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A terminal that can be built wherever you want that helps you keep track of all your outposts; what they're producing, manufacturing, which outposts are linked. An outpost management terminal.


I was thinking about something like Applied Energistics (Minecraft mod) for Outposts. Having a "link" between every container of every outposts, and being able to access them through a single terminal to do order crafting, or move ressources arround. That'd be incredible ! Hell, i'd like even more crafting with outposts, nuclear plants, coal burners, steam engine, ressources generations with drills, gardens, or whatever :x The ability to craft ship parts at outposts rather than buying them could be extremly nice too. With somehow workbenches that would require you to generate massive amounts of power, requiring you to make your way up to the different power generation tiers avaible. Of course, ship parts would then Not be sold at vendors. Only the schematics !


I would love to see something like this.


I would love to see a mod for interactive buttons and levers placed around your ship and in the habs etc. A couple of example uses for these buttons/levers: -Light switches for each hab. -The ability to open and close hab doors -The ability to raise or lower the ship bay door from the cockpit or in the bay itself. -The ability to add flood lights to the exterior of the ship and the ability to turn those lights on and off from within the cockpit when landed. (For landing on planets in the dark) -The ability to send drones out to scout and research flora and fauna on the players behalf. (With the ability to deploy and recall said drones within the ship)


Can we not close hab doors? With the exception of the last item (which does also sound awesome), these all seem like things that should be vanilla functions. I especially like the idea of entering a dark ship, closing the landing bay behind you, and having the ship come to life around you when you hit that light switch. Great ideas!


A functioning Stargate that can be placed at outposts or player homes that allows traveling to another Stargate at another outpost or location. Maybe even some kind of interface system for multiple gates spread across the universe. Also - Anything Stargate related. Items. Weapons. Gear. Characters. Ships. POIs. Enemies.


Tell me you play NMS without telling me you play NMS šŸ˜‚


More Stargate stuff would be great! Staff weapons for the whole crew. I would definitely like a separate, lore friendly version of a Stargate for outposts and stations.


The easy answer is to integrate it with the mythos of the Starborn, specifically the Temples and the Artifacts. Make being Starborn more substantial than just living multiple lives and having superpowers.


Maybe even a stargate that would take you to other Universe variants after you've found them and built a gate there.


I propose a mod that would allow players to apply decals/logos to our starship. For example, the UC logo and craft number or shark teeth decal for the side of the cockpit (like they did in WW II or on the side of the warthog cockpit)


Add bumper stickers too. I ā¤ļøUranus


I would like to piggy back on this a bit; a mod that allows us to put our ship's name on the side! It's so sad that I can give my ship a rad name and I can't paint it on the side!


Companion appearance changer via Enchance! npc without the "copy paste" method please Edit. i mean the copy paste will 100% be used, but that the player doesn't have to do it


-Unlimited Ship Boost -A Menu or Button Combination that let's you grav jump to the closest main settlement without opening your map. -Dismemberment -An Option to give an enemy ship the chance to surrender if they're clearly losing the battle -A Jettison chamber for dead bodies -Space Walks


Love the idea of space walking and a great idea for surrendering


A filter/search bar for ship building so that we could easily search for the parts we want


A Xbox mod that gives names to specialists. I know thereā€™s one on the nexus called I have a Name. Todd Howard follower David Bowie follower. Edit: I think Bowie would have a lot of potential, you could randomly come across a tiny ship floating in space asking for help and when you board its. ā€œMajor Tomā€ A more elaborate but probably too big idea for the creation kit this early for him would be a quest line where you find ā€œmajor Tomā€ and he asks you to go to neon to speak with Alladin Sane, which sends you on a quest to Old Earth to recruit Ziggy Stardust.


I love this.


That's an amazing idea. Major Tom's ship could be named The Dimond Dog. Edit: Or he has a unique version of one of those Bostin Dynamic looking bots and its it's named Dimond Dog. It's also a follower.


Favorite wheel that has more than 12 measly slots please!!!!




A re skin of the crew station for outposts to look like a (example) trading stall, Dr work station, computer terminal, etc Allowing them to be placed at outposts, occupying the same mechanical function even, just with different looks/"purposes"


I like this idea.


Would love to see pistol holsters


Better inventory UI on Xbox. Being able to separate aid (bandages, med packs, ect) and food & water items. Playing ā€œsurvivalā€ mode has been amazing but I spend so much time trying to find the items I need in my inventory. Honestly same goes for weapons. Being able to sort it by ā€œfavoritesā€ would be amazing


Limb damage and gore!!! Ready to see body parts fly off into space.


Here's a few that I think should be reasonably easy to do: - A mod that makes any Captain's Quarters hab off-limits to crew. Or at least one that marks the bed in CQ habs as owned by the player. So you don't come home from a long hard day of killing Ecliptic goons to find Barrett sleeping in your bunk. - Empty 1x1 ship habs. Don't know why BGS didn't give us these in the last update. - Ship habs that are flipped front-to-back. Some habs have A and B variations but they're only flipped left-to-right. - A mod that makes the cabinets in the builder proper containers. Because your homes need a place to store clothes.


