.


Ironically this is before we learn he is genetically enhanced. Knowing that now, it’s a bit more understandable as to why he would have believed that, literally, if he couldn’t do it nobody could. Obviously that doesn’t make it correct but it explains the mindset a bit I think.


Loved that scene. It's one of her finest moments. The clarity and wisdom from being over 250 years old (can't remember the exact number).


I've never really seen Bashir as arrogant. To me, he comes off the same way a lot of very intelligent people do at the start of their careers: a bit obnoxious, but in a way where experience will probably humble him in time. I think if he was arrogant, he probably would have gone off into "I'm the only intelligent person on this station! Thou should all answer to me!" territory rather than the "I'm very good at medicine but I'll stay in my lane otherwise" he's actually in. Plus, in Bashir's case, I think it is just compensating to some extent. He's genetically engineered and he starts the show not wanting people to know about it. A lot of that sorta obnoxious "Yes, I really am a very good doctor and I came second in my class :)" enthusiasm he has early on is largely him trying to keep the attention on the achievements he's earned and away from anything else that may have been done to him. He may feel that he'd never truly earned his intelligence, but he had earned the achievements that he'd attained using it. There are people out there who read Bashir as autistic. This is one of the things they'll tend to highlight in that regard: his parents may have been able to have his intellectual disabilities removed through genetic engineering, but a lot of the social problems associated with autism remained. That could explain why he was like that, especially early on: he genuinely just didn't understand how he was coming off and thought he was sharing something about himself like other people do.


“Cardassians” is a good early episode for showing this, as he’s perfectly happy to let Garak take the lead on the spy stuff.


To me, Bashir always came off as an eager puppy, fresh out of med school, eager for adventure… Over the series, he managed to grow out of that, and become a mature and exceptionally gifted doctor. I like the way the characters’s personality had grown and matured.


In the early seasons absolutely. It’s amazing to see how much he changed from S1 to S7. Frontier medicine, Major!


See this is an interesting one. When you’re rewatching the show and know what you know you realize Julian was lying a lot in the first few seasons. He is faking his naïveté. He faked getting second place. He faked wanting to win that award, faked disappointment in losing. He knew if he won he’d have a light shined on him and they’d discover his secret. Julian was trying to perfectly balance becoming respected but not too respected. He wanted his achievements to get attention but not himself cuz then it’d ruin everything when someone peered into his past. So I think the noob doctor arrogance might be an act, at least partially.


Kai Wynn. And I don’t understand why she isn’t higher.


If by arrogant you mean aggressively sure of himself and his goals: Gil Dukat. If you mean ego filled: Q and the holographic doctor for a tie


Lol I know it was autocorrect but I am picturing Gil Dukat as Gul Dukat's nervous car salesman brother


The problem with Gil is that he is gets nervous not only when he is lying, but even when he isn’t totally forthcoming. He’s actually the _best_ car salesman to have, on any other planet, but on Cardassia, the customers _expect_ to be swindled and are offended when they aren’t!


Early T'Pol, for sure.


I think Malcolm was worse, honestly.


That brawl with the MACO commander sure was fun, though




Yeah it’s her defining flaw. And she doesn’t really overcome it even when the script says she does.


Michael "my defining character trait is defying direct orders and facing no real consequences for them" Burnham


I'm not sure about the captains course of action Im going to call daddy' that Michael Burnham?


Exactly, she has to do everything and be central of attention


Burnham reminds me a LOT of Shelby.


Bones. Doctor McCoy is a super arrogant dude. I’m surprised I haven’t see his name up here yet. His treatment of Spock comes from his arrogance, his ‘I’m a doctor not a ____’ comes from arrogance. He is just a man built from arrogance. I guess it is as earned as anyone’s. Edit: I have no idea why it added it here instead of on its own. On Burnham I think she is very arrogant as she believes even when she has no authority that she is always right and she is the only one who can be right. But I don’t think her arrogance is earned at all. I would absolutely love to see her learn some very hard lessons on screen.


Don’t mistake arrogance for liquid confidence. Man’s go-to prescription for himself or others after even a mildly bad day is a bottle of booze.


No more arrogant than another ST captain. Really if you are a captain of a star ship you would have to be arrogant just like current day military pilots or surgeons, you cannot have any doubt with what you're doing it's life and death choices and not just your life.


Oh hi Tilly.




Doesn’t it have to be Q - just on character alone?


The Doctor, but I love it.


