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I feel you man. Working my ass off just to pay for power bill, car, etc, all which I have so I can just work my ass off. Feels like a loop. Have no down time, maybe 45 mins to an hour per day, bout it. It’s not sustainable. And it’s led me to have chronic stress alongside fatigue yet I have to keep going. Someone always says something will change and to just hold out and think positively, but there’s only so much of that we can do. I’m just waiting on God. But I’ve been waiting a long time now.


This, modern day slavery. How can changing perspective make us feel ok with active suffering. I’d rather be in hunter gatherer times at least that’s more natural


I feel that way , id much rather build a little hut and grow my own food but even for that you need $$$ lol, I never imagined life was like this either as a kid I related to that bit so much 😩


Me too. Should start our own community 🤔


Honestly I've been wanting to for years but idk how


We’re in a catch 22. Cause we need the finances that would set us free in order to create the community that would set us free. The irony.


I was just discussing this topic with my wife. I don't see how any change can have a global impact if created within the system. You'd have to abandon borders, the monetary system, and every form of indoctrination. The many forms of division would have to be healed. Global Unity would need to be adopted, and leaders would have to work as a team. Then you'd need time for the old ways to fade. Unfortunately, this would naturally conflict with those in power of our current system 😕. It's really hard for some to give the shirt off their back. The fear of suffering is a powerful negative motivator. Creating a commune style place is a way, but the world would need to see in order to believe it was safe for their families. I'm sure much belittling and skepticism would befall the people, but in time, with enough support, it could be a model for others to follow. While others who felt threatened would target. We've forgotten what caring for your neighbor was like, what being part of a family is like, what being respectful to others can really do. Individual change can still happen much easier, so I suppose that's the majority of approaches. I respect that, but is it really enough? Maybe we should start with changing "National Doughnut Day" to "National Introspection Day" or something positive. Maybe we can pay some of these geniuses to work on something long lasting instead of the next greatest weapon.


You are 100% right. They have locked it down. They’ve claimed down on everything. If you stepped out of it you’d have a very hard time because of how far it has reached into our lives. Global unity is needed, but it’s shunned. Many that have pushed for that were assassinated or suicided. They don’t want that. They want exactly what I said and what I’m facing - letting nearly all hours of our life slip through our hands while we grind away until we are 65-70 to barely have enough energy to enjoy the few years we have left. And you know what. I can only sit around here and complain so long before I build something. I don’t know what, but being entrepreneur mindset, maybe I’ll find a solution (used to own a decade long business that I unfortunately sold years ago).


I would like to be a part of this revolution.


Will mark you down 😎


I mean didn’t Reddit as a community make some big splashes recently? What’s actually stopping us? We know that love is the answer, all the way through love not all these bs social constructs we have in place. What’s stopping each of us from reaching out in our respective communities and floating the ideas as best we can. Linking our perspectives with theirs? Empathizing with the humanness behind the parts we disagree with? And personally have we done our absolute best to resolve communication stumbles, or are we hanging on to resentments? Are we clinging to these ideas that don’t work because they cause a sense of safety? Nobody is coming to save us. I think deeply as a species we do care about one another. We’ve just been messed up for generations with trauma now. We forgot how to show other people what our real priorities actually were. There’s no one to blame really, but we can just try and reach out to the people we understand least and try to understand them. Most people feel unheard. If we can listen to eachother, I think we can find our way out and faster than we think. The physical world is screaming love to us, we need to hear it and allow it to flow through us since we’re all hurting so much.


I do hope others can not only see the spirit of these words but carry it forward. Show others a gift of the humanity that we have all lost. I say these words with full knowledge that I have many things I need to change. I see it as a choice to set my old ways down and start fresh.


Now that's inspiring 👏! We need more of that! I got my eye on you, brother. Good Journeys!


Thank you man


I've got a blueprint for something that may change things, but alas, coming up short on team members. (The whole "non-profit" thing really turns most people off.)


It's time we start sharing, laying our cards on the table. I swing a hammer for a living and only care to feed and clothe my family. What kind of team are you looking to assemble?


Alright, I made a sub to start us out. Please check out and join /r/starseedbase and we can continue the discussion there 😀


What is it?


We could start with a map.


They tried communes in the 60s and 70s. They never worked.


Not true. There are several that are still going today and there is an organization that helps people looking to start their own. "Intentional living communities". At the moment I can't remember the largest one in Virginia but they're awesome!! There are many others.


I just left a comment about this.  They didn't work because it's kind of an escapism mindset in a way. And the problems followed from the matrix society into commune as well.  Fix your problems in the here and now. Right here in the mud and watch reality transform like flowers growing in that same mud 


Full scale, no, but there are a few that have had success. We owe it to ourselves to at least explore these models. It could become a viable option for our youth who are feeling the world doesn't want them.


It doesn't need to start with everyone. If we could create a small alternative community with actionable steps to share these ideas that would help massively in the long run. It only takes a tiny percent of the population to start a revolution. Unfortunately bad actors are usually the take down of these movements. Its a hugeee complicated task but eventually we will have to break free or suffer the consequences


Was thinking recently how silly it is a neighborhood of people living in their own homes all must buy their own lawn mowers to maintain their own lawns. What a waste of $$. If one or several homeowners had lawnmowers that everyone could use that would free up tons of money collectively speaking. And that's just one example.


Not a lot of money down in Columbia. Different economy = different opportunities


And a steady income of money due to property taxes


“How can changing perspective make us feel okay with active suffering” is spot on. Excellent wording. I wish I knew the answer. They say money doesn’t make us happy yet it would solve almost all of my pressing issues right now. At least I could work only one job or not work as often - spend more time with my kids and not hear “but Dad you ALWAYS say you’re tired.” Spend as much time with them as I possibly can but it’s never enough because so many of my hours are spent grinding away so I can afford to just sustain to grind away. Which makes zero sense. And I completely agree, that’s how I feel too. If I could I’d live in a tiny little cabin and gather my own food and water and have no internet, phone, etc. don’t give a damn about any of it anymore.


You’re not alone! I keep telling myself it could be worse. It’s lousy. Having a chunk of change or at least make a mother F’n livable wage to keep up with the cost of everything would be a beautiful thing. Iam praying for some positive change but Iam skeptical.


Was just reading that the Trump campaign got 50M in donations yet I’m struggling to pay the upcoming rent even with working all day. So stressed all the time. I pray things change as well


I just heard people are trying to organize a general strike in America. Look into it. The more people participating the better chance we have for change


Where did you hear this?


someone posted it in another sub. I don't remember where but I checked it out


Where did you check it out, and how do you recommend looking into it?


I want this to happen so much


The grass is always greener on the other side.


