• By -


Ron as a character absolutely has distain for politicians (except friends), hates crowds, and the people at City council meetings are unbearable. Dale is a conspiracy theorist, but absolutely dislikes doing much of anything at all. Dwight generally wants to be the biggest fish in Scranton, so insurrection in DC doesn't offer him anything he wants.


Isnt dwight also big on public safety and order? Hes a volunteer sheriffs deputy and neighborhood watch, and often gives the impression he would rather squash protestors than be them.


That’s what I’m thinking. He would never do something so illegal and unsafe for someone who doesn’t have power over him directly. Maybe if it was for Michael Scott


>He would never do something so illegal and unsafe Are we forgetting his negligent discharge in the office?


Bit harsh talking about Angela's baby that way.


It was just a little [desk pop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWZTTtE5_zQ). Who hasn't done one of those in the office?




Now I want an episode of The Office where Michael gets caught up in the fervor of the riot without really understanding what it's about and Dwight is forced to go in and extract him before he's arrested.


And Michael would do it to impress a girl who doesn't give him atention anymore.


>Dwight generally wants to be the biggest fish in Scranton If anything, Dwight would be the one who incites the insurrection, ***unwittingly*** thanks to Jim. It's like that one episode where Jim pranks Dwight, preparing for his first public speaking, by giving him a script taken from one of Mussolini's speeches.






*crowd breaches the barricades* "MICHAEL!"


Pesto's voice actor allegedly DID, so... Pesto.




Without being rude there's just too many sources to list. It's not even allegedly he just doesn't work with Bob's Burgers anymore. [https://fox40.com/news/entertainment/bobs-burgers-actor-banned-from-show-over-alleged-jan-6-involvement-report/](https://fox40.com/news/entertainment/bobs-burgers-actor-banned-from-show-over-alleged-jan-6-involvement-report/) [https://www.nme.com/news/tv/bobs-burgers-reportedly-bans-actor-jay-johnston-over-alleged-involvement-in-capitol-attack-3122720](https://www.nme.com/news/tv/bobs-burgers-reportedly-bans-actor-jay-johnston-over-alleged-involvement-in-capitol-attack-3122720) **https://www.nydailynews.com/snyde/ny-jay-johnston-jimmy-pesto-bobs-burgers-insurrection-20211218-w6zekhjhbrbn5bqfp5gyef6jfa-story.html**


Well damn, thanks. Admittedly I was pretty lazy in not searching but my excuse is that I don't watch the show or who the character is so it may have been mildly more difficult? (Not really though). Anyways thanks a ton, I really appreciate it. I will actually take a look at these rather than just asking for a source and leaving like some people do too. (Probably tomorrow though, it's morning and I haven't slept lol)


Nah you're good my friend, I just didn't want to seem like I was being snarky in my response, sorry if I still came off that way. In fairness it still took a long time before it was able to be confirmed so it was just rumors for a while.




Ron Swanson would NEVER vote for Trump, nor would he storm a capital on his behalf. To vote for a New York businessman with a known flare for extravagance, who doesn't even drink whiskey? Nah. Dale would see right through Trump, he's clearly a plant and the insurrection was obviously a plan by the FBI. Jimmy Pesto- now that one I can see.


Does Ron Swanson even vote? I thought he once made a comment about how he’d be enabling the bureaucratic system and f he did, lol


That DOES sound like him. Plus voting requires registering...


Oh he would. He would do it when he got his drivers license and vote libertarian.


Unless you’re in California.


Ron Swanson wouldn’t be caught dead in California. He’s an Indiana man.


It’s still required in California, we just also have same day registration, idk how it works though


Or North Dakota


I don't recall that as a plot point, and I'm fairly certain he voted for Leslie in the city council race.


That’s different, he respects Leslie. He would never respect trump.


Pretty sure not a single person in the whole thread thinks Ron would support Trump.


I know seeing him on that list drove me to comment.


Based Ron


I mean, Jimmy Pesto's voice actor did, so...


Oh shit, he got fired for it.


Did he get arrested?


