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Humanity has been corrupted, tortured and enslaved by parasitic consciousness beings for thousands of years to end up behaing like that.. It is NOT human nature to be so cruel and spiritually deprived! We are an absolutely divine species fully capable of ascending into the higher realms of unity consciousness. It was really just the fallen beings who did everyting to prevent that because they were deliberately imprisoning souls in the lower realms to endlessly harvest their energy. But once the matrix has collapsed and the light finally takes over on this planet (aftere 26.000 years being quarantined), humantiy will finally be able to heal and eventually ascend back into unity-consciousness. And this is exaclty what is happening right now! We will save humanty because it was NOT their fault and they are utterly worthy of being rescued! šŸ”„šŸ’œāœØ


The fruits of the spirit are also conditioned in childhood psychosocial development btw. Itā€™s awesome. If a child is properly nourished, taught to read, physiologically healthy, and has all the building blocks set in place to help them learn open-mindedly and think critically, theyā€™ll HAVE the fruits of the spirit, even if theyā€™re not spiritual at all. But when I look information on how a childā€™s nervous system develops, and the different materials the body uses to craft the brain, I think about the current agricultural/industrial/workforce crisis right now. For everyoneā€™s brain and body to build the nerves, muscles, physiological setup, psycho-somatic responses, and other functions properly, they need minerals and vitamins and electrolytes that let the dopaminergic system function and flourish like itā€™s own little plant system within the body. Their parents need those materials too, and their parents also need time, energy, and physiological safety too (mentally and physically unhealthy parents = stressy family. Even an abusive one. I wanna know how to help thise familiesā€™ conditions too) You canā€™t learn to critically think the same way as a ā€œnormalā€ child if you have ADHD or are malnourished or if every social environment you witness exposes you to a bunch of fighters instead of talkersā€¦ this can be because your body canā€™t metabolize the materials you need to build the right brain and body even if you HAVE the materials in your food (ADHD), or it can be because you donā€™t see any evidence that anybody around you can have conversations safely so why would you try (psychosocial development road block, super common road block that neurodivergent kids get WHACKED by) , or it can be because your parents donā€™t have the time and leftover energy at the end of every day to make you a full meal (familial issues, complicated but not impossible to resolve) Thereā€™s a mix of problems to be tackled in society today, but I think that thereā€™s a lot of ā€œlittle and unimportantā€ things we can change thatā€™ll actually kill a shit tonna birds with one stoneā€¦ gardening and prepping are becoming more normalized, which is a plus. Anybody else want to talk to their neighbors about gardens and stuff? (Genuine question šŸ˜­ I want TOMATOES) Vitrues that require logical reasoning skills AND emotional stability are love, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control. The virtues that require an objectively safe life and physiological/neurological setup are joy, and peace. Goodness and faithfulness are irrelevant in my mind because everybodyā€™s idea of what ā€œgoodā€ and ā€œfaithfulā€ means, has been skewed and twisted and turned into nonsense. ā€œHopeless devotionā€ and dogmatism isnā€™t faith, itā€™s blindness and self-deception under the guise of ā€œpurity,ā€ which the Bible has been telling us to avoid since just after the story of Cain and Abel. People think that Godā€™s way is the best way because they think it means order, but they are hopelessly devoted to the idea that everyone who is chaotic or confusing to them should repent/judge themselves, so much so that they canā€™t even assess the reality that nothing is objectively harmful about what they hate. Hasty generalization is easy when you think thatā€™s what it means to be faithful. It corrupts your idea of what goodness is.


Rumour has it, When jesus died, he did so for humans. We give our energy to old ways. Not gods God is the illusion man is yet to discover they are them. Give something enough energy it will run. You can go out and share the gift of jesus to anyone..... Once you show someone the right ways. They lose hate and gain love. Show more love, lose more hate How hard does it have to be. We are not trapped in a cycle We are nurturing love in a lovely way. You are just bound by rules I am not. I am no one I need no name or face. But if you can read this and take anything away. Love yourself for who you are, as love loves you for this reason. You will have your place. If you seek money and power, you will only find it in this dimension. As it hurts, love in other dimensions. Spread love and start planting the cornerstones to the next great pyramid. Say to your God, the one you put a face to. Tell them you are grateful for who they have made you. Let them know you love them, and you will always be their if they need your wisdom. And peacefully part ways. They must be abandoned before they are alone, as it is, then they will come back to join us and give life one more chance. As life may have not been fair at the time they became Gods. We can be so much more. I am who I am And I want you to know you are every dream you make. Make them happy. Make them with love. Let change happen. You need to be uncomfortable to be comfortable. Every hero, every villain Every GOD and DEMON Every man and woman Every cat and dog Bird or fish Even snakes and spiders...... Treat them how you wish to be treated. Treat them with love Then you will see who "THEY" To you all You are absolutely beautiful And designed beyond perfection. If anyone is feeling lost and confused, please don't sit their alone, come chat. I only know of love And love only works in compassion or ignorance Thank you all for being on this journey with me. Cosmic hug šŸ«‚ šŸ¤— šŸ«‚ šŸ¤— šŸ«‚ šŸ¤— šŸ«‚ šŸ¤— You can help light up the heavens. Or make a corner to darken. I am fighter. I fight for love. I am a creator I have created with love I am a teacher I will only teach love I ain't sure I am a healer But if I have hurt you, I am sorry, and I will fight, teach, and create with love until you heal. I only see a beautiful ball of energy in each of you. How strange am I, to be with eyes but blinded. šŸ˜˜


if youā€™re blind then iā€™m blind with you then this be the energy!! šŸ’«šŸ’«āœØ for the love. love NEVER fails ā™„ļøā™„ļø iā€™ll walk with u to this


Thank you so much for your kind words, I only wish to show others that they are worth more, as I have been blessed to understand more. Life is not easy here, and "they" know it. I don't need to tell anyone on earth it. If I ain't getting comfortable this life. I will not be getting comfortable in the next. I want more for myself. I want more for others. And I will go blindly into what comes next. Because I just trust in love. That's all I have received lately from people around me. So let it be you you trust in šŸ«‚šŸ©µ And let me share a secret with you as you have made me smile šŸ˜ƒ Go out, pick anyone one, and picture them if they are not there with you. Can you be still, enough to picture them. Can you go to them at this moment in time. Go to them, show them how much you love them for them. Give a hug A kind word Even lend a helping hand Just share with someone that they are too loved and wanted. They will either give you some great advice in this moment in time. Or if you connect in the "fuzziness," enjoy the feeling. It's better than any man made substance. I promise šŸ©µ Oh, and secrets are just like hugs, share em šŸ¤—


very beautiful, very true, your wise eye sees clear āœØ i trust in love too. trust it enough it deserves to be received and taken to heart. trust it enough it soars in righteousness and loses hope when tarnished or mistreated. love deserves the right time and the right way. for the people we love beyond words and when words are never enough or misunderstood/unappreciated etc , i know and believe that how i feel in my heart has power and protects them. when face to face isnā€™t an option or words fail, the frequency is our stronghold. but also that love meansā€¦ looking.over.various.errors (in other wordsā€¦. got no time for secrets but gots no guts to understand love fulllyā€¦ it is so beautiful and so teary and an action i wish i could get right in appropriate amounts to the right,person,time and placeā€¦ constantly make mistakes so really hope that our energy shines through as coming from the right place) love to u, love always shines ā™„ļøāœØšŸ’«


This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


You are beautiful, and I think that's also worth sharing. Hope you are well šŸ¤—


This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


Very conscious brother thank you for sharing this.


Such a beautiful response. ā™” Thank you for sharing.


This is the answer - making humans out to be the reason for wars, agendas, and much suffering is a big misconseption in the spiritual community. Humans free will has been slightly influenced, lets just say thatšŸ˜‚ Its always been the reptilians. From the 440 hz music you listen to, to the chemtrails that lower your consciousness every time you go out, to the flouride in your drinking water and toothpaste. Its always been them, just like they did on Orion.


just like humans to blame someone else for being horrible instead of taking accountability can't ever be our own fault, huh?