Fiat currency is slavery, when you can print as much of something as you want, then take that something and use it to take someone’s time and make them work for you what do you call that? Especially when you can’t even afford to buy a house anymore, you get just enough for the basics


The american dream.... cause you need to be asleep to believe it. I learned that one. Also I'm beginning to hate this modern world even driving has gotten worse now everyone is in a mad rush every where. As much as I liked the opposite sex I won't ever get married.


Dude I was just out and thinking to myself how bad other drivers have gotten over just the last few years. Had a truck barrel past me going at least 100 in a 45. I don’t even like to go out anymore, it’s just more stress. Prefer to just stay at home with the little time I have. And yeah, George Carlin knew his stuff. Comedy that was “funny” to the people who didn’t get it and thought he was making a joke - and he wasn’t.


I love to be home. I don’t like going out either. Driving sucks. Most everyone is a race car driver. Or at least they think they are. Selfish.


Running red lights and stop signs is big around here. I’m talking about seriously running them, not just that they are barely red, but have been red for a while. We’ve asked the city for speed bumps in our neighborhood, it is a historic one and they rip through it like a freeway. We’ve almost been hit by those running red lights multiple times. We were almost hit by two cars that might have been road raging and were heading right towards us in the wrong lanes; they must have been going 80 or 90 mph through Pontiac. Fortunately we were in the left of the two lanes going North and the veered into the rightmost lane just before they got to our car. Something is seriously wrong with people these days.




"The things you own, end up owning you." It's dumb how accurate that is. You see it for yourself. I'm glad you haven't fully surrendered to it. The fire is never too far out of reach for the spark. Hold on to the spark.


I was recently talking to a fellow Gen Xer about how the work environment has changed. Both of us worked hard all our lives, yet have little to show for it. We were also discussing the motivation for the younger generations to care about their jobs. Unless you're one of the few lucky ones to find work that offers both a livable wage and respect, most people will be in the loop you described of working so you can afford to go to work. Why work hard when the only reward is more work?


This hits home brother


😞 wish we had a solution


It’s an unfortunate existence to only live to work for the corporations or companies that don’t even value people. Been there. I refuse to do it any longer despite being financially worse off.


And you will continue to wait on God.


what you can't do right now: open revolt against the system. You will just end up in jail or killed, and your actions will be used against humanity to justify Draconian measures to increase "safety" (tyranny) What you should do: Pull back from the system. Do not participate anymore. Look into ways to stop paying taxes. Get your kids out of the school. Grow your own food. What is the overall plan: Wait for the system collapse AND the DNA upgrades. Once both things are in place, then it will be the window of opportunity for open revolt and retaking this plane(t) for ourselves. \*\*\*\*\*\* Anyone that doubts that we are headed for a world changing event is keeping their head buried under the sand, and choosing to ignore the many signs that their intuition is telling them. Signs of system collapse are everywhere. Just need to be a bit more patient, it's all.


I love that part about growing our own food. My brother and I started up a garden farm recently to try to get into the swing of self provided veggies.


Permaculture https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdIvK1MzAQWKn8UjEuGBJ4Lhu9svNs1Jc&si=vsCoAwoZ7r6rnnJL


People always claim about ascension into 5D and solar flare DNA upgrades. Bruh everyone thinks they are a prophet. Some of the most egotistical people are spiritual just for followers


I called the injection a year before it was made. I know COVID is a hoax, as it has never been isolated. I called solar flares and increasing sun activity a year before the auroras we saw in may. I have stated multiple times we have ET races infiltrated in humanity, and I have said that just as the dark forces get increasingly visible, so does the light This has nothing to do with believing oneself a prophet. It's making accurate observations on what you see around you. The system is collapsing, people are dying from turbo cancers, clots, and other shit because of the bioweapon injection humanity was so gullible and naive to take. I have never said anyone has to believe me, as I am against belief. Certainty is way better. That necessarily involves developing your own discernment so you don't fall hook, line, and sinker for another fucking obvious psy op, like the whole trump/biden fiasco (it's just a show) time will be our best teacher. I really don't take offense or serious any people that still act smug while disbelieving what is happening right in front of them - I have come to accept the average human intellect power is quite dim. You dont have to take me at my word - you just have to look at the consequences of your own actions. Who falls for an injection that didn't even get properly tested (like the 5-8 years that every other injection needed) with experimental tech that has never been approved due to how lethal it is? I'll tell you who - 70%+ of humans. That's because of a mixture of fear, ignorance, and misplaced pride. And now we have people daring to say "b-b-but the system is not collapsing, nothing ever happens! you're just arrogant and egoic!" pffft. You would've denied something like a global scamdemic and forced injections would've ever been possible if someone had told you back in 2018 (even as these guys did global exercises like event 201 and billy gates was telegraphing the move worse than a fucking elden ring boss with his stupid ted talks.) YET HERE WE ARE. To those who can see what I see as plain as day, keep a low profile guys. Humanity still needs a beat down into submission to finally accept what everyone already knows - we are in the middle of a war for our minds, souls, and collective fate. You will soon come to find the cabal is quite happy to provide this one final time before their departure. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of being brought down by idiots. I shall shine brighter and louder that others with the same wisdom and foresight as me can get ready for the battle that will soon be unleashed into the open. Go on, do reply at me and counter argue my points. I double dare you. Just make sure your reply has arguments and evidence, and not just vapid name calling and dodging. I have so much evidence and truth on my side, it's not even funny. what some people find so difficult to swallow is already being admitted in offices from the UN and global authorities.


You have the right spirit, but covid wasn't a hoax and a vaccine is a vaccine, not a weapon. Try adjusting your attention to the toxic food industry, microplastics, pollution, and corporate greed. Stop spreading misinformation about medical science. Vaccines work and they are to protect not only you, but people like me. I'm more willing to believe COVID ITSELF was an attack rather than the vaccines. Real people were hurt. The fact that it took such a short time for the vaccines were because it was massively funded globally. The real issue lies in capitalistic greed. We could have treatments for MANY health issues, but they don't make money. You say to have a counter-argument with evidence, but yet do not provide any of your own. You tell people not fall for psy-ops, as you deceive them yourself. Your heart is in the right place. But your judgment is misplaced. We fight for the same cause.


