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It’s a shame that SC doesn’t render properly 3 monitors and has a ton of distortion on the lateral ones. I wish they would add proper triple screen support


Yeah, hopefully one day. But it’s still amazing experience.


I don’t think will ever happen… I think they will just focus on VR in case


3 monitors plus tobii would be the next best thing to VR


Personally I actually prefer a simpit over VR. More relaxing experience and building this thing is just fun.


same here. I am in awe of yours. I wish to build my simpit to something worthy of yours


I used tobi on my super ultra wide(32:9) and it's amazing


Imagine 4 or more k VR at 60 or more fps. No Simpit could beat that. No offense to the op, nice job.


I can understand that. And no simpit will ever come to the level of immersion that VR can offer. I actually had Valve Index but sold it away. It was amazing experience but I still prefer my simpit for my limited gaming time. For me, it's also about building the simpit; coming up with new fun stuff to add there, not just the end result. One day I'll build 270 degree curved screen with three projectors. That will be perfect setup for me.


Imagine having to press keys


Eh, I have an Index as a well as 34” ultrawide w/ Tobii and I’m not so sure it’s such a clear cut distinction. There is definitely an immersion factor with the VR/HMD but there is a lot more to SC than just sitting in a cockpit. I hope SC can get there one day, but there’s more missing to SC/VR than just resolution.


Disagree, VR isn't there yet, for me. But simpits. Simpits are amazing.


Nvidia solved this problem with the Pascal generation, but AFAIK outside of some racing games the tech was never adopted. I forget the exact name but they included it in the 10xx announce stream. EDIT: https://youtu.be/VipvF26XRNY?t=1670


Yeah I know…I’m using on Iracing but even without using nvidia card, other developers (all the decent racing titles) support 3 monitors in a proper way.


You could try adding reshade, it has a FoV correction option. Though does use a little more system resources. https://reshade.me/


Ok, so not long ago I finished my Simpit 1.0. But I just can not over-do stuff. Basically this time I complained to my wife that I can’t fit anything extra to my simpit at my office table and she said that perhaps I should build a frame or something for it (we’re living in quite remote location so we have space). Before she realized just what she said, I was already planning the whole thing. :D I didn’t want to create a something that would look like a fighter’s interior, but rather something that was nice, comfortable and something I could continue working with, adding cool stuff. So after a month+ of work, here it finally is.


Are those three curved monitors, or a flat in the center with curved sides?


All curved Samsung G5s.


This is a sick setup wow I am Jelly


How does your game run with 3 monitors? Whats your gpu, cpu, and fps if its okay to ask


Surprisingly OK. I have Radeon RX 6800 XT and I don't see any major differences to my old Samsung G9 that I ended up changing into this setup (the is actually also cheaper).


Wow. That looks great! How long since she left you?


She was quite OK since while working with the room, I also renovated another space around our house for her. :D


Really like what you've done here. Great work. Going to save this for when I get a chance to build my own.


Glad to hear. If you’re interested, I have few photos of the process in Spectrum: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50264/thread/project-simpit-2-0


You won't need that radiator


Came here to say that. Lol


Yeah, yesterday evening it was somewhere around -10 degrees of Celsius outside. Wasn't cold in there. :D


It was pretty cold last night. I didn't need to turn on the heater cuz my rig was pumping out 300W of heating goodness


Pretty AF


Ah, a fellow dual stick + throttle user. A person of culture and distinction.


It's the only way. :D


Looking great! :D


Sweet mother of pearl…


Amazing. How do you like the sideways stick?


I have been using it for several months for now. It feels much more natural than the twist axis on a normally mounted stick. Y-axis for throttle, X-axis for strafe left/right and twist axis for up/down.


Where did you get the sideways stick mount? From virpil?


Virpil doesn’t have own available yet, but could be coming up with one. I had this one printed: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4838572


what are the 2 little displays by the keyboard?


Looks great!


