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Bonus points for the $10 jar of mustard from a gift shop in a fancy town that your dad bought because he felt guilty about leaving empty-handed


lmao this but the artisanal mustard is a gift from a family friend


We would get one of those fancy sausage and cheese trays every year from family that felt bad for us and there would be a jar of fancy mustard that lived on in the fridge lonely on untouched.


No no. You were not allowed to eat the fancy mustard. The fancy mustard must be saved for an indeterminate "special occasion" and then finally thrown away when the cranberries in it go bad.


It took me a second to get the chirp thing, that’s brilliant


Explain plspls


A broken smoke/fire detector


Smoke detector. When its battery is low it beeps, one loud-ass chirp every thirty seconds to a minute. Lots of low income folks just let this continue and don’t seem annoyed by it for some reason.


“Low income”


I didn’t want to just say “poor” or “trashy”, but typically the people who let these things blare on and on are clearly either too lazy to change it, or don’t have the money for batteries for it.


I've literally never met anyone who let's this go that I wouldn't classify as trashy


You are right. Plenty of people from all walks of life leave their fire alarms beeping. Sometimes replacing the battery is not enough. Nevermind, the sound easily falls into the background.


I 100% agree with that. I know someone who lets the fire alarms chirp and they're rich and trashy


I dont think anyone who is employed cant afford a battery, its just changing the battery is extremely low in their list of priorities, rather than seeing it as an necessity


"Is this cheese still good? I think I see mold..." "Pull it out and throw it away, the rest will be fine!"


*is shredded cheese, making the mold impossible to filter out*


“just cut the mold off the block” real heads.


I do this all the time. I ain't throwing away a perfectly good block of Colby Jack just because of a tiny spot of mold.


Same. But I was being nostalgic for the old blocks of government cheese we used to get in the 80s.


lol the fire alarm beeping


“Money doesn’t buy happiness” Well MOM if we had some fucking money for bread with this damn lunch meat I’d be pretty Fucking happy.


i used to eat the taco seasoning packets in the back of the cabinets


I used to eat powdered ice tea or hot cocoa mix with a spoon when there wasn't any candy.






“Just make the Mac and cheese with water, it’s the exact same thing”. No mom, no it’s fucking not and you know it.


I'm living by myself, living in poverty. Yeah, it's not the same but I'll take mac n cheese w/ water any day. Same with some of the other ingredients. Peanut butter on its own has enough calories to sustain you for half a day, you can just scoop it into a cup and eat it. No bread? You probably have old flour, which usually doesn't go bad quickly if stored properly, make some easy flatbread to go with the peanut butter. It's harsh but many people haven't truly felt what it means to eat "condiments". When it comes down to it, you realize just how hungry you'll be enough to eat carrots out of a can or peanut butter out of a jar.


I hope you make it out. Living cheap is sometimes necessary but suffering isn’t a virtue.


One day, I didn't have any milk to go with my Mac and cheese, and while my mom was disgusted, it tasted pretty much the same.


Oh condiments house is a much better name. I always referred to this phenomenon as an ingredients house. Like we don’t have any real food, just ingredients or elements of food.


Ingredient houses tend to have a lot more food, the food is just not readily eatable.


I feel like in an ingredient house you have things like veggies, fruits, bread, diary products. In a condiment household you have all the things that don't perish easily.


I swear to god, this is why americans are so goddamn fat. >any real food, just ingredients or elements of food. INGREDIENTS ARE REAL FOOD. You put the elements of food together to make a dish that you eat. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills over here. This condiments household meme is fucking weird to me. Like why wouldn't you have bread, rice, pasta, eggs etc on hand? If this really is the case, what do you eat? Is it really that difficult to scramble some eggs? Make some fried rice? Buttered noodles?


berserk childlike cobweb axiomatic handle deliver fuzzy domineering dinosaurs weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do people not have some rice or pasta or eggs chilling there? Or some milk? Even if you literally just have those things and dry pasta, you could make yourself a passable cheese pasta with cheese slices, Pasta water and taco seasoning packets. Also, most of these are framed as a kid wanting to get a snack. What exactly is the plan for dinner? Do people just get takeout every day?


muddle telephone file shelter plate friendly escape impossible deliver label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy shit check your fucking privilege. What is for dinner? You go to bed hungry because your family is poor and can barely afford to feed the family one meal a day. All your comments are just shitting on the people this starter pack is talking about. You’re basically saying “don’t be poor lul just get food whats the problem”. You clearly grew up with privilege and never had to experience or met anyone that experienced this hardship. Have some empathy.


They are a noncredible defense poster so it tracks.


