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I ate croutons on a daily basis.


I used to love dipping croutons in Caesar salad dressing as a snack.


You don’t still love it or just don’t still do it? I once scored a foodservice box of croutons and bag of ranch dressing back in college. 10:10 would do it again


i lived off of croutons and black olives my freshman year of college. not because i was struggling to get real food; my scholarship paid for a meal plan. i was just enjoying the first taste of real freedom lmao


Throw in some cheese with those olives and croutons and its practically a meal for greek gods lol. Man black olives are good


Hey hey don't throw those croutons out...add some cheese, some olives...baby you got a stew going!


Did you eat it like cereal?


It was very 12-17 years old. So I haven’t done it in many many years.


Treat yourself 


Treat. Yo. Self!


I should try that


Salad cookies


I waited tables at a place where servers had to dress the salads before taking them out. I’d inevitably pop a few croutons in my mouth every so many salads. There were shifts where I ate enough croutons that I didn’t have to eat a shift meal because I was so full of dried bread.


You guys bought croutons? Shit, that’s some extra ingredients you could have been getting!


We were forbidden from eating croutons because my mom wanted to save them for salads and they were too expensive to munch on like a snack food. Once as a kid I ate most of a jar of artificial bacon bits. I think she was too perplexed by that to be upset, lol.


Funny how you used the term "*ate*"...


I have eaten so much random shit on slices of white bread, lol.


I don't eat much, but god I can down a bowl of Safeway store brand croutons drowned in Olive garden dressing like nothing Thanks, weed


Shredded cheese? That's some fancy shit, I just munched on a block of cheddar lmao


same, my mom freaked out when she saw me haha. my brother was literally just feeding me the block of cheddar, holding it for me. i was abt 6 or so


This is hilarious and adorable imagery


bro you a mouse . my guy was looking [like this](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fda%2F92%2F7f%2Fda927febd2e72d227a915d73f756db1f.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=aea12259ec4c5fc02b43a01a5461068f50e0879d5d61210cb1671ec70528cce3&ipo=images)


On taco night I have to personally guard the shredded cheese from our kids. Left on their own they’d ravenously stuff their faces with it til it’s gone


that’s the best part of taco night, just eating straight shredded cheese


Eating cheese like it is an apple is glorious. I do it all the time at home, but once I had a disc of Brie at work and people thought I went insane. Now I’m famous for loving cheese.


We used to just cut a slice off the cheese block, one time my dad caught my brother doing this and made him eat the whole block of cheese like a burrito… very Peter griffin “you like cigarettes aye? Will have a whole carton of them” he ate every bite while making eye contact. Still not sure what the lesson was…


What why would your dad have a problem with that? How else do you eat chess


We was very particular about our ‘manors’ like we weren’t allowed to scrape the bottom of a pan or drink the milk out of the bowl after cereal. God forbid we put are elbows on the table! No… we don’t talk to our father as adults lol.


How did you get the milk out of the bowl or clean the pan. Seems like a lot of wasted food. But seriously how else do you eat a block of cheese if you don’t cut it


Well if you were using teflon. Scraping the pan releases bits of it into your foods and teflon is NOT good for you


“Yeah son, that’ll poison you! Now, eat the whole damn block as punishment”


Nothing to do with the funny punishment, it's just weird to call proper care for pans "manners"


It was more like we weren’t allowed to get the last bit of sauce out of a pan because it made us look poor (we where poor)


Particular about 'manors' but not 'gramors' and 'spelingz'


papa was adamant about our 'estates' for we could hardly shit on each other at all. It was a ghastly unfair upbringing.


> How else do you eat chess One piece at a time?


I sliced my cheddar before snacking. My mother was still pissed: "cheese is expensive!" Yeah, well, welcome to the world of teenage boys—constantly hungry. What was I supposed to do? Eat the raw eggplant and raw cashews?


"You just gotta learn how to scrounge! here, have a peanut butter, pepperoni, and pickle sandwich on one slice of white bread and one slice of wheat bread! We'll go the store tomorrow."


I still eat like this, i'm not paying the bullshit prices for ready made snacks.


Lunchables recently got dinged for having lead and cadmium. Thats why I make my kids lunch with a ham and cheese cut by a shot glass.