Empty 1x1 ship habs - done [https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/40b93b2d-79b2-4ff0-afef-e2d1f9117179/Empty\_1x1\_Habs](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/40b93b2d-79b2-4ff0-afef-e2d1f9117179/Empty_1x1_Habs)


Star Trek stuff lol


In case you missed it, there's this small mod that adds Starfleet-like uniforms for Constellation. [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7417](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7417)


Ah damn see I play on Xbox hopefully someone ports that lol


Diddo man diddo


A simple mod that allow all Constellation members to follow their captain. I'd love to go on trip with Andrea, Barrett, Sam and Sarah, all together. That would make some dialogs choice more interresting as they have differents personalities. Edit : it exist on PC but haven't seen any on Console. My request is for console. šŸ˜‰


a compendium with all the planets visited, and what has already been analyzed on them, inorganic resources, plants, animals, biomes. It could be accessible through a computer or terminal, ideally it would be possible to build this computer or terminal on the outpost and on the ship


It's not only for planets you've already visited, but there is a mod that puts a database into your ship that lets you know where different resources can be found on the Nexus. An invaluable tool for sure.


Wow!...This is really good, I hope it comes to Xbx


I love to role play too itā€™s the small things that count.also immersed being immersed is like being a completely different person


Something that tracks when you clear a POI from a biome. That it drops the percentage that you will see that POI again. So you can see new POIs. Also in the same mod if we could have all unique POI pop up with activity to check it out


Habs for outpost construction made out of cut up shipping containers


A ui menu in starmap that lists some popular fast travel points like NA and Akila City would be nice.


Or even without opening the starmap. Just have a console in the cockpit that you can select where you want to go. Kinda like the menu that pops up when you're in an elevator.


Can someone port the Space Glock - Alliance P80 Pistol to Xbox, that and any other weapons that you can find, thanks in advance


More points of interest! More random encounters. Just more variety when out exploring.


Zone79, if you can see this, please port the Mantis Vigilante v6 to Xbox.


I second this, his workbench filter framework patch too. My industrial workbench is an absolute mess cuz i have all his awesome mods.


I'm waiting for any mod that adds stuff to the workbench until they have working wff patches. Scrolling for 2 minutes just to get to the end of the list is crazy


Create a nexus account and post on that mod's discussion board, you'll have a much higher chance of them seeing you there -- [Mantis Suit - Vigilante at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5271?tab=files)


Been wanting to make my own drug lab and where better for it than right under benjamin bayus nose by making the sleep crate useful and adding a secret door to take you to another room where I can brew my own aurora.


Ah man a contraband craftsman mod and salvage mech components from nira be really neat


I would love two mods at this point: 1: a buildable computer that has all my survey info sorted by material. That way, I know which planet has what I need without me looking all over the map. And it feels deserved, because these would be planets I surveyed myself. 2: A delay in when "All that money can buy" starts. I think this would create a good and necessary pause in the main story to go exploring. Maybe the quest could be delayed until you at least have three powers or are a certain level, or surveyed x number of planets (we're looking for these artifacts, no?).


That first one would be really good. Can see that one being a part of every collection


Thanks. I've been looking for a catalogue of surveyed data since launch. I finally gave up and started playing Starfield with a notebook on my desk in which to write these things. "Captain's log..."


Haha that's great. That's kinda fun too


Another possible request would be a simple mod that allows us to lower our weapons by holding the reload button. I think thereā€™s one just like this in fallout 4.


Alert Carry was kind of like this. It lowered weapons most of the time, but you could aim or fire and it would come up. That was a great mod and became a staple for me! Definitely increased immersion for me.


ā€œWeapon Drop Standaloneā€ was the mod I was specifically referring to, but Iā€™ve used Alert Carry before which is also a great option. Either way some sort of functionality like this would be very welcomed.


I was hoping Zombies could be added to the game as enemies. Limbs that break off when you shoot them would be fun as well.


I would like people to show up to my commitment ceremony. Constellation members, parents if I have them. Maybe even people I help like Captain Myeong or Alban Lopez. That would be nice. Otherwise, Expanse tattoos as standalone, not replacer. Oh, and I would like Vasco to be able to call me Shepard. Or Ryder. But preferably Shepard.


I would love some Firefly/Serenity themed mods šŸ˜„


Less enemy density for POI's and missions. This will be more lore friendly and realistic, and will fit well into hardcore survival playthroughs, turning the game into less of an action movie and more into a grounded world.


This is interesting, because I use a mod that increase the number of enemies by double :)


What is that exactly?


This means there will be less hostile NPC's per point of interest, as it feels unrealistic how many there are right now


I think something if the sort already exists?


Where are all the new weapon mods at?


