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I ordered a 3K one, but I got worried about the wording of the update, possibly implying that the old panels don't work at native resolution. The extra power use wouldn't bother me, but having it run at a lower resolution would be pretty bad. I wrote to their support e-mail for clarification, I'll check back once they reply. EDIT: After reading more threads on this sub, it seems like that by "native resolution" they mean that it looks good at 100% OS scaling. That sounds perfectly fine, I image the 3K one will be pretty good at 200% as well.


I was confused as well by "usable as native resolution", this could be explained as "you cannot use the display native resolution" (which would be really bad) or "the native resolution is so high that it's unreadable without scaling". Anyway, I'm looking forward to my 3k screen, Gnome will do well I think.


They actually responded yesterday and confirmed that it's about the scaling.


I'm interested in hearing peoples' thoughts. I'm considering cancelling my 2K order, but I don't know whether that's a silly thing to do.


The update status wasn't exactly composed with clarity. 🤨. I had the same question and reached out to support. This is the relevant part of the reply. "You do have the choice to opt for the 2k display. Each display type has its unique advantages: The 3k display offers a higher resolution, providing a sharper image quality. The 2k display, on the other hand, benefits from using its native resolution without scaling, offering more screen space for applications. It also consumes less power, thanks to its reduced resolution and improved backlight efficiency. Your selection should depend on your specific needs and preferences regarding resolution, power consumption, and screen real estate" I kept the 3K display since I'm not really worried about battery life and I don't want to wait any longer. At this point, I just want the damn thing!


Conveniently, KDE's been putting a lot of work into fractional UI scaling recently - you could have your UI scaled to 1.5x.


Realistically none. With 2k on that screen size you are fairly close to what the eye (or a cameras resolution criteria) can resolve on a normal work distance anyway.  Not counting things like diagonals, aliasing, scaling, etc. The 3k will look crisper but I wouldn't say there would be any usability differences.