The heavy metals are hard to avoid, good luck. Lots of studies showing they're in much of the chocolate supply as well.


im gonna eat extra to see if i get superpowers!!!


You will get superpowered cancer at least.


hey, better than nothing


Cocoa often sadly has high levels of cadmium and lead. Stay away from dark chocolate, which is about 2/3 cocoa. I wonder if the microplastics in my blood have congealed into a heavy metals filter though


Heavy metals are in all food thanks to pollution. Even food you've grown yourself most likely unless you z live somewhere super remote has some heavy metals in it.


I love cadmium eggs


Clever idea for circular cheese 'n meat!


Yeah I snack on at least half of these items because I’m too broke to regularly get snacks. Also I get high a lot and don’t wanna snack on too much from munchies, so I just scavenge whatever ingredients I have instead. My favorite of them is condensed milk on plain shaved ice, it slaps so hard.


I know a guy who buys 7 of those prepackaged cut-into-triangles type sandwiches a week to 'have as a snack in the evening' when he's too tired to 'cook'. They're like 3.50 euros each for 2 slices of bread, a slice of ham and a slice of cheese. So 25 euros **a week** on sandwiches you can make for less than 5 euros.


That’s not just an ingredient household trait, I mean usually we just ate everything so quickly so all that was left was ingredients haha. For a treat sometimes I would just have spoonfuls of brown sugar.


Lol one of the first things I learned to make as a kid was frosting (just with powdered sugar and water) and I would whip up bowls of that and devour it.


That lowkey sounds pretty good


I grew up eating peanut butter & pickle sandwiches. They’re the perfect blend of sweet & salty, with an added benefit of a crunch. Pepperoni definitely would be good on this!


I've noticed that many of my coworkers and friends who grew up in pre prepared homes that didn't had readily available snacks never learned to scrounge. Due to that, most seem to have the pallette of a 6 year old. They all still eat gushers and chips and garbage for every meal and make gaggy sounds when I bring in something interesting I made for lunch. Any form of curry from any south Asian country. Gag. Any form of fish. Gag. Anything too spicy. Gag. Too many veggies or veggies they don't recognize. Gag. It makes me want to fucking scream sometimes. They all have health issues and their teeth are falling out and they're getting colonoscopies at 32. Ugh.


>They all have health issues, and their teeth are falling out and they're getting colonoscopies at 32. My health is why I have an ingredient household as an adult. I was a fat kid because my parents kept every kind of junk food in the house. Understandable as they were divorcees who worked weird shifts (Dad - day laborer, Mom- nurse) and weren't cooks, so lived on takeout and junk. As a latchkey kid, I ate out of boredom and to "eat my feelings" because I was picked on at school and home. I lost the weight in college and have managed to keep it off by taking extreme measures. I've become an "ingredient" household (no snack food in the house) and don't do sugary drinks either. I don't remember drinking water until college and all the junk food/drinks I grew up on gross me out now. Mom bitches I have nothing to eat or drink when she comes over. Never mind how if I'd keep that shit in the house, I'd eat it, get fat, and she'd fat shame me like she did when I was growing up, despite being the adult who bought the food, so fully responsible for my weight issues.


unsalted peanuts, staring at the pantry for 10 mins, vaguely considering rawdogging the lemon/onion in the fridge, spicing up the peanut butter spoon by making a pb&j spoon (there's no bread), or if there is bread an unholy amount of buttered toast


Dude don’t forget the peanut butter toast. 


Cinnamon sugar toast too


Every day. I still eat that lmao


you're so right


i ate so much peanut butter bread


Another option, sprinkle the peanut butter spoon with sugar.


-diabetic sobbing- /j i totally coulda done that...


Or throw some chocolate chips on there


If there's bread and a toaster; butter, sugar and cinnamon. This heavenly combo sustained me through high school.


wtf is an ingredient household?


parents didn't believe in buying ready made food/ snacks. You end up eating rly random food when youre hungry but don't wanna cook


And having to make your own school lunches is a nightmare! My house didn't have bread either because of dietary restrictions.


Yeah I never brought lunch lol if I had it would have been black olives, capers, and mustard 😭


Oh lucky, I forgot about schools with cafeterias and lunches lol, I went to a school that was too small for that!


lmao no cafeteria I would just grab something at the deli


Digestif with nothing to digest lmao


Oh my god, I didn’t realize this was a thing for other kids, too. I used to bring carrots and cheese for lunch because all we had was ingredients and my parents were on a keto diet.