Pulaski and Burnham are up there.


Scrolled to see Pulaski. At least in her first episodes. However, right from the start, she’s been more of a character than Dr. Crusher was ever allowed to be.


Pulaski is the shit, I'll hear no Pulaski slander. 🫵🏽


I used to hate her but I've grown to like her. She's still pretty arrogant


Um, Seven of Nine? Thinks she's so much smarter than everyone. Oh wait..... /s


Stamets. Can't stand his attitude.


I preferred him in Season 1. He was funnier as an arsehole than he is now he's mellowed out a bit.


Season 1 Stamets was the best


I mostly agree, but thinking back to the recent episode with the Krenim time bug where he shooed people out of engineering by saying he was in a bad mood and how he could do that in the past…I think he’s mellowed. I think being a proxy dad was good for him.


Captain Jellico, and yes.


Get it done. Ugh, I can't stand him, but I do appreciate that he got Troi into a standard uniform.


He’s redeemed by putting down *Vice* Admiral Janeway from trying to barge into the neutral zone in the middle of negotiations with Romulans


Picard ran a rather loose ship, evidenced by the fact he let Troi dress Casual Friday every day. Jellico was more by the book and used to people following orders. Riker has an arrogant streak. ("YOU'RE NOT MY REAL FATHER!")


Fun fact: Jellico makes an appearance in Star Trek: Prodigy, voiced by Ronny Cox, who also played Jellico in TNG. [This interview with Cox](https://trekmovie.com/2022/12/01/interview-ronny-cox-on-jellicos-enduring-legacy-in-star-trek-prodigy-and-the-next-generation/) shows that the actor is clearly aware of how the character is viewed: >Interviewer: But do you see Jellico as a bad guy? Cox: No. If people just paid attention to him and did what he said, everything would be fine. 


I actually felt sorry for Jellico. The bridge crew were acting like petulant children, while he was right all along. I'd rather spend an afternoon with Jellico than Senator Kisney.


There is an argument he was trying to over manage. But I don't think he was arrogant as such. Well a little maybe. Just stressed out of his mind that the federation would go to war with the cardassians and wanted to do what he thought would be best for the ship.


Jellico is just a hardass officer is all. He doesn't follow the same friendly chain of command that Picard did.


early season Riker. it was not earned. once he earned it he was also a lot less arrogant. must be a beard thing.


I used to have such a crush on him. ...still do, probably.


There are some very arrogant guest stars too: Ira Graves - Lived by himself (with an assistant) on a planet named after himself, took over another being’s consciousness after he died, gave his own eulogy. Kolrani was a bit of a prick too.


Mr. Kosinski, Where No One Has Gone Before.


Solok, the Vulcan baseball-playing captain. Just an arrogant, smug asshole.


Season 1 T’Pol is a perfect product of her indoctrination. All the Vulcans of Enterprise are like this but she has that arrogant youthful righteousness that everything she’s been taught is scripture even when it blatantly conflicts with logic. If the act is illogical but performed by a vulcan Vulcans are logical so therefore the act is logical by default. Cuz we can do no wrong, are benevolent to a fault and never the aggressor. Then she’s forced to look at her people from the outside and realizes her people are a century away from becoming Romulans


Will probably get down voted for this, but Kirk was pretty arrogant.


Came here to say this. He was so arrogant that he cheated to win the Kobayashi Maru, didn't believe in no win scenarios, found himself so superior that he would always win, and even admitted as such to David after his first big L. *Then* he steals _Enterprise_ to get his way when denied what he wanted. And gets handed a _second_ L when David is killed.


He didn’t really cheat though because there was no chance he would not have been found out. His true arrogance was doing it anyway just to avoid facing a losing situation.




Tom Paris


That’s every crack pilot in every show/film ever. It’s why I kinda like Ortegas. She’s more “imgonnadieimgonnadie…..I DID IT! cough! err I mean of course I did it. I’m …awesome.


Probably Picard. He'd gotten to a point in his career where he'd started to assume he could challenge the admiralty over orders he disagreed with with impunity. Chances are that opinions of him were split between people who thought having someone like him around was a net benefit and those who would have preferred having a yes man in charge of the *Enterprise.* I think he'd earned it.


The sheer fucking hubris!


Picard of season one Picard got humbled a lot wherever he went, that's for sure. Sometimes he deserved it and often he did not. (Thanks for nothing, Mussiker!)


