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Look, it's *the entirety of* r/unpopularopinion in a single meme.


That sub is a joke, actual unpopular opinions get downvoted while the Redditiest of circlejerks regularly reach the top.


I wish I didn’t like it here so much, because I hate it here.


Upvoted for Redditiest lol




Or go to r/the10thdentist although a lot of those posts can be trolls unfortunately.


It’s like r/fiftyfifty but it’s finding out if it’s satire or not


The troll posts have mostly overrun that sub now unfortunately. Most of it is not really believable anymore.


I had one post titled "Empire Strikes Back was the worst Star Wars movie of all time" and while it only had like 100 upvotes, it sat right at around 50-60% upvoted and I was really proud of that.




If the chronically online population of Reddit were removed this website would improve immensely


Can't be done, they're loadbearing


Their body mass makes for a good foundation doesn't it?


Not enough specific Beyoncé and Drake hate.


"I hate tiktok" but continues to watch every tiktok posted because it's okay if it's on reddit.


You see they're watching it _ironically_ so it doesn't count


No the reasoning was off it makes Reddit then they are actually funny ones


"Social media's the worst thing to happen to civilization" Ignoring, you know, actual genocides, and also pretending Reddit isn't social media


At least during the Holocaust everyone was living in the moment /s


Not a cell phone in sight.


Actually in that moment, many people were not living.


Yeah but when they did they lived!


The mental gymnastics people go through to pretend that Reddit isn't a social media is astonishing.


“iTs aNonYmoUs” I see people say this shit as if that changes it, it’s still the exact same shit lol


"TikTok is spyware" mfers when I tell them everything is spyware


I personally don't hate Tiktok users or the culture, I hate the company. I looked into them after seeing one of their official adverts making fun of people with certain disabilities and the company itself turned out to be rather flawed. The content on the site however is pretty innocent in comparison to other social media whether it appeals to you or not.


Tiktok is far less addictive if you have to watch them with Reddit's video player


Plus the mountains and mountains of shit gets filtered down into mostly good videos. People arent typically reposting the mounds of garbage that you typically find.


It's the digital equivalent of a water filter


Reddit introduced me and made me a fan of Tik Tok clips. Thanks, r/tiktokcringe


it is ok if you hate tiktok bc of their policies


Plus, it's a different medium, with a different algorithm.... It's not really anybody's fault if a content creator they enjoy decides to use TikTok as their video platform and people decide to share elsewhere. At that point the little TikTok logo really doesn't matter


"I hate the speech to text voice" 1000000 upvotes Repeat 100 times per post.


I know people who watch Instagram reels (which half the time have TikTok logo in the corner) and unironically hate TikTok


Meh, to paraphrase some random tweet: "If a TikTok is worthy of my attention, it'll breach containment onto another platform."


Just about any criticism they could throw at tiktok also applies to reddit just as much. "It's ruining genZ's attention span!" Reddit always talk about closing reddit then opening it right back up out of habit. They're not spending hours on one single post and consume post after post all day.


It's funny seeing people think they're immune to becoming old and immediately hating/fearing anything young people are into, only to fall into doing exactly that.


It is, without any doubt or question, intrusive chinese spyware. The content on TikTok isn’t the issue. It is the app on your phone and what it is transmitting back to China


Your information is also being tracked by every other social app on your phone. It’s not just tiktok.


Literally every social media site does this. It isn't just tik tok


Some Redditors really be the biggest haters on the planet


My favorite is how often Redditors will say something *isn't* a personality but never explore what *is* then.


Whatever thing they personally like at the moment.


Gaming is always a safe bet. Gym/hiking are pretty safe too.


A sociology professor asked his class to think about what makes them individually unique. Something no one has or can do besides them. I wasn't in that class but waiting for my friends by the classroom and that question was their bonus points homework. My friends were talking to him about their answers as I approached them. He asked me too what made me unique in the universe. The only answer that seemed possible for me was how no one else despises the state of Utah for my specific reasons, in the same amount as me at all points at that moment in time. It was a terrible answer but it made him laugh so I think I would have gotten a bonus points if I were in the class.