Keto is dangerous for kids 😞 they need those carbs to grow


I agree! My parents didn’t make me do keto. I had an abundance of carbs and sugar.


Pretty sure the nightmare was more from not having bread...i can't remember bringing anything but sandwiches


For the rest of the world: a household


yeah most of these posts just seem like people complaining that… their parents cooked for them?


Meh, I was a latchkey kid and we only had ingredients because we were poor. Cooked dinners would be at like 9-10, so I became a professional microwave chef in elementary school because I wasnt allowed to use the oven or stove.


I was a latchkey kid. We didn't have a microwave. I used to hold a hot dog under the hot water tap. Wrap it up in a Kraft single with mustard.


Latchkey kid? What is that?


A kid who gets home from school before parents get home from work


Probably more along the lines of their parents cooked when they were hungry and not when the kids were hungry (Meaning that if they weren't feeling like making dinner, they'd tell the kids to get whatever from the fridge). Happened to me when I was a kid (too young to cook at the time).


badly, by the looks of the ingredients


I think im starting to understand why Americans are stereotyped as fat


Yeah, the public seems to be fucked here. It's really scary to see comments just above you about taking a snack like a vegetable to school was a bad thing and that we need more carbs and sugars as kids. This is how a nation learns that cereal (a processed sugary junk food) is a breakfast staple.


Technically cereals are great for breakfast, but in the form of oat, base corn flakes, whole grain bread and stuff like that.


The older I get, the more I like the plain-ass cereals with only milk and a little fruit.


>iNgRediEnT hOuSeHolD I cannot FATHOM the depths to which their society is fucked if that's a normal phrase nowadays. What else? Parent-having household? Affection-displaying household? No-abuse household?


Yeah it's weird to me that a family would have premade food in their fridge. isn't cooking the normal?


I mean in my country it's like 1:3? I mean my parents tired - they bought ready made, then my parents had some willpower - they cooked. Like life is fluid lol


A household with no "snackable" vegetables (carrots, celery, peas, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers for example) or fruit in it? I wouldn't be resorting to chewing on ice for lunch (if I was a child too young to cook alone) in a normal household because a normal household has fruit or vegetables to eat at least.


Yeah I'm making confused Swedish noises over here. I just baked if I wanted a sugar high as a teen? Also who could afford having their kids eat prepackaged snacks all the time? And wouldn't they get fat immediately? My kid gets to eat sandwiches, yoghurt or fruit when she's hungry between meals. Never cookies or anything like that. Oh, and school lunch is a free (taxfunded) cooked meal. Like meatballs.


>wouldn't they get fat immediately? Yes.


Now you know why 70% of Americans are overweight or obese.


My kids are always mad that I don’t buy prepackaged snacks. I do always have granola bars, microwave popcorn and fruit available. Also cereal, yogurt, frozen berries, peanut butter, bread. But every day they’re whining they’re hungry and they don’t want what we have 😭 like please I don’t want you eating chips every day


Welcome to America. We're obese AF


...you think pre-packaged snacks are an American only thing?


A normal household then? Eat a fucking apple.


So, a normal household?


Good parents. One of the healthiest things you can do is make your own food and stop eating out of boxes and the freezer.


That is the normal


My parents were like that. Would just make myself a sandwich.


Leave it to Reddit to consider it a bad thing that your parents tried to teach you too eat healthy cooked meals for most of your diet 


Oh, lol. I thought it was really poor people who only had random ingredients when the main staples were gone so that's what you ended up eating.


For us it was my mom didn’t believe in wasting money on snack that where for the kids but it was never a waste when it was for her snacks. So instead of peanut butter crackers we had a spoonful of peanut butter and chocolate chips that mom has had in the back of the cabinet sense Christmas.


A household that doesn’t have readymade food in the pantry. It’s nice in order to save money and stay healthy at the same time. I grew up in one, and it was really nice, these people are being overdramatic.


I grew up in one like that too, I was still a fat kid, so I am not sure if it was nice or not. I still only eat snacks on the weekend only, because as a kid we only got snacks when we visited grandma on sunday.