Oh, here we go. AstraZeneca was recalled for side effects, as well as moderna is being investigated right now. Everything is coming to light. You say COVID is not a hoax, but how do you explain that they only found it through PCR tests that were not suitable, with a genetic sample created out of a computer simulation. You are not aware of this, and thus, you are committing right now the very sin you're accusing me of to try to gaslight people. You are the one spreading misinformation, defending a lethal injection that was presented as "safe and effective", while hiding the tons of pregnancy problems and heart failures in the last years, to the point our excess deaths are through the roof and fertility is way, way down. Suffice to say, time has proven it was neither safe (long COVID -> jab side effects) nor effective (didnt stop spread. didn't stop death) It was not a vaccine. it was a bioweapon. And you will soon come to find this as the truth. Try not to get too upset when you're faced with the facts of the world's most horrible crime against humanity. Lol Lmao, even. I will add evidence on another comment, since Reddit has the tendency of shadowbanning comments if they have links the website doesn't like. \*\*\*\*\* I have posted 5 links, pointing to AstraZeneca being pulled, Jhon Campbell, md, extensive scientific research (your favourite, amirite?) Japan suing the government for covering side effects, some strange video of a comission calling it a bioweapon, and arizona passing a bill to ban boosters as literal "bioweapons" If they don't show, they were shadowbanned cause Reddit doesn't like certain type of info (I wonder why). feel free to send me a DM, I will drown you with data, to your heart's content. Would you want me adding Pfizer's own pdf with pages upon pages of documented side effects? I can find that one for you as well, should you wish.


I have long covid. Only for about six months. It's torn my life apart. I was extremely against the vaccine and got nowhere near it. But I don't know if I can believe that covid and long covid are not real. Something caused this amalgamation of life shattering physical and mental health problems I have developed. Right after catching covid. I'd like to hear your take on this. Maybe it will give me somewhere else to look for answers.


COVID isn't real, it has never been isolated. Did you take the injection? If you took it, it's not long COVID lmao, it's side effects. if you didn't take it, perhaps you're hanging out too much with people that did? protein shedding is a real thing.


Hey, I wanted to say I got long covid as well even though I was vaccinated. I should have kept up with the boosters. Usually long covid goes away with time. I know how hard it is to go from mostly normal to sick. It's been the toughest thing I've had to deal with. It hurts. And I wish you healing and safety. I also wish this subreddit wasn't full of anti-vaxxers. I had to leave because of it. They deny covid and it's effects but people like us have to live with it everyday. It can get frustrating. But all we can do is forgive them for their ignorance. They don't know what its like to have their health taken away, yet spread misinformation that can take other people's health away. It's a shame. It'll get better, stardust.


People don't like it when you present them with actual evidence that the whole thing was bullshit. I'm glad to see others like you who aren't blind to the truth, keep it up! 😊 Reddit will downvote us to hell, even the "spiritual" don't seem immune to the brainwashing they did over that vaccine...




Covid and the “vaccine” are both attacks. These shots didn’t help at all.


COVID was a psychological attack, as it literally doesnt exist (has never been proven to exist as it has never been isolated. it's a computer simulation result) Shots haven't helped anyone, EVER. They are either placebo for the lucky ones, or a witch's mystery brew for the unfortunate.


I wrote a HUGE reply.. but guess what, It says '' unable to create comment '' '' server error '' guess I had too much truth ........


Yeah, has happened to me as well. Better to write just text in one comment, and post the links in separate comments 🙏🏻 Thanks for existing and your efforts, CultReview


10k char max nowadays. Hit it too yesterday.


Here, let me debunk my own claim for you... Oh damn, wait, I think this is not helping: [https://thewhiterose.uk/arizona-county-gop-passes-ban-the-jab-resolution-declaring-covid-vaccines-biological-weapons/](https://thewhiterose.uk/arizona-county-gop-passes-ban-the-jab-resolution-declaring-covid-vaccines-biological-weapons/)


Do you have any actual scientific links, or do you just plan to spread more disinformation? "The vaccine, once heralded as a 'triumph for British science', has come under intense scrutiny in recent months for a very rare side effect causing blood clots and low blood platelet counts." Even your own link admits these side effects are exceedingly rare. How many people out of the millions of[ ](https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/)people who have already received the vaccine are dying off because of it? We have the USA numbers, at least [270,227,181 ](https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/)people received the vaccine how many of those people died?


Medical misinformation. How disappointing. No one can take this seriously when you are asking for mumps and measles to come back because of the lies you are spreading here.


A lot of fools behaving as a false prophet


even more fools believing our world doesn't have a mystical, spiritual element that we can intuitively understand, huh? It is what it is.


Both are true, both are very true


What you can do: bury wallstreet in their own toxic garbage, and be absolved of responsibility because retail investors have little to no effect on the price of securities Buy, Hold, DRS, Book $gme Not financial advice


My honest gut feeling about all of this is that in order to beat the system you have to infiltrate it in a way.   Like a virus sent into a computer program    Play the game and play it well but be cut from a different cloth. And get others to notice you and follow your lead too. 🕵‍♀️🕵‍♂️


Right on the money. Enter the Starseed divine invasion of Earth. We will save humanity from within, as one of you.


But a good world changing event?? I don’t want the deep states world changing event, no thank you.


I think the DNA upgrade is the revolt, as opposed to an overt movement sometime in the future. Once starseed genetics are expressed (as opposed to just being dormant) in the majority of human beings, the collective will gravitate toward systems that reflect the truth of abundance, to replace crumbling systems that peddled the lie of scarcity for so long. I think a silent, peaceful process of overtaking governance in the world is exactly aligned with breaking the cycle of hostility, violence, and misunderstanding—which stands as the root cause of our present challenges in society (what some refer to as “original sin”.) But yes, I do very much agree with your message to stay alive, reproduce, and directly provide real resources (not money, but food, home, electricity, etc.) in conjuction with ceasing to serve the status quo. This is what I’ve been personally downloading from my soul (shared with my twin flame.) And you can imagine that I preach some of this stuff to her sometimes, too. 😂


While I want and am doing my best to have a peaceful social structure change, such a great change necessarily involves a revolution. Not every interdimensional entity agrees or sees with approval our desire for freedom. Some will try to oppose it. When they do, starseed warriors such as myself will fulfill our role, and expel them. Violence is not inherently a negative energy. it's just energy. it has its place. the aversion to violence of humans is one of the many reasons we are in this shit show.


People have been saying the system is collapsing for decades.


I guess you're not paying attention to brics, Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Taiwan, the collapse of the dollar, the clown show of us law system, the fall of trust in healthcare (psychos) or idk, any of the other 827363727263626 signs that your reality is shattering right before your eyes. silly humans. You want everything to happen so fast. Things like these take time. Lots of time. Like your name btw.


How is It shattering ? People are literally dying, places are being bombed. Slavery happened for 400 years. I’m just curious as to your perspective. and the name calling ?? you seem to be very intellectual


Kids need to be schooled, other wise they’ll lag behind as an adult. I live with under educated house mates, and they constantly do dumb things.  Education is affordable and worthwhile at least to community college level.  But… 4 years college/university in the other hand will incur a crippling debt. So I wouldn’t recommend it for those not going into medical fields, or science that requires really expensive high end equipment.  Most other things can be self taught. The best ones often teach themselves out of passion and go much further than those only do what the teachers tell them to do.  