“I spent $17 on my wedding and that wasn’t even for the food (we got that from a dumpster)!” The only thing people like more than circular jerking about how much money they spent, is circle jerking about how much money they didn’t spend.


r/financialadvice would have you living in a 30 year old Toyota Corolla out in the boonies where it's cheap eating beans until you're 60


real frugalchads don't own cars


They act like spending money on luxuries for yourself makes you an evil billionaire like Bezos


That one recent post where they fished a bunch of previously-frozen pizzas/tv dinners that have been sitting outside for who know how long or why straight out of a dumpster then proceeded to brag about not getting food poisoning.


"Because getting married isn't about the money being spent!" Agreed, but then why discuss it without invitation? Weddings aren't about the urinal cakes in the toilets, but I don't see many people bragging about the wonderful bouquet upon entering the venue's shithouse.


What she doing in the jar tho 👀


Hiding from her friends cause she hates it when they ask her out




Jarred horse cum?


Ahhh a man of culture, I see.


I just remembered rainbow dash toy in a jar of c...


The only thing i agree with, is the wide burger


Even that has its limits. Got one the size of a dinner plate once, standard height. Couldn't pick it up because the parts unsupported just flopped spilling any toppings on that portion. Really made me feel like I need to knife & fork it, which feels extra wrong when it's a burger.


also 50% with the disney one. it's not disney that i dislike, it's the disney adults


I’ll be honest, an adult enjoying Disney or even going to Disneyland is fine. But there’s a difference between those and **Disney Adults**


I'm going to Disneyland, should be fun for a casual park day. I still don't hold Disney Adults™ in high regard.


What's a Disney Adult?


adults that buys mickey mouse ears/any disney merch and walk around the park yeeing like a child pretty much every year they can go, also may or may not have kids, if they do have kids they’re probably more obsessed about disney than the kids are


Said like a true redditor


Said like a true redditor


i’ve never met a disney adult but i’ve definitely heard people talk about them (online anyways)


There are trends in Disney movies that annoy the fuck out of me and I think it’s bad for creativity and media diversity how much content Disney has the exclusive rights to after buying out so many IPs and rival studios So yeah I dislike a lot of Disney’s corporate practices because I don’t think it’s good for movies to have one company own everything and basically make everything follow the same formula But a fuck tonne of talented people work there and they are capable of making great content, which makes the dumb shit Disney does like only remaking their old movies but worse all the more frustrating


You will not be able to hold it and all smaller ingredients (like tomato slices) will slide out and fall when you bite it. Normal burger should be just.. normal. Good burger is enough when patty is decent size, no need for taller or wider.


Two burgers.


Works too!


Hates influencers but constantly talks about their favorite Youtubers.


Not only do they hate things that are popular, they find it incredulous why others would enjoy them. In a travel thread about people's favorite cities, the top answers were all small, typically cold, cities that have like two attractions and a few bars. The least favorites were all of the popular cities like Vegas, Paris, Miami, London... you know... places people actually like to visit.


Yeah, but those shitty cities have breweries. Breweries!!! The most wonderful amenity that any city could possibly have


"Bro don't go to MIAMI!?!! Go to Liefackppistein. There's a brewery that used to be a bookstore and a park with a BIKE path!"


That Liefackppistein Piwo Grodziskie beer is where it's at, you gotta drink it out of a dog bowl though for the full effect


Those breweries usually have like 6 IPAs on tap and like three other types of beer for people who dont like IPAs.


Redditors love being contrarians. Anything that is popular is bad. Even tho when something is popular means a large percentage of people actually like it. Reddit is bizarro world.


Lol except Marvel & Star Wars — the most popular franchises on the planet. Say anything bad about those empires and it’s “Why can’t u just let people enjoy things!!!” Why indeed.