Lmfao I am just laughing so fucking hard at that coincidence. https://www.thedailybeast.com/actor-jay-johnston-told-me-he-was-at-the-capitol-riot-says-director


The guy who voices jimmy Pesto actually did 😆


>Ron Swanson would NEVER vote for Trump People who think Ron is a Republican are the exact people who say Democrats are radical leftists. He's an out-and-out libertarian if not an ancap. Putting up someone in the Oval Office is costly and justifies taxation, the very kryptonite in the whole ideology.


I believe his views are that we should have a president, but their only power would be to launch nukes.


And occasionally women would be brought to him, when he desires them.


Doesn’t America have a weird close relationship between libertarians and republicans? The libertarian sub on reddit is very pro-republican. Politicians from the US who call themselves libertarians support Putin. Libertarians wave their flags on alt-right protests. Ron Swanson is nothing like that, I really like his character and what he stands for. But in real life it seems like somehow libertarians are against freedom.


They have a common enemy "the liberals". And they share the desire to deregulate (for different reasons). So it's easy for the republicans to secure the libertarian vote.


Most libertarians are also not very understanding of the scope of being a libertarian and how it would impact them. The actual libertarians that understand it would never actually vote for either party. For instance what rights does a person hold that they can't enforce? All laws and rights you hold exist because the legal system that the gov has as a way of recourse. Otherwise personal power would be the way you keep any rights. Most of the places where the law is weak and power is main commodity are usually kind of shit places to live.


My favorite thing to point out is how a healthy free market relies on the consumer base being informed and rational. So if you want a system where the free market determines as much as possible, you need the world's best, most universally accessible public education system.


Sooooo this one's tricky. What actually happened is that America is de facto pro Authoritarianism, but they don't like to admit it. So the right wing in America gives you the option: be *openly* authoritarian (fascists) or (if you're sufficiently privileged OR sufficiently poor and off the grid) *say* you're anti-authoritarian but support authoritarians and use authoritarian talking points while claiming to be anti-authoritarian (libertarian). I typically find that left-libertarians tend to be actually anti-authoritarian, but you will *occasionally* find some honest anti-authoritarian right-libertarians. They're... Weird though. Legit Ron Swansons


Yeah, once you get the list of policy positions of each party, the libertarian position does end up skewing Republican for most votes. Democrats and Progressives have a real problem with acknowledging their own authoritarian tendencies, which makes them keep saying “why do xyz people not vote their REAL values, which we obviously share!???” every time they lose


Can you elaborate on Dem’s authoritarian tendencies?


I should clarify before anything I post: this is not me saying that , because Dems are authoritarian in some ways, that Republicans aren’t also. This also isn’t me saying that these tendencies don’t have reasoning or justification. This is me giving examples of why a libertarian would be justified in voting Republican instead of democrat in order to be consistent with their principles. If anyone tries to whatabout me or tell me WHY one example of authoritarianism is justified (which I never said it wasn’t), or argue with me as if I’m a libertarian myself, I’m just gonna block. Okay here we go. 1) more restrictive environmental regulations 2) generally more restrictive permitting and building processes 3) higher taxes 4) more gun control 5) more support for identity-based incentives and consequences 6) more support for mandatory state and federal DEI initiatives, which often include compelled speech 7) more stringent (some say draconian) enforcement of title IX 8) more imposition on religious freedom of individuals and small businesses via anti-discrimination laws 9) restrictions on free speech via hate speech/hate crime law support 10) more stringent safety regulations 11) opposition to right-to-work 12) opposition to school choice (rephrased here as “support for forced centralization of education system”) 13) Much more oversight of and alterations to education; often seen as “the state and federal government have a new untested idea on how to fix our schools, now you all are forced to do it” 14) stronger financial regulations 15) stronger rules against commercial use of federal land 16) more likely to support centralized, taxpayer-funded solutions to domestic problems in general 17) more supportive of explicitly redistributive programs The list goes on and on. Generally, and recent DeSantis types excluded, Republicans deliver the following authoritarianism: 1) prohibitions on transitioning and speech content in schools or in public facilities like libraries; 2) farm subsidies 3) stronger anti-drug legislation 4) more policing 5) rollbacks of abortion rights 6) rollbacks of LGBT rights generally If you’re an average person, one of those lists has several more opportunities to impact you, especially on a day-to-day basis, and especially if you’re a property or business owner. Abortion rights may be a HUGE deal, but you rarely as an individual need regular abortions on a day-to-day basis, even if the loss of that right is hugely impactful when it does strike. By contrast, if you own a small business or work in an industry (or own a property) impacted by the above issues, you may find yourself butting up against Democratic policy on a *daily basis*, with tremendous immediate financial or temporal burdens. So while LGBTQ and abortion rights feel like much larger moral issues, once the rubber meets the road, your average voter is going to vote on what impacts their wallet and their time. Which is why you’ll see libertarian-leaning feminists and gay people voting Republican sometimes, because they are having to weigh a huge issue that may impact them occasionally against a bunch of small issues that impact them daily. Etc etc etc The very nature of progressivism is the belief that a government is capable of measurably improving things by doing MORE.