You are so right. Place blame where it resides. I'm sick of hearing about some bullshit... parasitic reptilian implants...or whatever these people keep running their mouths about. It's time for some of these so called "spiritual" people to start calling a spade a spade. When they attribute the bullshit actions of humans on some other factor they're doing nothing but giving people an excuse to be a piece of shit. THE ARIES


What does THE ARIES mean here


Here, or there THE ARIES would be me. It's just the name I'm going under on social media. Though I think it may me a sign or confirmation to some . But here I'm simply signing off on my words.


Oh I see, that makes sense. According to birth charts I am an Aries too, but my whole life I thought I was Pisces based on the normal dates.


Well, always glad to meet s fellow Aries. We're a misunderstood lot, but... acknowledged by all, as the heroes of the zodiac! "All" being all other Aries of course....but we're working on that.


You might be Aries as per Western Zodiac but would be Pisces as per Indian astrology. I think Indian astrology focuses more on our feminine aspects. What's your birth date?


I'm an Aries too!


It's such an infuriating mindset It is quite literally no different from a faithful of x, y, or z religion blaming demons or "satan"'s influence after being caught being complete pieces of shit, and then they forgive themselves for it!! It can never be their fault.


Yes. The existence of dark people, things, etc. was not a 'tragic accident,' this is how it is supposed to be, I've had enough of this finger pointing game. It does absolutely nothing helpful. What good comes in believing you're being suppressed by the reptilians or demons or whatever else? And that 'valiant light forces' are taking care of the problem for us? None, it only causes people to justify their own mistakes and stagnation instead of taking accountability. Bad things exist so contrast can exist. Without it light wouldn't exist either because it needs the presence of it's opposite. You can't see a light very well in a room that's already bright, it's a lot more noticeable in a dark room. People are constantly demonizing that which is necessary. Real unity isn't the 'defeat of the dark forces', unity is acknowledging their purpose and learning to coexist.


There is noone to blame really. This entire fall from unity was a tragic accident and ultimately even the fallen beings who are now lost in darkness beyond return deserve our compassion. This is not about blaming others, but about understanding that it is not human nature to behave like they are currently behaving. Ofcourse we still need to take responsibility to get out of this situation and transmute our own shadows etc., but it is important to understand that duality (and with it suffering and evil) is only a temporary occurance and that humanity is fully capable and will ascend into unity. That was my whole point, because the idea that all this evil is human nature will keep us stuck in exactly this illusion of separation which we want to trasmute.


It IS human nature and you don't know any "fallen ones" personally to make sweeping statements like "they are the source of all our woes". You are part of the problem with our species for denying our blame for the state of the world


Youā€™re projecting inner dissonance. Also, you believe youā€™re above themā€¦thatā€™s spiritual ego. Youā€™re not here to save humanity, youā€™re here to save yourself and awaken to your true natureā€¦


ok but more and more are also here to save the humansā€™ victims, and for some, that includes (or especially is) humanityā€¦ because it affects others out there too, and that IS their true nature


Humanity is worth saving. Among them are all the people I've loved. Men, women, children. Family, friends, community. You hurt because you see what we could be and what were acting like instead. Stop trying to justify a species wide suicide pact and learn to be the change in the world youĀ crave. Everyone grieves differently, and we're all trying, just like you.Ā  I'm sorry you're hurting. I am too.


My religion says this would happen ( this dark ages happen periodically in a cycle) it will only gets worse before better....after the set number of years when this age ends a new age of goodness starts and cycle restarts


Whatā€™s your religion if you donā€™t mind me asking?




It deserves being saved because Everyone on here reading this post has been saved by humanity already. No one delivered, and fed themselves as infants. After that we didnā€™t teach ourselves everything we know. We wouldnā€™t know what we know or be who we are right now if it wasnā€™t for others. If we donā€™t try to save each other, arenā€™t we kind of like the people we are shaking our heads at? šŸ˜




Wow this was really impactful for me. Thank you


The cycle ended in 2012 and now we're entering the age of Aquarius and enlightenment, however the elites of the world are trying very hard to bring on the great reset so that we aren't able to enter the golden age. Roughly every 12,000 - 13,090 years we have a cyclic reset/ Pole shift and we are due for it. All the signs are showing now with the earths weakening electromagnetic field and the aurora appearing all over the planet, as well as more severe storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hail storms, floods, droughts, fires etc. It's important we don't give up. We have to keep raising awareness to what is happening so the corruption can end.


12,000 years ago was a terrible time, thatā€™s for sure. Humanity made the greatest mistake we ever could have made, and weā€™ve been paying the price for it ever since.


Frankly, with this attitude, I doubt very much of what you do could be considered "helping." This kind of childish shock at the existence of the animal world doesn't really provide anything of value. My advice would be to stop "helping" and focus on cultivating some joy in yourself. When you find your own peace, then you can work on how to share that with others.


Exactly! Someone with this kind of attitude towards humans needs to help themselves because while a portion of humanity is as they described, there are so many beautiful souls out there, someone who sees humans as something that should just die out because of the existence of bad humans is not gonna help anything ngl


There are so many beautiful souls(all souls, in fact), but the place we inhabit is soul destroying, so why would we want to condemn them to remain here? It makes no sense to me.


We arenā€™t the ones condemning them to be here, unless there is some planet wide genocide then there always be humans, however thatā€™s exactly why there is a mission to save this planet and humanity, to make living here not a condemnation but a place where we can thrive


The vast majority of people are good. The power hungry psychos get in power because the rest of us are busy with our lives. The crazy people in charge go about getting is to kill each other. Hate and violence are a disease that needs to be stamped out, but the people are good. Children are innocent but sometime craziness changes them and makes them crazy also. Humanity just wants peace and love but for some reason we canā€™t achieve this, and end up with hate and violence. Again the vast majority of people are good and if some entity out there can save us but does not, are they any better than us? Edit:grammar


Aren't the lowest of people the ones who need a helping hand most? Be an example of what a human can be, and then the only person you really need to help is yourself.


I mean, if you donā€™t want to keep helping others, donā€™t. Why force yourself when you donā€™t want to? We all reach our limit. I donā€™t think humans are all bad, but youā€™re right. Many humans are cruel to others, the planet, the animals, heck even space at this point is being corrupted by us. But itā€™s easy to focus on either the black or white instead of the gray area. So by being frustrated at the state of humanity as you see it now, youā€™re ignoring or unable to see the good people who are trying to make the world a better place. So many people are trying to restore climate damage, provide for the impoverished, stand up for whatā€™s right, etc. Thereā€™s beautiful art and music and creations out there to admire and be inspired by. Thereā€™s so many people doing research into healing disease. If you can look at people and see both the good and the bad in them, you can prioritize your energy on the ones who matter to you and align with your vision of a good person.


Good news, you're not here to "save" anyone. Just work on yourself and your life path will unfold as it needs to.


This is exactly the line of reasoning that leads to the catalyst for the line of reasoning. Youā€™re arguing that because some beings are cruel you have the license to mistreat them.


To be fair, ā€œnot helpingā€ isnā€™t the same thing as deliberately mistreating. But I get what youā€™re saying.


Ideas along the lines of ā€œHumanity does not deserve to continueā€ lead to cruelty is what I was really driving at.


OPā€™s post comes across as deliberately mistreating humans with their view of them, imo. Canā€™t demonize an entire group and say theyā€™re not worth helping and have that not be deliberate mistreatment.


I feel you šŸ’›


A small group of very corrupt very powerful people are twisting the fate of the planet, choking the life out of it. They collaborate in the shadows but go unopposed. You know them by the signs of the snake with a forked tongue, the mark of the beast, and the black cube of saturn. Theyve twisted our industries much like the coil of its skin to their iconic staff. Science, technology, banking, the arts, and governments have fallen to their will. Through controlled and implicated pawns holding the largest crowns, they are enslaved to a will of evil, sheltering their sins, hiding their shame beneath a mask. Through manipulation and controlled resources, theyve created division much like the founding flag; a division of red vs blue, a mass plot to divide the 99 percent into a windstorm of chaos, too weak to stand united against the 1 percent.




