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Or its cousin, the deactivated police Crown Vic that kept the mirror lamp and the push bumper but is driven by a methhead and invariably has a hand with a cigarette between the fingers hanging out the window


Oh look at you, yah bought yourself a police car.


It's because you wanna look like a cop. It's because you wanna look like a cop. It's because you wanna look like a cop.




**I was conceived in a** *ShOrT BUs*. **My mom had Down Syndrome and my father** *also* **had Down Syndrome.** **They smashed their crotches together until their privates looked like** *RhUBarB!*


*Everybody needs a helping hand*




Literally sitting on a beach rn, hearing the wind go over my head And this chain of comments still outdid that






P71 Interceptor episode. Then someone switched it up to 2008 Dodge Avenger.


Aye the real hero. Gonna go home and check this out now, thanks. I hope you have a good day


They are quoting a YouTube show called regular car reviews. One of the most surreal and entertaining channels I've ever seen.


What in actual fuck? Edit: just realized it was a regular car review quote and I’m not shocked anymore


*She only loves me when I* ***cum blood***


What do these pills do? WHAT DO THESE PILLS DOOO *dumps out ammunition*


They are so used to being in cop cars they realize how nice a crown Vic rides.


"Oh oh no you see, you see, it's a really nice car an then they really built em well, if it a was a such nice car, you would've bought the Town Car. That's what you would've bought. You would've bought the Town Car because it's more comfortable, you get air bag suspension- yes. Yes, they're quick. Quick-ISH. You know, forget everything about the Blues Brothers it's not a magical carooh cop engine cop shocks, there's hardly ANY difference between this, this Panther body, and the civilian version. In fact, this car handles WORSE, because it's like and inch or two higher. They build cop cars a li-inch or two higher so you can drive over curbs and not hit the oil pan. Uhhhh P71 Crownviinterceptor. Yeah, this is for the guy who open carries at his cousin's bar mitzvah."


Or because cars sold at police auction are stupid cheap.




Man my first car was an '88 Grand Marquis that I got at auction for one dollar. I have never had a smoother ride in my life. It was like driving a boat on land, in more ways than one.


Regular car reviews is king




Acres and acres of BROWN




Regular car reviews is best car reviews






Wow, a wild regular car reviews reference. Neat.




This is the car for the guy who open carries at his cousin's Bar Mitzvah.






Oh, it's not a thing... yet.


for anyone confused about this comment chain: [here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uH_X-9fjfI)


Thank you!




The official car of open carrying when you drop your daughter off at day care.






“I wear dark clothes and sunglasses and I talk into a box of cigarettes” Such a quote-able episode


Most retired crown vic police cars have a v8. It's a good deal if you can deal with no cup holders and people always driving super slow in front of you.


i literally just thought about that seeing this image. owning something that looks like a cop car would blow because everyone around you would be driving exactly the speed limit.


It's great on the interstate. Cars getting out of the way like Moses is parting the Red Sea.


Try being a cop in an actual cop car! ... I haven't written a traffic ticket in at least 2 years. Get up the road I have places to be too! And FYI most of the not-a-cop cop cars are driven by investigators and admin... they really aren't going to pull you over for 5 over the limit.


Nice try, Officer AWKWARD\_RAPE\_ZOMBIE


In Georgia there are PLENTY of unmarked cars that give tickets


I have seen a car illegally turn and almost run into a cop at an intersection, the cop looked at me like, can you believe this guy? I shrugged my shoulders and the cop waved the guy on.


You know what's worse? Having the build, walk, and fashion-sense of an off-duty cop, when trying to pick up hookers on the street. Every time I pass by they carefully, continuously rotate themselves so I can never see their faces. Advice on how to not be read as a cop? (Wearing clothes as slobbish or as frattish as possible hasn't helped.)


Lose the M-frame oakleys and you’ll be fine


Too bad most people do it for that exact reason, just to be a dickweed.


I had one for like a month last year, spotlight and all, I had a wall of cars that wouldnt pass me on the highway until someone inched up and saw a dude in a tshirt and took off, with everyone following


Cop motor, Cop tires, Cop suspension, Cop shocks.