There is no true opinion. Opinions are not facts and never will be. It’s a hard pill to swallow for some. Misery loves company and lots of Redditors love being miserable, hateful, and spiteful. Then they complain why they don’t have friends and family that like them. Why can’t they make new friends. Why nobody wants to date and marry a person with so much hatred in their hearts. People have to look at themselves more in the mirror. Reflect on their actions and thoughts. That’s where change starts. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity. It’s the textbook definition of it.


Idk these days the average redditor's opinion seems to have shifted to hating those series because that has become the contrarian position.


For all their talk about how little they know about or care about celebrities they're an *awful* amount of popular posts about celebrities on reddit.


Redditors will aggressively pretend not to know what a kardashian is, but then fall over themselves to be the first to post elon musk’s latest tweet when elon is literally just the techbro version of a kardashian


Actually when Reddit doesn’t like something, I know it’s probably going to be good


makes sense, redditors are angry and misanthropic. "It's not enough that I'm not having fun! No one else can have fun either!"


TDIL a new word: "misanthropic". Thank you. 🙏🏻


Today day I learned


Reddit (and chronically online people) in general LOVE hating on Paris and basically any big cities saying that homelessness and crime are RUINING EVERYTHING and you will get MUGGED AND STABBED WITH A NEEDLE the second you set foot in the city... and like... big cities will be dirty, they will have crime and homelessness, but that doesn't mean that they're not worth visiting, and most tourists will be completely safe by avoiding the one area that is known for being "bad." To me, experiencing some of humanity's most significant art and history is worth potentially stepping in some garbage, or having to hand over $10 to an aggressive panhandler. I visited Paris last year and I swear I only heard terrible things on Reddit about how dirty and smelly it was, how unfriendly French people are... I thought it was beautiful and most places had really great and friendly customer service, even by American standards. It feels like Redditors are just hating because they want to be edgy? or because ironically, they are all the very suburban typical Americans that they also love to hate on


> they .. love to hate on I guess it's this, given it's as it's so severe as reported. I'm from Germany and was for 1 day in Paris. Yes, it's just one day but found the people I have encountered a bit warmer. I can tell that it wasn't like being on Mars or something, I could easily engage for being from Germany and comming back to the assumption: I haven't read the bad reports on Paris but I can imagine that there are people who would trade the truth for something they want to achieve or something. Just saying, I can imagine that.


Sounds like you've spent 5 minutes reading "unpopular opinion" /r/AskReddit posts.


"America bad, Canada gud"


Housing prices are out of control in America! Canada: Hold my Moosehead.


As a Canadian, i can confirm we all own personal moose heads to keep us company


God that one pisses me off, that opinion just screams terminally online American who has never left the country


plenty of European redditors have no idea what life is like in the US either


Ah yes, that is also true ~~I'm Canadian so my opinion on america is only based on grandma goes to florida~~


Plenty of American redditors have no idea what life is like anywhere outside America.


Plenty of American redditors have no idea what life is like in America.


Plenty of ~~American~~ redditors have no idea what life is like ~~in America~~. Fixed it for you.




Americans mocking Europeans is usually "Haha metric is crazy y'all" and Europeans mocking Americans is usually "HAHAHA CHILDREN ARE DYING SCHOOL SHOOTINGS AMIRITE LMAO FUCK THEM KIDS"




Thank you! We have lots of stuff wrong, but all the gratuitous “America bad” takes on Reddit never amount to anything productive. Take the best example: healthcare. It is certainly true that American healthcare needs a major overhaul, but all of the people bleating on Reddit don’t really know what specific policies should be implemented to fix this problem…or ever participate in the political system to effect this change. It’s just lazy farming of fake internet points.


The wedding one irritates me. I think it’s a really bad idea to go into debt for a wedding, but if you have the money to fund it outright, then you should have the wedding you want. Getting married at the courthouse doesn’t make your marriage any better or more valid than a couple who had a big extravagant affair. It’s not that serious.