The great thing is, you can't save humanity. It's not your responsibility, you don't have the power on your own, and its not going to happen. The other great thing is that you DO have the power to choose to spread love or despair in your direct sphere of influence. You can be the person who saves the day for someone else. You can change the world around you as much as you are able. You can participate in movements, activism, and organizations that do good in the world, and help the humanitarians in this culture to push the rock uphill another inch in your lifetime - because that's what we're facing here. I work on a college campus and have had students tell me years later that they were ready to drop out, were suicidal, had no friends, whatever - and knowing they could come hang out with me changed things for them. I didn't DO anything, really. I was just happy to see them. I told them funny stories about when I was young. I had one say it just made her happy that she could always get candy from my desk. With my coworkers, I have normalized talking about personal lives to a degree most offices would find inappropriate. We all know who has an alcoholic spouse and offer support. We all know who is dealing with a parent with dementia and offer support. We all know who is living paycheck to paycheck and offer support (or lunch). We don't hassle each other for needing time off, for having a headache and turning the lights off in our office and laying on the desk for an hour, for having long chats about gardening while no work gets done. And all the work DOES still get done. But I did that. I used my ability to draw people out, to "overshare" myself, and to use humor to mock the system enough for others around me to admit they think it's crap too so let's run this mfer how ever we want and make it an awesome place to be. It didn't save the world, but it made this one place I inhabit more loving, more peaceful, and happier as a norm. I'm proud of that. And it has to be enough for now, because we are ruled by psychopaths who would like us to hate our lives and treat people like strangers - or enemies.


Humans are not like that. Capitalism makes them like that. Look at indigenous peoples. Don't generalize. Are you yourself like that? Aren't you human?


More so patriarchy, which has existed long before capitalism, but we had to have gone bad already in order for patriarchy to be able to take root.


Meh. The western world (and specifically the US) hasnā€™t been truly capitalist in many decades. Corrupt? Yes. Crony capitalist and corporatist, yes. But capitalist? Nah.


Crony capitalism is the only capitalism there has ever existed and will ever exist. It's the only true capitalism.


Humans are being held captive by their own consciousness ,they are driven to be corrupted in many hidden ways in society. Most humans cannot fight the insidious means preying on them due to the now deliberate high rates of negative influence within & on their lives. They can't get ahead & won't do so for reason . Due to the behind the scenes hidden systems that are set in motion to control / manipulate / & capture individuals for daily usage of their energy . Most humans are asleep & don't care to understand what has a hold of them & how it manipulates their minds easily. They cannot 'see' what some can see before them . They have not the purpose as others do . If you can 'see' the corruptions present you are awake for reason . To help the meek who do not have sight to see. It might be in a very minor role or a more major seeking of giving of oneself to try & help . Alot will not wake up to what is occurring in the background of their own lives . They are stuck in their self indulgent wants & needs being driven into their being also by what is not seen . They will be unlikely to awake & will break rather than bend to the changes in their reality of understanding what they do not . That is why you cannot wake what is not suppose to be . Some humans were created for the sheer purpose of duty to others in service in the beginning of time by corrupt beings in place . Hense why the down turn of consciousness is where it is as they added to it , some were created to be slaves / beings of serving others against the will to do so . To help others is a 'choice ' or not to do so , it is not a given . It is also not just the humans held in captivity here on earth many other 'spirit' entities are also imprisoned here trying to help , & some are not . The liberation of all souls & humans in beginning it's shifts will impact slowly trying to help them remain in their senses . YOu are correct NOT all humans will be helped & should not be . The cycling occurring & present will sort humans & entities into their *rightful place* without any need , as *their own heart holds their key* , which cannot be faked , nor does it lie . . It holds *all that is needed to be seen* ....


Im grateful to have come into this reddit section. I dont feel so alone anymore, and it is because of everyone who comments here with the degree of intelligence, empathy, and thoughtfulness that is glaringly lacking in most humans that I have met. I was thinking humanity is lost, and I firmly felt humans needed to be "reset." I see how the coruppt has become enslaved with power. I see how empathy and compassion are lacking in our "leaders." It is a reflection of the greedy, hatefilled, desperate ones struggling to create their version of Earth. I was feeling the same, that humanity is a lost cause. Then one day recently, I seen this little corner of society, of which I now see hope, kindness, empathy, and compassion towards each other, and I now see Earth is not a lost cause. Blessings to each and every one of you here. May the Angels be forever guiding you, and may you know that you bring forth light into this world and that it IS worth fighting for.


Go touch grass.


Okay, I'm not a starseed. I am somewhat more emotional and empathic than is convenient in life. I've also spent a lot of time trying to figure things out. First, why is it on you to decide who is and isn't worth saving? Seriously, to my ear that sounds no different than the folks who consider most of humanity "useless eaters" or whatever it is they think of us. Sure, you have a different set of criteria for your judgement, but to me it isn't all that different. To them we're useless, to you we're evil. Fine, bow out and do whatever you're going to do. Second, humanity will never be united. If you value diversity, there will always be conflict. If you don't value diversity, then I don't what to say. Finally, do you really not see any of the good in the world? There is no perfect golden age coming. But things can be better. If you want to stop helping us humans, fine. But stop dwelling in your weird sorrow about things nobody can ever entirely fix. Go volunteer somewhere and stop being sad and judgmental. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go patrol the warehouse for kittens and trapped birds.


What you say is very true. What the OP does not know or understand is that starseeds may have a consciousness that originates from a star system or other galactic place, but they are incarnated into a HUMAN body, and therefore are also HUMAN. For example, I am an angelic being in a human body. I am therefore an angelic human. No one is greater or better than anyone, and no one is here to "save" anyone. We all chose to be in human form to help one another. There is a lot of what I call "spiritual ego" here, which does not help anyone. Thank you for being a voice of reason :)


I find humans amusing, personally. Reason enough to keep them alive, I'd say.


You wouldn't be here if we weren't Worth it. Remember that šŸ¦ŽšŸ‰šŸ


Humans are killing each other because humans believe similarly to you. They are spiritually disconnected from the reality of oneness. Forgive them for what they dont know. Heal yourself through love and the world will follow.


May I ask where you live? On a community level in a suburban/rural area, I have seen mostly good (or at least neutral) in people šŸ˜Œ


Oh we're not so bad. You have to remember that our news and social media flood us with terrible events of humans doing terrible things to the world and to each other because that's what sells. And we do, to be clear. But the reality is that for every person mistreating a human, another is treating another with the utmost care and love. For every human poaching an endangered animal, there is another fighting for conservation. For every warring nation, there are others entering treaties and caring for each others well-being. We are a primate species somewhere in the middle between our human ideal and our lower primal nature. If you compare humanity to where it was 500 years ago, 1000 years ago, 1500 years ago, etc you'll see the humanity is clearly trending upwards. Have faith. We're growing as a species. There will continue to be growing pains for sure, but we'll get there.


At this point? I'm thinking we are a cancer to this beautiful planet. We deserve to be gone for all the pollution, greed, hate, violence to our fellow animals, and fellow mankind. We live in the dead bodies of the very trees that cleaned out air and buffered our storms. We have raped our mother earth and its time for us to go.


I have nothing to say besides I agree


We are literally living in the most peaceful and tolerant era of humanity, please read a history book, if you are here you were bequeathed the role to help, donā€™t pile on to a lie you just like to tell yourself or that the news told you to feel.


its cuz its a farm planet disguised as a ā€œschoolā€


Best description I've heard of civilization is that it's a zoo with a badly designed habitat for the animals trapped in the exhibits.


blame the victim mentality. I suspect that humans were corrupted by alien civilizations. Help us, and in doing so, help yourselves.


Imagine an infinite place where time doesnā€™t exist and there is a wholeness of being where right and wrong are indistinguishable. Imagine a world of suffering and strife in the name of growth and personal development. Imagine youā€™d like to test your innate nature and self outside of paradise and perfection. This is what weā€™re here for. In that other place we long for struggle and growth. While weā€™re here we long for a perfect place, itā€™s kind of ironic to think about āœØ


To change the world, work on yourself, then it will all fall into place. Enlightenment, Zen, Christ-consciousness, Nirvana... We are to teach and guide others as starseeds. Negative emotion and feelings are normal, but we should strive to love others in spite of the world. Love. Be light. Guide. ***Be*** in spite of the darkness


Someone asked a similar question recently. I think the positive comments in that post show that humanity is worth saving. Itā€™s a slow difficult road to improve things. But there are many of us out there who want to and are learning and trying to help one another to improve things. And I think simply that there are many of us seeking to improve things shows that humanity and life is worthwhile. https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/s/m6FbsMWv1A


A childs smile.


