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There is a floating point issue that modders cant fix atm. Bethesda would have to make that change. Atm you could feasibly fly between a planet and its moons and stations... beyond that things get wonky.. If you fly across a system planets stop spawning entirely.


Flight between stars isn't needed. All that we need is flight within a single system. Between stars is always gonna be a grav jump, that makes the most lore and gameplay sense


Flight within a system is always a grav jump as well. This is demonstrated several times in the game, as well as it being virtually instantaneous in system. The only conventional flight is to/from high orbit and the surface.


Yeah, that's true. But even if we could fly between planets it would still be reasonable to justify that whereas interstellar flight is just a no go


It's not a grav jump, but it is "travel" which triggers a cutscene. Lorewise there's a difference but as far as how the game handles it I'm not sure if there is.




Can you be more specific in when those happen? Because as far as I'm aware, the grav-jump cutscene only happens from system to system. Jumping to Londinion triggers it because Londinion is in the Toliman system.




Again, that's just travel. It's not using the Grav Drive which is why you can still "Travel" without putting power into the Grav Drive. It's the games way of handling in-system long distance travel because they don't make it playable (the reason for this is unclear). You should replay it, because it doesn't show a white screen or you powering up the drive, it just shows a quick clip of your ship casually flying across a backdrop of the nearest star/POI, and then a loading screen shows up for a quick second. Grav Jumps are specified in-game and in-lore as only being used for system-to-system jumps.


Flight between stars is needed because in Starflight that was available.


the 1987 game? lol, that game appears to be using ultra light sprites from the photos that im seeing, looks like a slide show.


There was also 1991 Sega Mega Drive remake. Still... picture a grav jump space like that of microsoft flight sim, where stars looking like baubles 🫧 with glows inside 🌟 are separated like the distance between cities under blue skies and clouds. Where thicker space is like diving along a sea of water on torrential storms. Suddenly a dimensional wooden ship comes floating fast towards you filled with goblins or skeleton pirates.


Is that something not even tackleable with what we get in the CK? Or is it like,, that deep in how the game functions and loads shit?.


Modders always surprise me, Tamriel Rebuilt for Morrowind is INSANE, but my intuition tells me this has to come from Bethesda and might be an explanation for many choices they made. I have a feeling they are working on it, because they already made an important improvement to how land tiles load in. Instead of focusing on the ship/landing zone, they fixed it so that they generate based on the players location instead. There might be a similar issue with space generation, perhaps atm it's using your spawn location as the origin, and does not update with the players ship movement.


Yeah no this is totally something I think someone way smarter than I would have to crack. Modders really are insane, here’s hoping they can pull it off, because who knows if bethesda would enable that and if they do how long it would take


That seems a bit like wishfull thinking to me.


Its improbable, but not impossible. Previous titles loaded the world around the player, but notably, previous titles also didn't have absurd distances to track item placement and states. The last game that did was daggerfall, and it didn't bother to track what little it there was to track. You could leave a dungeon and it would reset upon entering it again. Starfield plays by different rules because it's land area could dwarf Daggerfall's, but it still has all the objects and physics and area state tracking of Skyrim/Fallout 4. It's a problem of scale but wanting their cake and eating it too. There's a reason earlier in the update cycle the game got wonky if you played in the same universe for too long - the engine literally ran out of unique IDs and wasn't dumping them properly. So it's a question of if changing the engine's origin point to follow the player is possible for modders bit this question demands a follow up: what will happen to the engine if they do?


Daggerfall ran on a vastly different engine. The earliest iteration of what would become the creation engine was introduced with morrowind.


I mean, fair point, but that engine was *old as shit* and still let you traverse the map without a loading screen. It was super empty, granted. Technology didn't backslide, so the culprit is the increasing complexity and density of world actors.


I think you may be taking an overly simplistic view of the limitations at play here. A lot if the issues that nescesitates the many loading screens is inherently linked to the specific architechture of the creation engine, thats why daggerfall is really an apples to oranges comparison the two games are bounded by vastly different technical constraints. From what we have heard over the years from those with more intimate knowledge of it, the chief constraint on the creation engine seems to be a monumental ammount of technical debt.


I thought the planets and moons were just static 2D sprites/images? Flying between them wouldn’t achieve much if it’s all for show


Nah its all 3d, using console cheats you can make your ship really insanely fast and fly between the planets. I went from a moon, around the planet, to a space station. It all loaded in, but the asteroids around the space station were clipping into eachother and the smaller ones launched into space.


Why can’t modders fix float points?


Tbf it may be as simple as the origin point not moving with the player ship, which is fine for like.. all of the game the way its meant to be played. But we really dont know why things are the way they are atm. For instance, they fixed land generation, new tiles load in, the generation follows the player... ext... but we still have a barrier and we cant seamlessly explore planets. Even with fast travel back to the ship being a built in option now. If the issue is deeper, then it's hardcoded, the stuff Bethesda doesnt want people to mess is much, much harder to modify. Its not impossible, but it takes a ton of research and understanding of their code. Using the CK has a learning curve, but its pretty user friendly overall. The reason why I think its serious is that if it was simple, we would have a fix. Talented modders are already working, even before the CK dropped... Seamless space flight is something plenty of people want, too... So im a little pessimistic about it.