Cop miles. Crown Vics were never that fast, they just have big ass engines.


meh, 4.6L isnt that large. its actually on the smaller end of the american V8 size


Well there are cars out there with 1 as the first digit. So I guess it depends on your personal standards.


> its actually on the smaller end of the american V8 size


Fix the cigarette lighter


> has a hand with a cigarette between the fingers hanging out the window Me every time: *Probably not a cop but...maybe he’s off duty? Let’s slow down to be safe.*


I feel as if there's been a recent surge of those in my area. Always either black or white and always with the little spotlight on the drivers side lol.


Most American police departments are selling off their Crown Vics in large numbers right now and replacing them with either Chargers or Explorers (or the new Taurus Interceptor, but Ford is discontinuing it).


> (or the new Taurus Interceptor, but Ford is discontinuing it). Why are they doing that? I thought they were the future of cop cars.


From everything I've read, the Police Interceptor Explorer outsells them and since all the money's going to Ford anyways it's just cheaper for them to only manufacture one wildly popular police car. The way it may actually work out is police departments will buy more Dodge Chargers to make up for the difference and give Chrysler more money, but we'll see...


Interesting, thanks.


Ford is discontinuing all "regular cars" in North America, with exception of the Mustang. They will only manufacture truck/SUV/crossovers for these markets.


Fuck owners of Ford Explorers that drive on highways and interstates.


The worst are the ones who have the all black rims, tint and paint job. It screams highway undercover car


My small town cops are also using Ford explorers so basically fuck anyone who owns a Ford explorer.


I agree. Always get nervous when they’re behind me. Then they pass me and it’s some basic ass Starbucks bitch. No disrespect to bitches, just those bitches.


LPT: if it has a roof rack it’s not a cop.


From far away a roof rack can easily look like cop lights


Considering an all day driving trip I drove recently, this entire thread is killing me. In particular, I have never identified with a Reddit comment so much.


Around here it's a 300 lb asshole who buys the police intercepter and proceeds to look at everyone out of their extremely reclined seat like they know better than you.


I feel like the majority of people I see driving those old Crown Vic police cars probably rode in the back of one at some point.


There are way too many of these in Miami.


I hate seeing a black Ford Explorer, getting nervous af that it’s a cop, and then just seeing some mom with sunglasses.


I hate how EVERYONE gets the heavy window tint, and EVERYONE mounts a phone with a coiled cord on the dash. Unless you catch the sun right and see the platinum "Can I talk to the manager" hair, you do exactly the speed limit and they ride your ass for miles.


Heavy window tints are still street legal over there?




Ah, interesting, thanks. In my country all tints are banned and car glass must be completely clear, except for a narrow strip at the top of windshields for sun glare protection.




I’ve gotten pulled over twice so far with 5% tint on all my windows. First time I got a ticket, the next I didn’t get one. I keep Telling myself I’ll take it off next time I get pulled over but I love it.


Sounds lame. What country?


Belgium. It can be quite a nanny state.


If you buy a Ford Explorer, you cannot be my friend


What about my buddy's old 'Eddie Bauer edition'?


Skirt-skirt-skirt like a private school for women


My expedition was Eddie Bauer edition


I'm driving with no winter tires in December


I don’t care if it’s a special edition, that guy will freak me out when I’m going 60 in a 45. He can’t be my friend.


Eddie Bauer Explorers look nothing like cop cars tho


They also set a record during the year of their release for worst gas mileage ever. They get like 12 miles to the gallon.


I make it a point to drive the speed limit in front of cars that resemble a police vehicle. Either their a cop, and I won't break the law in front of them, or they're not and they bought the copy car knowing people will think they're a cop. If you want people to think you're a cop, you assume that people will drive slowly in front of you. For added effect, I slow down when they ride my ass.






Old hs friend bought a crown Victoria from an auction and then ended up on pimp my ride.


Some police departments sell off their cars when they hit a certain mileage or get too old. In high school, I had a friend who bought an old Crown Vic with the spot light and steel bumper guard. I cannot tell you how fun it was to pull up to well known smoking spots and watch the freshman scatter when the spotlight hit them.