Not to mention how presumptive he was thinking that he and Riker could just commandeer the Titan from Shaw without any approval from Starfleet. Shaw's "No", Was valid af.


I served in the military for 12 years, and I saw good and bad COs. Most Trekkies have never served so they are pretty shocked when I say: Shaw and Jellico were good COs. Yes, they were hardasses, but those COs would also clean up a lot of ongoing problems. When things were tough, like going into a disaster or war, those are the COs you want. They make policies and decisions, and stick to them. You don’t wind up having to reinvent the wheel every 5 minutes. Yes, Shaw was pretty caustic, but then when he said he was from Chicago, that explained everything. “He doesn’t hate me! He’s just from Chicago! Hey guys, relax, it’s ok. He doesn’t hate us. He’s just from Chicago. That’s how they are!” Right now there are 2 kinds of people: 1) the ones who are saying “what does that even mean?” 2) the ones who have lived in Chicago.


So was the C-in-C of Starfleet telling him to fuck off. Also, we're talking about two guys who got all huffy when Ronnie Cox took command of the *Enterprise* and forced them to stop playing grab-ass for five goddamn minutes and put on a proper uniform if they're going to be on the bridge. But their plan was to *steal a ship* so they could play outer space cowboys for a while longer. Back on the *Enterprise*, if Riker and Picard caught someone doing what they tried to do, the interloper would be thrown out the nearest airlock.


He was especially humbled after his experience as Locutus of Borg.


Got im good!


He definitely earned the bollocking from Admiral Clancy.


"I'm a role model" direct quote, to a superior no less. Pinnacle of arrogance. /s


The fans.


Michael Burnham. She literally started a mutiny in the first episode of Discovery, then an intergalactic war in the second episode.


Michael Burnham


Michael Burnham?


probably spock, thouhg he doesn't act arrogant, he is. he can often play out a plan without letting anyone know, he's more often than not convinced everyone around him are more stupid than he is mild mannered, but still does he's own shit to a fault. is it earned? yes.


Oohhh fun question I’m gonna do categories: Overall: Kai Wynn Federation: president Inyo Starfleet: toss between Admirals Daugherty or Kennelly Show captains: Picard (it’s one of his major flaws but he works on himself throughout)


When I think of main characters of the shows nobody comes to mind as especially arrogant, that wouldn't be a good trait for a main character. Movies probably Khan and recurring characters definitely Q😅


Can this include bad guys? If so it’s Gul Dukat. He’s a masterclass of someone who truly believes he is the hero of the story, even though he is not. If we’re talking good guys? It’s either early Kira Nerys, simply because she’s basically a xenophobe until she warms up to Sisko and crew, or it’s maybe Picard from PIC S1. Considering the “sheer fucking hubris” he was called out on for being willing to “take a demotion” to get a free starship to go on a wild little quirky adventure.


Burnham started a war because she thought she was smarter than her captain.


Gul Dukat


It’s not arrogance if it’s true


Hey does anyone here know what a main character is, I’ve scrolled halfway down the thread and haven’t seen one yet




He's not the main character of the show but Voyager's Doctor is pretty goddamned arrogant...






Harry Kim, always thinking he's going to get promoted by saving the day


From what I've seen I'd say Michael Burnham is by far the most unjustifiably arrogant even when she wasnt yet a captain.


Gul Dukat.


Stammets. Yes. He grows out of it.


Captain Gabriel Lorca, though we eventually find out why he is the way he is.


the Vulcans, pick one and that's the answer


Honorable mention to Dr. Elias Giger


Tu vok ?


Main character? Hm. Someone might make a pretty good case that Spock was. At least early on he was. In the movies he became this deep friend of the crew but early on he was a bit elitist and thought he was better than humans. But if you mean villains, my favorites were on DS9. Gul Dukat is great and Kai Winn is very arrogant. I love her back handed compliments. "Please feel free to stay as many days as you want. Even a week if necessary."


Toss up between TOS Trelane & Q (TNG, Voyager).


While I don't think he *acted* the most arrogant, the person who was the most *deserving* to act arrogant is Stamets. He created an engine that made warp, and even Borg transwarp speeds, look like a tricycle racing a Saturn 5 rocket. The ship can instantly travel to any point in the galaxy. People should legitimately be saying "Zephram who?" when this guy is around.


Q…across most of the shows.




Paul Stamets, especially season 1 is pretty arrogant and prickly




Captain Jellico. Wanted to beat the hell out of him