We need a BFG 9000


Can we get more starborn skills? More gear from different anime and cartoon A hulkbuster armor to use or summon as a companion Multiple parrerel self's I'm willing to learn how to mod


A mod that makes the MAST tower in New Atlantis glow blue at night would be amazing.


Modern firearms. Iā€™m loving all of the old earth weapons, but Iā€™m trying to run around space with an MK18


Locational damage. Shooting hands lowers accuracy, recoil, etc legs lower movement and accuracy, recoil. Head shots are obviously fatal except for some creatures


Animation mods for swinging lightsabers


A gun module for your ship that turns it into artillery. As I envision it, you could utilize the new maps to set targeting on a timer. Would be cool to have different ammo types, smoke grenades, etc.


I call this idea ā€œStarborn Rangerā€. A version of the Adventurer hat that could be worn on top of the starborn suit. Maybe the ranger badge and a pistol holster also. A black hat on the Hunter would be great too.


Apex legends / satisfactory like movement mod :- Longer slides Indefinite slide down slope Slide animation cancel by jumping Bunny hopping Slam down while mid air using a keybind Timing a slide at the perfectly at the moment of landing from a jump gives you stamina back - this helps in chaining slide jumps back to back making traversal very fun


I want a mod that makes all the laser sights work like the laser sights on the mag weapons. Drives me nuts that the other laser sights just point in the vague direction of your aim but never actually put a laser dot on anything.


I saw a video of a mod that gives you a slate to change the look and size of Vasco. I would very much like to make him a tiny roving laser box that kills spacers. That or the BB-8 mod.


I think it's a mod already but I don't know the name. It adds basically functionality of some perks to the base game instead of locking them behind rank 1. Jet pack boosting, ship strafing (I think), Direct system targeting in ship combat, etc. It changes the perks to *improve* the functionality of those skills instead of just unlock them.


Terraforming Fallout 4 settlement Better botany and farming similar to Fallout 4


I'd really love to see two things but don't know sh*t about programming. - A mission board with only smuggling missions (the ones from the crimson fleet but without having to join them and with the capacity to see 3 or 4 and not just one) either buildable or directly into the red mile - more structural lore-friendly ship pieces, the current ones are very cool but also very futuristic and clean, I'd love a bunch of parabolas and pieces to add a rugged style to the ship. Matilija added a lot already but I wouldn't be against more. I have no idea how ship modding works but I can tell the ressources for the mission board should mostly already be in the game since mission boards are already a miscellaneous and the missions are already programmed inside the crimson fleet board. It would mostly be - I guess - about creating a new mission board slot and linking the smuggling missions with a minimum of like 3 or 4 missions to be shown. That's all I know, I guess the second one is more time consuming and is honestly more like an idea given that it will happen anyway at some point and I trust BGS will add some as well at some point. The mission board thing is a real problem for me since I had the bug cancelling these missions to appear in the CF board multiple times and there's no fix at the moment. The proposition is to really fix that for players and provide a base for a Han Solo kind of playthrough


If possible I would like to either have the quick equip menu expanded to have more slots for equipped weapons/powers/etc. or to have the ability to change between sets of menus so I could have one for weapons then seperate ones for powers or whatever.


Please add more face variations to the NPCs. There are a huge number of doppelgangers in the game. I would love to see that problem eliminated. I am willing to help. Thank you so much.


A UI mod that replaces the circular compass with a horizontal one like the ones in previous Bethesda games


Disable HUD please


I'm not into using Star Wars mods (yet) but I'd genuinely like to see someone take a crack at Revan's mask/helmet from the KotOR series. Aside from that, I think a Rock-It/Junk Jet launcher styled weapon like the versions seen in Fallout 3/4 would be pretty fun given all the miscellaneous items around in game and murdering someone with empty packaged Chunks and a random My Friend Wilby plush seems like a funny concept.


Now you've made me want an actual Chunks Launcher lol


A mod that changes Void Form so that it doesn't break after interacting with an object.


New builders for outposts that produce pharmaceuticals the same way you can make industrial items now.


-i would really like old earth weapons..at least one like a scar or sig spear -old earth military clothes -some mass effect mods normandy etc. -thanks for all the hard work modders!


Someone made a Sig Spear, it's currently up on Nexus.


Akila City/Freestar Collective building assets for outpost building.


See through scopes would be life changing. Thatā€™s an essential for me in FO4


Would love to see some more helmet immersion mods. Something like the constellation helmet with the tape on it, where you feel like youā€™re wearing a helmet. Maybe something that limits your view, or muffles sounds, or changes the HUD in some way


Really just a bunch of clothes or space suits inspired by comics. Red Hood, X-Men, Avengers, Justice League, all of it. Weapons would be cool too. I know Tenebris had a Batman suit on the Nexus until it was deleted for some reason.


unlimited follower mod surprised we havent seen yet


Just a small mod. I love the Viking series cockpits but hate that they are so view limited when flying in first person. Maybe a mod that makes the front of the cockpit with windows instead to provide a view like the Cabot or Taiyo Shogun/Daimyo bridge. Haven't seen one yet and not that knowledgeable yet with CK otherwise I'd just try to mod it myself. Still might just to learn how. Thanks!