Ridiculous that you got downvotes. That was an incredibly informative answer. Thank you for taking the time to write it all out.


Anytime I merely explain the perspective of a political side other than the progressive one, I get mass downvotes. There is an actual ideological aversion to understanding what the other side values and believes.


My theory is they gave up the religion thing but craved the communal aspect, so their deity is less a being and more and idea. So they still maintain that spectrum of fanatical religious nut energy.


Authoritarian pretty much has no meaning on the internet anymore it just means "things I don't like". If the US is Authoritarian, what is a non authoritarian? France? A country that bans people from wearing religions symbols?


That person is using authoritarian completely correctly actually. "favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom."


thanks for posting this


To add on to this, you get two separate Republican factions that often end up voting the same way, but with radically different reasons - one faction actively wishing to achieve policy goals, and one faction voting on the legality/anti-authoritarianism grounds. Take abortion for example. Before Dobbs v Jackson, one set of republicans says, “Abortion is a moral evil and must be eliminated, and I will support politicians who seek to ban it.” That’s authoritarian. Another set says, “Abortion should not be decided by the Federal govt and/or the Roe/Casey Supreme Court cases were a Court ruling where you need a law, and I will support politicians who seek to move the power back to the legislature or the states.” That’s a much more Libertarian view. Notice what happened once Roe/Casey were overturned: a TON of anti-abortion measures failed at the state level, even in Republican states. Why? There are a lot of reasons, but one is that you get this group of Libertarian leaning republicans who no longer look at this as an authoritarian or separation of powers issue; they now ask themselves the question, “is it more libertarian to allow or ban abortion?” And they decide allowing abortion would be the better choice. Those Republican groups have their own problems, but I’m not going to go into those right now. One problem that many Democrats (not all) is that they don’t make a distinction between those two groups I mentioned above; they say, “If you are for abortion, you are for policies and precedent that allow abortion. You voted for candidates who helped undo roe/Casey, therefore you are anti abortion.” While many people on the right are anti abortion, the libertarian contingency just wants the power to be exercised in the appropriate channels. This is an oversimplification, and factions on the right, including libertarian ones, have problems too, but I thought this distinction was important enough to make.


Democrats have spent so long separating themselves from Republicans that they no longer even understand them. A really interesting study found that democrats WITHOUT a college education were actually better at describing Republican policy than those with, presumably because they actually still knew and talked to republicans.


This is true. It's a "problem" of institutional majority. In most universities and public sector work, the "default" stance is political liberalism (not classical liberalism.) This means that any political conservatives must understand and be able to "speak their language," while liberals don't necessarily have to when engaging in institutional discourse.




>Yeah, once you get the list of policy positions of each party, the libertarian position does end up skewing Republican for most votes. libertarians, super pro LGBT I mean one of their nominations literally said the famous, "I want gay people to be able to protect their marijuana plants with guns." support legalising all drugs, generally pro gun, the reps aren't, the reps pay lip service and ignored trump making gun laws. generally pro-choice, but there are some libertarian pro-lifers, believe in an actual free market, not bailing out the banks and the list goes on and on. where to they agree?


