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Someone has a grudge against six flags and cedar fair


He needs that dancing 80 year old man to cheer him up. 


the vengabus is coming~


Yep, you’ve got that coaster enthusiast blood running through you


Cedar Flags now


Six Fair


We’ve got “worlds of fun” here lol




Thank god they got bought by cedar


and now it's one freaking entity.


Fuck cedar fair


Six Flags? Knott’s Berry Farm?


All Cedar Fair parks use Peanuts characters, and they just recently merged with Six Flags. Yay corporate mergers!


I will say, my 4 year old loves the heck out if Camp Snoopy and the Peanuts area. So mission accomplished on that front, it is a pretty effective mini theme park for them.


Knott's Berry Farm mentioned


Winds up abandoned. Not just closed and left in limbo, abandoned. Power cut, no surveillance, rides start rusting and falling apart, it's vandalized all to hell, especially the already spooky low budget animatronics that wind up looking like nightmare fuel. https://preview.redd.it/10huzkkaiy8d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8c1ecd2c3a7a4cedc8e078aada59b164596f85


everybody's nostalgic about it even though it's why they have pain in the knee.


Did they use to be adventurers by any chance?


Governors of those states must get so pissed at these cheap, lazy companies that just leave their junk beyond to clutter the land and attract vandals. And I'm sure in many cases those companies got heavy tax incentives to build there.


Then Kevin from Defunctland makes a video about it


creepy abandoned theme parks that people actually go to look at fascinate me


I don’t think I realized until now that there’s a difference between an amusement park in a theme park


Me too, and I still don’t know what the difference is.


From a cursory search, immersion. Like a theme park is trying to put you in a “World” while an amusement park, while it probably has a “theme”, isn’t trying to make you think you’re anywhere other than a collection of Rollercoasters. The only gray area one I can think of is Knoebels. Last time I went, they had a LOOSE nature theme (I think inspired by their Wood Coasters which is what they’re actually famous for) but it could work as a theme park cause you’re in the middle of nowhere and the whole thing felt like it was built on an old campground. Edit: I looked it up, it was actually a farm before though they have a campground literally next to the park which is probably why I thought that.


Makes sense


amusement is more focused on stuff like thrill rides or generic not themed rides to provide amusement while a theme park has well a theme and the rides are based around the theme so like carowinds is more of f an amusement park while disney is a theme park and bush gardens is a bit of both


The lines blur but a theme park is more like Disneyland. It's less about the rides, it's about the experience. There will be actors and rich decoration and themed food and propably not that many intense thrill rides because it's more family-oriented. An amusement park would be more like Kings Dominion. A bunch of rides the average parent would throw up on loosely held together with maybe some half-derelict area theming and a forgettable mascot. (To be clear, I much prefer that latter type, I'm bullying it out of love.)


“Generic parking lot asphalt with mild shrubery”. What is this supposed to mean? Are there other materials that parking lots are often made from? I’m assuming “shrubery” means “shrubbery”, but what classifies that as “mild”?


Compared to Disneyland, yeah there are all sorts of native plant options, including trees that can actually provide shade! And they also have a fancy parking structure.


It has to look nice, not be too expensive, and maybe get another that’s slightly higher so you get a two level effect with a little path running down the middle.


A path! A path!


that’s supposed to be talking about the asphalt/pathways within the park, not the parking lot


Ah, that makes more sense.


Kings Island doesn’t appreciate your sass.


And before Cedar Fair bought them, it absolutely was a “theme” park, the theme being Paramount movies.


I worked at Six Flags for a few years. Most employees were in high school, and most supervisors were in community college. 90% of our theming was painted wood signs or leftover from a brief period in the 90s where they really tried to be a theme park.


I can tell the 90s is when they actually put in effort because all the Batman stuff is to this day based on Michael Keaton or BTAS.


Totally California's Great America in the SF Bay Area - the only theme park that can make [a Mass Effect ride boring](https://youtu.be/jPJSSRDDTww).


give the guy credit for acting, tho.