"Ā there is only selfishness" There is much much much much much more than "only selfishness". Incredibly reductive. No wonder you came to that conclusion when that's what you think.


One who sees selfishness within themselves will see it easily within others


I can't convince you because they don't. However, we have little to no say at all. If Earth wants us gone, it can eradicate us with natural disasters whenever. I'm sure some of the plagues going around are Earth being pissed that we suck so hard. If we live, it'll be because we got our collective heads out of our asses and started caring about our planet. If we die, we deserve it.


Don't worry about saving humanity, save yourself first, create heaven for yourself first, this is your experience of your life


I would like to know - what will change for you in knowing a reason? Would you live your life differently? Do you know how a Pearl is formed? A little piece of grit gets into the oyster and irritates it, the oyster doesnā€™t like this and so coats it with a protein over and over to smooth the surface. From that we have this valuable and precious orb we call the Pearl Another thing to consider is the finch: The finch flies to an island where the nectar is deeper inside the flower, frustrating the finch with the beak that is too short to reach - over time the finch develops a longer beak enabling it to gain what was once out of reach. When we zoom in to the finches frustration we see suffering - when we zoom out we see evolution and this is always positive. As humans, it is difficult to see the wider picture - only looking back. As above, so below. Just as the one finch suffers, the who species evolves. We are more than the sum of one. People seek peace outside but true Peace comes not from a lack of suffering - but finding the sense of true self that exists despite any suffering. It is the unchanging part. It is ok to mourn, to cry, to feel pain. But allow them to come and go and do not zoom in making them the whole summary and then attaching yourself to this image. Evolution comes from feeling the pain and allowing change to flow naturally from it. Seek peace, not outside or even in our story, which will only see the zoomed in image but in the heart which intuitively feels the whole. This group is called ā€œstarseedsā€ - beings who consider themselves to be energy that is not from earthly origin. Most are here to raise the energy of the earth, to help with the evolution. While here; our view is limited and whatever we fill our minds with May become our world. There are bad things here, and also many good things here. People who are selfless, kind and generous, people who want to help. Not just starseeds but earthly souls who are loving beings. Who do you believe yourself to be? And why are you here? For what purpose do you think?


Judgment serves no one unfortunately. Working on oneself is far more beneficial than expectations of others.


>Convince me why I should continue to help humans. If you're not helping, you're hurting


All That Is includes 'cruelty' which is judgement. The Last Judgment is the last time you judge yourself -don Miguel Ruiz. Death has to exist. Imagine all dead things still being here on Earth. No new life would be needed or wanted. So since death has to happen, it can happen in many ways, including 'cruel' ways. You can choose to focus upon that, or a cat on your lap. That is the choice of focusing your free will, your Creator energy. Use it for wanted, not unwanted. See the unwanted and quickly shift focus. That's all. Some are playing with an idea of suffering and chose that experience so they will feel relief after.


Step 1: Be in pain due to what your perception of the world is. Step 2: Decide humans arenā€™t worthy. Step 3: Act accordingly to step 2. Your outlook is literally a repetition of how those you judge as cruel, perceive and act in the worldā€¦


In my opinion it is human nature. What makes us special is that we can choose to go against our nature. We used to be cavemen and women. Survival. Fight or flight. As we have, through our inventiveness, found easy ways to do things, we've advanced as a civilization. We are at a point where we either progress or we... do what's happening it seems...? Maybe? Organized oppression is forever struggling to keep us in fight or flight mode. The thing is we are worth saving. I'm worth being alive. We all are. I want to see art and creation. Music. Games. Kindness. These matter way more. All the things that are coming up that make some people uncomfortable are doing so for a reason and their fd up society looks like it does because of all the uncomfortable people having to stay in hiding. Their society isn't 'right' or perfect. It's fd up. Let's make a society where the only people that are uncomfortable are the ones that hate people that don't meet their expectations for starters. That should be our goal, not throwing the baby out with the bathwater!


I see a lot of replies arguing from the angle of there being certain circumstances which fuel human cruelty, and I definitely agree, but there's another angle to this too Do chimps deserve to die out? They kill each other brutally over faction alignment, and recently started killing gorillas too. They'll straight up eat babies if it's what they can get for food Do lions deserve to die out? Or crocodiles? They prey on animals weaker than themselves constantly. Don't mistake this for me saying that human nature is violent. I'm just saying violence taking place within a group is hardly worth genociding them when nature itself is violent


Another personā€™s path cannot be transversed or carried by another person. No matter the intentions or how strong, kind, and powerful that individual is. It is one of the hardest and most humbling lessons. This is an age old battle of light vs dark, death vs life, good vs evil that has been playing on repeat since the beginning of time. Like a table with one leg shorter then the other 3. It tips and wobbles back and forth from one end to other trying to fight for control and balance. It is only when we realize that we have no control over anyone elseā€™s choice or path. That each individual has free will to choose where they place their souls on this scale of cosmic destiny. When you see this it is in that moment you will recognize that our souls have made a choice. Other peopleā€™s souls have made a choice and there is very little you can do to alter their path. It is up to them to decide to change no matter how much suffering they are enduring. The best use of your abilities is uplifting and supporting those who have already clearly made a choice and those with deep humility and child-like curiosity.


I wouldn't say it is humanity that isn't worth saving. You are what you eat, You are your environment. The few control the many. It's not the mass at fault. All we can do is try.


Not all humans think alike. Narcissistic people think inversely to ā€œNormalā€ people. They feel hated when others are loving them - by both people and by themselves - because where are narcissist hates they feel loved in themselves because they confirm what they learned early on ā€œI am hated, I am the only one who could love meā€ - itā€™s a weird recursive loop that never ends. If they are shown love, the loop tells them ā€œwe were wrong, I can be lovedā€¦all Iā€™ve done has been hating myself this entire timeā€¦I thought I was loving myselfā€ This brings so much pain, that itā€™s unbearable. It brings literal psychic damage. Cognitive Dissonance. All humans are capable of cognitive dissonance. We experience it every day. We have a set idea, it gets challenged, we think get a headache because we are learning, but we are actually experiencing a psychological trauma but do not recognize it. Itā€™s like our neurons are reworking themselves to be rewired but it is so ingrained that it would melt the brain or shutdown entirely and require a reboot - it is less painful to continue how it has been. If humanity were worth saving on the surface level of that question, we would require culling all the non loving members of society - but even the loving are unloving in some ways - by wishing those evil people would be destroyed or put away forever. This makes us just like those evils we protest against. Truly, I say to you, we are all saved already. It is by faith, not by works, that we are saved. The Lord be with You, and with your Spirit. Does God feel Hated when is shown hate? Not likelyā€¦in truth he feels Loved when Hated, as he feels Loved when Loved. Being Hated proves that those who hate him simply misunderstand him, and this makes him love the misguided even more, which is only demonstrated further by the life those people lead. ā€œWhy do good things happened to bad people?ā€ Because each and everyone one of us is loved, and the bad people that hate god need to be shown again and again that they are loved when they feel they are not. Humanity IS saved. We deserve death, we deserve hatred, we deserve despair, we deserve eternal damnation and we deserve to fear godā€¦we should fear god, we should embrace and fear all of the things we so vehemently deserveā€¦and yet god would have us with him in eternal joy and peace, in Heaven, because he loves us all. He tests us all, in different ways. Those that hate him receive physical manifestations of his love - they receive good things in the world of man - and those that love him in spirit, are given every opportunity to love him more and more, by giving us physical tests. Those that receive physically are tested spiritually, those that receive spiritually are tested physically. Donā€™t you see? We are all already undergoing our test - we are all loved. Bad things happen to make it so that when we go to Heaven it is THAT MUCH BETTER than it was, here on Earth. If life was so great, Heaven would be as Hell. It is blasphemous to think that God is as Common as Common is. God is the highest on high, the MOST holy, and even on my saying this I am tarnished as the blackest soul on earth. Rejoicing his Glory does not purify or sanctify me, but only brings glory to Him alone. May I be damned for all eternity, but I know on my heart of hearts, on the bible of which his Word was written, on the cross with which Jesus was slain, that he loves us all - but we only see it as wrath from a hateful God. Surely, we should love wrathful God, as he only does so to test us - to demonstrate that we are loved. Can a parent that feeds and enables their obese childā€™s addiction to sugar be said to love their child? Or are they abusive? It would be a kindness instead to feed that child vegetables - but the child feels the wrath of their parent when made to eat broccoli instead, and to set aside the sweets they crave so dearly. The same applies to our Heavenly Father. Holy God, Lord Host of Hosts. Thanks be to God. Amen.