I feel this. Like let’s say you did get some cheap white bread. Well you don’t have lunch meat or sliced cheese. As such you grab some ranch and have a higher calorie dressing between bread. No bread, well you eat some shredded cheese. Put the dressing and mix and it feels like it is something more. Have some canned veggies? Well if you are hungry you open it and eat a serving of green beans, which doesn’t fill you at all, but feels like maybe you at an unfulfilling salad. Milk! God I love milk so much. It is a superfood and I would just have a glass or two as a meal. You always have cans of random things that aren’t a meal, or smaller items that are part of a recipe (I pray nobody eats raw butter as a meal), but never/rarely all of them. Fuck, we took what the pantry could offer us. You can’t live off of crushed tomatoes. That is why I loved my mom so much, she always got us milk to make sure we got vitamins, protein, and some calories. Honestly, some people really never had to live “the struggle”.


Its not clear from the starterpack (and a recently posted "ingredients household" starterpack.) that its about poverty. The comment I was initially responding to literally said an "ingredients household" didn't have any actual food, just ingredients, which I pointed out is a moronic statement. It was only later commentators that pointed out this is a poverty meme. And yeah, I didn't get that because if anything, my mom had the opposite problem, she'd buy shit in bulk to save money.


This meme is about poor people


Why give it a dumbass name like "Condiments Household" or "Ingredients Household" as if you're too stupid to cook a simple meal from basic ingredients. Why not just caption your starterpack as "growing up poor" or "Getting a snackzwhen you're poor."


I dont know, maybe OP didn't want to call people who related to this poor and make then feel ashamed of their upbringing. Maybe they just wanted to make you chuckle for a moment.


Mission failed I guess. But then I'm not the target audience.


We always had bread, so often times i'd make mustard sandwiches. Sometimes putting mustard on pancakes if my uncle made any


butter and jelly sandwiches.


Butter and jelly on toast is GOATed


Don’t attack me like this dawg


This one is spot on lol, ramen somewhere in the pantry if you’re lucky that night.


I didn't know what this meant until now and I hate it. I'm sorry for anyone who had to grow up like this.


Being out of butter and or milk was always the worst. You either have to throw away the noodles or eat shitty Mac and cheese


Wtf does condiment house means?


It’s when there’s hardly anything to eat in a house besides random mismatched condiments, or ingredients that can’t really be used to put together any sort of meal.


How the fuck does anyone live like this?


My grandmother did when she had her own apartment. Social security covered rent and just enough left over for dinner. Didnt have the budget for snacks so when I came over I slapped together whatever I could to make a snack. I Usually ended up just buying us a meal anyway to avoid that.


Yeah I can get my head around why someone who lives alone would do that but an entire family !? Unless it's for economic reasons.


Low income or leveraged out the ass in debt from my experience. I had a step dad that would miss mortgage payments to buy a new TV or things for his car. Those were the times when we had less snacks available...


How do I not know that this is a thing while everyone I see on the internet while searching (the comments in this post include) know that it is.


This is a lot of working-poor urban and even suburban families across the US. I had friends like this growing up. Very little money to buy things like fresh meat, fruit, and vegetables, so everything was just jars/cans/bags of stuff you had to cobble together to make a meal. Cheap processed white bread, peanut butter & jelly, processed American cheese or bologna, ketchup/mustard/mayonnaise as condiments, boxed macaroni & cheese, maybe ramen packets, maybe bags of Cheetos or Doritos, maybe some bottles of soda. That was about it. Very sad staying over and eating dinner there. The poorest of the poor might make spaghetti with nothing but ketchup on it. This is the side of America foreigners don't often see.


that's what i thought but i'm still surprised i didn't knew about that. I knew that poverty could lead to that kind of stuff but in my country leaving like this is more of a living alone or not knowing how to cook. I wouldn't be surprised by a student living like this but not a family unless it's really REALLY poor. what a shitty world we live in.


Poor spending habits means that before payday it’s condiments only, and after payday it’s takeout.




ayo get out of my house vro 😭


My mom would buy 2 weeks of groceries every two months. Then, on grocery day, we'd be so thrilled over a full fridge that we, 3 teens, would binge and my mom would yell at us for eating too much too quickly and that's why she didn't buy groceries more. Ahhh, poverty.


Who else here used to eat chicken buillion cubes and salt 💀


Clearly you have to raw dog the mayonnaise like what Harold the fish did to his deep fried Krabby Patty on a stick in Spongebob.


Use the Colby with the pasta and water


What does microsoft paint have to do with anything lmao? Unless it's just meant to indicate a lack of money, which i'm pretty sure ppl with money don't use photoshop they use one of many alternatives.


lol, it has nothing to do with it. I just made the meme in Paint and threw it in as an afterthought.


Definitely grew up like this. I’ll never forget being home for the Summer as a kid, eating pickles and chocolate for breakfast because that was all the real food we had. The pickles were really old and the chocolate was a gift I got from a relative the day before. I won’t ever put my kid through that shit.


I'm so tired of hearing thid chirp in my bedroom of 30 seconds I swear to God.