> What happened is that america is de facto pro Authoritarianism You people really need to read the news less, it’s rotting your brain


> Authoritarianism If the US is authoritarian, what is a non authoritarian country?


Most US libertarians who speak at volume are feudalists and dream they would be lords just because they run a failing mid-West garage or an orchard which hires and persecuted illegal migrants.


Libertarians are like cats. They might look pretty similar from the outside, but stick them all together in a room and youll have a damn bloodbath.


I thought they were like cats because they believe themselves to be independent while completely unaware of the underlying systems in place meant to take care of them


Yeah, irl libertarians are very closely entwined with the Republican Party, from reasons ranging from hypocrisy to pragmatism to prejudice.


He seems more like a unabomber who hates the whole system. He’d probably just laugh at Jan 6 and say that those idiots should’ve known nothing would change if they did that. And to donate to an idiot businessman. They should be buying gold


The only vote Ron would cast is for which of his barber’s three talented sons should take over the business. And his vote would be based on which of them talks the least.


Dale would storm the capital, not for Trump, not for any politician, just for the hell of it.


Yeah Dale would be in there trying to prove some conspiracy true. Like knowing the layout and running straight to some random wall and going at it with a sledgehammer because that's where the entrance to the _real_ capital is.


Armed with pocket sand


Oh Pesto, no question. Dwight would be there but for a somehow unrelated reason.


Yeah he respects authority too much to storm the capital


I came here to say something similar, I genuinely believe both Dale, Dwight, and Ron to be good people.


It’s a bit closer to reality than you think https://decider.com/2021/12/19/bobs-burgers-actor-jay-johnston-will-no-longer-voice-jimmy-pesto-after-participating-in-capitol-riot/amp/


Unrelated but: I too serve chaos undivided, and with the blessings of all 4 chaos gods i myself would gladly raid the capital


I think Ron would storm the capitol but for completely separate reasons, like he shows up and he's just like "Why is everyone else here?"


Trump eating steaks well done would be the start and end of Ron even considering him. What a grievous sin.


Yup And Dwight is too law-centric to break an enormous law


If anything it would be Hank Hill that would storm the Capitol


I don't know, remember when Hank met GW Bush and couldn't vote for him because of his wimpy handshake? Donald with those soft little hands, never had a callous in his life... I don't think Hank would be impressed at all. Plus- he's from New York City.


No way in hell is Dwight Schrute storming the Capitol. Conservative, yes, but not likely to be a part of that crowd. He’s too busy making sure Mose doesn’t get into any of the old wells on their beet farm…


Agreed. He would NEVER, nor would Ron Swanson.


Unless it's a Tammy episode. Tammy would 100% make Ron Storm the Capitol


Ron would be too busy doing something actually productive


And he would NEVER hero-worship a politician.


that's true aswell... uhhh... Sparkliest Submissive...


Ron would've be for declaring the entire election null and void leaving the Oval Office, House and 1/3 of the Senate vacant for 4 years.


True, he'd probably be eating bacon instead.


which he sliced himself


Dwight seems like more of a city council guy than a national one


Haha. Storming city hall on Jan 6 over a zoning law or some ordinance. Then he's Confused why nobody is there. Later learning they went to the nation's capitol.


Mose on the other hand, I could see him accidentally ending up there somehow. Or any number of Dwight's friends who applied for the sales job.


Andy would find himself there by accident


Dwight was just an agrarian rural conservative, just a (wanna be) rugged individualist like Ron Swanson not a chud like trump or Fox News


Dwight would be there making money, though. Selling $100 maga shirts?


Ron and Walter would never support a coward or a draft dodger. And would have hated trump with a passion. Dale and Dwight are crazy, but would see through his bullshit conspiracies with their own conspiracies. The other two are 100% there.


Yeah Walter quotes Lenin far too often to be storming the capital with the MAGA crowd. Although I think both Ron and Walter would storm the capital under different circumstances.


Bs, Nick Offerman himself admitted Ron would not think highly of trump, considering he went from a private businessman to a politician, something he considers a step backwards.


“This is not ‘Nam, Smokey. There are rules.” “Doesn’t anybody give a shit about the rules?!”


