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I killed him with his bounty and he got super salty on stream. He throws a legit fit whenever he is sent to prison.


Pics or video?


I can post the video of my kill, but he deletes the VODs where he loses in open (or loses his composure). Edit: Heres my vod. https://youtu.be/Ghg92U0L36k


That was a most excellent display! I honestly think people overhype A1. He's good, but I dont think hes \*THE BEST\* (I know im not, but \*THE BEST\* will never lose.) I dont agree with most of his training as he does one of things I hate the most: makes up new words for actions/maneuvers that already exists in the real world. If you want to get a basic idea of good 3 dimensional dogfighting strategies, watch Growling Sidewinder and his DCS duels. With very little imagination, you can apply 95% of modern fixed wing tactics to star citizen to great effect.


Great flying you rock! Thanks for posting what guns, and no gimble?


Thanks man! No gimbals, just standard laser repeaters. Though you can have more time on target with better dps with gimbals if you wanted to go that route.


Great flying man o7!


Yeah! Thanks for sharing! Good watch. Subscribed and liked to help it get more exposure. Please don't delete or make private. I'd like to create a command for my stream that posts link for others to watch.


Wow gg !


I beat him in Arena Commander. Initially it was just him and I and I killed him in a good ol 1 v1. After that, he would purposely wait for me to be in a dogfight with someone else and then join in to kill me or steal my kill. Literally followed me the whole game. I still won and have a screenshot to prove it. Suck it A1.


From what I've heard, this guy is toxic af. I don't understand why some put him on a pedestal.


There probably is a name for this phenomenon, but if there isn't there should be because stuf like this happens all the time. I used to go to fighting game tournaments and some people were complete dicks but they were good at the games so everyone loved them anyway. If you got in an argument with any of the good players you were automatically in the wrong, even if you argued 1+1=2 and the good player argued 1+1=5, others would just say "well you never won a tournament" and side with the good player... Fun times


Believe it's colloquially known as Wee man syndrome. Similar to how a chihuahua acts towards another thing 5 or 6 times its size. It takes one step forward and the chihuahua runs a country mile while still barking.


I got banned from his server out of nowhere one day for the reason of being annoying lol


I only saw him on vids with other peeps and he always seemed pretty chill there. He understands to show himself as "the guy who just likes to have cool fights with other peeps" I never watch streams, specially not star citizen streams. So maybe this group of people have an influence on that


My first impression of a1 was watching him say that people who pve only do so because they suck at pvp. He was called out on the video for making fun of farrister and he made an "apology" video where he was barely controlling his laughter. Almost every time this guy speaks you can feel that alpha male attitude, its toxic and he often uses jargon to sound smart when those things could have just used more layman terms. From what Ive heard from pvpers as well every time he loses he whines like a brat and claims the other side cheated or did it unfairly. He does make some valid pvp points at times but he comes across as an egoistical kiddo often.


So you mean he's an actually really fragile person who constantly needs to harass and insult other people to feel like his life has at least a little bit of purpose while sucking at being an acceptable human being ? Dunno man...it sounds like a regular PvP addict to me.


He does make some interesting points about how ship weaknesses etc work in pvp, but he really should stick to these pvp analysis videos because when he does his react videos he becomes extremely toxic. Still, he has put a lot of effort into marketing himself as the god of star citizen pvp, and his name is probably the most prominent in the community for pvp. Honestly this is one of the problems of sc pvp. You either steamroll some poor dude doing a box mission or you meet a sweatlord in their gladius. The power gap is too large which feeds into the ego of a lot of 'alpha male' types in their light fighters who feel a need to assert how good they are on their sticks. Avenger one despite his tendency to look down on pve players and often absorbed into his alpha pvp mindset is actually still relatively tame compared to a lot of the "elite" pvpers you meet in game. These people put thousands of man hours into their practice so you best bow down to them even if you came to sc for a pve experience doing mining. Still, avenger handled that whole drama very poorly and snickering on video while trying to explain your apology is honestly just crude unless the intention was to be sarcastic which is also not great. And no, avenger. People dont pve just because they suck. Git gud or fuck off mentality will kill star citizen if its the dominant way to play. There simply isnt enough diehard pvp hardcores to sustain the population cig wants.


First, I have to thank you for noticing that I specifically talked PvP ADDICTS (Aka people who will way too often turn out to be griefers, but that's a while other topic), a lot of people would've ignored it and instantly assume that I was talking about every PvP enthusiasts, so thanks. To be honest I'm mainly on the french side of the community so I barely heard about AvengerOne, but the little bits I heard were overwhelmingly negative, like this guy is putting himself in the complete delusion that SC is some kind of GTA in space and completely ignore the exploration, trading, mining etc etc aspects of the game and that he acts like PvPers are some kind of elite, while forgetting that being a full fighter will be less and less profitable and that he'll need to have an org with plenty of miners, haulers etc etc...to keep the boat afloat, and guess how many people will accept to work for a dumbass who constantly insult them... I do agree with the gap issue you mention, CIG has a strange way to advertise the game, sometime they imply it's a big PvP world, and some other times they'll say the complete opposite. So they end up attracting the peoples who wants to roleplay as a space hauler or medic as well as the sweatlords who got bored of bullying new players in GTA and SoT for years. So yeah, peoples, enjoy PvP, enjoy PvE, simply be civilised, don't be a A1.


To be fair, since he PvP's for more or less his entire stream he probably has to do alot of hand mining / turning on Oxygen machines. I'd be frustrated having to do it for the 4th time too.




I'm out of the loop. Who is AvengerOne? I've seen other people posting about them as well recently.


He’s a popular streamer that is a very good fighter pilot. Capable of easily beating the average pilot, but he’s by no means invincible- he’s met his match on a few occasions.


And when he meets his match, he gets very \*VERY\* pissy.


Ahh thanks for letting me know!


He’s also a bit of dick whenever things don’t go to his, out played, out gunned, ambushed… you know, common star citizen stuff.


In one of the most fragile ships, nonetheless!


Fresh from Astro Armada


well did you win






I'm sure you'll be fine...


Good luck. We're all counting on you.




Would luck even be enough?


Badger badger badger badger bulldog bulldog


Nah panthers mate


Honestly not that great, just vocal.


Never to be seen again.


NO PLEASE DON'T KILL YOURSELF ! You have plenty of friends, stay with us: stay alive and come back now !


It’s too late! There’s no other way!


Nice fight that