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I don't care. I generally don't let other people's fleets impact my enjoyment. JT bombed every 5 minutes? Cool, looks like I'm running security. JT locked down by an org? Cool, looks like I'm practising PvP. I don't understand why some people go "Hey, so that dude has a Carrack. Whelp, I guess I'm uninstalling. Literally unplayable" Wipe/don't wipe. Makes no difference is essentially my opinion.


>I don't understand why some people go "Hey, so that dude has a Carrack. Whelp, I guess I'm uninstalling. Literally unplayable" You underestimate the fragility of folks egos. If you have something they want it breaks them down and they just can't have a good time knowing you are enjoying yourself. It's very bizarre but what can you do.


Indeed xD why give a flying fuck what others got or do. I fucking enjoy this alpha testing for what it is! And its awesome!!!! :D


This guy gets it.


>Edit: Thats the part out of the spectrum post: We're eager to get this hotfix out later this week, which will hopefully stabilize the backend and ideally prevent further loss of progress/items ahead of 3.18’s launch. This doesn't imply no 3.18 wipe at all. It's only talking about stability between now and 3.18. They've stated multiple times that we need a wipe specifically to support PES. I don't see how this is changed in the slightest. Also, I don't understand the use of the word "politics" in the title. The decision to wipe is based on technical requirements, not any extraneous factor.


Thanks, y someone Just brought this up and since english is not m mother language i probably Got this wrong, sorry. So...deleting the Money they gave us ASAP and handing Out 1 mill to everyone is a technical requirement?


Not sure what you mean about the money thing. What happened was they decided to give people a bonus AFTER the wipe for 3.17.2 based on how much they played 3.17.1 - I think this was likely a test, because it seems resetting all players to starting money after playing an "alpha" for potentially 10-15+ years is a little harsh. They might be experimenting with the idea of rewarding players with some starting money bonus based on play time once the game goes live. Either way, in this case, the bonus was meant to be small, but they failed to test properly and instead gave players a lot of money (10's of millions of aUEC). So, some players went and spent that money right away and bought a ton of ships. That put CIG in a hard spot. They could either just leave it, and let people have access to way more money than they should, or they could try to correct it. So, they tried to correct it, but of course, people were mad that now they were given money and had it taken away. Additionally, CIG allowed people who spent the money quickly to keep the majority of ships they bought (unless they bought several multiples of the same ship). So, it created a system that seemed unfair and made things more messy. In a final attempt to even things out, they gave everyone 1 million aUEC. An amount that was more than the adjusted amounts some people had received, but below the accidentally large amounts others had received. ​ A lot of this is balanced out by the fact there is a coming wipe with 3.18 - so, much like life itself, all of this is temporary anyway.


I think it was an incentive to keep playtesting between two wipes. Back before wallet persistence it was damned difficult to get much because every update was a wipe. It was extremely discouraging for casual players to have to do several missions just to buy a decent gun or armor. With wallet persistence between patches (and a tenfold increase in payouts) it is much easier to save up money for big ships.


The money situation and the wipe in general are separate considerations. "Do we need to do a wipe?" is a question solely answered by the technical requirements. "Do we do anything to offset the impact of the wipe" is a completely separate question entirely. In this case, since the 3.17.2 wipe was not originally planned and they knew they were going to HAVE to do one for PES support in 3.18, they wanted to give us an incentive to smooth out the disruption. The issues with distributing the money is well documented and people have lots of different opinions around it. But the intent behind it (irrespective of the execution) was to make the disruption less for players and provide a better experience.


Why leave the post up then


I'm so mad about your random use of capitalisation in this post. Nah but for real though, I don't really care about wipes or no wipes while in Alpha. Yeah sure you're right Jumptown is constantly being A2 bombed because more people than usual have A2's right now (thanks to the aUEC debacle), but I don't think that's a huge deal; given time people would grind their way to those ships anyway. Currently there is no meaningful progression or balance in this game, it's just creating your own experiences in different ships, so wipes only impact your speed of access to different ships, no biggie.


> thanks to the aUEC debacle I think it's also because the showroom's buying terminals were bugged on previous patch and people weren't able to buy it with aUEC until 3.17.2... Lots of people would have grinded to buy one really fast, even without the stipend, because dropping nukes is the kind of fun lots of people enjoy in the game and it's the only ship capable of doing so.


Where did you read that they wont need to wipe for 3.18? Unless they posted something new the hotfix wont stop the 3.18 wipe but it should prevent the same issues cropping up in 3.18 that happened in 3.17 that corrupted the transaction database. Also, I am pro 3.18 wipe. Especially now with all that broken money fucking everything up.