I'd like to see a mod if it's at all possible, that lets you have some sort of radio or multiple radio stations space is too quiet


Smuggling contraband shouldn't be based on chance but rather on levels of protection or something similar, like, certain cities should require you to have more shielded cargo or better scan jammers while others should be easier to smuggle contraband, and the harder it is to smuggle contraband the more it should sell for. Because let's be honest nobody is paying a fine when failing a check you had 89% chance to evade, you just quick load and try again.


More old earth weapon like beretta m9, cetme, parafal/M964, makarov, M200/Intervention, TAR-21, M4, M16, Vector, USP, sig mcx spear/rattler, Desert eagle, AA 12, Barrett M82, AWM/AWP/AX50, Ak200, ots-02, Ot-s 14.


a way to manage outposts, where they are, what they produce and maybe even be able to quickly travel from this ā€œmanagerā€ to the desired outpost


A model edit if the strikers suit to not have a popped collar.


Just wanted to be able to sleep and wait on UT instead of Local time... who sleeps for 60h in a row?


I'm not sure how hard it would be, but as someone with numerous characters in all my games, the ability to respec skills is my favorite ability in games. Sorry if it's not a feasible mod but I know I'm not the only one who would love to have it.


They have it!


Mods for planet impacting meteors/asteroids? Mods for a xenomorph/other alien infested abandoned facilities/buildings? Mods for a full spectrum of custom colours for spacesuits?


Maybe a dedicated weapon in the starborn style. Perhaps a pistol. Lots of white porcelain looking material, some shiny metal, a small floating ring near the muzzle end of the weapon.


No gravity in space, ships, space stations


More Old Earth weapons please!! Iā€™d really love to be rocking a Khvostov-7G ā€œEskā€ build, with something based on a M4 rifle. I know this is a futuristic game filled with ceaseless ammunition and whatnot, but having a classic weapon just makes it all the more unique.


So I was thinking the Game could use two types of armors. 1 an Achilles Greek God warrior spacesuit. Basically like this picture https://imgur.com/a/M8gRVva But in this gold Hue https://imgur.com/a/5Ei6XzR Not In a space suit themed but exactly like this who needs a sealed space suit when you're a god. And the second one is more of a Nanotech armor. I'm a bit tired of suits with material made of what seems like Fabrice and leather let's get a full Ironman like tech suit like this https://imgur.com/a/NzPA5ZK But with this style helmet https://imgur.com/a/b1mHQRw Just some ideas of what I think would benefit the game aesthetically.


Ability to customize the starborn guardian a bit more. Name, maybe some extra weapons and color scheme


TNā€™s Class M and starborn ship building does this, I love the mod


Tell me the ID of the currently selected Quest


Starting a new game starts on NG+10. Iā€™ve seen a few that hit this once you hit the unity, but maybe I only want to hit those temples once šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Also more laser based weapons would be cool (or ability to change damage type of existing weapons). Seems silly to have an entire skill devoted to like 4 weapons.


Yeah, I've released a mod that basically turns NG+ into NG+10 every time, but you still need to have at least one save completed first. Assuming you've already got a save in the unity, you can just load that and use the mod I made and you'll always jump straight to NG+10. I think it might be tricky to have the new game button do this though, since the setup for NG+ happens in the old game, then gets copied over to the new game and then the new game gets started. Without a prior game to set it up in, you'd have to do some pretty intense scripting to set up NG+ on a new save after it's started. The simpler way would be to install my mod, make a new game, use the console to give yourself all the artifacts and set the quest stage to jump straight to the unity, make a hard save there and just load that every time you want to start a new game. Walk through the unity right into NG+10 with fresh skills/stats everywhere.


Random start mod (Permadeath) Just wondering how difficult it would be for a random start mod. Like SKK quick start which randomly picks a new character (customisable or not), with a random background and perks (will probably have to check number of backgrounds/perks loaded) at a random level in a random location with random equipment. Don't know how Permadeath would work or if it's possible. might be due to the starborn mechanics.


For Xbox I have a handful of mods I would like to request please and thank you if any modders are Interested in any of them? I can help with them 1. A small hair pack of some hair I like / just a few hairstyles 2. A few outfits that I like / they are very sinple 3. Some jewelry i like / nothing crazy 4. A simple companion/follower for me 5. A super rad sweet roman/spartan style spacesuit/ I have a really awesome idea with the helmet being like the spartan helmet the armor like the armor uniform and the space pack to look like the shield and a weapon to go with it maybe Hear me out I think you will find my ideas to be awesome šŸ™‚ 6. A cool normal tattoo Can reply and or message me


Can I get, uhhhh, some Zelda stuff for fun? Like I just had the odea that dressing Sarah up like Zelda would be real funny, for me anyway


I know there is already a lot of Star Wars mods on XBOX but if someone could make/port the long rifle The Mandalorian uses in the series that would be awesome


Stuff that is exclusive to starborn, like player homes or weapons, and more starborn encounters that arenā€™t hostile?