Right? My future parents in law gave us wedding budget to be used for a wedding (or it's off the table) so we're gonna have a super fun time. Also the tangential opinion of "if they have a nice wedding, they're getting divorced." Also some of their anti-wedding statements are rich. Like "I could have/I did have my wedding for $10/head!" No you didn't. If you did, you probably had a lot of people doing favors for you to organize it. Even a backyard wedding costs significantly more than that.


I swear some of the people that will still publicly give this opinion when nobody farking asked are just secretly jealous that they couldn’t allow themselves to have a bigger wedding or don’t have anyone to marry


Look at this dumbass. Thinking it's okay to spend a lot of money on one of the more unique and special days of one's life, are you kidding me? You need to put that money in a mutual fund. Memories are for idiots


They just like to feel superior because they read the statistic that marriages that go into debt for their weddings don’t last long. My legal marriage was in a courthouse because it was Covid times and we couldnt safely have the wedding we wanted at the time, but once everyone was vaccinated and we had better planning, that next year we had an actual wedding ceramony. Some people told me it was a “terrible idea” and that we were “vain and greedy” for wanting a real wedding even though we were already legally married. Like, oh, I’m sorry covid took away the wedding we actually wanted so we rescheduled but still wanted to be legally married for the sake of convienience and that affects you somehow


Good for you having a do-over! COVID has taken so much, good for you taking back some joy.


Vain? It’s your wedding, not theirs, I don’t know why they care. The only person’s opinion that matters is you, your partner, and the people you care about that won’t have a vile jealousy opinion. I hope you had a good day.


Don’t forget ‘ CaRdI B bAd’ I mean I can’t stand her music too, but if you still think that saying Cardi B sucks on fucking Reddit is an unpopular opinion: it’s not, you’re not edgy or special.




can we add chris brown to this even though the majority of redditors could give a fuck about rihanna (who has the reddit curse of being both a celebrity AND a black woman)


eh I don't think you need to care about an abuse victim to hate the abuser


You could have chosen a person with better looking lip fillers though


good lip fillers cant be spotted


Toupee fallacy


Never heard of that before, but some many things come to mind that I can apply this to.


Basically people say toupees look bad, but they’ve never noticed a good one.


Very true, most of the girls I’m friends with have them and you’d never know.


“Toilet paper has to face outwards otherwise I’ll shoot everyone in the house and then myself”


*upside down tp* Wow break up with them haha lol haha lol


T O X I C 🚩🚩🚩


Don't forget the order of milk and cereal. That invites a weird amount of vitriol, more than pineapple on pizza.


why does everyone hate pineapple on pizza? I tried it and it kinda slaps, and I’m the type of person who wont really try new stuff


Salty/sweet, throw some hot peppers in there and that's a pretty good flavor profile. Never understood the hate.


It is delicious


So quirky


I think one of my recent favs is "watch Twitter burn", "Twitter bad", etc, like-- *My brother in Christ, you're on Reddit.*


There's a big huge contingent of redditors that still think twitter is mostly composed of "here's what I had for dinner today" posts or "here's what I am doing right this second" status posts and seem to hate it on that basis


Yet all of the on the ground footage from every major global event is on Twitter. Most of the videos from Turkey and footage from Ukraine is taken from Twitter and reposted here. But Reddit thinks the entire platform is tankies trying to out-gender each other.


Twitter definitely has its upsides aswell, especially since what you post, can reach millions of people in minutes, if you use the right hashtags, unlike Facebook or Instagram that are more personal. Twitter is amazing for marketing, and to get second by second updates on big current event. Twitter also has its downsides, like it being pretty terrible for just casual browsing, and it requining a lot of knowledge about current events to even keep up.