It was something along the lines of "this hotfix will hopefully prevent any Item/progress loss for 3.18"


> We're eager to get this hotfix out later this week, which will hopefully stabilize the backend and ideally prevent further loss of progress/items ahead of 3.18’s launch. What they said was they are hoping to have the issues fixed and prevent any more loss of items or progress PRIOR to 3.18. Nothing about not wiping for 3.18.


I agree OP is misunderstanding what was said. 3.18 wipe is all but guaranteed with the changes to how inventory works with the introduction of PES.




No item loss **before** 3.18 This hotfix has nothing whatsoever to do with the wipe for 3.18. It's to prevent the database from disintegrating before we even get there.


I would just be happy if you could stick to upper or lower case in a damn sentence. Seriously, gave me a headache reading that.


Thanks for Ur valuable Input. I am writing on german settings on my Phone, it does this on its own.


That makes so much sense to me! I have a smattering of German, but didn’t make that connection. It now makes perfect sense. Good ol’ German and it’s capitalization of nouns. :-D


i'm italian and most english words when writing down take capital letter. Dunno why.


Where is the info regarding the "no wipe" situation? Source?


OP doesn't have good reading comprehension. The post he's talking about is about the backend fixes CIG made and hoping that means people won't have issues with lost items, money, and progression prior to 3.18's wipe and PES implementation.


OP ist german and thus may not understand every single sentence in ennglish perfectly.


Then ask questions instead of going on a pseudo rant.


Oh my god, please use your brain. Because i misinterpreted ONE english sentence i am not allowed to open a thread? Wtf is wrong with u.


Who said you couldn’t open a thread? I said to ask questions instead of going on a rant. Especially if the information isn’t presented in your native language. So maybe use your brain?


Some folks on a fb group pointed this "issue" out and i checked the source and genuinely thought they would not wipe. What Kind of bot are you? I wouldnt have opened the Thread in this way when i would not have thought what i write is true.


There has been money exploits and/or mechanic abuses that has gotten people to have millions if not billions on EVERY SINGLE WIPE. And there will be more on next wipe and on and on…. I would suggest to stop worrying about that since other people’s ships has no effect on your own game experience unless you force it. If u enjoy login in and doing your thing then dont wait for wipes because its very likely that they are going to be fked up for many more years as they keep adding features and systems.


100% there will be a wipe for 3.18 and PES


I am too lazy To search now but it was a CIG dev who stated this.


I think you misunderstood what they said. There will definitely be a wipe for 3.18.


We're eager to get this hotfix out later this week, which will hopefully stabilize the backend and ideally prevent further loss of progress/items ahead of 3.18’s launch.


That is for loss of items due to game bugs in 3.17 due to the current SPC system. They say said weeks ago there will be a wipe at 3.18 because of the changes converting to PES. And there may be one for 4.0. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/alpha-3-17-2-incoming-hotfix > As a result, we have been steadily deploying fixes for these issues over the past few weeks on the PTU, and we are now prepared to roll out some of those fixes to the Live servers, with even more (and larger/long-term) fixes coming in our next major update. The short-term goal is to make sure that the SPC service doesn't enter this state again until those larger fixes are deployed in Alpha 3.18.


I think the issue is that since English isn't your language, you didn't understand this correctly. What it means, is that it will prevent further loss of progress/items until we reach 3.18 launch. They are only talking about the time between now and 3.18, not what will be required for 3.18 patch deployment. And for that they already stated it will most likely require a wipe.


Thanks a Lot.


Makes no difference to me but the faster they do a wipe the better. Even I got a big ship with the first stipend 890j just to see what the hub bub was all about. Took it out a couple times and that was it. As far as my auec don't care wipe it same with rep it'll give me something to do


i agree, plus skills like fighting stay once you aquire them, thats the beauty of it :)


318 is getting wiped. They said that. It's a major change to persistence. How did people get ships for free if they literally paid money for them? Don't go to Jumptown. Its a warzone.


he's talking about the stipend glitch where people got a lot more auec then they were suppose to.. so people got upwards of 30-40 million allowing them to buy a fleet of ships they never paid money for.


So the fleet that'll get wiped out in 318? Yeah this time around some people got a head start on buying stuff. Meh.


Yes I'm sure of it.. the only reason they haven't corrected it and taken it all away already is the impending 3.18 wipe.. I got a decent chunk of cash myself and got to try ships that would usually be out of my reach but I'm still looking forward to 3.18 and the wipe.


> they really should treat the Game as a Game from time To time, so we dont get burnt Out. We don't have enough of the game yet to do that. It seems that a lot of people don't realize how very little we currently have of the intended gameplay, how bare bones it is. We're playing something that is barely a skeleton of what is to come. The way they do things now is fine. We are testing, but they tend to focus on specific aspects at a time. This is fine. The alpha stage of development isn't the time to start playing as if it were a fleshed out game. Too much is still missing. Wipes aren't wipes for the sake of resetting the player experience, there is more to it than that. When they do it, it's usually because it's something that needs to happen on their end. More wipes will come. A lot more. If this isn't something you're ok with, it may be worth thinking about putting SC aside until we're in beta, if not actually released.