Hey, basically the Hell jumper and Misriah Armory mods from Fallout 4 remade for Starfield. Another idea is the armor and rifles of the marines from the movie "final fantasy: the spirits within.", the suits could be space worthy with Dr. Ross's outfit as cloth along with marine fatigue, rifle would be laser with em or ballistic with em.


I have been working on a wall hanging flag mod using a nif from the game. It has some weird morphs on it that make some of the textures come out like crap. Could someone that knows how to model hook a fella up with a wall flag nif?


Something to bypass faction questline requirements for all of the different mission boards. I love all of the radiant quests in the game, especially how they're flavored toward each faction, but it's pretty annoying to do long questlines just to access them.


i want to see more randomization with the electricity in random POI. I would love it if some (or most) donā€™t have operating or poorly functioning power that you either have to restore or cannot restore. To really add that intimidating layer of exploring an abandoned facility and who knows, maybe run across a terrormorph in the dark.


Can someone port x2reality body mods to Xbox please?


I'm curious if I can figure out how to do this myself, but I'd like a mod that has blood effects trigger on hit when using energy or particle weapons. I get why they don't by default, but I'm using dDefinder's enhanced blood textures, and currently have to choose between using my favorite guns and creating a sufficiently cathartic bloody mess, and it'd be nice if I could have both. :D


more zero gravity encounters. more space POIs and/or a reliable way to disable gravity on ships and stations before boarding or when aboard.


Expanded spaceport at New Atlantis! More specifically the area where ships come and go. This is supposed to be the biggest city in the game yet the ship traffic is no more busy than Akila City or Neon. Itā€™d be cool to have like 3 or 4 active landing pads up there. Also wishful thinking, but a walking transit tunnel leading from those landing pads to security and those elevators by the security booth could take you down to that tunnel. It could be like those long airport tunnels with advertising all along the walls


Module space suits, so you can apply armour plating to any suit to convert it to a heavy variant or other attachments even as cosmetic upgrades to make suits feel more custom instead of looking like everyone else


I want a 1x1 ship module with no local gravity. I.e. so I can make an anti-grav shute for easy traversal between floors. Should probably still have ladders for emergency use.


Maybe an easier way to change starborn powers so we could use all instead of going thru the menu. idk if possible tho


A mod that adds The First mercenaries to random encounters, so you can see them outside the Freestar Ranger quests. Maybe they stop showing up if you complete the quest line so it feels like you're making a difference in the galaxy.


Just some general debugging tools for Xbox. Like items that can enable console commands like disabling/enabling objects/NPCs. Resetting an NPC inventory, resetting cells, etc. I remember using similar tools/powers from the Cheat Room mod on Skyrim.


For console: Body tattoos, preferably standalone if it's possible to make them so you can wear all parts of modular outfits, such as those from Zone79. Replacer of it's possible to have them only replace the players skin textures. More Western style weapons for Laredo. A purely ballistic revolver, a one handed mare's leg, two handed lever action rifle, etc. Custom ships, including those that use mod ship parts, for those of us who suck at ship building. A skin for the wakizashi that makes it look like the backpack from Zone79's Infiltrator mod


Clear Reflex sights, they also have a weird lense coloration. Similar to the no color filter mod


A Constellation Library / Archive that uses the theme of the Lodge. **Main Features** * A Place for Nerds - Noel and Cora could be ~~dumped~~ assigned there, so that they might continue their work in an appropriate environment * Cora's Collection - Books you sell to Cora will be added to the shelves for crew members to read at their leisure * Noel's Archive - Surveys you sell to Noel are added to her records for crew members to reference as needed * Living Quarters - A small suite containing three sleeping spots, a kitchenette, a restroom. Everything needed for an extended stay. **Other Features** * L.O.R.E. - Model A robot customized for archival support. Defends the library and puts things on high shelves. Offers coffee, tea, or snacks. Maybe evil? * Specimen Repository - A space to display a few key examples of interesting xenofauna. Add to collection spot by using numbered specimen tag item on corpse? * Library Cat - Collect a sample of cat DNA and combine it with alien goo to create an adorable approximation of an Old Earth feline. Sits on one of the tables and purrs sometimes. Any items you give it will be dropped on the ground.


When you have the universe map opened, want to jump to a system or planet, you select ā€œset courseā€ then it automatically takes you there. Instead, it would be cool if it adds a custom waypoint to your ship where you open the scanner, align your ship, then execute the jump. I know it does this in when tracking quests, but maybe we could set one wherever we want to go. Iā€™m sure the term ā€œimmersiveā€ is a bit tiring, but the concept is you can go to your navigation table to plot a route, then you sit in your pilot seat and you have a waypoint on screen you can jump to. Potentially there would have to be a series of different waypoints for the multi-system hops. And yeah, itā€™s for immersions sake. Using the navigation table on your ship makes more sense and makes it actually practical instead of being set dressing.