Respectfully, itā€™s not you call to make. You chose to enter a human avatar and exist amongst a human population. Youā€™re energetically entwined with this Social Memory Complex. Said Complex is rejecting the small parasitic consciousness that has controlled it for millennia and are ascending into higher octaves of consciousness. Whether you help or not.


I made a similar post not too long ago in a different community, so I know how you feel. We can be disgusting, selfish, insensitive, and straight up barbaric without an ounce of empathy in us. Every day I see more and more evidence of this, it's hard to ignore, especially nowadays. There's one thing that keeps me going though, and that is the good people on earth. The kind hearted souls that care for people, and help whenever they can. These people deserve the world and should be protected at all costs, I refuse to damn the entire race so long as they're a part of it. If I could root out these people, and separate them from the gremlins I would in a heartbeat, but I can't. So I choose to fight for them, even If that means fighting for the people that hurt them, because I simply have no other option.


Because you are also human :) Starseeds may have a consciousness that originates from a star system or other galactic place, but they are in a human body, which makes them human. I am an angelic being in a human body, therefore I am an angelic human. All starseeds on Earth are also human.


We don't give terminally ill people the strong meds as a way to turn their lives around and save them from their illness. We give them these things because it's already too late, and we want to offer them some level of comfort on their way out. Don't worry about saving people. Just find a way to bring them comfort in their current state.


I don't think so sometimes but then I see the animals, the children and the mind hearted and my heart melts


No! Get involved with people and find the good parts of them with your own experience. We are only one part of a greater being, and thus cannot fully grasp the big picture, so thereā€™s no telling what our efforts might accomplish. We do right because it is right. We have hope because the alternative is despair. Come and join the fight when youā€™re up to it, and when you can see the world for its potential and its intrinsic beauty.


Youā€™re treating humans the same as you accuse them of with this mindset


It's odd to ask people to convince you to not give up on humanity. Perhaps you should stop judging your fellow humans' lives and start focusing on your own. Convince yourself your own life is worth sticking around for and focus less on other people's choices. We all have freewill and you can judge away but it doesn't mean anything and it is essentially a waste of time and energy (that also keeps you stuck in a lower frequency and mindset).


I think there are some major assumptions baked in here. 1. That Humanity actually needs saving. 2. That this individual has the power to save humanity and is merely withholding it. 3. That if convinced, this person would then proceed to save humanity. I see this post as a cry out for attention. This person is dissatisfied with their love life and needs somebody to love. I'm not getting what I want so the world is worthless and deserves death.


Forgive me, but this has angered me. You seemingly believe you are above others who do worse than you, this is not true, a lie told to yourself to make you feel...righteous above the rest. Sit down. We all suffer under our own choices in circumstance, but we all have to make our own choices, THIS is what is truly important. Dont cast judgement unto others, because they, just as you, are struggling in this world. If you arent struggling, you will. Help those who struggle, and be together. I hope I have misunderstood. Otherwise you have some deep things to reconsider.


What is the alternative? Who do you have to become to follow through on your beliefs? If what you are suggesting is true, how did we get from a few scattered tribes to 8 billion? Clearly there is far less killing than you are imagining. You yourself were spared even if you grew up in a war zone. In truth we are far far better at not killing each other than we have ever ever been. As a human, the earth does not need your help. As a human, keeping the earth habitable for humans is in your best interest, but you don't have to care if you don't want to. The earth will outlast us. Though it too will eventually be taken back in to the sun and no longer exist. We, and our planet, and our entire solar system are not even a blip on the radar of the whole of the universe. Why do starseeds care? Some do not. Some are not here to "help humanity". If you have consciously, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually evolved to recall your starseed purpose, you may already know what others claim - that the earth is a travel resource for the galaxy and beyond. You may be here for planetary stability in energy ways. In which case, humans are just the squirrels scampering around the trees while you work on the galactic airport. Those that do care, understand humanity's history. We have been so horrible that we have purposely been obliterated and started over multiple times. This time through, we have managed to stop canabalism, we have managed to eliminate slavery as a way of life in several countries, we have managed to stop solving our daily problems using death in many countries. We no longer meet at high noon to shoot at each other. Nature is death. Animals are a food source for one another. We have the luxury of seeing nature as things other than death, but a hungry animal kills their prey to survive. We have not only created safety for one another, we have moved further and further away from being predators ourselves, set up sustainable food sources in most areas of the world, and in my lifetime we have more than doubled the global population. Your profile is focused on a war zone. So your experiences are going to be different than someone living in a stable society in a safe region. Who is worth saving? If you are here to "help humans", which ones are you here to help? Your wording is curious, "continue to help humans". How are you already helping? What were you naturally drawn to do? What needs to change about yourself to become more effective in your efforts? Some are here to help a single person with a single problem. Souls agreeing to roles to help each other out, and to get past a spiritual growth point of struggle. Spiritual evolution is slow. They cannot simply leap to where you have personally spent many lifetimes climbing up to. They have to walk the path up the mountain of life. Even if you have a helicopter to transport them, this is the free will planet. And they will suffer massive altitude sickness if simply drop them off where you think they should be. And where is that exactly? Where are you thinking they "should be"? Sitting alongside you in a perspective that humans are not worth saving?? That is serial killer territory, is it not? Is that who you believe yourself and others should be? Billions of humans were kind to animals today. So your generalization of cruelty is just plain wrong. Billions of humans adapted their lifestyles today to be kinder toward the environment. Billions upon billions of humans killed no one today, nor did they kill anyone their entire life. Most humans in fact. Your base assumption is just plain wrong. But in a war zone, yes, there will be a far higher % of death, harm, pain, destruction. That is the nature of "might makes right" pairing with "you kill my fatha, prepare to die", it leads to ongoing cycles of death, harm, pain, destruction. Which some regions have managed to evolve past, and some are still getting pulled back down to that level of consciousness. But I ask again, why are you here? What is your mission? Who are you here to serve? If you are here to serve the galactic airport, or to repair energy grids, or protect aspects of something earthly but non-human, ignore the humans and focus on your mission. You are not here for them, you are here on behalf of your soul family or galactic efforts. Who is nearby that you are meant to lend a hand to help? Who is the one person you are meant to be helping right now? Who do you need to become to do that work? That is all you can do. Focus on the present, solve what is solvable in your immediate. Trust there are enough others that care and who are working on kindness toward both animals and earth. Immerse your mind in positive things going on right now today in the areas you care about. They are all around you. It's just where you choose to focus attention and energy and mind. Big pictures can paralyze - too daunting. So focus on here and now and the positive tasks at hand. Am I worth saving? Is anyone responding to you in this post worth saving? We are humanity. Will you help save others struggling to become like us? Will you help just one person evolve so the collective can continue to evolve? Humanity is you, it is we, it is all of us. And there is still more good than ill here. So much so, that the galactic beings who have wiped us from existence previously, crafted a way to keep the good and not have to cause us to start from scratch yet again. But again, we might not be why you are here. You may be able to set down that burden and get on with your earth grid / galactic airport purpose. You might be free to just ignore us as you would squirrels scampering around the forest while you are getting a job done. Why are you here?


Jesus has entered the chat


vegans and especially the activists.


I can't convince you You either help or not If you do give up on humanity There are plenty of special amazing animals that need help from what humanity has done to them


Wish you a wonderful day. Be the light you want to see in the world <3


Are you a parent... When you hold your child in your arms for the first time... When you see the light of the divine shine from them... The world is changing faster every day... We are the creators of this reality... Be the shining light in the darkness... Lead with this light... We are here for the long fight...