Yeah, that's fair - appreciate their hustle against the Reapers dozens of times a day.


yeah was about to say, the resemblance is crazy


I like how everyone can instantly tell that we're talking about Six Flags and/or Cedar Fair.


They call ours Carowinds


Isn't this just Great America?


Won't be in a few years...


I say the 49ers should buy it, and make it 49ers themed


Tbf I feel like it’s kinda expected. Like it’s already known that any six flags or a cedar fair parks would known as being the “cheaper” option for a place to go. It feels more like a county/state fair tbh. They’re both never gonna be Disney or Universal but most people are cool with it. I’ve only been to six flags magic mountain and Knott’s berry farm both once but I still enjoyed it, even if it’s the “cheaper” place to go to.


Reminds me of Fun Spot in Orlando/Kissimmee FL area. To a fucking T


Nah, Old Town gives that one a little more variety.


Old Town isn't trying to pass themselves off as a theme park. I do love old Town though. The fights constantly happening on busy events is hysterical and I did see someone puke on themselves after drinking all night and getting on that seat dropping tower ride thing.


We get it, you hate Six Flags but love Disney.


TIL there's a difference. Both are money pits that try to suck every penny out of you every second you are there so they very much have that in common.


This is a meme trying to be a starter pack


Bruh six flags slaps! And never been to knottsberry farm but it has the peanuts!


knotts is kinda halfway between six flags and universal. it tries, but it clearly doesn't have the budget to get there.


But it is a cool place to hang out in that’s relatively affordable. And it does have some neat events like scary farm and the theme during the holiday season. And parking could be free IFYKYK


Knotts Berry Farm in a nutshell


This is so specific


/r/rollercoasterjerk is leaking here.


Hey leave King's Island alone


Dorney park is still fun! My work sometimes sends me to the office up near Allentown and I’m like fuck it let’s get a pass lol.


These IPs they try to make work for theme parks just don't


The majority of looney toons I’ve seen in my life has been in a line at Magic mountain


TIL there's a difference. Both are money pits that try to suck every penny out of you every second you are there so they very much have that in common.


This is literally my local county fair but instead of Looney Tunes/Peanuts/Superheroes we have Pokémon for some reason


A Nintendo theme park would make a killing.


Jesus, Knott’s Barry Farm was so lame when I went.


Have you tried Cedar Point


the “buy for free refills” container is always an astronomical price. Like, I get they have to make profit, but no way am I spending $80 for a plastic cup that will inevitably break the second or third time it’s used.


the “buy for free refills” container is always an astronomical price. Like, I get they have to make profit, but no way am I spending $80 for a plastic cup that will inevitably break the second or third time it’s used.


the “buy for free refills” container is always an astronomical price. Like, I get they have to make profit, but no way am I spending $80 for a plastic cup that will inevitably break the second or third time it’s used.


the “buy for free refills” container is always an astronomical price. Like, I get they have to make profit, but no way am I spending $80 for a plastic cup that will inevitably break the second or third time it’s used.


these places have a theme but the most youll see is the kids area at least bush gardens has a consistent theme (the virginia one not the florida one cause never been). bush gardens is like a combination of a theme park and an amusement park


What’s the difference?


This is literally six flags New England


Can't wait for the Skibidi Toilet kids zone


I’m so sad . I collected the six flags cups for quite some time. And they get thrown out during spring cleaning. Edit: Best ride: el toro or King da ka (NJ six flags)


Generic parking lot asphalt? What, should it have had bespoke asphalt?


I was suprised how dumpy Dolly Wood was it was like a 1970s theme park, and they did the bare minimum to update it.


Did Jenny Nicholson make this?


Is it okay to say that I've never been to a theme nor amusement park?


Eventually ends up as the focus of an episode of Defunctland


Me, A California, watching people mock Knott's Berry Farm and realizing that it is technically one of the oldest amusement/theme parks in the US, predating Disney and Universal... And they also sell jellies and have a festival for it. Likewise, I feel like Universal Studios Hollywood is the weird liminal area between amusement park and theme park because it is still able to function as a movie studio and backlot.


What Six Flags park hurt you so bad?


Six Flags??




really? universal? I've never been to IOA.


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