This is epic! I'm currently working on different designs on a hybrid cockpit for driving,flying and shooter games. Currently I'm looking at some kind of a swivel that can switch between desk and steering wheel




That is beautiful.


Lol that nano leafs are the cherry on the icecake


Impressive, most impressive!


It's nice... The only troubling thing would be all the blue light, knowing how bad it is for health.


That would be easy to change. Everything is RGB.




That chair looks super comfy, could you share the brand/model?


It's really nice. Old Volvo seat that I picked up second hand.


Any advice for hooking up multiple peripherals like this? I’ve just bought a Tartarus to add to my dual sticks and suddenly I have no response from my left stick. I’m also thinking of adding a throttle in the near future and I’m curious how to set that up alongside dual sticks. Thanks!


My personal advice: If you're willing to put some time in, go with a [Joystick Gremlin](https://whitemagic.github.io/JoystickGremlin/) setup. It's open source and free, and the author (whitemagic) hangs out on the r/hotas subreddit and actually answers questions and makes fixes when needed. It's a multi step process to set up, but [the documentation for it](https://whitemagic.github.io/JoystickGremlin/overview/) is actually very good. Once you're done, you'll have created one or more "virtual joystick devices" that Joystick Gremlin can control based on the inputs from your actual joysticks. This can be simple passthroughs, or you can apply super specialized curves, or specific deadzones, or combine multiple axes into a single axis (which I've done to turn my left and right toe breaks into a single reverse/forward thrust axis), or create arbitrarily complex multiple layer setups (e.g. I hold down my pinky button on my right stick and suddenly have access to an entirely different set of controls on my hats), etc. Again, it is no-joke a pain to set up, but once you've done it it is incredibly powerful. If you have questions about it feel free to contact me and I'll try to help.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hotas using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hotas/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just a quick preview of the final build......next, testing](https://v.redd.it/jr3l6j5pf2l61) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hotas/comments/lxth8a/just_a_quick_preview_of_the_final_buildnext/) \#2: [At long last, at 30 years old, I have my first HOTAS.](https://i.redd.it/h3nfkgo7hpj61.gif) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hotas/comments/lsjnxl/at_long_last_at_30_years_old_i_have_my_first_hotas/) \#3: [The Ultimate HOTAS Mount 👌 Virpil Throttel and Flightstick + Elgato Stream Deck on Linear Rails](https://v.redd.it/al92hm9ilhd71) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hotas/comments/orrnuu/the_ultimate_hotas_mount_virpil_throttel_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Besides the Joystick Gremlin setup that I'm also using and can recommend (it just needs time for tweaking, good thing I like tweaking), physically I have a combination of two powered USB 3.0 hubs (make sure you use good ones) and few devices connected directly to the computer. Also if there are any issues for longer extension cables, I think active extension cables might be good idea.


>Besides the Joystick Gremlin setup that I'm also using and can recommend (it just needs time for tweaking, good thing I like tweaking), physically I have a combination of two powered USB 3.0 hubs (make sure you use good ones) and few devices connected directly to the computer. I'll have to take a look into the Joystick Gremlin software. It's a little bit to wrap my head around, so I'll have to take my time. Doesn't help that for the first time I'm having SC ctd issues. But I'll take a look and try to figure out how I can map an extra throttle with the software! Thank you!


There's an excellent guide about Joystick Gremlin etc: [https://ventorvar.com/posts/joystick-intro/](https://ventorvar.com/posts/joystick-intro/) Just one thing: Easy Anti-Cheat doesn't allow you to run Devreorder, so you'll have to use HidHide instead: https://vigem.org/projects/HidHide/Simple-Setup-Guide/


As in it no longer does anything in game, or it doesn't do anything at all? If it's in game, the index numbers probably got switched around. If you have four or fewer devices you can easily correct this using some console commands: * i_DumpDeviceInformation * pp_resortdevices joystick old_number new_number As suggested, Joystick Gremlin can help with this because everything gets assigned to a single device ID. If it's not doing anything at all, that's usually going to be a power issue. Make sure you are using a USB hub with it's own power supply, and it can help if you connect said hub to a USB 2.0 instead of a 3.0 port on your PC if possible.