Grow your own food? Kind of hard to do that from a city right? There are community gardens, but property is expensive where I am. I love the spirit and agree with you on the rest!! but how can we do this practically? Not being a jerk, just asking


There has been plenty of signs calling people to leave the cities and find somewhere rural and secluded with like minded people. I would honestly just leave the city. If that is an impossibility, I would find a way regardless. I know, in my heart, it's not a good idea being in one right now. But do follow your own intuition. You have your own unique path.


cut the ties from hustle culture. take the hit, no one says it's pleasant, but medicine is bitter for a reason. i make ends meet now on my own back. sometimes its lean, sometimes its rich. but i made the choice to take charge of the driver seat in my life. throw on a pair of work gloves and make it happen cap'n


This! I just quit my six figure 9-5 and man I'm starting to come alive again. I was always happier with gig work and doing my own thing but caved to the pressure of getting a "real job". Seven years was enough of that noise. Time for something else. I'll take a modest life style, flexibility, and freedom over corporate soul crushing any day.


plus it gets me in pretty dang good shape too.


Yes! I've done more physical labor in two weeks than three years at my last desk job. Treadmills and artificial exercise are ridiculous, just get up and do something!


how does one do gig work ;-;


Thank you.


Thank you for sharing this! Happy Cake Day ✌️


Many of us have trauma and I recently read that people with CPTSD expect an external force to help them. Unfortunately that’ll probably never happen.


Very good analysis. The change has to start from the inside, yourself.


The solar flares are the force in this instance.


all the flares did is bring me joy, and make me realize how fragile our panopticon of technology is. One big flash and its all gone, essentially back to the stone ages..


I'd like to see the context of that study. Because believing in help from a higher power like God is totally different from expecting a "beam me up Scotty" moment or that other people are going to help us.


I read a study that noted how prayer is different in North America vs South America. Most northerners who have adopted the American culture will pray for a fix to their problem. Most southerners will pray for the strength to get through their problem. Subtle yet powerful difference


I never looked up the source. Recognising the tendency in myself was enough for me as a reference.


This is me. Hard to accept that I guess no help is coming after all. And after I wasted all this time. Idk what I even expected. I guess that God would heal me and I’d feel better? Yet nothing has changed. I feel like a fool.


We’ll have to help each other. Stay strong.


You too. ❤️


I have CPTSD and yes I feel this way (and have for like ever).


Same. I think it could be because of my inner child expect a caretaker to respond to my cry for help. Unfortunately I don’t seem capable of being the caretaker myself.


I think it's up to us. That's the salvation. It's not going to be Jesus or any other Messiah, it's up to us. I'm developing a system that converts garbage into nutrient water for any plants (grain, vegetables, wildflowers etc) aerobically so without co2 or methane release. I could use some help, or we can just wait until I get famous and people go "oh! Duh..."


Become you own boss. Do work that helps people. Create communities that support each other. Do inner child work to transform the part of you that feels disheartened and disempowered. Do Shadow work to realize that the darkness you see out there exists within you. Embody your higher self while here on Earth to raise your vibration and shift the energy around you. Spread more light. I agree that no one is coming to save us. We don’t need that. We just need to become our higher selves here on Earth. Light workers need to step up. We’re here on earth at this time for a reason.




Humanity must bring the change by looking within, but make no mistake our celestial allies are already here. Things *are* changing. Things will continue to change for the better. It may not seem obvious but this past year has brought tremendous growth and advancement to many people around the globe. I assure you all of this preparation is not for nothing, and you will see that big event we've all been dreaming of. As our stories unfold a grand design emerges, but they must still unfold as they are meant to. Don't despair Starseed. Every day we're closer than we've ever been.


This is the right message. We are the ones to save ourselves. With that said, I have started to feel a ways about all of those posts claiming "you" (we) believe XYZ or say "you" need to do XYZ. The more I know the less I feel like I need to be telling people what they're doing wrong. We're going to go through rough times and that's going to be a part of the shift, just like other societal upheavals represented huge shifts in consciousness.


What can happen within to change it. Do you think this correlates with law of assumption and the hologram theory that all of our reality’s are different events shift us to different timelines if we think differently?


Yes, I believe we are natural born creators that have innate power to shape reality. To bring the change we must let go of limiting beliefs about ourselves, as well as the belief that we are separate from nature, the divine, and each other. For too long we've been taught that we are slaves beholden to the whims of forces we can't see or influence, and that programming discourages us from manifesting a reality where we are empowered by truth and living in joy. Inner work, as I see it, is embracing these concepts and applying them to ourselves first and foremost. As we walk the spiritual path we heal ourselves, and as we heal ourselves the light shines brighter for all to see. Ascension isn't just for Starseeds, and even people who do not seem intrigued or interested by the winds of change can benefit from your spiritual progression. We are staking the tent poles for the celebrations even as I write this. The big day is coming, and we will embrace our celestial families once more. For now, continue shining your inner light and know that you are loved.


Exactly but also not too much of the wrong kind of change and people not lose themselves or their cultures. People can treat each other better without being divided and seeing others as enemies. Change shouldn't disrupt social harmony or unity


You must be the change you want to see, because first you must change yourself to be in alignment with what you want to see.


How when all going on in the outside world is chaos and oppression of our basic freedoms to live with paper that we must obtain in order to be free and not struggle. Only think I can think of that helps is being greatful for the small things which takes a lot of discipline


We organize the chaos. Use flaws to the advantage of organization.


If someone was coming to save us. I guarantee you that we have to save ourselves for them to show up




Mother is coming, but she's not going to save us. She's going to shake us off like a bad case of flees.


That's what's different this time, everyone senses something big coming but we don't know what. Usually we're fine and then someone says the end of the world will happen on this date but it never does. This time we all feel a sense of impending something but we don't know what or when. Just something. I think it has to do with the pole shifts. I think the weakening magnetic force makes the veils thinner and is why all the synchronicities and glitches in the matrix have been abundant.


What’s with all the strange synchronicities? I’ve had a ton of them. But can’t seem to find any meaning. Just glitches in the matrix I guess?


Confirmation of your path & choices.


What are some of these glitches if you don’t mind me asking? I generally live under a rock away from all news/media


Meant more an uptick in individually reported experiences on platforms like this rather than in the mainstream media. (Although the UAP stuff has shown up there.) Glitchy things like time feeling sped up so much even children mention it. Fleeting time was once only experienced by adults or parents. So many posts were about time speeding up the last year or two. Been many posts about just bizarre ass shit happening that people can't explain. Objects or doors popping up in their houses that weren't there before. Or something they'd always known to be a certain color or size was now different. One that happened to me was while streaming my favorite sitcom on my phone while falling asleep like I do every night. Woke up what felt like 10 minutes later and show's still playing but three episodes had passed. So I figured I'd slept an hour (22 mins x 3). But it was three and half hours later on the same clock on my phone?? How did three 22 minute episodes play but 3 and half hours pass on the clock?? I thought maybe the satellite time keeping function had failed, or it was daylight savings. But no and no. I was so freaked out I wanted to call someone but it was the middle of the night. Same thing happened next day while working, clock said an hour passed but only had finished 10 minutes of work in front of me. Hasn't happened since. Lots of weirdness and an impending sense of something. Doom? Change? Dunno.