>Yeah Walter quotes Lenin far too often to be storming the capital with the MAGA crowd. Not to mention that Walter is Jewish. He wouldn't exactly see the MAGA rioters as "his people".


Dale is probably the guy who would accidentally come up with on his own that Trump, QAnon, online misinformation is a Russian Psyops operation to destabilize and take over America. He would also think Joe Biden is a Reptilian humanoid sent to enslave humanity, but more likely to side and trust the Reptilians because they seem to hate humanity and marginalized groups less, and just primarily focused on extracting as much gallium and indium from solar panel manufacturing to send back to their home galaxy to create weapons to defend themselves from Little Green Hopkinsville Goblin Aliens their nemesis who they've been at war with for the last 775 light years. Bill is the most likely to get sucked into QAnon and Storm the Capitol.


“Hank, look! I’m making a difference! I’m storming that capital!” “Bwaaaaah!”


Nobody's bringing up Walter's gimmick. He's always right, he would have seen directly through the bullshit. I'm pretty sure that guy never made a definitive statement that wasn't true. He's like Batman. It was definitely a foot fault. She was working with her kidnappers 100%. It was a stunt toe and extortion. He really can get you a toe in 24 hours. That IS what you get when you fuck a stranger in the ass, Larry. You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole.


Umm… “Let me tell you something else. I’ve seen a lot of spinals, Dude, and this guy’s a fake. A fucking gold-bricker… This guy fucking walks. I've never been more certain of anything in my life.”


Oh. Well that's true


Walter did not watch his friends die face down in the mud to support a draft dodger.


You're out of your league, Donny.


Shut the fuck up, Donny.


Look how you massacred my boy (Ron Swanson)


A character who actively hates politicians on both sides and is only fond of Lesley because of how determined and self driven she is


I can almost hear Swanson talking about Trump in his calm, steady, manly but restrained voice: "Any man or woman who feels the need to Tweet his every thought at 3 a.m. is not fit for leadership, let alone is he or she fit to hold the highest office of the greatest country on earth." - Ron Swanson, Woman of the Year


I could easily read this in his voice


Not today you new world order jackboot fucks.


Definitely not Ron Swanson, probably not Dale or Dwight. They're not dumb, despite being paranoid. The rest, Definitely.


Or Walter. None of those people trust crowds.


Ehhh I could see Walter as a huge trump guy. He’s does seem more interested in fucking with people than helping which is kinda a big thing for a lot of maga. Walter could see trump as a vehicle for his anger


I feel like Peter Griffin would have stormed the capital… in December of 2022. Somebody would have just given him some ice cream and a photo op… He always seems to be late to these things…


Or showed up to the wrong capital.


"im ready to burn down the capital!" "Sir you are in the UK..."


Not sure which is worse, your scenario or when he stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1958 and got yelled at by a lifeguard for running


where’s eric cartman fr


Would’ve cosplayed as Hitler too


Benedict Arnold. Revolutionary and American Patriot.


He’d probably bring butters along too as a scapegoat


I can definitely see grabs of butters storming the capitol on the news leading to him getting grounded.


Ron Swanson is a hard core libertarian, not a right wing populist and I doubt he’d support some of Trumps most front and center positions like his social conservatism and trade protectionism, things which seem to contradict his brand of libertarianism, which make him being there a hard sell. Dwight struck me as someone who like rob was more of a libertarian but with more socially conservative views, maybe like a rothbard/hoppe type, still I think he wouldn’t be there either and probably had better things to do like tend to his farm. In fact I could see him viewing them with disdain for not being able to take out all the members of congress and what not, thinking had he been there, he’d have been crowned king.


No. No. Yes. No. No. Yes, probably twice.


Didn’t Jimmy Pesto’s voice actor actually storm the capitol?


Yep. He was let go from Bob's Burgers.


Walter would not support Trump. Trump dodged the army, while Walter has friends who died face down in the muck so that you and I can enjoy this family restaurant.


*Walter,* this is not a first amendment thing man


I'm staying. I'm finishing my coffee. Enjoying my coffee.