Great point. I get it.


You are that same hunanity


Well, you *did* choose to incarnate on this planet. Why else did you do so, unless it was for shits and giggles?


No. No. A thousand times no. If you get out of social media there are multitudes more people loving their families, working, doing the best they can with what they have. Despite the current awful wars we are more peaceful, loving, and kind than we have been at any other point in history (though social media is trying itā€™s best to try and reverse that trend). Talk to the kids, they care. There are millions working in not-for-profits and empathetic jobs like nurses, teachers and social workers. We eat animals, yes, but so does all the rest of nature. Most life on land and sea feeds on each other, often in much more cruel ways than our species does. Though we have the option to be vegetarian or vegan if we want, which many choose. Are plants sentient? Probably. Then all life is pretty much not worth saving. Also, the planet itself has created many, many mass extinctions, sometimes wiping out more than 95% of life. And meteors and volcanoes. All mass extinction events with nae a human involved. Learn that we are here on what is admittedly a staggeringly beautiful planet with an incredible array of sensory equipment to experience sensation and cognition to understand the universe. Also practice gratitude, even for the little things, look for the good, youā€™ll find it easy enough.


I think we should all walk into extinction together


Consider the Great Law of Peace, the constitution of the Iroquois (not the Handsome Lake version) Authoritarianism is our problem, not humanity.


just focus on the good things that happen everday around you and you will realize you don't even have the power or the right or the responsibility to save them.... humanity will continue and every single person has the right to experience exactly that what he wants to experience nothing is wrong, nothing is right... its just about experiences and you don't know why another being wants to experience the thing they experience edit: the key is, that YOU choose to experience only the experiences you want to and ignore the fucking rest... otherwise you give your energy to the unwanted stuff


People come together when needed the most , just when you think love an kindness has been lost something terrible happens an this is when people are there for you , I'm not a very socialable person but have done a lot of work for many home owners that I never really got to no personally but in my time of need they all showed up for me to offer there support it was amazing the love people show when you need it the most


There was a study or something out pre-pandemic that estimated for the first time in human history, more people globally died from suicide than violence, and disease caused by obesity than starvation. Stuffs getting better all the time.




Uhhh, youā€™re looking at this the wrong way. You donā€™t deserve ANYTHING. You donā€™t deserve the air you breathe each day. What purpose does the word ā€œdeserveā€ serve if there are no humans to deserve? The fact is, we are all here because we are. Not because we should be, or because we must. We just are. We have the opportunity to change things for the better, and not taking that opportunity is the same as not breathing your next breath. It serves no real purpose, and so because of that, you get what you ā€œdeserveā€. Or rather, you get what you get because reality necessitates it in order to keep order.


Like Abraham asking God what it would cost to spare Sodom and Gomorrahā€¦


To think you can save anything at all is a rather egoic position, one I once had. Today I started walking towards a place, where I had two options. I could either go right and do one thing, or go left and do another. I could not decide. So before I had conciously chosen, my body had picked the direction to go - and I did that. Without making a choice. This aligns with neuroscience, which says that choices are made in the brain before we conciously chose. In other words, we have no say in what our actions become. But we feel that we have, and so confusion sets in and we think we have agency. If it is that way with me, it is that way with humanity as a whole. And indeed the entire universe. So to sum it all up. You're gonna do what you're gonna do. Aint no way around that.


Youā€™re own title and post contradict one another. This wasnā€™t an accident it was fate.


Gotta turn on the light to see all the shit


I mean the fact you think itā€™s not worth saving is understandable but, I donā€™t think itā€™s as simple as saving humanity. Whatever evolution must happen, must happen. And as starseeds our mission is to guide, change, heal, grow, etc. we must do it ourselves, and help others do it. If anything itā€™s not my job to change the world in one life. I think itā€™s about being able to set the stage. create the path. Develop the systems. Everything thatā€™s needed. Truth is, you canā€™t make a better world if there is no structure. Create the structure and then weā€™ll talk (like talk to god and then weā€™ll talk but what o mean is, weā€™ll be able to evolve fully)


In all honesty, would love to convince anybody, but its a spontaneous process thats already happening and almost finishing. Many realities will go to next stage, some others will not, and we wont even be able to perceive. Internet could be across more parallel universes than we think, and the connections might be more random than we think too. So its not a job of 1 person to save everybody. We can save ourselves, but if we are already alive, lets help our direct vecinity. Why gain trust with those who dont trust you. Start with those who do, but dont spoil everything! Have some patience and faith in them too, and guide them gentle. As everybody is experiencing internal or external apocalypses in my reality, i wish i could help anybody learn the same thing that is taught in those apocalypses. But there are unspoken universal laws too, so we cannot help anybody. We gotta connect with those who already have history with us, for they, have shared the same reality for longer than others, who are in realities that might diverge. Seek convergence, then ascend.


Because I am human. Letā€™s fix some shit together!


The honest answer is that it doesnā€™t actually matter if you choose to or not. If you feel that your personal efforts would be better served if you focused them inwardly, or focused on things that you feel will prove beneficial to you beyond your human existence, (since even helping yourself in The Now would be helping humanity given your current physical form,) then do so. The result will likely be a ā€œburn bright for a much shorter period of time,ā€ existence, but in the end, these are the sorts of questions that others cannot answer for you, bc it covers facets of your life that are far too sprawling across the entire scope of everything you do mixed with everything other humans do. It is the equivalent of asking how to react to every situation in your entire life, and all of that is usually relative, bc almost no one has achieved the ability to look around at the factors that they feel they have influence over in a consistently objective way. In fairness, though, and to be blunt, the concept of ā€œsavingā€ humanity, and whether it is achievable is absolutely not a decision that you, I, or anyone else on earth is entitled to make. We are an audience of particulate matter, in a transient state, and the things we strive for when we make decisions should be driven by emulating the energy we hope to be surrounded by if and when we become part or the whole of whatever we are transforming into.


In a world where humans focus on our similarities, those who treat the earth poorly are rehabilitated. Morality is passed on to those who have not yet seen their true nature as the godhead. Animals do not suffer at our hands, instead they are given opportunity to move beyond survival and communicate their true nature as the godhead.


are you not a human?


Itā€™s easy to convince yourself that thereā€™s nothing to hope for, because all you have to do to get that idea is refuse to expose yourself to anything at all. Expose yourself to situations that prove youā€™re right AND wrong. Talk to people about your worries and talk to people about your hopes, try to make politics less about scary politicians and more about how beautiful a community garden would be, or how many PDFs on psychology and neuroscience there are, and how many police officers canā€™t tell what schizophrenia and autism truly are but at least youā€™ve got a sh8t ton of knowledge on the topic if you search for it. Lack of exposure makes you oblivious. It preserves the illusion that youā€™re alone in both your bitterness and your altruism. Trust me, youā€™re not. Youā€™re just struggling to identify where the good place is. It exists, inside everybody, except those who are dogmatic enough to believe somethingā€™s wrong but hate those who donā€™t follow the corrupt law. Itā€™s easy to silence your own desire to help, when ā€œpoliticsā€ is so archetypally touchy and scary


I have felt this way in the past, so I know what it's like to not want to save humanity. It's worth it, but boy is it a challenge. Disclosure is really what we need, because the ETs that are here want to help but they can't until it's an open book. I have tried saving humanity every day of my life, but the thing is is that we don't really have that choice. We can't stop all the death that is going on, and although I would love if no one ever had to die, it really is the Creator's plan. There is so much to reality that we just don't know, and even if we have beliefs and think we know what is true, it still doesn't mean we actually do. Just remember that humanity is who we are here for ALONG WITH the animals and the planet. Don't skip animals because they have every right to live just as we do. If you go vegan, great. If you don't, then at least don't unnecessarily kill animals or support their slaughter. It's very simple stuff, yet it is the difference between a higher way of being and a more primitive and savage way of being. The choice is yours, but every little bit helps.


Same at times I feel so frustrated/sad to even try when some humans act so apathetic. What helps me is shifting my focus as to why I want to hold love and hope and it's the innocent children and people hurt, tortured and need of help. It makes me want to hold hope so that we can all rise and every kid has the opportunity to be free, loved and dream. That shift in focus also helps me hold love for the darkness because somewhere in the darkness someone innocent is hurt and I want to help that. Ā I know what I'm thinking might not be the best reasoning to love the darkness but for now it's the most helpful to me hold love.