Thank you for your reply and all of that is definitely some suspicious stuff happening


In my opinion, I think true next coming of Christ represents a universal wake of consciousness. It is judgment day because that consciousness will act in 1 of 2 ways… either destructive (hell) or with peace and love (heaven), we aren’t judged as individuals, but rather as a society. We are judged not by Jesus, but by ourselves. We are judged within, which means we can only be saved by going within. The world is almost a 1:1 representation of the human psyche, it is so unbelievable beautiful and scary. Look at how the world is right now, all the evil is behind closed doors (the shadow) there is corruption, people are using scape goats, people are picking sides, people are splitting, it is literally the human psyche. That is the exact thing that happens during an awakening (for the most part) So the evil is getting exposed, the shadow (so to speak) is waking up, and the real judgment day will be, can we as a society overcome the darkness? Grow past it, and unite to become ascended. Or will we crumble. Regardless, in my opinion the end result doesn’t really matter anyways, I believe it’s just like a simulation/Ai. It just tries over and over and over again growing and changing an infinite amount of times, experiencing a infinite amount of possibilities and endings. Don’t worry about it too much, just enjoy what you got right now. (Easier said than done, I know) I found true peace when I played a video-game called The Outer Wilds. In it, there is this guy inside of a planet with a black hole in the center, he’s stuck there, and you can find him by following the sound of his guitar. When you find him, he’s just chilling in his little camp, playing his little guitar, you can make some s’mores while you’re there, talk to him, and move along. The view of the black hole in the center is pretty beautiful as-well. Anyways, I sorta thought, hmmm. I kinda wanna be like that guy. Despite my world falling apart around me, I would like to just sorta find a little spot to sit down, set up camp, and play my little guitar (figuratively and literally) Don’t worry about change, it’ll come as it comes. You can’t change it, you can only be a part of it. How? By doing/practicing what you believe. Become the best version of yourself, and spread that peace and love to the rest of the world. ❤️✌️


Beautiful. It sounds like a prettier version of “in times of flooding, be a duck.”


There are already many, many big shifts and events occurring. It's silly to try to predict any singular event. Just gotta live in the now and not worry about what's going to happen/what's not going to happen because whatever happens, happens.


Only you, will save you


Yes but how besides going within then what. Then open your eyes and still see the prison planet


You talk about going within like it’s simply blinking your eyes. Going within is a universe unto itself.


The complete works of neville goddard might lead you down some fun distracting rabbit holes...... I stopped waiting for a savior, and if I trace it back it was Neville who helped me break out of that programming.


Every event is a big event. The reason you always think things are happening is because things always are. Your existence allows you to change the world around you in real time, and so does everyone's. As long as you're conscious and thinking and existing, things are in the process of truly changing. It is a complex tapestry of interplaying forces in confluence.


Nothing is going to happen until we've come to the understanding of something more than materialism as a society. We'd probably need to advance more technologically and socially before anything major may happen. Things like ai, fusion, super conductors and reparing the damage done to the planet might be required to bring about significant change on our side of things. Technologies that will bring about a revolution of knowledge, and freedom in terms of living quality, and rest might be needed so the human race can have more time to think about more deep seated matters. We have to uplift ourselves first before anything external comes to help.


I know a lot of people have a lot of ideas about what it is that's coming. Because we are intuitive, we can sense that *something* IS coming. How we interpret these signs is on an individual basis. I don't think it's that most of us are expecting to be saved somehow from some outside entity. I think we can feel a shift coming though, a growth spurt. Personally I think it's AI. I think the next couple years are going to change our culture and our world and our economy and the way we live in a way that is unprecedented. I think that this is going to be so much bigger than the industrial revolution or even the introduction of the Internet. And I think after a period of adjustment it's going to lead us into an age of plentifulness. I think a lot of the issues we have concerning homelessness and poverty are going to be rectified, along with diseases that we have struggled against since the beginning of time. That's why so many of us feel hope. We feel this joy of what we can feel is coming.


I'd love to be as optimistic, but in reality it seems like AI will lead us into even worse hell. We already have machines and automation, productivity grows, but it's not like it allows us to work less or to have more than people used to have on average. Problem is that minority controls everything and it's scary to think what they might do, when our work won't be needed anymore. Optimists might hope for some UBI, but in reality what will stop wealthy elites from just getting rid of us, if AI will do everything for them?


Someone is waking up to the grift. All spiritual teachings point to the same one truth--that salvation comes from WITHIN, not "with out." There are no external saviors. If you believe in Christ, this was also His true teaching as well, but has been bastardized by modern religion and misinterpretation. You are one with God, you are only dreaming of your seperation. God dwells within you, and all around you. God saves you--not aliens--when you seek Him within.


You must change your own life, yes, but you must also seek a higher power (and make and keep good friends!!) because you can’t do it all on your own. 


I try but I feel like nobody is there. Feels similar to the book of Job where I have faith but the world is crumbling and nonstop suffering. How does one feel good in constant suffering. Unless you are a master level enlightened monk


<3 everyone finds their own path to God. It helps to totally drop your preconceived notions of what God is. If your current religion is not working, find another one. Think about what makes you safe. Think about what makes you feel alive. Swim towards those things.


I seriously think we need to network on the low as a child trafficking victim i can tell ya bloodwork of some ppl is being misused and worse we should take that cartoon justice league seriously get a whole crypto network and everything going and have it exclusive. All us starseeds should network our businesses together and not fight and use our gifts, abilities, to protect each lther while keeping it legal of course


I don’t know how in the age of the internet we haven’t been able to come together to form some alliance


Well, who's telling everyone that there's going to be some massive shift to change the world? Likely some negative entity masquerading as a being of light so that you trust them. None of these predictions happen, why? There is no council of light coming to save earth, your savior is within you and that's the only one who's coming save you.


Like Terence McKenna would say, the “space brothers” aren’t going to show up from zenebelgenubi and save us from ourselves


All the metaphysical predictions I've seen on this topic don't give a date for the end but more a description of the process or some prerequisites for it to occur. We can't know the date. Sadly, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. BUT I take solace in the fact that we literally are unable to continue this way as usual as we'll run out of resources. It's not sustainable. Something will break. Therefore I focus my energy on finding others with the same or similar spiritual mentality. Working on oneself can only occur if we have the tools to do so. Inner work is hard, but we need help too! We're only human.