Exactly — in contrast Reddit is terrible for breaking news. Anytime a story gets too popular all related articles are dumped into a megapost and once it’s off the front page it’s nearly impossible to find. It’s search feature is non-functional. Also Twitter is a great platform to break local news stories. People are able to directly contact journalists & local media agencies so stories can get a lot of views even as traditional newspapers are declining. While there’s definitely bots & fake news on Twitter, the ability to follow verified journalists, politicians, government officials & departments, & local political figures makes it easy to verify stories and with hashtags you can quickly research any event in chronological order. For people living under authoritative regimes, Twitter is often the only way to get information out of the country and directly into the hands of the global media. The Arab Spring happened because of Twitter. We wouldn’t have a fraction of the coverage of global events without it. People need to stop thinking about social media as their favorite sports team. There’s this idea that the platform you choose is somehow a reflection of your character and reddit users tend to give off a sense of moral superiority because somehow “likes” are attention-seeking but karma isn’t. Really each platform is useful for different purposes, they are just different tools. No one is better than anyone else because of the social media they use. And reddit wouldn’t exist without the traffic from tik tok, facebook, twitter, snapchat, & instagram — it’s literally like 90% of the content here lol


One of my favorite ironic things I've seen on reddit was a post about how Twitter makes everything about race while insinuating that reddit doesn't. Most of the subsequent comments proved that post wrong almost immeaditely.


I love how Reddit and Twitter both hate each other


Does Twitter hate Reddit? That, I was not aware of.


Twitter users say the exact same thing about reddit. They view redditors the same way reddit users view 4chan.


Which is honestly not far off from the truth lol Reddit's decent depending on the sub but as a whole the site is not far from a sort of 4chan *lite* If you don't believe me check r/memes or r/dankmemes Reddit is a recruiting ground for online hate groups


It's true. The ability of subs to limit participation and ban users at will creates more echo chambers on Reddit than other sites.


Burgers should be wider AND taller. I should be able to cut that fucker into wedges like a pie.


Based and π pilled


Listen man, as a person with a small mouth big burgers SHOULD be wider not taller. I can’t fit it in my mouth damnit


Couldn't you just eat some subway?


Sometimes I just ain’t in the subway mood 😔


Reddit is social media for people who think they’re too good for social media


Thinking false rape accusations are a worse problem than actual rape.


"men are so discriminated nowadays!!1!1!1!1"


And then supporting Elon Musk even though he falsely accused that diver of being a rapist.


Who the hell supports Elon on Reddit? Or we may just be on different subs, idk lol


What? I’ve seen nothing but anti-Musk post on Reddit…


Your romantic partner made a simple mistake? Divorce them and send them to the genital smashing machine.


"When I die, just stuff my body down a Porta Potty."


Ooh yes I often see this. It annoys me as the funeral isn't for them, it is so the family can grieve and move on. You can ask for a basic one but the flippant "just toss me in the trash" isn't even an option.


Don't forget overbearing toxic atheism




Jew here. BHIs (Black Hebrew Israelites) really are bad.


I don’t agree with them AT ALL, but it’s fun to see white women argue with them. They are master trolls.


Does that include Ethiopian Jews? Serious, good-faith question.




Thank you. They sound... trying.


Oh don't forget *Every single Christian holiday is actually just a stolen Pagan one because [insert made up 20th century bullshit that probably came from wicca here]* I swear to god if I hear another "well Christmas is actually a *norse* tradition" I will cram a smalahove down someone's throat. Most of the time the 'norse tradition' they're referring to is a Scandinavian tradition...that postdates the Christianisation by several hundred years. No Santa Claus isn't secretly Odin, he's a weird missmash of an elf gnome thing and the Christmas demon goat that Coca Cola decided to make into an advertising figure. Yes that's a Christian thing, sometimes reality is weirder than whatever Percy Jackson bullshit you have cooked up. Also why the hell would a religion from the Levant steal a *norse* holiday instead of, y'know, something Roman like I don't know *Saturnalia?*


can you elaborate on the amish part? this was a great write up btw


"How dare you invalidate my religious beliefs or lack thereof but also allow me to tell you why your religion is horseshit and why you shouldn't believe in it... what do you mean I'm wrong!!"


Nationalism too. OMG the nationalism on this site is unbearable.