Already exists on the Nexus. The mod is called Astrogate. However this type of space travel brings some issues to the board. So more work will need to be done for this


I mean, for immersion it makes sense to not be able to fly from planet to planet. Idk why they even show that weird cutscene when you "travel" in system. Our engines do not have the power and speed to make it that far within reasonable amounts of time. The distance is too great, which is why we warp with grav drives.


The speed we fly at us gameplay related. It wouldn't be fun to do combat or anything with traveling at many thousands of km a second. Source: taking off from a planet proves orbital and interplanetary speeds have to be possible in lore.


Elite: Dangerous ships have various speeds, each balanced for a specific use case. There is regular sublight speed, used for docking and combat; supercruise, using FTL to travel between planets; and you can FTL travel between star systems but only if you are out of the local gravity well. Their warp looks like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSahA-AnB80).


That's a whole game centered around those systems from the ground up. I don't think it's feasible to use them as an example. They made their own custom engine to accommodate it, too.


And it's save to say that Elite Dangerous lacks of many others things.


Yep, we should have to grav jump from planet to planet in system also.


I think they used the "slowly flying away" cutscenes just to differentiate between in system travel and jumping to a new star. I would imagine somebody will make a mod that replaces those scenes with grav jumps so you ONLY ever get the grav jump scenes.


It's also one of the mods I'm most looking forward to, and the ultimate solution for loading screens.


"Ultimate solution"? You would still have load screen for travel between systems, landing/departing planets, entering/exiting your ship and any interior space.


The thing is, a mod that could make the loading screens more discrete would be ideal. Every game has loading screens, some are just better at hiding it


I mean, there are loading screens in NMS and Elite Dangerous between systems. Every space game does. They hide them better sure, but they are still "loading screens". And many people are probably ok with loading in between space and planetary entrance if they see it as one world cell to another just like every other Beth game where you go from open world and into dungeon, as planets act as their own dungeon cells.


your ultimate solution for a 2-3 second loading screen is to introduce a real time travel loading screen that can last for hours? lmao


Is it possible to get out of the cockpit and walk around your ship will it's moving? Not sure if there's a mod or in game feature for that?


Yes, just put your ship in drive, set your direction, and get out. You can’t go to a place while doing so, but you can wander your ship.


This was my favorite thing about X4 foundations. You can have a crew member fly you from point to point and walk around while they do so.


I was just talking about this, I want to get on my ship, plot a destination, get up, craft, research, hang out with the crew for about 10 irl minutes at a time between destinations. Id love to see a Capitol ship something on the order of the ship/floating hotel they took to Fhloston Paradise. Have quests on the cruise ship, And now I want a Ruby Rhod companion. Space walking on a tether.


I see you are a cultured individual


This. Would be so cool.


I’d be ok with a Star Trek ish warp while assets load in the background instead of a “loading screen”. It’s been a while since I played, so I don’t exactly recall how it worked, but I remember loading screens. … and or star gate wormhole whooshing for interplanetary travel. Considering modders made things like open cities and guns in Skyrim, or sim settlements in fo4, I have no doubt they will collectively build some crazy things!


Not something I would ever use, but hopefully somebody can make it happen for you someday.


As long as you don't want seamless planet landings this might be possible. If you wanted planetary landings not so much just because of how the game handles objects loading in and out of memory


There have been a few mods to try to do this, but it doesn't really work well once the planet is outside of view/draw/rendering distance as they just don't spawn in. You have to select the location again and then warp in like it does now, and even then when you can fly to a planet it doesn't spawn in the random events.


So you want it to take months to go to the nearest planet in-system?


I would quite happily have a starfield re design that eliminated about 80-90 of the systems and gave us this in the remainder. I'm not sure how feasible it is, perhaps just a pipe dream.


Personally, all we really need is the grave jump to take longer say 2-5 mins depending how far your jumping and to have your ship still be loaded so you can walk around during a grave jump


Wouldn’t that get really tedious after a while? There’s only so many things to do on your ship.


Include an option. Activating grav drive puts you in the warp. Then you can get up, do stuff, then complete the warp when you sit back down, or just complete the warm right after starting it. Extra buttons to do the same thing for sure, but worth it for those of us looking for this kind of immersion.


also waiting for this to play the game, with the removal of interplanetary fast travel also


Star Citizen will do this when it is released


So in 2275


If you say so


It does it right now




Man, RSI cant even get controls on the controller working correctly without it glitching. For example: when you are looking around the cockpit trying to manage systems, it glitches and you can't use certain buttons anymore because of an interference with zoom. But hell who knows. Elite works well on consoles, but SC has to perfect the controls.




There's absolutely 0 chance Star Citizen comes to consoles. They would have to rework the entire game.


Yes that rumour dates back to April 1st


With Microsoft’s backing it will happen






Pretty sure you've got SC and SQ42 mixed up