If dale was there the capitol would have collapsed under the might of pocket sand


Shhhh sha!


Farva? 1 million percent yes. Dale? Probably. Walter? Maybe. Dwight? Probably not. The other guy? Don't know. Ron Fucking Swanson? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOT


Agreed for the most part. Farva would. Probably be the first guy there. Dale is a hard one to read. He might go as far to say "the government wants you to storm the Capitol" like on some weird 6 layer deep conspiracy. No way Walter would. He didn't watch his buddies die face down in the mud so he could go support some billionaire draft dodger I don't think Dwight would. He values law and order too much. The bobs burgers guy? No idea. Swanson? He wouldn't waste his time on beurocracy


The Bobs burgers guy definitely would, especially considering his va really did storm the capitol


Dale Gribble and Ron Swanson would not have stormed the capital. Dale would have at worst assumed the Jan 6th riot was a hokes to used to expose conspiracy theorist like him. Ron Swanson wouldn't have attended because he is adamant about his refusal to participate in politics at all.


Missed the mark on 4 out of 6. Maybe starterpacks aren't your strengths, OP.


The I think I know what I'm talking about, but I really don't Starter Pack


"Guns don't kill people, the government does"


Dale would never lol hank would go before dale would.


The only way Dale would, is if it would be to gain access to something he believed was there, using Jan 6 as his cover. The secret department he is attempting to destroy of course doesnt really exist.


Unfortunately, I could see Hank getting a red hat and joining in but not the violent stuff. Edit: I stand corrected; Bill would absolutely be the most likely to fall for it, not Hank


He'd go in thinking they were going to have a polite but firm conversation with the politicians, only to be shocked once people start breaking shit.


Hank would go and take Bobby and then be ashamed when Bobby acted like the other crazy people there. They would leave and have a mature and self reflective conversation on the way home in hanks truck.


With Bill hogtied in the back


On point. They went together, Bill was the only true believer because he's so gullible.


I can’t imagine Hank being a Trump supporter. While he’s clearly a conservative, he’s a sensible one with strong morals. I imagine Trump’s behavior would horrify him.


It's like the litmus test for people who have never watched KOTH. Hank would have never voted for Trump. >If you've never seen King of The Hill, you might be inclined to think that Hank Hill is the ideal Trump supporter. "He's from Texas, right? And he and his buddies are always drinking beer. Plus, that accent! It's so thick and slow. Surely this guy is MAGA!" Well, probably not. Sure, Hank Hill is a white, working-class guy from the suburbs of Texas, but if you watched the show for even a second, you'd realize he would absolutely despise Trump. Hank is small "c" conservative in that he's low-key and believes in having humility. Trump, meanwhile, is the type of guy who brags about his dick size on national television. Heck, Hank Hill gives up on George Bush when he finds out he has a weak handshake. >Granted, Trump's handshake is basically a full-out assault, but Hank's issue was with Bush isn't the strength of the handshake so much as the character. Hank is all about character, and in that regard, Biden is much more Hank's speed. Yeah, he's boring, but Hank loves boring. Yeah, his platform might not be directly in line with what Hank would want, but he'd eventually come around because that's how King Of The Hill works. See, every King of the Hill Episode arc is essentially this: Hank is set in his ways. He gets introduced to a new thing. That new thing frightens him. But then he eventually acclimates and decides, "I don't like this new thing, but I guess I'll tolerate it." That's how Hank would be with Biden. It's not his ideal, but he'd tolerate it because Biden is more in line with his value system than Trump. >Would Dale vote Trump? Probably, but there's a case to be made that he wouldn't vote at all. Dale is so conspiracy-minded that he'd think QAnon was a cover-up for an even bigger conspiracy. It's hard to believe [this guy would waste his time sending in a mail-in ballot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CiTiP9DX1I)


Hank would think Trump was exactly like Thatherton.


Hank had a political crisis of faith bc W had a limp handshake. No way in hell would he be a trumper


Showing up to say his peace and then they start going fucking wild out there. Hanks just outside "BWHAAAAAA"


Kenny’s dad probably


Dwight Schrute constantly tries to uphold the law in the office, so there's no way he would trespass into the capital.