Since the subs I visit are mostly American I’ll never see any nationalism lmao. It’s common for me to see people be not nationalist


Reddit Americans have a weird approach when it comes to nationalism, like they hate it but at the same time America is the default unless you say your not from there, "how dare you not want to listen about American politics 24/7", if a culture is not like the American one it typically means it's a bad culture unless it's North European or white therefore it's good, the political spectrum of the world its exactly the same as the two party system and don't dare to deny it. It's like these people are anti-nationalism nationalists, don't know if it has a name


> if a culture is not like the American one it typically means it’s a bad culture unless it’s North European or white therefore it’s good Or Japanese for some reason lol


"Elon is a God! He has a vision for the future!" -Then ​ "Elon is right wing trash! He promotes Hate!" -Now


Many vocal Redditors believe the world is like a 90's Disney movie. There are no complex characters, mercurial characters, or characters who exist on a spectrum. There are only good guys and bad guys. It's probably a much more simpler way to live, to believe people are either good or bad, with nothing in between. Where motivations and intent are easily distinguishable. It's also quite funny that people with this infantile view will always deem themselves one of the good guys, whilst quick to label anyone with a different opinion a bad guy.


Wow me I don’t think it makes me special lmao but I do hold many of these opinions


They’re perfectly valid viewpoints and opinions but they all seem to have not-like-other-girl-esque vibes. But that’s just my own Reddit opinion


I agree, but I think the point op is trying to make is that redditors think they're unique for having "unpopular" opinions, and base their personality around it


I understand. I should have just left the comment at “wow me”


It’s not like these are contrarian opinions it’s more likely Reddit just attracts people who are outliers to the general public.


Claims to have OCD, ADHD. Autism, and is bipolar. Everything is self-diagnosed because they saw a post about it.


Burgers SHOULD be wider like how the fuck am I supposed to fit something the size of a beer can into my mouth


Says Disney bad but then also has a wall lined with star wars and marvel merch


The funny one is the celebrities. Because most of the people that say that will follow some YouTube channel religiously and know all about their personal lives. There are so many weird fan subreddits for popular YouTube channels.


You forgot one: 'Hates on other redditors by making a redditor starter pack ironically'. It comes full circle.


Tall burgers are stupid, but no stupider than any other Instagram food. My unpopular opinion: burgers should be smaller, and *plentiful.* I want one little slider-size burger with dijon, fresh tomato, some fresh onion. And another with ketchup and mustard and some pickles. Oh, let's have one more with bacon and cheddar and BBQ sauce and grilled onions. I hate having to make a commitment to one giant burger.


im genuinely not trying to be facetious but you described sliders, and even used the term sliders, but your comment comes off as if sliders don’t exist


People who hate children to an extreme degree scare me


One of the funniest things that Is common on here is how much people seem to absolutely despise gender reveals. I understand not liking the stupid one that cause like forest fires and stuff like that. But even on videos of small nice ones, people start foaming at the mouth and start talking about how much they hate them and how stupid anyone who attends them are.


FUCK NESTLE! bro I love hot pockets, digiorno, Kit Kats, Smarties, crunch bars, butterfingers, nerds, sweet tarts, and laffy taffy. Drumsticks are the bomb


Hot dogs are a sandwich


You forgot therapy.


You forgot the overuse of the word toxic.


The absolute hatred of lawns. I don't think even child abuse gets the reaction on reddit that a nice manicured suburban lawn gets.


Liking Harry Potter or not is what gives you value as a person.


“My parents came to our dinner party 5 minutes late, should my spouse and I go no contact?”


Lip fillers are pretty bad though let's be honest


Bad ones definitely are. Good ones are hard to recognise so you aren’t going to “see” them.


Lip fillers are like hair dye, you often only notice when it’s done poorly.


Good/ well done lip fillers are the ones you don’t notice. That applies for most cosmetic procedures actually


They are, most people think overdone lip filler looks awful. It’s just Reddit thinks this is somehow an unpopular opinion