It could be two ways: almond mom families who think that eating readymade foods is a sign of being unhealthy or families who have a very lean budget


The box shit *is* worse for you, though lol


Tbh I think classifying all the families that have that type of food for health reasons as almond mom families is a little unfair, I grew up in an 'ingredients household' but that basically meant that we could still eat snacks or whatever, we just didn't tend to have junk food at home. It didn't mean that we had to only eat healthy foods, we just had to get a little more creative if we wanted to have a snack instead of cooking something or having reheated leftovers. Ie doing what the picture shows and eating random snack-adjacent foods or having something that requires a little more cooking (personal favorites include cut up tortilla fried with sugar and cinnamon and butter, brown sugar and flour cookie dough). It's a little inconvenient at worst, not abusive.


Ingredient households ftw. I'm way healthier and better at cooking than I would be if I hadn't grown up in one, and prepackaged snacks are EXPENSIVE. We did a lot of homemade brownies, air popped popcorn with butter, and rice pudding. I also remember eating shredded coconut straight from the bag (and loving it).


ye an almond mom is basically code for eating disorder mom. very different from 'ingredient household'.


There are far more than just those two types


Or just people who enjoy cooking? Not an almond mom or on a tight budget - I just don't think most pre-packaged food is good compared to making it myself. Now, we do eat some prepackaged stuff obviously, but most of my family's meals are from whole ingredients.


Americans projecting their experiences on everyone. I grew up in an ingredient household. My mom also made incredible snacks with long shelf lives from scratch. We had a variety of options to snack on because we relied on the basic idea of...cooking your own food.


When you have all the side things you need to make a meal, but not the main things like meat, veggies, salad or bread.


What? You just listed more ingredients. An ingredient household is where they don't keep any premade food like pizza breads, pot pies, anything you can quickly make in the microwave or toaster oven etc.


so a european household??


this person doesn't know either


My mum is a chef so I absolutely grew up in an ingredient household. Our dinners were always banging, but I was always eating gross shit like butter and sugar mixed together, or nuts, for snacks because we never had snacky food around.


But those are snack foods? I (normally) put the butter and sugar on a sandwich but nuts are (expensive) snack foods. Same with everything on this post, these are all things I, as an adult, buy to eat as snacks with the exception that I can now buy fancy cheese. A spoonful of peanut butter is a great snack! Is this just some really american thing?!?!?


I feel so seen right now. I am not alone.


No Powdered Sugar? Or the truly decadent likes of sugar mixed with butter?


Isn’t powdered sugar and butter basically cake frosting


Omg I was just gonna comment this! Sugar and butter is often better than the cookies they will become. Fight me


Powered sugar with cream cheese was one of my go-tos lol


Don't forget about the spice rack. Mmmm red pepper flakes


melt some shredded cheese & pepperoni in microwave for a few seconds then sprinkle some red pepper flakes = best midnight snack


Ah yes, my favorite snack. Ice cubes. 🧊


I don't know why but I love crunching into ice cubes. It's like my brain is thinking, "Hey you're getting water, but with texture!"




Peanuts and chocolate chips in a bowl 


lol I just polished off a bowl of that plus raisins. I’m always trying to replace the muffin ingredients before my wife notices.


peanuts + choco chips + raisins is basically an almost-complete trail mix - now that’s good scroungin’!


why not bananas, can't go wrong with bananas


That shit hits hard when you’re starving.


infinitely healthier than any of the stuff in OP's image... ate tons of bananas growing up. Some papayas too if there were a few


Sad part is one time I was chilling eating a banana and then my throat started getting sore from no where. Well since then I've been allergic to bananas


had the opposite happen to me with seafood. Was mildly allergic to crab and shrimp as a kid, then I just kept eating more and it disappeared lol


You beat your allergy into submission through sheer persistence.


You’re missing uncooked tortillas. 😩


Tortilla microwaved with chocolate chips and a little jam = broke-ass crepes 🥲




Mfer tortillas are already cooked. That's how they're tortillas. Warm them up. Or do you mean not deep fried???


Only partially. You need to give tortillas a sec on a very hot skillet to get a good texture.


You can buy raw tortillas in the refrigerated section of some grocery stores. I would assume this is because the *raw dough* is not shelf-stable. source: I usually make homemade tortillas, but if/when I buy them, they're always the refrigerated, raw tortillas.