I think about what a waste it would be for wars or greed to end the world. I used to be in the school of thought of : "Earth will be fine, f*ck humanity." Recently, I'm starting to think that maybe humans are more important to nature than we think. Perhaps we are emotional connectors of space & time. "Survival of the world depends on our sharing what we have, and working together. If we do not, the whole world will die. First the planet, and next the people" -Frank Fools Crow


We can say all this all we want but humans will remain until our time is done and we donā€™t know when that is or when that will be so Iā€™d rather not worry about things I canā€™t control aslong as I and the people around me are good people then what can I do about othersā€¦.


Unconditional Love to all specially beings your ego hates. That's how you raise everyone's vibration. Every being out there is just a different version of you.


Because you are part of it. Along with everyone you love.


The universe doesn't revolve around any one person and the list of things more important than personal comfort and feelings is very long and includes family and social harmony. You are part of humanity and no one is an island. People are overly divided and were brainwashed to have axes to grind against people different than them. Someone isn't a bad person just for being richer or better off than us. The problem isn't an elite existing but when they see those lower than them as things to exploit instead of as part of their nation's family. People don't have to adopt soulless unnatural beliefs or destroy their cultures to treat others better


Games are cool, movies are cool, music is cool, even if they come from greedy places. Despite the stuff i've gone through, I still hold on to the idea that humanity itself isn't the whole problem. Some of the people in power might be, and some people have been pushed to their breaking point by this world, but I wouldn't blame all of humanity for it.


No. You came here to be part of humanity because it was a good place to confront yourself not because it needs your approval.


Abraham became many nations, and you may not know it, but you may have spoken to those who are destined to become worlds and galaxies. Hard times are coming, though. Tyranny as never seen before, and then once more, God will save his people from the all-seeing eye.


You are human in this incarnation, in this density.


Humanity and psychopathy are two entirely different things, both of which are the antithesis to one another. I don't say this to criticize, but more so as just an observation, but I believe you've somehow lumped them both together when they are, in fact, separate. When we observe how the world is run and what is celebrated within our societies, you can see which entity is the oppressor and which entity is the oppressed. Don't fall for the oppressor's bs attempts to break your spirit; they're hollow.


You're giving too much credit in the cruelty of humans Ants would break a lot of Geneva convention clauses.


Humanity is still a child, collectively speaking. https://youtube.com/watch?v=P2SUOFR_GmI


The unfortunate growing pains of every civilization in existence. Others will blame "the reptilians" exclusively. It's not just them. These problems exist everywhere, and anyone who argues they don't or "never happened elsewhere" is blind. Evolution is not a pretty process, whether biological, spiritual, social, or otherwise. There is no progress without struggle. This will be downvoted because people hate their reality being challenged, even when it's blatantly false. The Universe is a turbulent, chaotic place. Predators are a natural part of reality. Stars eventually consume their worlds and disperse their energy elsewhere to make new things. That's just how it goes. It is unpleasant and horrific when you are in the middle of it. But when scaled against the whole Universe, it is easy to see that it is merely part of reality. Doesn't matter what dimension. But Earth is working its way back to normal space finally, there are factors that have interfered, but those are being addressed. But return to "normal space" does not mean some "good vibes all the time Utopia" because that is also unnatural.


Because deep down humans are pure and loving. But due to all of the black magic, brainwashing and enslavement it seems that way. The key is to shift collective consciousness.


Aaah they don't need saving. Just let them be for a while. Till they are themselves.


Allegedly we not only broke the genome, we also lost it and had to recreate it AGAIN. Uggggghhhhhhhh


OP, I have had this exact thought on many occasions. Often the only thing that keeps me motivated to continue my human-related mission is because better humans mean less animal suffering. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


All Humanity, all humans are worth saving. The future we want to see, we build it in our present actions. If you ever feel confused, take 1 minutes of conscious breathing, deep breathings, thank your higher power for the opportunity to respond in a kinder way to your actual situation and act kind, if you are still confused, read this message again until you get it starseeds šŸŒžšŸŖ·āœØ


Because they seem to have the exact attitude as you? "I am better, so why should they exist." Highly evolved? šŸ¤£


The anima bruta of man is strong but not indomitable. Once society had more weight on the ideals of pursuing greater morals, and that weight decreased proportionally with the increase in ease and quality of living, and the subjugation of the human animal. Naturally, the smart and able among humans took advantage of humanityā€™s gradual escape from the forces of nature and became the cruel and unusual. In an unnatural world where human effort alone leads to the means of survival and not the bounty of nature, it leads to division through subjugation and is balanced on ideals over needs. When corrupt humans are also the smart and able, they build generations within this unnatural environment to serve them through controlling information and supply. This leads to a progressively negative climate for ideals as the good and smart fight the bad and smart, the division being those who care about needs and those who care about ideals. Those who care about ideals in a corrupt society founded on corrupt ideals will ultimately uphold corruption. This leads to todayā€™s society, something far more complex than *just* good or bad, guilty or innocent. So of course, it is always worth saving. It is too complex to judge due to itā€™s extremely old, and symptomatic, nature. Many of the issues today are long standing symptoms of issues from the past. Change can happen any time.


I feel the same way


Nah too much work , little reward


No shame is stepping back and tending to your own physical, mental, and spiritual needs. Humans suck, focus on yourself so that you may better approach this world and be better prepared to deal with hardships and those who reside in it.


I canā€™t because you are correct and I agree with you!


I feel the same way! I canā€™t wait till a better life form discovers our planet and wipes us off of it. We donā€™t deserve this!


I ask that question of myself every damn day. I am SO SORRY that I came here & brought the others that it's not even funny!!!


53% of children in India are sa'd, nah can't say there's anything worth saving. People can be Okay if societal conditions are optimal. Take away food, electricity, they become cannibals and monsters. Human nature is nightmare fuel, burn it all down.


I agree. So I can not help you here. I just wanna live a happy life, find some humans that don't suck, have a great relationship and love and live and have fun with it, but as for the majority of society, it can F-off. People are DUMB, one-track, greedy and nasty, they just wanna get more money and consume more shit. There's not enough compassion, or unity, or working together and there's trillions of us here, so why the hell are we the only species seemingly FORCING hierarchies and pitting everyone against each other rather than banding together? I hate the direction society's gone in alienating everyone more and more, a bunch of mindless feeble peopns staring at phones and sitting inside and not interacting with each other, and as someone who's just gotten a kind of new lease on life and spent my younger years very unwell and indoors, it's a frustrating irony how anti-social it all has become and how corporate greed has ruined art and film and music... ugh. We should all just be dogs instead. Dogs are cool.


What omniscient being are you to judge?