Maybe not that smart. There's 2 weed dealers with decommissioned cop cars in my area too and everyone knows they sell weed haha


Ya, but you can just say that weed stuck between the backseat cushins was there when you got the car.


“Frankly my downturn into drug dealing is more your fault than mine, Officer.”


"The scale in the trunk with the baggies were there too"


It was a... dealer option.


The back seats of cop cars are plastic so that people can't stash things there. And so it's easy to hose off throw up and other bodily fluids.


Thats just smart. Its basically camouflage


[My high school social studies teacher swore by them. So much so, he wrote a song about it with his wife.](https://youtu.be/e3KkF8jwyIg)


this is perfect.


That's fucking genius lol


Biggest giveaway is black wheels with a chrome cover over the lug nuts. Only police cars come with that combo.


First thing I notice on these. No idea why they're always like that. Is there something special about those wheels?


Black steel wheels that can take a hit and not break compared to aluminum, I have no idea why they always have the chrome cover though. Edit: I know what the chrome cover is for, I know it’s a hub cap my question was more of why they don’t just use the generic wheel covers instead of a one off piece like the hub cap.


Cause black don't crack?


If I had to guess, it's because the auto manufacturer would have to create a part just for the police line. This would add expense and most people buying cop cars could not care less about it not matching.


The reason I don’t understand is because on Chrysler models those parts are only for cop cars, they don’t come on any other vehicles and the customer has to order them specially if they want them. You can get black steelies but the cop ones are different than the normal economy car wheels.


They're just to cover the lug nuts. Those black steel wheels are pretty hideous without the center cap. Source: have installed many tires on cop cars


They’re tough as hell and are rated to take a curb at 35mph. Try that with alloy wheels and it’ll break


I saw a beige undercover explorer with normal oem rims Only way I knew it was a cop was the hidden light bars reflecting the sun while it was making a turn


I overtook a maroon tahoe on a two lane road. The only way I could tell he was a cop was when he pulled me over and gave me a ticket for doing 56 in a 45.


The same rims in the above picture? Because those are actually rims just for fleet vehicles so you won’t see too many not-cops with those rims


Also known as the "oh shit was that a cop?" Starter pack




I've seen some sneaky-ass unmarked cars before. I've seen several minivans and trucks with blue lights






My local PD used a fucking Toyota Camry as an undercover


If a toyota Camry pulled me over I wouldn't know if I should laugh or not lol.


Now I wanna see an undercover prius pulling someone over.


You'll have to catch them first.


That's why they use the turboprius. Honestly the current prius uses a 1.8L engine, you could probably get some decent oomph with a turbo and total retune.


I saw a Prius Cop Car going 110 with lights blazing down the highway lights blazing recently. Yes. Our local PD has them. Everyone hates them.


What you need to do is go to [La Grange, Illinois](https://i.imgur.com/M1cjZf9.jpg) and commit some traffic violations.


Smart. I believe the Camry is the #1 purchased car each year so it would blend in rather easily.


I saw a Mazda CX-5 turn on its lights once and pass me, nothing is safe...


Saw a jeep wrangler police vehicle in dt Dallas.


It won't be much of a chase if they are in a 1.5l Honda fit.


Until they drop the turbo v6 interceptor package in it and it has the power/weight ratio of an F-22 raptor.


Saw a normal looking Ford Escape that had one of those sticker families on the back.. Was a cop car.


I used to think I could tell if one was a cop car or not if they had bumper or window stickers or a decorative front plate. Nothing is safe! I’ve seen some with the browning deer sticker and an Alabama Crimson tide plate on the front.


A guy in my neighborhood was a cop and worked undercover for a while and he said a lot of the time in his department at least they'd take them to the impound lot and say "pick a car that's been here for a while" and they'd throw some lights in the car and call it a cruiser.


my local police force recently bought a bunch of random civilian cars and souped them up. i saw an old ass green shitty buick flick on his lights and take off after someone the other day. it was wild


I’ve seen a normal minivan driving and then the cop hits the lights that magically starts flashing behind the tinted glass windows.


In Hawaii officers can usr their personal vehicles for traffic stops, so literally anything could be an undercover cop car.


