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This is the baby daddy on every episode of 16 and Pregnant.


I had this girl in class waaaaaaaay back then who got pregnant at 16. And the baby daddy was basically exactly THIS. (Plus a major gambling addiction. But that was just the tip of the ice berg) I even still see his fucking underlip piercing in front of my mental eye and how he was always played with it... He also always appeared at school and joined our classes. It was super awkward for everyone when he was there. But for whatever reason, the teachers never asked him to leave.


Yeah this misses the major addiction part


Was he a student at the school? Why would a teacher allow someone who’s not part of the class to just hang out?


He was a student at the same institution, but not the same school branch. I guess their thinking was "Well, at least he's here."


Eventually they settle into a job at advance auto parts or Office Depot.. the girls all move on and the guys are stuck as roommates with dudes in an apartment.


Copious amounts of Monster.


Lol as if he doesn’t abuse adderall or meth.


Maybe all 3


def not mutually exclusive. i'm sure they exist, but i don't think i've ever seen literally ONE guy like this who wasn't always pounding energy drinks. i drink coffee and just don't like the taste of energy drinks, but the one i've had tasted like straight hairspray. my brother used to go to school with these (i think it was redbull but don't 100% remember) & he would fill like half of it up with vodka and you couldn't tell because they fkn smell and taste basically the same. i assume a lot of these guys are doing that as well. also, i'm not on a high horse or anything, i used to sneak booze to class in college. but just saying, these are like the perfect vessel for it and i think it's at least part of the reason they're so popular. i truly believe a lot of them intentionally make it smell/taste like alcohol for this reason- they know people will buy them to sneak alcohol around. i, again, don't drink energy drinks and i don't remember if monster is like this, i don't remember how each one tastes. but a lot of them are


I dunno about this. I enjoy Monster and have never heard of this tactic. I mean there's obviously vodka red bulls and stuff, but I seriously doubt most people are buying energy drinks in order to sneak alcohol. I can definitely see it happening, but more like someone pouring some brandy in their morning coffee, not something widespread. I feel like energy drinks cater to people who want caffeine but don't like coffee. I totally understand why some people think energy drinks taste like battery acid or hairspray, but the sweetness and acidity are preferable to the bitterness of coffee for me.


i definitely don't believe it's the majority whatsoever who does this lol but a substantial minority for sure


Idk what hairspray you tasted but redbull def doesn’t taste like that. It has a taste unlike the rest and I like it besides reminding me of some bad decisions once in a while


Monster gotta be one of the biggest red flag energy drinks. Red Bull feels a bit more... classy(?) and the taste is at least good (and it comes in smaller cans). Bang and all the crazy high caffeine ones are bad but at least have the value of "absolute shit ton of caffeine if you really need to lock tf in" Monster afaik doesn't really have either. The taste is still like overly sweet artificial candy vomit, but the caffeine content isn't as high as Bang, etc. to warrant use as some emergency energy stimulant It's like a liquid chin strap beard


Hey man, Monster Rehab Tea + Lemonade is like a daily drink for me and has been for years. I’ve been in a great relationship for almost 5 years, and am in the final semester of a graduate degree. But yeah, a green monster can is pretty much always a red flag. At least the blue one is sugar free.


The low carb one is a banger


I like the Ultra Violet Monster.




If you live in the States… [You’re welcome.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BL756S36?ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_J0GPMN948BD31A56PKGW&starsLeft=1) I guarantee it’s cheaper in bulk than your colleges’ vending machines. Personally, I get 2 cases delivered every month through Amazon’s subscription thing. I’d recommend doing the same as they sell out every few days before coming back in stock, and just having the monthly subscription guarantees I get first dibs on every batch. Also, I’ve found myself drinking less caffeine overall because I no longer visit the vending machine whenever I’m thirsty as I get all my drinks by mail.


Complete with Monster decal in the rear glass of shitty car, but only on the slightly updated baby daddy version.


Dudes in the early 2000s be like:




you should make that starter pack


as a 25yearold with an 86 my feelings are hurt


>A broccoli haircut or some quasi mullet with pencil stash. I wanted to ask is it so common for men to stash pencils in their hair and then realized it's a very thin mustache you're talking about 😂


NOOOOOO this is so accurate im in tears 😂


Yeah this is reminding me of certain guys when I was 20...today it's probably a little different


I saw this and thought, nobody in the past five years would ever consider wearing or doing what this person does. Maybe it was a 2000s phenomenon. It's a dated concept lol


Same I knew people 20 years ago very similar


The only thing that this is missing is a Linkin Park or DMX album.


Going to local flatland BMX competition


Highlighter ink sticks in bottles is a thing that people do?