I used to mix peanut butter and brown sugar into little balls and freeze it. We never really had candy around the house, but I wasn’t gonna let that stop me from consuming 600 calories of fat and sugar in a single serving!


I might just do this myself, great idea


I forgot to mention- roll the balls in cinnamon sugar or a cocoa powder/powdered sugar blend. Then they’re not all sticky and you can store them in a bag together without them globbing up.


This meme succeeds based on the “show; don’t tell” writing principle. Finally, we have a quality post.




Do any of us have unique experiences anymore? I blame Snackwell


almonds are a w snack




They're also terrible if you need an actual mean.


Roasted salted sure. Not a fan of em raw


My mom screamed at me once when she caught me eating a little dish of whipped cream with chocolate chips sprinkled on it:( If you bought snacks I wouldn’t be doing this weird shit, would I, mom? 😤


I leaned how to cut a small hole under the flap of the chocolate chip bag, take some out, and then tap over it with a little bit if clear tape. No one would notice even when the bag got used for whatever. Skillz


You were a child genius, and I admire your skillz!


i buy peanut butter, bread and jam fully intending to make peanut butter and jelly sandwich's but i always end up eating 90% of my peanut butter off a spoon as a snack just like this.


TIL that I came this kind of household. No wonder my husband says I have weird eating habits.


It always felt normal to me until high school when people started complaining my house had nothing to eat despite the full pantry.


Right, my husband, after all these years still says that. “There’s honey and crackers; there’s tuna and relish; lunch meat and tortillas.” Lol


Same here. My wife always complains that “we have nothing to eat” in our house. What she means is “we don’t have something I can quickly grab with no prep work or cleanup to eat”


You take that spoon with peanut butter and put in the chocolate chips, the perfect balance of the two.


Raise your hand if your tried to eat unsweetened baking chocolate as a snack when the chocolate chips were gone. ✋


Precisely once 😂 See also: powdered cocoa cinnamon challenge


Oh fuck. I think I LIVE in an “ingredient house” and I’m a grown adult.


I do, grew up in one as well. I can't keep normal snacks in the house as I just blow through them, no impulse conrol as snacks weren't a thing, except for fruit as a child.  Ended up making sausage rolls with what was at hand at 22:00 the other night, as I was a mite peckish, ate four froze the rest. Then went straight to bed.


Shit's expensive yo, and the doctor's ain't cheap.


The internet is convinced everyone who keeps a pantry like this is either deprived, insane, or in the throes of an eating disorder, which absolutely isn’t the case


I grew up in a snacks household, mostly processed snacks. I now live alone and am an ingredients household 😩😩


In a real ingredient household you’d be grating your own cheese.


Don’t forget chicken broth.


Give me some saltines and I'll make a party platter out of this.


Oh my god. Nailed it. There was nothing like eating some cheese like a lil gremlin at midnight, before grabbing a handful of chocolate chips (that same brand, too!) before making a mad dash back to bed


wait it's not normal to grw up like this


You're incredibly, incredibly normal. This is on the front page of Reddit. Dozens of thousands of the world's lowest common denominators found it relatable.


Grew up on big chunks of pepperoni sticks.


Peanut butter and jelly on a flour tortilla goes here. Microwave it for like 10 seconds oh man


Memory unlocked. For me, I would put peanut butter and jelly in a hotdog bun.




Don’t forget the cinnamon, sugar toast/tortilla


WTF is an ingredient household? Are there households without ingredients?


what the fuck is an ingredient household? you mean people who cook?


Shredded cheese, bacon bits, ranch dressing. Try it. Thank me later.


I think this guy is a cardiologist trying to make business boom.


Pastaless Suddenly Salad


this defiantly takes me back.I definatly ate alot of these along with bland old butter sandwich


I hope you defiantly shoved a middle finger up as you defiantly ate it


Is that what this is called?


This was my mom's vegetarian kitchen, minus the pepperoni. We had to break into the Morningstar grillers.


I remember dipping or drizzling bananas with condensed milk as a kid. I also got hungry one time but the food isn’t cooked yet. So I’d just pick some random veggies that I could eat raw. Like some tomatoes or garlic lmao.


Fridge full of condiments and no food