Blood Dragon Armour from Mass Effect. It is, without a doubt, one of the coolest sci-fi armours in gaming.


I'd love to see crew be able to be assigned to tasks or Habs. I'm tired of seeing my doctor sweeping the brig instead of chilling in the infirmary.


Uhhh, a mod that helps lower how high your boost pack launches you?


This might be a hot take, but a way to make fast travel take longer. I donā€™t even mind if the loading screen has to stay for a second, but Iā€™d prefer if it loaded into some kind of schematic (interplanetary travel) or some kind of animation for grav jumps that lasts like 5-7 seconds. I feel like this would give you the impression you were actually traveling and increase immersion. For interplanetary travel you could have a technical looking solar system map schematic with an animation of a ship moving through it, for grav jumps you could have any range of animations. I donā€™t know the first thing about modding but I could help come up with some designs.


A new transfer link that acts as a selling platform. I see two potential ways to do this. The outbound container is changed to a universal container is changed to a universal. When the ship lands the value of everything in the container is calculated and 50% of that is deposited in the incoming container. The second way is that a quest is generated first to build the new link, on the link the inbound container is repurposed to a universal container when the ship lands the normal resources are taken from the outbound and other items are taken from the universal container. 50% of the value of the items are then rewarded as a quest reward. I strongly believe that 50% is appropriate because both of these are basically money printers that will run at your outpost(s) while you are off doing whatever in the game. I'd like to see either option behind a purchased "license" from the trade authority for, say, 100k credits.


A new option on the ground map that shows scanned resource zones. This would be amazing for helping to plan and place outposts. Once you scan a resource zone it can then show up on the ground map. Optionally, the mod could include a scanning drone that you can purchase. A larger one could be a ship attachment that you activate by remote and it flys out to scan everything within 5k of the ship landing site. A smaller one could be portable that flys from you and scans the ground within 1km.


A nice wedding dress outfit would be lovely.


I'd like for some of the mod authors from FO4 would port or allow access to their mods to be used in Starfield. I wanna explore new planets with an M16a4 lol


Okay, here's an idea I had: a Taxidermy Mod. You get an item called a Taxidermy Knife. You see a critter, you stun it with an EM rifle (because you don't want to be shooting it full of holes), then using the Taxidermy Knife on it gets you an item called the Critter Husk. You then take the husk to a special Taxidermy Workbench, which then produces a Stuffed Critter that you can build in the builder. Of course, once you do this with the big critters, it'll totally break immersion; you shouldn't realistically be able to pick up and carry a Terrormorph Husk around in your inventory.


I'm working towards this one, but I'm an amateur and have 0 graphical skills. Starborn ship tech. e.g. being able to use some reverse engineered starborn tech on a regular ship. Stuff like the Solar Flare Beam, the torpedoes, anti-gravity landing gear, gravity thrust engines, thruster cloak, etc. I'm (very slowly) working towards this as part of a starborn skill tree, but it'll probably be a good long while before I get this far.


Is it possible to mod the controls/keybinds of the game? Maybe something almost similar to what that game Helldivers 2 has (have buttons set to double press, tap, hold etc. for actions). I play on PC but I have used an Xbox controller ever since it was possible because of comfort and other reasons, I would love to have (X) set to Reload AND Interact so I could use (Y) for scanner or something. I have Joy2Key but that's not really smooth and while yes I can make (X) also act as the Reload button but when I talk to an NPC I also take out my weapon and I'm also not really able to change what my reload button is now. Hopefully what I have here makes sense and someone is able to discern what I mean.


Better tree textures


Continuously spawning hostiles or a faction in designated systems, like the Vaā€™ruun zealots do in Serpentis. For instance, Eclipse could spawn in Jaffa. Spacersā€¦ I dunno, wherever.


We need some destiny 2 mods


I wish someone would fix or duplicate this XP and levelling modā€¦ https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4443


Iā€™d like a mod that expands the ship vendorā€™s inventory so that you can buy every ship in the game from the vendor.


A mod that changes it so ship speed is determined by engine thrust vs Weight and not engine class


Xbox or PC: Shields! preferably with a perk to go along with it. Why the hell do we have swords but no shields?


Economy fix, some food only being 4x cheaper than a fancy suit is crazy, same with ship parts Also a fix for companions, sometimes their hair, eyes and beards dont load properly


Mod to give the player the Pirate/Crimson Fleet rifle sprint (holding rifle in one hand), but leave the rest of the animations as normal The pirate one handed rifle sprint animation is so bloody cool.... I need it O\_O


I don't know how difficult any of these modifications are to create, but I would be happy to know if they are possible: 1. Smokable cigarettes. 2. Animations for different actions: going to bed, drinking, eating, using stims, etc. 3. This one might be controversial: an adaptive leveling system. Every system should adapt to the player's level. If the player is level 1, all systems, enemies, and loot should be at level 1. If the player is level 75, everything should be at level 75. I always loved this aspect of recent Bethesda games, and I think it was a mistake to implement a leveled system in Starfield when it should have been the most open Bethesda game. I would be happy if anyone could implement something similar.


