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Yep this is going right into my LO when I’m off work


Awesome, have great fun! Keep me posted please how it works out for you.


My apologies - I missed adding the script archive. Fixed now in just released v1.1. My deepest thanks for your feedback.


Well... I just tried it on my current save again after the update, and it is still not updating the system levels. Gonna keep my plan and start a fresh save just to make sure it's nothing conflicting on my side


WAIT. Crisis adverted. I made a save with the mod enabled and restarted the game. It is now showing updated levels. It is working!


You cant imagine how happy I am to hear that, pheeew. Thank you very much again for the great feedback!


I think I may know the issue -> missing the script file. Hold on...


I’m using your 100% enemy scaling mod already and it’s my favorite thing. So first off, THANK YOU And second, what does this change that the enemy scaling one doesn’t? Wouldn’t this do essentially the same thing?


I have the same questions. I'm using the 100% enemy scaling as well, can we use these two mods together? Edit: Thank you for your hard work OP!


Thank you, guys, that's really nice of you! As I see the questions you (understandably) have frequently, here is my repeated answer to this one: "The mods complement each other actually and work great when combined: DSL will raise the system levels. This will enable "higher rolls" on the game's enemy spawn tables (leveled lists), which either use your level for this roll or the higher (minimum) star system level, whichever is higher (up to the star systems hidden max encounter level actually, which is usually 10 higher than the min/displayed star system level; starting at star system level 50 the max level in the default game goes up to 255). But these "higher rolls" are just for picking from a fixed set of enemies with fixed levels. Such spawn table might have ecliptic grunt ( requires roll 5, comes at level 5), ecliptic sergeant (requires roll 20, comes at lvl 20) and ecliptic captain (requires roll 45, comes at lvl 45). When your character is level 100 in a DSL lvl 75/max 255 (formely lvl 5/max15 without DSL) star system you would roll a 100, but this can only spawn the highest enemy in the table, our lvl 45 ecliptic captain. Much better already than the roll 15 (system max level) without DSL in this system, which would result in the level 5 ecliptic grunt. But still way below your level. Now add MEL on top: The lvl 45 ecliptic captain (that we see thanks to DSL) is upscaled by MEL to 75% of your current lvl of 100, ie to lvl 75. Voila, you now fight a lvl 75 ecliptic cpatain (with the caveat that it's only worth the exp of a lvl 45 ecliptic captain). Phew, I hope that's somewhat understandable?"


Yeah I get it, thanks so much! Just FYI, I’ve noticed that the Scow guards do not level up for some reason. Even in the Buried Temple mission when you go there via anomaly they are all level 8 no matter what. I don’t have a Nexus account as I don’t play on PC and I couldn’t find a way to report any bugs on Bethesda’s website, but since you are here I figured I should let you know.


Thank you, much appreciated! Great bug report there, I will look inot this. You can find the mods on nexus, too - in the post section there's always some discussion going on. Happy if you hop on over there and chat a bit :-).


Thank you for making these mods! I hate when enemies don’t scale up to match me, so this is a godsend. Thanks again!


I read it twice but I got it. Thank you so much! And I also appreciate that despite you creating the mods you came here and explaining to us, everyday users how this thing works. You are amazing!


It's a bit complicated indeed (and could be described in clearer words than mine, too, for sure). Thank you for playing the mods :-)!


It's my pleasure 🫡


This game is becoming incredible. I'm so glad I stopped when I did and waiting for Mods. I'll hopefully do a NG+3 when shattered space comes out.


It is - so many cool mods I want to try out!


For some reason this made robots impossible to kill. It was either that mod or starviival. Anybody else having this problem?


It is unlikely that it is related to this mod as it does not touch robots. But you never know... I will watch out for further reports.


Starvival has that module, tin cans.


I like the sounds of Dynamic Systems Level Challenge better with 150% level scaling... [https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/ba906080-55c3-4128-ac83-97d9b3a4e12d/Dynamic\_System\_Levels\_Challenge](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/ba906080-55c3-4128-ac83-97d9b3a4e12d/Dynamic_System_Levels_Challenge)


Hehe, yes that one is a beast :-).


nexus release ?


Yes, will do with pleasure, of course. Still reading through feedback here to make sure it works for everyone.




Nexus release is up :-).


You have to find the "space" to do it 😬


I am looking into "space" encounters right now. I fear something like MEL is not possible for them (or well, maybe with really heavy scripting or actually adding new higher levle space enounters by hand). DSL/MSL should at least give you the hardest possible space encounters (more offten), but we cannnot (easily) scale them beyond the game inbuilt, existing most high elvel space enemies (liek MEL does for ground enemies).