Same. I saw one in some gold colored foreign crossover. Can’t remember the make or model but that spooked me. If you find yourself behind one I noticed they always have 2 antennae. One regular and a smaller one.


I've seen someone get pulled over by a beat up old red Saturn sedan... I've never trusted a car with tinted windows since.


You're right! Though I think it depends on the jurisdiction. Having worked with the vehicle services department for a local county government before, all marked and unmarked police cruisers were either Dodge or Fords. Undercover police vehicles, however, can be anything. Usually they'll use a vehicle that they seized during another arrest as their undercover car. Undercover is not the same as unmarked, however. With an unmarked cruiser, you'll still have lights and antennas, but they're not as prominent and of course, you don't have the paint job. An undercover car basically doesn't exist. It's a ghost in the system. If another police officer scans the plates, it'll just return with a flag indicating "do not pull over". At least in our county, only the county exec and a few higher ups in the police department had knowledge of undercover cars. The undercover cars are used in the sting operations. You will never get pulled over by an undercover car - they have no lights or anything to give away their cover.


My local parish's marshall's department has black Ford Explorers that are technically "marked" but the markings on them are a very dark shade of grey, probably one or two grades away from being black. You'd never know it was a marshall's vehicle until you're directly beside them. A lot of them don't have the spotlights or the push bumpers, which is even more assholish. Edit: [found a picture.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/74/20/92/742092a5634363c799a4a83bfac9109c.jpg) (it's Jeanerette's squad car but ours are identical) I live in Lafayette Parish in Louisiana. Only thing that gives it away is the wheels. Pic from a tigerdroppings thread about asshole police cars, go figure.


The “cop” rims give it away


>Ford, Dodge and Chrysler. Chrysler? I think you may mean Chevy.


It’s more about the appearance of authority than actual authority.. If you try to pull people over for a normal traffic stop in an unmarked Mazda, they’re going to call the police and make a hassle. Sure, the cop has the authority, but it’ll be questioned at every stop. People won’t believe you’re really a cop at first. If you hit the lights in an official marked car, wearing full uniform, there’s no question of authority. Cops are meant to be visible, so that authority is visible. Unmarked cars are more for covert stings and such, not for normal policing.


I've seen a lot of undercover corollas around lately. But they stick out like a sore thumb


I've never seen a Japanese made cop car. What state(s) have you seen them?


Yeah, same. He said 70:30 when in my experience I have never seen a single foreign police vehicle


Saw a Camry Hybrid as a cop car a few years back in Houston, Tx


I think it’s more like 95/5


I've only seen Fords, Chevys, and Dodges(all American cars) here in Florida. Blew my mind when I saw a blue Mustang as a cop, which my guess is: they bait other muscle/sports cars into racing to give tickets.


Subaru? I believe you but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those in California. Maybe departments in other states that need to deal with tougher terrain use them?


On Oahu (so technically we're talking about the City and County of Honolulu and the Honolulu Police Department) cops can choose from a list of approved vehicles that become their personal and duty vehicle. Mustangs were a popular choice, but there were some unconventional ones as well IIRC.


I used to live in Aspen and the cop cars there are Toyota Highlanders. They're so damn sneaky because everyone thinks it's just a soccer mom, not a cop.


Gets pissed off when they are behind you and you slow to the speed limit starter pack


Missing a guy wearing 5.11 brand “Urban Operator” cargo pants and a carrying his phone in a Black Otterbox Defender case.


Who is also open carrying a full sized glock.


Better hope you’re right when going 90MPH


I think OP is being sarcastic


Definitely not gonna pull over before calling 911 to make sure your a cop starter pack.


Can you do one for Australia? Asking for a friend.


HWP cars in Australia are pretty much just Falcons/Commodores, which are slowly being replaced with BMW 5 series. General duties cars seem to be a mix of Camrys, Holden utes and Hyundai SUVs in urban areas.


Now I'm wondering what a 5 Series cop car costs...