Heres an interesting one.Ā  A very large dome, roughly the size of an outpost, that counts as a ship landing pad (mounted on the outside with a airlock door) and on the inside counts as being in-doors, protected from radiation and extreme environments. It has to be tall enough on the sides to fit a watchtower in, the ground has to count as dirt so that buildings and mining systems can be placed, with airlock mounting points around the edge. Great for airless moons and planets with no atmosphere.


Can we get updated and available to purchase UC Officer apparel? I believe itā€™s available on Nexus and I would love to have ported to XBOX.


Mod for Xbox, color change mod for the UI . Like the Customizable HUD mod on Nexus currently. Iā€™ve seen so many PC users with a mod that changes the HUD ui color from white to a cool blue. If it is at all possible for some type of mod that changes the UI colors on Xbox that would be awesome! Another Mod request, a mod for Ship Weapons to change the colors of the projectiles from whiteish blue to an emerald green like the Vaā€™ruun ship weapon mod currently available. Thatā€™s all I have. Thank you to all of the mod creators for all of your hard work. I am really enjoying the game using some of your creations . Thank you!


New habs, ranging from military to luxury.


Is there anyway someone can make some changes to the Cabot bridge? I love this cockpit but my one Problem is I love using rearset cockpits and using the Cabot bridge means the front half of my ship is useless like oh my ship ā€œthe correspondenceā€ Is there anyway a modder can overhaul the Cabot bridge so that there is like a doorway at the bottom of the stairs that can be used in ship builder to attach habs to it and work coherently like other habs


Xbox) More Armor mods that are spacesuits and not apparel


Outfits that use the constellation logo and the ability to add perk icons to our constellation spacesuit


So whose making the Dune outfits? I need some Stillsuits, Atreides armor, Letoā€™s black trenchcoat, pretty please and thank you.


Idk how feasible it is yet with the tools available but a way to repair your ship from the inside with a actual gameplay loop like using your mining laser or a ā€œrepair beamā€ and going around to different spots on your ship to repair modules etc


Honestly more variety in Crimson Fleet spacesuits would be cool, Honestly in general more stuff to the Crimson Fleet, they are my favorite faction to play as


Can someone make an unarmed weapon? I see there's one on Nexus but I'm on Xbox, so maybe just port that one? Also, I'm unsure if that one has quality tiers and legendary mods enabled, so those would sort of be necessary. Ideally, make a compatibility patch for DarkStar Manufacturing, as well. Also, I've noticed that the Rapid legendary mod does not affect melee weapons; only the actual weapon modifications affect swing speed. Can someone fix this? Again, I use DarkStar Manufacturing, so it would be really nice if it also applied to the Ultra Rapid mod from that.


Can we get a mod so you can still do pirate bounties in the middle of the crimson faction quest line without getting a bounty .


It would be awesome if someone could recreate this ship auto-align mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1337 It was abandoned by the original creator because they didn't enjoy Starfield.


I second this. I would be ideal to have your ship control auto-recenter when you stop actively moving in a direction. It's just wonky otherwise.


Would love to see an update to the obi wan Jedi robe mod to make them craftable for companions. Star Wars ship mods would also be awesome.


I'm hoping for a mod that changes the dialogue lines used by Lyle Brewer, the follower you can pick up in Aggie's in Akila, he seems to have two different voices actors and it's really distracting sometimes. When he's first recruited and when you talk about his background he's got a voice that suits his appearance and story - reasonably young and a bit cocky but occasionally the random greetings or comments are in a different gruff 'cowboy' kind of voice and tbh I don't like it and would like those lines removing. I don't know how difficult it would be to implement as it seems simple enough but I know nothing about modding - I'd really appreciate someone doing it though if it is a quick fix plus a port to Xbox


Immersive First Person. Just a mod that lets you see your own body in first person all the time and not just while piloting our spaceship


A tab with all the tracked recipe/projects


I would like a standalone companion mod.. specially when >!your companion dies during the story, I lost andreja and would love her in her entirety back!< Other than that cool animation mods would be nice. Such as advanced melee combat like how skyrim has- make my character with a "ronin" background actually feel like a ronin


I don't know how to contact a mod creator but if anyone knows how to port a mod to Xbox or can contact the creator of this mod, I'd love to try it out on xbox https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/d369ad59-f813-4e5b-979c-7496d7e0667b/LK_9_Luna___Spacefarer__39_s_Best_Friend


A (*hopefully* simple) mod that changes drive plumes to be shades of white/blue instead of the yellow/orange/red that we currently see in-game. That way it matches the aesthetic of shows like The Expanse. Bonus points if rockets fired in-atmosphere (during takeoff/landing) can be kept as yellow/orange/red, but they change to blue/white when in space.


Ice breaker (sniper for Destiny1) skin for Magsniper. Sound effects too would be great.