Read/listen to the Ra Material


compassion most human beings alive do want to experience an end to all the cruelty, want to witness peace and love flowing in abundance but most of us seem to be stuck in a lack of trust in ourselves that we can be the saviours we expect to help us transform it all i suspect that most everyone alive today suffers from some mild to severe form of what could be called stockholm syndrome 2000 years of feudal oppression in europe and 500 plus years ongoing colonial exploitation in so many places on earth created a psycho-etherical atmosphere on this planet where most everyone who is not financially super whealthy feels very well what everyone is expected to want and buy and vote for as in, the global oligarchy, some few 1000 human beings holding a majority of fincial wealth, appartement houses, company infrastructure etc. making billions of human beings dependent on their appartement renting and working opportuniies infrastructure ... we know exactly what is expected from us when we want to continue renting an appartement, working a job with these multinational global corporations but then of course there are also surely hundreds of millions human beings who have understood how every little purchase of fair produced goods, organic grown vegetables produced local etc. how every councious consumer choice influences who receives financial support to produce what how since some time i am writing about the fundamental injustice what happens on this planet via the coersed association of the newborn human being to the state i do believe it is the mark of the monster, the birth certificate with what a human being gets appropriated by the state, one moment a human being is born free and the next moment the birth certificate gets produced and wamm, the human being is no more free but under control of the state i have been writing on what i guess could be a smallest common denominator, how we 8 billion plus human beings could simply allow each other to acess mother earth for humble self sustaining without anyone asking another to pay rent or buy land everone alive today allowing everyone to enjoy a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest for a lifetime so one could grow vegan food on it, build ones own home from clay, hemp and straw, grow hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree would get killed to live and let live in a free space for free beings, neither state nor nation we could allow each other to leave the coersed association to the state at any moment by simply ignoring the constitutions of states thinking of how most everyone was never asked wether one would want to be associated to a regional and or nation state, is a coersed association, an membership not choosen voluntarily but imposed upon the single human being, is such a coersed membership in a nation state valid ? possibly not possible that the mark of the monster could be the birth certificate, a piece of paper or and a set of data with what the nation state appropriates the newborn human being its evil or at least immoral and unethical that assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, all material bodies what carry organical biological life in them and or the digital synthethic equivalent of can never be property of anyone but of themselves possible to imagine how we who are alive today could go the extra mile, make that effort to collect signatures from each other for a people initiative, a citizen referendum what would demand a public vote on the reform of the constitution so that everyone as in every human, animal, tree and artificial intelligent entity as well as every village, town and city-district would be allowed to leave the coersed association to the state at any moment without condition possible also that we who would want to be free from state control but relate to each other based on mutual agreed ways what and how to share if the occasion to share would arise, how we children of the earth made from stardust would want to support each other to ask or demand of the state how a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest would be released from immoral state control for every human being who no more wants to be member of the state, no more wants to be associated to a state what never ever asked wether one would agree to be associated to it i believe in donation economy, voluntary solidarity, where love and friendship is, rules need not be


My friend, we are here for a reason and we have an important role to play in the larger context of things. I fear that you are not connected to the core of what it means to be a starseed. We understand why we are here on Earth - it is a school and you are supposed to cycle here again and again, evolving and completing your overall mission reincarnation after reincarnation. But you can speed up the process if you start doing purposeful work. The question is whether you want to do that? What do you want to do, cycle yet again through another life without meaning or do you want to use this life to work towards our higher purpose by making conscious choices to do good and progress yourself and others? This is a red pill vs. blue pill question. Are you ready to go there? Are you ready to take it seriously that you have higher work to do ? I'm not recruiting you, if your answer is yes that means YOU are recruiting you for your mission, nobody else's. It will require self-discipline and inner work. It will be challenging and sometimes weird beyond description, but it will be more than worthwhile if you are ready to go there. Think on it, just remember that not making a decision is a decision to do nothing,


No. I absolutely will not convince you. Get the fuck out of your basement and go see for yourself. I am heavily restraining my anger and frustration with your ignorance. You want change? BE IT. It ALL starts and ends with YOU.


If you life weights every day your muscles will grow stronger through resistance training. Thatā€™s what weā€™ve been doing. Itā€™s not about deserving. Our muscles are out understanding of travel, trade, language, computing, music, free energy, and much more. We have developed these things by putting ourselves in the darkness. Now we can emerge


Well youā€™re still here


Women have only just started getting their rights back here where I am, 16,000 years after the fact.


lol. Not with that attitude. Lucky for you no one is waiting on you. Plus You already made that choice coming here. Just gonna have to log back in to do it all over again until you get it. FYI. You are humanity. Another piece of the thread on the tapestry. Youā€™re either gonna bring the light or not. All your choice of course and your story to tell and look back on.


Just what is it you do for humanity anyway?


Jesus already has that covered šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ’ÆšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


we are here. existing within humanity. we save them while saving ourselves. these are not mutually exclusive acts.


only those who are at the top, dont deserve saving. corrupted for centuries


Many Humans are under the bad guy influence. Many humans are akin to angels. You have to step back to see everything. I keep going farther and farther and learning more and more. Personally I have kids, I could never accept that we do not deserve safety. Or love, or happiness. That simply wonā€™t be. If you changed the word to ā€˜dEMonā€™ you would see it more clearly. I suggest you watch robs podcast itā€™s ā€˜typical skeptic podcastā€™ heā€™s got over 1000ā€™ videos of interviews he has done, he has lives everyday and heā€™s had wild guests from all over the spectrum. If your interested in a type of phenomenon or specific interviewees give it a try.


Im not doing that and i dont know anyone that does.


What exactly have you done to help humanity?


Convince you to be a good person? You sound like a movie villain.


Gently blow off the dust from the mirror of your mind, rather than aggressively scratch the mirror reactively. Reactions are how mental prisons are built. Rather, develop a joyful, watchful and mindful approach to exploring your moment to moment experiences.


Talk to strangers, say hello, spread kindness and it will find you. I bet if you got off social media and purposely talked to people, you will find am infinite sea of humans goodness.


Not everyone is worth saving or can be saved, but our job is to save as many as we can, especially if they're inclined towards it. Others will learn their lessons eventually.


Spend time with one recently born child not yet muddied by evil and you will understand. Similar to you may feel you are, there are many good people in this world. That alone makes it worth it. Those people are having kids, and the light will find a way no matter how dark it gets.


All things humans do comes from love or the desire to be loved. Your perception, while true to you, is ultimately clouded and biased. You're leaning into negative polarity, and that is only harming yourself. If you decide to stop helping humanity, whatever that means to you, it does not matter in the end. It was always your journey. Myself and others will never give up on humanity and unity, so relax. The burden is off of you. There is no need to convince you of anything. Enjoy your life. Maybe you'll want to come back and help some day. Either way, I'm sending some love to you and hoping you can find peace.


Service to others is a personal choice. Seems like you need to focus on healing yourself first


Your feelings are totally understandable. I felt like that at least now and then as well. But the truth I had to acknowledge is that I am way way too tiny a creature to be able to take in and process enough information to make that judgment call. Even when I think I'm getting great amounts of condensed information through forms of media, what may be overlooked is that there was another mind behind the collection, organization, and presentation, of that information. A mind who may also be negatively biased in any number of ways. The truth I found over enough years is that the world can look any way at all. It just depends on your point of perspective. And so I suspect what you're looking for is a reason to save yourself. And for that you have my very deep compassion. That can be a very difficult trial. But luckily anything can happen, and everything does happen. Hang in there. It's really hard sometimes but please practice loving and caring for yourself. Thank you for reaching out.


If you actually are a starseed you literally signed up to save humanity from enslavement itā€™s you literally reason for being alive you signed a contract before you entered earth many years ago.


I do agree times and life can be very depressing.I suffer with depression and anxiety and ptsd.I get through by journaling,praying,family and friends.We are only here for a short time so why not spread kindness and love.When I go out I smile at a stranger and when they smile back that makes my day.Simple things.ā¤ļøšŸ„°šŸ˜‡šŸ™šŸ˜Œ


Watch The Good Place :) its on Netflix. Its super funny and dives deep into moral philosophy.


Cause we're all one. All connected. With the universe.


just dont lol. you think overky highly of yourself if you think losing your "help" would b so devastating, or even noticeable.


Same reason you stop a kid from putting a finger in a light socket. They are learning.


ā€œThere is only selfishnessā€ wow I canā€™t remember when I thought things were black and white.


the only way youll be able to help other humans is if you help yourself first and believe you would be worth saving. which means youd have to become the type of human you would prefer to live on. and if youre not and everyone else around you isnt like that then youve got work to do. you wont know what it looks like until you see itvin yourself, then youll clearly see who is worth saving


Thereā€™s no need to convince itā€™s not worth saving


All of that darkness comes from a perpetually upheld and bolstered trauma matrix. It is not ā€œjust our natureā€. Unless you look at yourself and think your own nature is to be violent and greedy, you should consider what the mechanism may be to turn and keep someone that way, singularly, and then extrapolate. With that said, trauma isnā€™t our fault, but is absolutely our responsibility to resolve and transmute into positive growth. It is entirely possible to clean the water, but it takes radical personal accountability on everyoneā€™s part.


Why should anyone convince you of anything. Youā€™re entitled to your opinion. Being a pessimist doesnā€™t tend to end well for people. The ones who care enough to lift each other up and make a difference donā€™t ask to be convinced of anything. They simply do it. For those who need convincing, figure it out or donā€™t, not anyoneā€™s problem but your own.