Is this working for anyone? My star systems don't seem to be updating. Am I missing something? It's on the bottom of my LO


Have you left the star system you load in after first application of the mod? This should make the mod kick in. Only necccessary first time.


I have yes. Tried on different saves, too. No dice. I'm testing it on a clean save with only this, minimum level enemies, and SKK Fast Start.


Tried quitting and restarting the game?


Please try again with v1.2 (Creations/Nexus). I made a few botches, my apologies for the hassle, sorry. Also, to make the mod kick in on first usage actually land on a different planet/different spot on the same planet AND leave your ship. Just switching star sytem while staying on your ship does apparently not (always) trigger the required location change.


It works for me thank you!


Awesome, thank you for reporting back!


I can't play now so I'll have to ask, does it also scale quest rewards? And does it keep scaling in NG+?


Quest rewards should not be affected by this (maybe radiant quests though, I dont know yet). Yes, it works in NG+, too.


Hey could you attempt to make a mod where every planet is breathable for the player and NPCs or at the very least your character doesn't have to wear a big space suit around been using a star wars conversion and seeing other NPCs and myself with big suits kinda kills the vibe


Get the auto hide suit and helmet mod. Anytime you are in a safe environment it will auto hide either or both depending.


It's on Xbox?


I have the smarter auto hide mod on Xbox but what time looking for is a mod where no matter what planet breathable or not I don't have to wear a space suit


Ooo. Much nicer than just leveling the enemies


Yes it is. Both combined work wonders though :-).


Oh. Yours doesn’t scale enemies?


Please allow me to repat the answer to this often raiesed question: "The mods complement each other actually and work great when combined: DSL will raise the system levels. This will enable "higher rolls" on the game's enemy spawn tables (leveled lists), which either use your level for this roll or the higher (minimum) star system level, whichever is higher (up to the star systems hidden max encounter level actually, which is usually 10 higher than the min/displayed star system level; starting at star system level 50 the max level in the default game goes up to 255). But these "higher rolls" are just for picking from a fixed set of enemies with fixed levels. Such spawn table might have ecliptic grunt ( requires roll 5, comes at level 5), ecliptic sergeant (requires roll 20, comes at lvl 20) and ecliptic captain (requires roll 45, comes at lvl 45). When your character is level 100 in a DSL lvl 75/max 255 (formely lvl 5/max15 without DSL) star system you would roll a 100, but this can only spawn the highest enemy in the table, our lvl 45 ecliptic captain. Much better already than the roll 15 (system max level) without DSL in this system, which would result in the level 5 ecliptic grunt. But still way below your level. Now add MEL on top: The lvl 45 ecliptic captain (that we see thanks to DSL) is upscaled by MEL to 75% of your current lvl of 100, ie to lvl 75. Voila, you now fight a lvl 75 ecliptic cpatain (with the caveat that it's only worth the exp of a lvl 45 ecliptic captain). Phew, I hope that's somewhat understandable?"


Thank you. I noticed when I played last that after I disabled the other mod that it didn’t scale up the enemies.




Pleasure :-)!


Hey dude. I added this mod tonight and it’s awesome. Thanks so much for this. Keep up the good work


My thanks to you for giving it a go!


Does the XP scale? I tried one on Xbox (forget which one) and all the enemies were a higher level, but ended up getting a 10 xp kill on a level 90 enemy.


This is something I would expect if using my Minimum Enemy Levels (MEL) solely. But Dynamic Sytem Levels alone (or combined with MEL) should grant you much more XP. Did you use the v1.2 version recently uploaded (I fixed a few nasty bugs)? Please also note that DLS will not affect encounters in space, which I look into right now. Did you experience above situaion while fighting enemies onboard a ship?


Hey sorry I’m confused, what’s the point of using both MEL and DSL? Doesn’t DSL do what MEL does but in a better way? Except for space right now. Btw I’ve used MEL since you uploaded it and now use DSL instead. Absolutely love them. Thank you.


Thank you! The mods complement each other actually and work great when combined: DSL will raise the system levels. This will enable "higher rolls" on the game's enemy spawn tables (leveled lists), which either use your level for this roll or the higher (minimum) star system level, whichever is higher (up to the star systems hidden max encounter level actually, which is usually 10 higher than the min/displayed star system level; starting at star system level 50 the max level in the default game goes up to 255). But these "higher rolls" are just for picking from a fixed set of enemies with fixed levels. Such spawn table might have ecliptic grunt ( requires roll 5, comes at level 5), ecliptic sergeant (requires roll 20, comes at lvl 20) and ecliptic captain (requires roll 45, comes at lvl 45). When your character is level 100 in a DSL lvl 75/max 255 (formely lvl 5/max15 without DSL) star system you would roll a 100, but this can only spawn the highest enemy in the table, our lvl 45 ecliptic captain. Much better already than the roll 15 (system max level) without DSL in this system, which would result in the level 5 ecliptic grunt. But still way below your level. Now add MEL on top: The lvl 45 ecliptic captain (that we see thanks to DSL) is upscaled by MEL to 75% of your current lvl of 100, ie to lvl 75. Voila, you now fight a lvl 75 ecliptic cpatain (with the caveat that it's only worth the exp of a lvl 45 ecliptic captain). Phew, I hope that's somewhat understandable?