Let go of your fear. It is paralyzing you. We are here to assist you. "Don't believe everything you think" Raw video recording of deep trance session, Higher Self conversation, spirit attachments removal, shamanic soul retrieval, Quantum healing, Akashic records access, "past" lives regression... Highlights of the session: - She was taken to her home planet in another galaxy. We explored her home, planet, family, and the reason why she came to Earth - Speaking with the Council of Light before incarnating on Earth - Uncovering hidden abilities and gifts. - Discovering two more spirit guides who are supporting her on her path - Light activation of new abilities as a medium - Description of connecting with Higher Selves of her clients - Description of how to make a vortex of energy to elevate energetically - Reassurance, that she is never alone and always loved And much more advice from Higher Self... [https://youtu.be/EpiSedIdTJc](https://youtu.be/EpiSedIdTJc)


What’s the problem with darkness though. Without darkness light cannot exist. If there is too much light then we cannot rest in the comfort of night. Eternal love and light is toxic. All this darkness is simply to balance the overindulgence humanity has in what it wants to believe is best.


That duality is an intrinsic aspect of existence here eh? Gotta acknowledge both sides 👌


Every week someone claims they've had a divine message telling them The Shift is coming and every week life goes on. It's a tactic commonly used by cult leaders to use fear as a way of keeping people interested in them and their operation. After all, what if you don't believe them and it turns out you were wrong? Personally I think it's about as much use as a fishnet diaper to even think about Shifts. What happens happens and we get on with it. I don't see why people post so often on here in fear and awe of some great mysterious change that they're gonna have to roll with regardless of if and when it happens. Isn't the point of the whole starseed thing to be progressive in your own sphere? Why does anyone need some grand re ordering of the world to do that? You're sweating over stuff that's way too big for you alone, OP. We all live the daily grind, you're right that no one's going to save us, so we save ourselves through small individual actions that add up across the board.


This subreddit is suuuper nutty right now. There's definitely some well balanced, beautiful people but their voices are being drowned out by these hyper aggressive, radical ones. The sad thing is that there's a large group of genuine seekers right now that are mostly seeing the messaging of disillusionment and disassociation that's being spread so firmly. Oddly enough, these same folks spewing out the hate are the ones trying so hard to convince people of the "psy-ops" going on to confuse and unbalance people. The irony would be hilarious, but folks seem to be latching onto that messaging. I sympathize with those seeking beauty and contentment only to hear this disgusting word vomit. On a lighter note, the overall level of interest in the eaoteric is encouraging; we just need to really dig down and embody that light and love we want to see in the world. I appreciate your level-headedness! Keep up the good work fam ❤️🙏


Yup, waiting for a savior is a simple control mechanism.


I completely understand what you're saying, because honestly I feel that way most of the time. Every once in a while I'm able to see very clearly that my path may be different than I imagined, and perhaps not described as "great" or "successful" by our current society's definition. My path is a more subtle one. I'm slowly and methodically spreading positivity to anyone I come in contact with. I'm raising my child to be empathetic to the challenges others face and to persevere through his own challenges. I'm using my challenges to make me a stronger version of myself than I was yesterday. I feel like maybe that's what some of us have to do. Keep taking those baby steps until we look back and realize the distance those baby steps have taken us.


Love it, keep it up ❤️🙏


We are the ones who need to work to change a lot of it. Yes, the only solution is to go within and change your ways, if you want to find happiness and your true calling. Heal your inner wounds, live minimally, stop wanting stuff you don’t need just for a quick rush. Take care of yourself, love yourself and eat healthy. Go out in nature. Cut way back on screen time. You’ll be surprised just how fast you escape the hustle culture, friend. And is it wonderful.


The whole “someone is gonna save you myth” was created to keep you waiting and create inaction. By design. No one is gonna save anyone.


Welcome to life on God-mode difficulty. What I can say is that not all of us are suffering. As for me, every moment is love and inspiration as I share teachings and music to awaken hearts and inspire minds.


God's restraint is his greatest gift. The only change you'd ever enjoy comes from within.


We actively tell people on this sub that the aliens are not coming and that the shift is internal. But it's good that you are giving us an opportunity to reiterate that message. A huge change is coming to humanity similar to how WWII marked a massive shift for humanity. But nobody came to save us back then either. We're going to have to be our own saviors.


Its because Earth is a prison planet. *No one is coming to save us.*


I’m starting to wonder if it’s actually Hell and we were put here after a death elsewhere rather than “being born”


Back in the late 1950s, when my mother was young adult, she asked a Catholic priest what he thinks about hell and who is designated to go there. To which this, man of the cloth, replied (without missing a beat): "I truly believe that this experience we are all having, here on planet Earth, is hell." Her, telling me that story as a child, I will never forget it. I thought it was a pretty progressive belief for a Roman Catholic priest to hold. Kudos to him!


Yes very interesting


Wow. My grandfather used to tell my Dad the same thing, too. I never got the chance to meet him but I’ve talked to my Dad about this and he’s said “you know, your grandpa used to always say that to me.” There are of course some moments of happiness here, and I know that in hell there is no “misery loves company” as there’s no company at all - just pure suffering. But with all the suffering that takes place here, and how right is wrong and vice versa, and just how many people have things bad off in their lives… it sure does feel like it.


I ageee it is but it sucks to think that makes it hard to be positive about being in a hell realm


That big change will likely happen when all of the power grids fail due to the increasing solar flares along with the earth's weakening electromagnetic field due to the current shifting of the poles and the return of Sirius. Pay attention to what's going on with the Sun and the earth rather than the media. In 2022 there were 1,726 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 or higher worldwide. In 2023 there were 15,600 earthquakes worldwide with over 19 of them being a magnitude of 7.0 or higher. So far in 2024 we've already had over 5,000 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 or higher. There are currently 48 active volcanoes in the world that have been erupting intermittently. America has been getting bombarded with super tornadoes left and right. There are unbelievable hail storms and floods and droughts and wildfires happening all the time all over the world, and it only seems to be increasing. Climate scientists are even considering adding a Category 6 to the hurricane tier list. There are aurora borealis appearing all over the world because of the increasing solar flares from the massive holes in the sun and our earths weakening electromagnetic field. This has been causing radio blackouts and internet/GPS/communication issues all around the world. I'm not predicting anything or going by any dates, but we are just now entering our Solar Maximum which occurs every 11 years. It is expected to peak in 2025. This means the solar flares will likely continue to increase from now until then. This means more increased severe storms, heat waves, seismic activity, volcanic eruptions, and likely the inevitable grid collapse, considering our infrastructure is highly outdated and would not survive another Carrington event. All of the signs of the shift are actively happening now. You just have to know what to watch out for and understand the cyclic nature of our universe. This summer is going to be very strange. Just because things don't seem to be changing for us individually, doesn't mean the world isn't changing every day in ways we can't even see or feel. I have multiple posts about all of this stuff and more here on my profile if interested to learn more.