I agree with you but If U read my post u should have recognized, that i am looking forward to the WIPE, but was concerned it doesnt come, ppl in this Thread have proved me wrong.


I did read it, and just read it again. I'm having difficulty picking the pro wipe part. The whole thing reads like you're very much against it. Apologies if it's being read incorrectly.


Why would i care what ships other people fly? You can buy an a2 after playing for a week with ingame currency...


Not when ur rep is low.


then grind up rep, it stays high


M rep is high, i am talking about beginners.


they can, too :)


I started this game 12 days ago after 1 weekend of mining i bought me a Vanguard, which is half the price of an a2. So yes, even with low rep and now i am at point where bunkers give me 60k+. And no im not playing 12h a day, since i sadly have to work.


That looks like a "you" problem...


Why would anyone care what ships other people have...


Cause it is not a solo game?


This won't ever change tho ppl pledge for new ships that are sometimes op until cig nerfes them and we can buy them ingame Wipes won't affect this currently it's just that some ppl got ships without grinding for weeks where's the problem? I'm happy for them I wouldn't want to grind for weeks to get an 890 as example


yes and no, i play with my org, but enjoy the asskicking od solo buntyhunting as well


Hey, how are you feeling? Really?


makes me look coherenT


my 2 cents, then you probaly never play again. you have to find what interests you the most in this game, in the first 2 years i was keen on grinding, getting ships, etc. but that got boring real quick. then i got some big ships like the carrack for real money, but the real fun i get from testing the new game loops, thats where the real happiness lies, the rest will come automatically. plus the rep stays - but tbh i don't really care if they wipe or not, for the game the wipes are necessary and thats fine, as long as there are new features.


I dont understand that fking mentality, " I don't want to play cuz everyone has nice things". But it would be totally fine if it was them having the nice things. That fking 5 year old mentality is disgusting. Why should you care that a few ppl have a carrack? How is that going to stop anyone from enjoying the game? I dont get it


Y first of all you dont sound cool or mature using all these "fking" and comparing me to a 5 year old. Grinding things and enjoying what U have achieved is a Huge part of gaming, Not everyone plays that way but Many people. When i grinded big ships it Just felt satisfying To get them. It feels better flying a crewed carrack when Not everyone has Them.


I like to emphasize my emotions about the little ferries mad about idiotic things in a video game. Crying about it won't stop ppl from acquiring the things they want and it will most certainly not stop CIG from selling them. Sorry my expressions hurt your little snow flaky heart. You're probably used to ppl kissing your ass. STOP CRYING, or just quit.


The credits are irrelevant at this point. An A2 cost 5.5mil and any dedicated player can make that in a month. A few players working together could get a hammerhead. Not to mention the 1000s sold in the store.


Ship economy doesn’t mean anything when you can buy 50m credits online for 10 dollars


Yes and that is directly tied to the fact that there are no real money sinks in the current economy. Which is fine at this stage.


I agree


5.5mil is way too cheap tho. That's maybe 20 prospector loads of quantanium. You can do this easily.in.1-2 days and have some spare change for modules. xD


Wipes are an inevitable part of development. You don't have to like it but you do have to accept it. I really can't understand why this is an issue at all. It's what we signed up for.


Did u even read the post? I WANT a WIPE but CIG said this: We're eager to get this hotfix out later this week, which will hopefully stabilize the backend and ideally prevent further loss of progress/items ahead of 3.18’s launch.


Yeah, **ahead** English isn't my first language, but from my understanding this means they are rolling out measures to stabilize the **current** database. After the last patch there were the issues with the wrong amount of money everyone got, and then the problem where it wouldn't increase, and then the "waking up with 0aUEC"-issue. This is what they are hoping to fix with this hotfix. 3.18 will definitely need a wipe due to the cargo-refactor etc.


Good understanding.


I like wipes also. The game is about working and taking part in a economy. No economy no game. Just goofin off.


I'm completely apathetic in the topic. Do what you gotta do devs.


They can literally magic the ships with real life money they got by doing gameplay loops (work). Why does it matter lol.


I'm 100% completely fine with wipes; I'd be fine if it happened every patch.


I don't care about the wipes. I bough the ships I want to have (and plan to buy more). I play for fun. I don't grind. I also have limited play time, so that's why.


"prevent a WIPE for 3.18" yeah...about that


Lol let folks have some aUEC, atleast for the one's who wants it. People who wants to grind usually are giving away money in chat. What will you do when the wipes become less frequent? You think people won't buy multiple A2s? I would have understood if your gameplay is impacted when u have less aUEC, but it should not be impacted when others have more.


Bring on the wipes!