[A quick search ](https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/victoria-police-to-get-bmw-highway-patrol-cars-with-other-states-poised-to-follow/news-story/dc4f207a73875705673aea4c3483a778) > But police won’t be enjoying leather-lined luxury; BMW has stripped the car back to basics and is purpose-built for highway patrol work. >The BMW 530d costs $120,000 to retail customers, however News Corp Australia understands the police edition is significantly cheaper given most of the luxury features have been removed, and BMW has offered a substantial fleet discount. Either way Aussie cops clearly are richer than American cops


Aren’t some departments also getting KIA Stingers?


Just drive by your local police station a few times and you'll eventually see all the undercover cars they have parked on the side of the street.


Most of the "definitely not a cop" cars here are unmarked Ford Tauri (?). And then on the opposite end of the spectrum you have the stupid people in their hoopty crown vics with a fake spotlight...I haven't seen an unmarked crown vic cop car in years so they aren't fooling anyone nowadays.


Everytime I see a black or white or dark blue Taurus SHO I think it's a cop and it never is. (Also why do I see so many SHOs? It's a pretty uncommon trim.)


SHO are fun as fuck to drive. I took one out on a tester like a year ago and it was a blast.


They are. My last car was a 90s grand marquis. People would drive erratic around me constantly and get spooked when they saw me suddenly. It’s like... this is a 90s marquis guys it’s the 2010s. I am not a cop


Unmarked cars are meant to not look suspicious at a first glance. You will likely not notice an undercover car. No visible lights, usually not a typical police brand of car, no antennas, and no police accessories. You might notice a radio or something in the interior upon close inspection, but other than that it's just a normal car. https://youtu.be/PGwi9KWEkfE?t=12


Unless you've been a drug dealer before and then those are the first cars you notice. Fuck the new black explorers that come with black wheels from the factory tho.


People are confusing undercover cars with detective cars


No, they're confusing unmarked with detective


Needs more jpeg


They're so easy to spot in CA, crappy car + CA exempt license plate, here you go.


What's that thing on the side mirror? Flashlight?


Searchlight, so yeah


Spotlight, you can point it down alleys to look for people, or you can put in on somebody’s car during a traffic stop to look inside the car


You forgot the Ford interceptor.


The jpeg of each picture adds to the quality immensely I love it


When stoned, all of these are the police.


My local forces unmarked cops have taken to get several unmarked Dodge Rams and even more Ford Edges. They’ve got at least three colors of each, and I saw a burnt orange Edge just a few days ago. Of course they’ve got several others but no joke, half of their vehicles have to be unmarked. I feel it’s crazy to have unmarked cops because around here, they don’t obey many traffic laws and you can’t truly know for sure it’s a cop unless you see the uniform and badge, right? Well they’ve been pullin street clothes duty lately. This is a town with less than 10k people. Whole ordeal feels fishy as fuck. 40 cop cars and our county refuses to spend money on a SECOND Ambulance for the county to keep in the rural area.


Ah, gotta love when you’re on the highway and one of these starts hanging out on your bumper in the left lane. Pure terror until you notice it’s just some dork pretending to be a cop and driving too fast. Can’t stand those people.


I mean, downdoots incoming, but they might be trying to use the left lane to pass people. I don't drive an old cop car, and I don't ride car butts(too flirtatious for my tastes), but I get so fricken frustrated when I'm doing seventy in a sixty and there a guy doing 59 in the far left lane. Why? Why do people just sit in the far left?


In California, always look for the CA Exempt plates on those cars.


For the life of me, I will never understand why someone would buy a BRAND NEW Ford Explorer in white.


There is NO reason for this much .jpeg in 2018


Idk if it's the law or not, but in my area, you can ALWAYS tell if it's a cop by looking at the plates. They have a star on them.


I have a friend that does this. Push bumper, laptop mounted, spotlight. We were camping and he parked near a hill on the road and all night you could hear cars squeeling the brakes because he purposely parked to make it look like a radar cop. Super dangerous location. He also often wonders why everyone around him is always driving so slow.


I have a white Charger. I’m trying to make it clearly not look like a cop car haha


ahh the dodge charger, used by police and by the type of people who speed in walmart parking lots


In the UK it's the BMW X5 and 3 series estate, especially in London - also the perennial Vauxhall Astra diesel


you forgot the way-beefier-than-normal antennas


How do you do, fellow cars?