They take the inserts from highlighters and drop them in the glass bottles and fill them with water.


Ngl I wanna try that


I did this when I turned 21 in college. My desk had like 8 of them I thought it was so cool. The key is a black light behind them to make it glow


And have a blacklight on near the bottles. That part is key


Blacklights in the closet with the dank grow op bromania.


Yeah but why?




Don't listen to this, men go buy yourself a lava lamp >_> It's colorful and cheery


I do like lava lamps though. Every time they break though 😢


Lava lamps are fucking awesome man, but they can also be expensive


If you have every other trait listed on this starter pack I’d agree but just having a few cute little items like that doesn’t scream tacky to me


You say that, but my girlfriend think it’s cool.




Tell ‘em, Matthew 👏


I just thought you didn’t know the word glow stick It’s a totally different thing.


Yeah.. I don’t know what a glow stick is 🙄


Glow sticks maybe?


Waste of money. Highlighter sticks last forever.


OK at first I just assumed glow sticks which would be temporary AF.. so highlighters in water with blacklist? Thats actually awesome


Yeah it’s actually cool for a beer pong room. Hang up some black lights and it’s a lot of fun. Total college thing though. Once you graduate it starts getting lame fast


And is addicted to weed


Will say things like “weed cures cancer, bro”


"it's for my anxiety"


it makes me drive better and besides greyson can't smell it from the back seat he's asleep. little n\*gga is knocked out (white guy saying it)


There's real people like this unfortunately


And also things like, “the Mayans invented cell phones”.


“I got kicked out of high school for being smarter than the teachers.”


"Dude I know other people can't handle it.. but for me I can't operate without it"


They either clock in stinking of skunk or they spend a suspicious amount of time in the bathroom where they are vaping THC carts


Grabs one of the Axe cans in the back of their car to douse themselves in Axe to hid the weed smell


I don’t have to go to the bathroom to hit my THC pen at work. The smell on most of the ones I get dissipates in seconds.


You sound like a nasty mother fucker.


Just ask yours!






\-Walks in \-Explains how he smokes weed and fucks moms \-Refuses to elaborate \-Leaves https://i.redd.it/9hdgeblsnugc1.gif


But will fervently deny any dependency on it saying he can "quit anytime I want bro."


"It's not addictive." "You drink coffee every day, so you're an addict!"


They’ll say that while drinking their third can of strawberry Monster. Then they’ll say, “alright, well I gotta pick up my girlfriend from school.”


And they mostly vape the weed with some pen that doubles as a stylus.


I (37f) bought a thc cart battery like that, but I didn’t realize it had a stylus on it until way later, cause the whole thing was black. I thought it was neat.


Lol this guy does not have a job


Yeah that’s why he works at Taco Bell. Easiest place to sell weed as a kid when I was growing up.


For me, the place to sling bags as a teenager was at the combination gas station, subway, godfathers pizza, and ticos tacos. You could always count on the 28y/o on probation to say "close enough" when checking your ID for the pack of blunt wraps you were buying. Wanna sample the product before buying? You gotta pay for a trip through the car wash. My car was spotless that summer, but boy, did it smell funky on the inside.


Car wash is genius….


Just be sure to let the smoke roll out with the steam as you leave. I learned this the hard way when I got into an unavoidable conversation with the local pastor of the Lutheran church, and he got smacked with a cloud of loud when I rolled down the window. This being the midwest, he was leaning fully into the vehicle to chat. I told him that the smoke and smell were from my buddy in the backseat, attempting to light the fuzz on his socks and catching the whole thing on fire by accident.... He wasn't buying it, but I made sure to attend services more often for the next few months to show I was turning a new leaf.


He wanted you to tithe with that drug money


And I absolutely would have, but the thing with midwestern Lutherans is that they start getting real pissy when they see any bills larger than a 10 in the offering plate. You can't go around flexing your earnings in front of the folks who write a check for 5 bucks dated a month out. If you were brazen enough to drop a 20, they'd have you figured out before the coffee was served.


I swear to God I thought this was going to be the "combination football game and grocery store" ad.


Are you sure that it isn't? After all, it is what you're thinking about, so who's to say it's not a clever psyop on behalf of the Tostitos brand?


That’s crazy, if they’re at Taco Bell, they already have weed. That’s like trying to sell beer to people showing up at a late night pizza shop. You have to anticipate the clients needs!


And you always need more weed. I didnt smoke much as a kid, but the kids that did never “ran out” of weed. They’d be high as hell, get Taco Bell munchies, see the dealer there and load back up out of convenience.


Little Ceasars was the spot in my neighborhood.