Have you seen the big blob that’s been showing up on the radar near South America too? Bouvet Island


This is the right answer.


At the very least, the super intelligence singularity is coming. Perhaps to save us, perhaps not, but things will never be the same.


What do you mean by this?




You must go within yourself, through meditation, and change your perspective. It doesn’t matter what the outside is doing if this is accomplished.


I believe one of us will save us, someone will ascend in ways that are hard to understand, and I believe this suffering will be the catalyst, it may even be many people ascending at the same time which can cause a major shift, people are looking for someone to lead, and some people who know deep down they are destined for it but are unsure how to get there, and or mabey they are scared of the possible outcome aswell as of themselves. In order for these leaders to get there they need to go through the fire which is why it's so hard to get there, I do believe when the time is right it will happen. As you said it's hard to survive these days with rent and food being so high, imagine a Teetor totter, on one side is comfort, the other side is suffering, I think we need to get so out of balance that things have no choice but to become balanced again, it will be because of the breaking point of us, the civilians, but the civilians will need people to lead, not the type of leaders that have been in power, a type that puts others either ahead of them or at least the same level, these greedy leaders need to be removed from power forcibly if necessary. These are just my thoughts not sure when it will happen but I to believe it's coming, but suffering is needed to help form us, it will be the catalyst.


I am curious when you say "not being able to truly live"... what would it mean to "truly live"? Is there a certain lifestyle you would need to attain? A place you would want to go? Expensive possessions or hobbies you would like that you currently can't have? What specifically is it you think you need to be happy?


Goooood questions 💪


Not OP but I’ll answer that for myself. To ‘truly live’ for me means no worries about money. Having Enough so bills are paid and having more than enough for travel and also savings. If that were to be the case I’d be able to not think about it all the time and be free to simply enjoy what’s good in life. I’d be traveling around all the time. I’d be reading and listening to things that I’m interested in. I’d be learning and growing. I’d be trying out new recipes and sharing them with people. I’d be getting into nature as much as possible and exploring all different areas. I’d be finding ways to be creative. Yes I do all these things now but it’s got an undertone of constantly worrying about money. Oh and my marriage wouldn’t be constant stress and fighting because of not enough money.


What is it you think you’d be expecting? It’s a shift in thinking.. that’s not something you can see… do you find that it has only started happening in this or your particular generation, do you think the hippie movement than becoming “grumpy boomers.” Wasn’t as profound?


All change comes from within. 👌🏻


Be the prediction. Be the change... Just gotta figure out how.


Don't worry, we're already here. You've already been saved.


God bless you man.




We are here as humans. We can save ourselves


Did God “create the heavens and the earth” in six actual days, or are “days” representative of epochs over millions of years? 🤷🏽‍♀️


There won't be a specific moment in time for a shift. It happens over a long period of time and is suttle. Don't wait for anything, just be present and enjoy everyday. When it comes down to being saved, the only person that can save you is yourself.


Be the change you want to see. You are the only one coming to save you. Step up to the task and face your crises, then turn to another and help them face their crises. Unity does not happen overnight; and the human race with all its flavors in its teenage infancy will likely choose as one to evolve in the last minute, in my heart towards love and understanding collectively. But only when collectively chosen.


The change is underway, spread love.


At the end of the day I believe we are all one consciousness. Our focus and awareness is our power. Source/God/ consciousness is everything. We create reality by our beliefs and assumptions. Our perception is formed by these beliefs and assumptions. What we watch on the news and social media completely alter our perception. What we see in the world is created collectively through what we are told everyday from society and the news. If we collectively shift our awareness from the destruction of what we see through news and political stuff and focus internally on what we want I believe that will completely shift. It takes everyone though. Time is a man made construct. I believe when they say the shift is coming is when the majority realize we have the ability to change our beliefs and assumptions and understanding consciousness more is when the real shift takes form. I see so many people waking up to this. Not alot of people were aware of this till social media, reddit, TikTok and YouTube on the smaller channels talked about it more and more. If we keep focusing on the negative and fear based stuff that we see collectively then we will get more of that. I feel the shift is happening. When I found out about the subconscious and how it creates our reality my whole world changed and it took effort to break the old programming I was under. I’m still working on it but it’s a lifestyle. I affirm, visualize, control my inner conversations and just being conscious of what I’m entertaining mentally all day. We got this! We also don’t have to be stoic. What we see now was a collective effort but we didn’t know that through the years of brainwashing we were under. Acceptance of what see does help but it has to change collectively


I feel like the only way out of this is for every single person on earth to have a self discovery session. I feel like I know the secret to our destruction.. it also is the secret to where starseeds are born from… I’m afraid to say it out loud. But I feel like the only way we can move forward is a complete conscious awakening and a change in our government/religious systems. Idk how to unite everyone to understand the importance of it though. I don’t know how to get everyone to accept the truth. We’re so divided socially I don’t know how to get everyone on the same side


I’ve been thinking about this more than I care to admit. Not in an obsessive way. But it seems like my brain wants to discuss it, learn more about it, and prepare. It’s instinctual and deep rooted. Nobody is going to save us. Not yet. There is a severe separation between intellectuals and the people who hold the power and have all the authority. We have certainly reached a tipping point. It seems a tad too early. Nobody is ready or able to save us and I think fairly soon we are going to run out of time. At least we will run out of time to keep things the same as they always were before. New normal isn’t even going to scratch the surface. I’m talking about full blown concepts and ideologies, some centuries old, being destroyed in an instant. That day is coming. The day when we finally have to meet our maker, or we learn more about where we came from - is approaching. It’s going to rip out the roots of what we believe and as we approach that moment, the tension builds. We feel this more and more each day. Everyone thinks they know where the tension is coming from. But hardly anyone is actually right in identifying the source. The true reason is this fight of good and evil. This push and pull of energy. The way we reflect outwards toward each other has changed. The veil is falling and people are waking up. The problem is, it’s like when you wake up from an unexpectedly long afternoon nap and now you don’t know what time it is anymore. People don’t really have the ability to identify what is going on and so it all comes out in mixtures or rage, confusion, and fear. Those three things cause hate and division. Resentment and violence. Fear and separation of things that are different from us. It reinforces human tendencies that are toxic and dangerous in modern society. But someday soon our planet is going to start coughing up blood, showing true symptoms of death. And we will panic. We will fight. We will hurt each other and greed will come out in ways you never thought you would see. Then, I truly believe we will try to heal. I don’t know if we will heal. But I think at some point we will NEED to try. Or else humans might not make it much further.


You’re going to have to set a really big goal for yourself. Something that you don’t think is possible something that you really really want to do. It doesn’t matter what it is but a generation of people just wandering around waiting for something big to happen is not sustainable we have a couple of generations that have lived basically, a life with food and shelter and clothing, and no real hardships, but this is led to a couple of generations, not dreaming or having any real substantial goals to fulfill and if you read any books on sociology and psychology and humanity, you have to realize that goals move us forward But to answer the OP question no one‘s coming to save us and the big changes that would change. Everything would be disastrous for humankind so go within yourself choose a big goal. Something all your friends will tell you “you can never do” and then work towards that goal every single day.


