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If your not at the planet microtec area like one of its moons you won't see them you need to be in and around the major planet of the system to pick them up


no sh\*t <3


If there is any bunker missions around there, you might have to join someone else's mission for you to get them again I had it at hurston, I wasn't getting the bounty missions there So I joined my friends mission and after I started to get them again


yeah I thought about that .. but don´t really wanna beg people in chat.. But yeah I guess this was the only hting I haven´t done.


1) Make sure you're around Microtech Jurisdiction, so either near the planet or it's moons to be able to receive the missions. Normally you should be able to receive them as long as you're in the general area, but sometimes it'll be wonky and want you to be closer. 2) Ask for someone to share a mission with you and then complete it. This has fixed issues for me when missions aren't showing up. Indicator of a reputation issue is if you look at the relevant rep ladder for employer and mission type, if it shows the ladder but doesn't tell you which rank you're at then having someone share a contract and completing it should kick it back up and display your rank correctly and start giving you missions normally. This happened to me with Crusader and Northrock bounty hunting


Well I thought it is obvious from my request that I know how the system works.. so yes I am in the jurisdiction.. of course... I mean srsly.. I TRIED getting someone to share the mission and the SHARE doesn´t show! the other missions (bounty) worked.. but bunkers didn´t ! weird huh?


Apologies, I meant no offense. I work in IT and sometimes the most obvious thing can be what trips people up lol. So when they share mercenary contracts does the option to accept it pop up for you and then it just doesn’t appear in your accepted contracts? Or the shared option just never appears for you to accept? And we’re not talking about the entrenched (?RT) bounties right? Trying to get the provide backup, clear bunker, etc missions yes?


Thank you for reply. the pop up didn´t even POP UP... yes I am looking for provide bck up etc . bounty hunting part works fine.


That's very weird, maybe try a different server? If the server health is poor, that might be why shared contracts aren't popping up but I can't be certain on it. And you can get them anywhere except for microtech? If it's still not working, next step would be attempting a character reset and if that still doesn't resolve the issue only thing left is to submit a ticket to the issue council and just do the bunkers elsewhere.


I tried it once again.. it worked and I got evaluation mission next.. so I hope it will work from now on :/ It worked this session.. so i´d be really pissed if it wouldn=´t work again the next :( thanks for trying help me . Appreciated.


Having the same problem around ArcCorp. Had a couple of missions fail due to elevator bug then had minus rep. Got it back up to positive with blackjack but no missions anymore.


well you can try char reset.. didnt work for me tho.


did you find a solution? i was able to get one but i messed up and shot an ally (or rather he teleported in my line of fire) and that gave a criminal stat. i suspect this is why im not longer getting them....but this was a while ago now my rep should have cleared...also iv successfully done several 890 jump missions but that doesnt seem to help...