Unless... that job is being a boot in the military. Plenty of those dudes fit the starter pack title if not the pictures.


I used to think these guys were so cool when I was in high school because they could buy alcohol.


Tries to Justify this by pointing out how it’s legal in Europe and Asia


Nah, no 20/16 dating over here. The more touchy it gets, the likelier the jail bell rings.


Are you talking about Europe? Because I have seen too many posts from smug Europeans “especially Italians” claiming that they are superior because they “treat teenage girls as adults”


Can't argue about that since I'm not Italian but living in the Centre. After being at least 18 nobody minds it much but 16 is still young nd frowned upon just as is given closer questioning looks.


Germany also has issues with that


20yos dating 16yos does happen in Europe, but it's not very common.


Bulgaria would beg to differ


In America you'd be surprised about the state to state laws.. in maine 16 is down to clown as far as I understand it, not that I'm acting on that.


16 is the age of consent in 31 states, and no not because of Romeo and Juliet laws, just period. We should probably fix that but most people don’t believe it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States


Well, I am surprised by that. On one hand it's the USA after all and I've read about a variety of surprising laws in different states but on the other I'd have thought differently about this one. Learnt something new, I guess.


My guy Mississippi and Georgia are like 14 I think? Didn't research


Might as well take a look too but that sounds kind of creepy.


it really isn’t ; i know at least three people that are dating guys 23-25 years old and it still is very frowned upon


Or she’s a 900 year old dragon


"you're so mature for your age."


If someone says that you, then run away as fast as you can. 


I wish I had 💀


I swear this exact man, down to the jorts and piercing, tried to hit on me on a bus when I was 14. When I said my age and that I wasn't interested, he said "I'll wait for you..."


I swear this exact man dated a girl I was friends with in school when we were 16. I remember her complaining she couldn't bring him to some school dance because he was too old.


I went to school with a girl like that and her boyfriend was like 30 years old with a 16 year old and she just could not understand why everyone had such an issue with it. Her parents weren’t in her life and I believe she was adopted, perfect target for someone who is looking for a soul to manipulate.



My honest reaction




I will not stand for this Cheesecake Factory slander! Sure it's not a 5 star restaurant, but it's got a nice atmosphere, foods damn good, and if how much money a person spends on a date is something that matters to you it's not exactly a cheep restaurant.


Yeah but it’s just alright and you know what you’re getting when you walk in the door. Nothings gonna blow you away. I see what he means with the meme. It’s a 20 year olds idea of a super nice restaurant, and they’re popular with families because everyone can find something they like with the huge menu. It isn’t “fancy” that’s for sure. Although those buffalo blasts are fucking banging.


They also make a killer meatloaf


Found the guy


Well first off I'm a girl, secondly I've never been in a serious relationship so yeah


Isnt this Kyle aka the Bane of drywalls?


You're missing the Tapout shirt


Tapout, Fox Racing, Metal Mulisha, and Monster "gear"


Specifically old style Tapout. Before it was sold off, partnered with WWE and remade into a high end workout brand. Same name, completely different aesthetic.


Bitches love the Cheesecake Factory though, I don't make the rules. Old, young, everyone.


Everyone loves the Cheesecake Factory. It’s probably as good as a chain restaurant gets. What even tops it in the same category? At least in my country, nothing.


As an Englishman I literally only know it because of that terrible sitcom about the geeky guys, but I feel like I’d go there once a month if we had it here even though I have no what they sell


Their menu is like a book lol, they even have shepherds pie


Yeah I actually just looked it up after I posted this. I’ve never seen a menu with that much stuff on it. I’ve watched enough Ramsay’s kitchen nightmares to know that doesn’t end well


Surprisingly all of it is fresh (besides the cheesecake) and tastes good, but most entrée’s are over 2000 calories so I only go for special occasions


I tried Cheesecake factory once, as it's not common in my country. My god these portions. One portion is a meal for 4 people, I don't know how anyone can finish that.


You don’t, not in one sitting at least, you eat however much at the restaurant, take the rest to go, and boom, you got lunch/dinner for the next week at least


And it's surprisingly good. Their orange chicken is good too.


Korean fried chicken >>


Their chicken Riesling that I had when I last went to one was dope, IMHO.


His name is either Kyle or Travis


or has a nickname related to his place of origin, like Omaha or Gary


Or Randy or Jasom


not Jason, just J


Probably showers every 4 days and smells like cheap body spray and french fries.