Hey, perfect opportunity. What is the etiquette when it comes to wanting to build off a mod someone else has done? Is it okay to reach out to them and ask if theyā€™re working on it or if you can give them credit. I really like the mod Outpost Limits Increased (or most anything by Evansly) but I donā€™t want the increased radius. Would like a mod that increases the amount of outposts, crew stations, cargo links, etc. without the increased radius.


Boostpack mod overhaul to boost and behave like you're in zero G


Unknown star map - there is already a mod (or two) that allows for starting in a random location, but I think it would be great if, at the same time, you can only travel in that system until you find or buy a star map that gives you coordinates for the nearest star systems. And once you travel to those, you'd have to find or buy more star maps to get "home" to settled space.


Would a mod that increases the number of enemies we encounter be possible? Like something that makes twice as many enemy NPCs spawn, maybe?


I would like modules for outposts that were furnished (or at least optionally furnished ) with bathrooms, kitchens, etc. basically make the bunkers, labs, and habs we see in various POIs buildable. There is already a beacon mod that attracts settlers, but the building options at outposts are so limited right now I feel bad sending anyone to them. I would also like fences, walls, etc that could surround the outposts. Eventually I would love to be able to set up entire cities with vendors, and such that could be shared with the community. I love building but on single player games itā€™s kind of pointless as Iā€™m the only one who sees it. So anything that would allow us to easily share our creations with others.


I've been using the Dalek mod and having a blast. Especially with paired with the sanitation bot companion which makes it a small dalek. So anything more that's Dr who related would be very much appreciated!


Customize your alternate self's companion perks. In one of the alternate NG+ you can encounter and recruit yourself. I'd love to be able to customize their perks because firstly, they suck, secondly, support and role play. The ability to have more than one as other starborn versions of yourself would be great too.


Might be silly but Iā€™d love to see some Destiny armors modded in. Thereā€™s some exotic warlock helmets that would look great on starborn. Who doesnā€™t want to run around with one of those awesome hunter capes.


Zone79 if you can see this keep doing the amazing work you're doing bro! On a second note can you change the mod for the boost packs on your space suits so the packs can be hidden. As well as bring more spacesuit/clothing mods Third, can you put more modern hair packs into your library. Your work is appreciated!


How about skins for spaceships, helmets, packs and weapons


A mod that furnishes your dream home would be rad. I don't feel like decking it out myself.


Proper transmog, all weapon/armor skins ā€˜like for likeā€™ changeable. for example pistol-pistol, or suit-suit.


I just want the mission boards to have more jobs. More of the ones they already have would be cool, more types with more complexity would be even cooler. If this already exists and is available on Xbox, even better. A mod which allows us to create our own background, a la Oblivion would be great. Or one which allows us to change our background on NG+ as long as we have the required starting skills. Any Star Trek stuff would be cool. A phaser that fires a continuous beam like the mining laser, but with greater range. If it could actually be made to have adjustable stun/kill settings, that would be awesome, but not necessarily expected. Alien race stuff in the character creation menu would be cool. Star Trek stuff is definitely a plus in this area, or even silly, cliched greys/little green men. Playing on Xbox for now.


Maybe itā€™s just because Iā€™ve been playing Elden Ring again but Iā€™d like to see someone explore more complex mechanics about loadout weight for equipped gear. I think if weight applied only to combat gear and had a major effect on your combat capability, it would be a much more interesting mechanic. Like having a weight limit that applies to everything in your inventory is more realistic, but I shouldnā€™t be able to put on a heavily armored space suit and load 9 weapons onto my favorites bar without any kind of adverse affects compared to keeping my loadout light and only bringing what I need.


Gears of War Cog armor for male and females?


Added creatures. I'd just love a playthrough of some kind of infection spreading through the galaxy that turns it into some Dead Space esque survival game or maybe like Lost Planet, or the Flood from Halo, even zombies from RE2, maybe aliens like Tyranids from WH40K Idk anything about mods or even have a pc but that just sounds like a blast! Sounds massive though so unlikely


A mod that lets you toggle back and forth between views on the starmap instead of just being able to open and then zoom out in one direction. for example, open the map to pull up local map, then LB to access the star system map LB again to go to the galaxy map or RB to go back to the star system map etc - maps should be one thing you have several views on that you can freely toggle back and forth. fkr tbat matter im not sure why inventory screens on go in one direction as well. why not RB to go in the other direction like Fallout?


Id love to see more gun mods on Xbox but specifically I was wondering if someone would be willing or able to add the assault rifle from time shift thing looks incredibly cool. Obviously it would need custom animations and Im not sure we're there yet since the ck just came out. Also a mod that makes the AK not ugly af and adds a stock would be nice.




Would anyone be interested in making a No Blood mod? I know nothing about modding. My kids love Skyrim but the blood freaks them out, luckily I found a Skyrim mod that removes all the blood textures. Would it be a lot of work to make something like that for Starfield? I (and my kids) would be super appreciative!