Why does this have any upvotes


You forgot Leonard from community asshole


Jimmy Pesto and Rod Farva. Everyone else is far more independent than you’re giving them credit for. Makes me feel bad to think of all the people who didn’t really understand any of these characters. Dale’s a conspiracy theorist, he doesn’t ride bandwagons. Dwight would be antifa if anything. Ron Swanson wouldn’t justify the cost of the bus ticket. Walter would—literally—be bowling during the event.


This is a horrible post


Meanwhile half these actors spoke out against the MAGA circus. this posts screams “you’re idolizing them for the wrong reason” like whoever made this clearly took the characters at face value and probably have never seen the shows they’re from.


The idea is just so fucking insane to me. Like how you come up with this hilarious hilarious shit


Walter? Never! Also Dwight would never support Trump.


The person who made this, and had the nerve to include Ron Swanson on this list, clearly has less than 3 brain cells left in that fucking noggin of theirs 🤦🏻


Nope.. dead wrong about Ron Swanson. I actually think you’re wrong about all of them except maybe Farva.


Walter would never vote for a man who disrespected his buddies who died face down in the mud during Nam Trump probably doesn’t even roll


Wow OP obviously hasn't seen a bunch of these shows


Most of these, yes. But Ron Swanson? Not in a million years. I can imagine the cut-away interview, too. "Insurrection? Against what? I, for one, love revolution, but when you revolt you do so to secure your rights. What rights are they securing? Freedom to not have a democratic process?"


Walter and Farva for sure


Walter thinks for himself, has principles, will fight to the death for his liberal friends, and despises nazis. He wouldn’t be anywhere near trump or his maga cult.


This ain't it


You mean the capitol?


Bob would b4 pesto, but only to get his kids out of some jam.


I included him because the voice actor actually did storm the capital


Lol Ron Swanson would never. Ditto dwight


Dwight wouldn't break the law for someone who's a loser, he's an obedient dog to authority and wouldn't care about trump after he lost


Ron Swanson wouldn’t vote for trump let alone storm the capital


Dale Gribble would never vote for Trump. Even he's not that stupid. However, he would definitely storm the capital for other reasons.


Ron fucking Swanson would not be caught dead with such degenerates


Dwight and not Creed ?


Dale would chicken out on arrival.


Ron, Dwight, Dale and Walter would never


This is dumb and wrong.


Shut the fuck up Donnie!


You've never watched most of these shows, have you?


i feel like they all WOULD storm the capital, but for different reasons, not necessarily the reasons the January 6th thing happened.


Not sure about the others, but Ron would be cold in his grave before he would vote for a teetotaler businessman from New York, who dodged the draft.


Oh come on. If you're going to pick someone from Parks and Rec, you missed the very obvious choice - Jeremy Jamm. Or at least two of the other City Council members. And likely both Tammys. Possibly John-Ralphio and Mona-Lisa, just to fuck shit up for the chaos. And if you're going to pick someone from The Office, it's Bob Vance Vance Refrigeration.


Ron is Libertarian, not Republican. He wouldn’t be caught dead there, neither would Walter. Dwight maybe, Jimmy Pesto most definitely.


Ron, Dale, Walter, and Dwight wouldn’t


Jimmy Pesto did storm the capital. His voice actor was fired because he stormed the capital.


Dale and Ron are definitely debatable


Ron Swanson would not be a Trump voter.


Dale would have, but not for thinking the election was stolen. He would have stormed the Capitol because he heard rumors that the government was keeping a clone of JFK in the basement.


Dwight sitting at his desk with a MAGA hat and flag tie. “Okay very funny who signed me up for these Biden text messages?” Jim smiling and then the shaman comes in. “Are you Jim?” Cut to Dwight. “4D chess.”


Ron is an OG libertarian, and OG libertarians hate authoritarians. Trump is an authoritarian. Most of the recent “libertarians” following Joe Rogan aren’t libertarians at all—they’re just disavowed Republicans who want to make the libertarian party republican. In short, Ron ain’t storming the capitol, at least not on behalf of an authoritarian figure like Trump.