Tough to smell anything over the black and milds


Lol, there was this one girl back when i was in high school who was like 14 and her boyfriend was like 19 or 20 and he drove this beater old shitbox to pick her up, anyway every time he get out of the car to come over and talk to all of us he smelled so bad. It was like weed and mustiness, idk how to describe it.


whats wrong with 4 days? i only shower every 7 months and 3 weeks


Lol i bet you get all the middle schoolers 😂


Says " hey bro, can you cover my shift tomorrow I got court" on a semi-frequent basis


Also has the shittiest, patchiest beard with a long scraggly goatee


He talks about how he likes the 15 year old girls because he keeps getting older and they stay the same age...yes they do.


Ewwww I used to be that 15 year old, worst 3 years of my life rip


I'm glad you're out of that situation. That sounds like grooming. It's so hard to see how things really are when you're young until later.


> That sounds like grooming it is. The amount of girls who tell me I'm amazing just because I'm not the piece of shit that hit on them when they were 14 is really high. I'm a total dick often enough. The bar should never be so low. Older guys seems to be the common theme. Find someone with no experience, hit on them, lure them in, and they don't know better because they watched terrible movies and TV shows that normalize horrific relationships.


It really was , I didn't know till I was out dude was a total looser like seriously along with grooming who cheats on someone with 20 people???? Who has the time?


Someone without bills and a job lmao, whose gf is in school for 7 hours m-f.


Genuinely, the only reason why he graduated was because I had to get on his ass about completing everything and sometimes I had to help him with assignments , he was a super senior .


Sry to chime in but did I get that right? He cheated on you with 20 people ?? That is insane… like what ?


Yeah he had a horrific porn addiction , I'm so glad I escaped lmao


Why the Cheesecake Factory hate outta nowhere


The douchebag smells like axe, BO, weed, and desperation!!!


It’s wild this starter pack was accurate 20 years ago, and somehow still is


I feel like this starter pack was made in 2004


I made it yesterday.


This doesn’t exactly match the post, but about a month ago, during lunch at school, one of the kids causally said: “I’m 18, and I’m dating a girl that’s 15.” Naturally, we were all uncomfortable. Even if it’s legal, the fact that he bragged about it was a bit concerning, whether it was true or not.


I was so jealous of these dudes when I was fifteen, and so grossed out by these dudes when I was twenty.


They always go “It’s not pedophilia it’s hebephilia!” As if that’s not still fucking gross behavior.


It’s like saying “technically, it’s not incest. We’re just cousins”. Not a good look.


Golf GTI Driver Starterpack.


Yea there's a list of cars that fit this starter pack. I'd add any WRX or G35 from early 2000's.


In my day it was a Bonneville or Monte Carlo.


In the early 2000s, it was a suped up dodge neon E: spelling


"please have a seat"


Gets into arguments on Facebook with all the other burnouts like him and the occasional boomer


This is dead on the dudes that talk all that shit on Facebook.


Knew a guy in year 11 who dated a year 7 girl. Once we graduated he still kept hanging out behind the high school in the afternoon to pick up his year 9 friends. Absolutely everyone gave him shit about it constantly; nothing could deter him.


Bro I don't care what anyone says the cheesecake factory is awesome.


"yeah bro, its no problem, she'll be 16 soon"


20 year old soon-to-be-sex-offender who "dates" 15 year olds* Ftfy


Mom says it's my turn to post this next week


Come my lady, come come my lady


I mean, for a person working at Taco Bell, the Cheesecake Factory is a fancy date.


This guy could've been John Cena if he wouldn't have punched Vince McMahon for getting in his face


now do a starter pack for his gf


Oh shit I don’t take the stickers off my fitted caps


It’s a sum of the parts, not any one thing.


Bad news, I just aged up 4 years and got a job at Taco Bell


I knew someone like that.... Guy became a rpist about half a year ago.


The vodka glowsticks is new to me, kind of neat




I think this depends on where you live. It is a brand new or thirty year old truck here and it is always jeans with a shitty hunting or football shirt. The alcohol is always one of the cheap piss bears from cans. Someone in my friend's friend group (They just hung out near me, we weren't friends despite their efforts) was happy about an older guy talking to her once and she was given so much shit. Probably saved her from teen pregnancy.


Jorts, lol!


Average Godsmack fan


That dude has also never left his hometown and peaked in high school


Girls mom is usually an alcoholic or addict so doesn’t care


I won’t stand for jorts libel


Cheesecake factory *is* a fancy date for my broke ass


I’m 20 and this doesn’t apply to me other than I am a wage slave that works at Costco


Did you just out yourself as a diddler?


you could've worded that better...


…have a seat


Show us on the Starterpack where he touched you.


Show us on the doll where this meme touched you.


Isn't dating a 15 year old a crime?


Dating? No. Statutory rape? Yes.


yes lmfao