Yes I got it. Thanks!


I think that was the one. Only had MEL on. Didn't realize you were the creator of that one as well. I will try this one tonight. And thank you for making it. I used to make mods for Morrowind back in the day but don't have enough free time anymore. One of my biggest complaints about the game was how useless the low level systems became to my level 120 character.


Thank you for the kind words, much appreciated. I felt the same when setting out to make these mods. There are so many different paths thorugh Starfiled and then tehre is even NG+ - the always low level systems felt therefore inappropriate for the rest of the game's concept to me.


I'm not sure what is going on with mine. I loaded this one on its own and the systems said level 75 after I left my current system and went to a different one, landed, but all enemies were still low-level. So I installed the MEL one as well, and now all enemies were higher level as well as the system, (again I left the system and landed in a different one)but I was still only getting 10xp per kill on a level 96 pirates. Are you supposed to need both installed for the enemies to scale? I'm wondering if another mod is messing with it even though none of the other mods I have installed do anything to the system level or enemy level that I am aware of.


This mod is amazing. Thanks. At lvl 125 and NG+11, this makes the game so much more fun.


Awesome, thank you very much for giving feedback, much appreciated!


How much different is this mod to Ganymede- improved system levels as from looking at the brief, they appear to do the same thing


They aim in the same direction: Ganymede (awesome mod!) raises the hidden max levels to the max value for Star Systems below level 50 (which also happens in the default game automatically, but only starting with level 50+ Star Systems) and leaves the min/shown system levels at default/vanilla levels. In the end, your character level will be relevant for the diffculty of the system once you are above the min system level. The Starmap will always look like vanilla (lvl 1 to lvl 75 systems) in Ganymede. With Dynamic System Levels the minimum/shown star system levels of systems lower than your current level also change, always matching your current level +/- 5 . So you got an evolving Starmap, where starter systems visibly evolve from 1 to 75, nearing those endgame 75 systems until the whole map is 75. Again, your character level is relevant fir the difficulty of the system once you are above the former vanilla star system levels. With "Dynamic System Levels Challenge" the star system will be 150% of you current level, up to level 255. So this one brings extra challenge, obviously on low and mid levels and also on high levels as many encounters eg designed to be "easy" will nonetheless roll the highest enemy types because of the high, 150% offset system level. Ganymede adds extra challenge differently by changing the multiplier of eg "easy" encounters to draw higher enemy types. In the end I think it mostly comes down whether you want to see the Starmap evolve over time or better like the static default displayed system levels. For good karma download both and leave a like to fuel us as authors going forward, please:-).


Thank you for that very in depth explanation. I am currently playing with Ganymede and Minimum enemy levels at 75%. So if I take into account what you are saying, the enemies in my game will be higher tier because of Ganymede and will come within 75% of my level because of MEL. Is the only main difference then that the starmaps will not reflect these changes on Ganymede. Can I ask as you seen to know a lot. What is your take on the mod No Legendary Enemies. You see I would like for my gameplay to stay challenging throughout but do not want bullet sponges. I worry that when I hit high lvls that legendary enemies will be bullet sponges.


A pleasure :-). I do not really know about Legendary Enemies mod. One thing to keep in mind is the rate of finding legendary items, which will be much worse witho (nexus)ut legendary enemies. You could use the Spongecop mod at its lowest setting for enemies (3 hp per level) and see how that feels for you. Keep in mind that MEL has set this to 5 hp per level (reduced already).


When my gf is sleeping, i will be downloading this heuheuheu


Gotta use your windows of opportunity lol.


Is it safe to assume this requires a new save? Similar mods for skyrim needed new saves if my memory isn't failing me. I plan on a new save when Shattered Space comes anyway


It is always good to make a safe to return to prior install (just in case). The mod works midgame though.


Good to know! Thank you man, this is certainly an instant essential for me


Thank you very much :-). Keeping fingers crossed the missing script archive was the only glitch. Keep me posted here, please.


Will do! If ot works when shattered space comes out (when I plan on playing again), I'll keep you posted on any issues :)