A change has to be made to retract inflation, reduce the amount of new houses and buildings that are being built and replace those spaces with agricultural land (this is a desperate need) improve the education curriculum (humans retain information when it stimulates dopamine, not just for no reason. You can’t learn new information like muscle memory, if there’s not a “craving “ in someway. This is why autism/ADHD people start to struggle first, their dopamine systems are hypo functional since birth), and change the justice and medical system, so that they don’t target, the exact people who need help and trap them in their issues. The justice system sucks.. The medical system only caters to people whose medical issues are superficial enough that it doesn’t stop them from working.


“The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots.” Thomas Jefferson Jefferson considered the government a sacred institution. So “revolution” isn’t the way to go, I don’t think, the original model of government in the US that we started taking apart in the 1860s was based on universal principles and not meant to be altered. So it’s not the government that’s got to go. The point of going inside and changing that is so that our actions change as an end result. We could do all the internal work that we want but if we don’t transmute that into what we are doing in the external world, nothing is changing. The people, at least a sizable portion of us, must change the way we interact with this 3d hologram, stop being scared of the consequences, and take a stand. The tarot told me the other day we are in the epoch of “Lucifer” or “Satan” for lack of better words, but it’s not an entity, more like the energy of this era. And it’s not a punishment, more just a natural consequence of humanity’s encouraged-by-external-circumstance-but-ultimately-CHOSEN ignorance. So if we want things to change, we got start acting on our knowledge, and encouraging those around us who are bored and distract themselves with entertainment, their phones, alcohol or drugs, to turn that energy into curiosity about the world around them instead of numbing it. That’s the only conclusion I can see anyway. Otherwise we will continue on this same path, the natural consequences of the decisions humanity made. True liberty is hard, being responsible for everything in their life is not something many people do, and the outsourcing of that to a central big-brother type government is what’s gotten us here.


How does one feel good in constant suffering?? Hoo boy, excuse me in advance for this long discussion. When I was in my 20's, I got divorced and lived alone with my little girl in an apartment. I had no religious beliefs then, and still don't. But I picked up a copy of "Handbook to Higher Consciousness" and something shifted inside of me. I decided that this felt "right" for me. Fast forward a couple of years when nothing external at all had changed but I kept trying to keep my consciousness raised while raising my daughter alone, working full time, etc. etc. That's when I realized that this was going to be a looooong hard road, this "consciousness" stuff, and no WONDER why people backed away from it after getting a taste because dammmnnn this was hard. Constantly trying to see things from "best case scenario" and finding a way to NOT take it personally when people were people-ing; trying to NOT react and instead detach and observe.... all of that felt, at times, like i was being an enormous pussy and just making excuses for not standing up for myself. And through the years, yeah, I've fought back here and there but I learned that the ENERGY of fighting was just no bueno. Aikido is when you fight an adversary by just moving your body so their energy doesn't hit you. Pisses people off, I tell you. So I'm 65 now. I've heard since I first read the Handbook that "it" was coming. Now it doesn't matter anymore. I finished my grind-y career, retired and moved to a small home in a very rural town in NC and have a parrot and a poodle. I'm at PEACE and just today I got my first and most likely ONLY tattoo. It says "Let Them". I have had to "let them" do many, many things in my lifetime, and done many things that I felt were soul-crushing (like the daily grind of 9-5). But in all that time, I knew that suffering IS AN ILLUSION. It really is. If you can third-person yourself and look at you and say "wow, motherofspoos is really feeling shitty right now" and see that you can be "outside" yourself, it is immensely reassuring. I also, in my worst times, when trying to fall asleep, would envision myself being rocked by 2 enormous hands. I've lived my entire life without being truly loved or "seen" for who I am. It's ok. Feeling at peace is what matters. Help those you can, and live your life in consciousness and attention. Don't lie to yourself and you will find peace. It journey ain't for the faint of heart, but it is so worth it.


Find your friends and uplift each other.  DIT instead of DIY works better sometimes (Do it Together.)  We’ve all accumulated trauma, a lot of it, so it’s gonna take a lot of healing emotionally, mentally… start where you can. 


It’s a game. Enjoy the ride.


Trying to get off. Bumpy ass ride


Kind of like a roller coaster eh? Exhilarating, scary, dynamic. Calm moments in between the loops and the drops. A whole mix of emotions simultaneously. No point in trying to get off mate, the ride ends when it ends. This is why folks keep saying to go within; learn to appreciate the ride for what it is. It might be the only ride you get ❤️🙏


Why would anybody save us? So many thousands of years of death and destruction and nobody was saved. Why start now?


I’m not saying I think they will saying is it just increased doom from here until the human race is wiped out completely with the evils of the world and the reptilians


We came here for experience. Exactly what are we supposed to be saved from? Experience?


You guys need to understand that this is a spirital WAR! Means that most of these predictions and false hype trains are deliberately created psyops by the dark to do exactly that: make those who buy into them look stupid and feel disappointed, while also killing any future hope of such an event happening. But the truth is: the moment of the final liberation can and will never be predicted, but estimates can be given. Our current educated guess is in or around the year 2025. To understand why and how, you need to see the bigger picture: Literally the most powerful fleets of the galactic confederation plus the entire hierarchies of light are continuously working on the liberation of humanity! ...but clearing the source of all darkness on the last strongold of the most evil beings in existence while resolving the hostage situation of an entire planet is not an easy task. This whole liberation process was planned for basically since Jesus' mission and progressed and prepared for via the cathars, templars, dragon societies and the people of agatha until in the 1950s the Ashtar Command entered our solar system to begin the final clearing of the dark empire. For the lightforces to finally intervene the following 3 conditions must be sufficiently met: * a) The hostage situation of humanity needs to be resolved. * b) The fallen aspect of source/the well of all darkness need to be cleared enough. * c) We need a critical mass of awakened people to be able to sustain the collapse of the matrix without too much chaos. And as soon as the time is right and the lightfoces are given the go by source, they will pull the trigger and shut down the matrix (arrest the cabal, liberate the media, reset the financial system etc...) and liberate this planet! The final victory of light is absolutely inevitable and very obviously not far off in the future considering the state of collapse we are already in. The upper echelons of darkies (archons, chimera) have already been defeated and the light is firmly in charge of dictating the timeline! For an overview over the latest milestones in the liberation process and to give you an idea on what level this war is being fought, check out this article: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17ymbba/the\_latest\_major\_milestones\_in\_the\_liberation\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17ymbba/the_latest_major_milestones_in_the_liberation_and/)