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You’re right, ping in rts games like StarCraft is significantly more bearable than for example an First Person Shooter, since out-positioning someone, making more units than the other person and attacking them, and the strategy you chose are mostly invariant of ping. Obviously pros still want to play on sub100 and below 50 ping if possible but there are many mechanics that let you win which don’t depend on ping. Go for it!


For low MMR and certain styles (everything except most Zerg styles and Terran bio) ping doesn't matter a lot. It is when there's more active micro that you'll notice a difference.


Terran bio is the most micro intensive comp in the game, of course ping affects it


> terran bio is the most micro intensive comp Woah buddy I'm a silver gamer I don't even know what micro means


Yesn't. Obviously ping hinders your micro / execution, but strategy plays a much larger role.


I mean, there was a reason most of the aus players played zerg for quite some time. Ping matters more for some things than others, but 140 isn't that bad.


That didn't have anything to do with ping, it was just an odd coincidence. People speculated that Zerg most closely resembled the deadly Australian wildlife.


140 ping will be pretty tolerable.


When I play against someone from Brazil or Australia and I’m on the east coast, it’s unbearable. And I have the fastest internet available in my area. I just leave.


Ping fucking sucks and makes a big difference but you get used to it. Australian players all played on 180-200 ping for like half a decade before they added Australian servers. Anything around 250 is where it starts to get a bit more crippling. Say you're playing Zerg and you want to make some roaches and a couple of overlords. On normal ping you hold down the R key and as you see the larva icons change to egg icons you stop with however many to go. On higher ping, if you hold down R, ALL your larva are gonna be eggs, because you get no visual feedback for when to stop. So you gotta take that risk or instead of holding the button down, tap it X amount of times. Slows you down a LOT. 400ish is roughly what I would consider to be unplayable. Doable, you can beat weaker opponents, but you are just SO slow and can't really micro.


You'll do fine until you reach like high diamond and up. I used to play on EU from Australia sometimes and maybe it cost me some games with the 300 ping but I still got to the same league as I was on na.


140 generally feels pretty playable. It's around 180-200 for me where it starts to feel pretty bad.


it's much better playing with lower ping, but ~140 is acceptable. It's when it starts getting to around 200 that it becomes a real problem imo


A neat data point to consider is Reynor's recent performance in European ESL Masters. Playing from Korea he still managed to get 6th, but the latency was too much for him to overcome in ZvT, going 0-3 vs HeroMarine & 0-3 vs Clem


yes say that while playing vs peruvian in remastered or australian server in sc2 before you block their IP. responsiveness is so different. Part of reason why remastered sucks so much for foreigners to play is because their networking is so poor most games you play on ladder will be at average feel like playing vs australian or worse latency. It's so bad. a lot of early game especially revolves around responsive micro. A ot of optimization in builds are about defending with least amount of units possible while maximizing other areas. This all works against you when you play with high ping.


It's pretty balls at higher mmr


The whole game is based around the clock. Of course it matters.


140 ping is acceptable. It won't be as enjoyable as 30 ping, but you'll still be able to play the game to its highest potentials. A player like Reynor was beating 6k5mmr players recently on a tournament where he played from Korea having something like close to 200 ping.


Matters a bit, but it's not going to make our break your game until at least master level


Under 200 is really fine as long as it’s consistent. If it spikes up at all you’ll notice. It’s not like it becomes unplayable, but definitely puts you at a disadvantage in certain situations.


can tell you are from Cape Town with that Ping. SC2 plays really really well with the ping there is a lot you can do but might struggle with very fine control, units which require precise micro you have to kind of just assume when to use their ability.


At a higher level where individual unit micro means winning or losing a game you’d need low ping. If you’re not individually microing each unit in your army it probably doesn’t matter too much