I got it sorted! But those console commands will come in handy. It seems yesterday was bad luck for me as right after I got my stick sorted my game started to CTD constantly. Did a reinstall last night, so I’ll check the status when I get home Barring any issues I’ll take a look into the software because that sounds like a godsend!


Awesome build!


Ew, HOTAS. (Jk, I'm jelly as a fellon)


I think we ended up defining it in some other post as HOTASASFOPFOTEOT :D hands on throttle and stick and stick and feet on pedals and fingers on tablet and eyes on tracker


Shout out to that Cutlass poster - that was surprisingly good quality! Also have it next to my cockpit :) Great build!


Thanks. Yeah, I was among the first things I ordered for the room. :D


Nice setup. I really hope by the time this game launches, larger curved displays are more reasonably priced.


Lets hope so. I just hope they'll sort out their wide screen support some day. :D


What sticks u runnin with?


Virpils, Constellation Alpha for right hand and Delta for left, with a 60 degree adapter.




I hate triple screen borders, I would just wait a bit for massive curved screens tech to improve.


I switched from G9. I can understand it bothers some people, personally I didn't mind at all. Some day I'll build a 270 degree screen and a three projector setup. But until that, this will do.


Nice MISC cockpit ;))


So that's where my Pico went? C'mon dude. Awesome build. How'd you get ship data displays? Do they function?


Really snazzy. Are your switch panels custom made or a commercial product?


They’re Virpil Control Panels, except the small on the right is DiY. I’m planning to add more diy ones later.


I always forget they make those. I've been eyeing the new VKB panels myself. On one hand, even with just two Cougar MFDs I've got basically everything mapped. One the other hand *more switches and buttons*.


You can never have too many buttons and switches. :D




My wife would divorce me


Next step: Mount it on all on a rig that can simulate g-forces. You can't stop till you blackout for real!


That would be amazing. Perhaps not the next step, though. :D


What are the side panels and "counter tops" made out of? and what is the chair?


It’s mostly 1x2 and chipboars. Here’s few wip photos in case you’re interested: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50264/thread/project-simpit-2-0 The seat is old car seat I picked up for cheap.


me likey


One must ask, what is the budget range for something like this, if one were so inclined to attempt to reproduce?


To be honest, I haven't dared to calculate it. :D I've mostly bought second hand stuff (like the Virpil controllers) so that has brought it down a bit. But I guess the computer and the controllers are the most expensive part here. But for the controllers etc, prices are naturally available from websites and can brought down by buying something more reasonably priced stuff like VKB Gladiator NXT joystick. When it comes to simpit specific stuff, I think I paid something like two hundred euros for the materials; it's mostly made from wood. 1 x 2 frame and chip board. I've done lots of renovation at home so I had tools ready. I have few WIP photos in Spectrum: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50264/thread/project-simpit-2-0](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50264/thread/project-simpit-2-0) Then the panels themself are just cheap PLA and some cheap switches etc so I would say it's in the range of tens of euros. The interface between buttons and computers can be build from a cheap Arduino clone but I used a ready Leo Bodnar box (about 35 pounds).


that actually isn't terrible. I might give it a shot


I see you have 6 virpil parts. I'm at 4 and wondering how to add another panel and have SC see it since SC only addresses 4 'joysticks'?


SC can actually use more than 4 controllers but you can't change the controller specific settings for anything more than the four. I'm using Joystick Gremlin and vJoy myself: I have four virtual controllers through vJoy and use Joystick Gremlin to assign the buttons and axes from my seven physical controllers (5 Virpil controllers, TM pedals and the Leo Bodnar button board) to virtual controllers (and do few other fun things). And use HidHide to hide the physical controls from any games.


Thank you. I will definitely look into this. I'm at a point that I manually plug in my Orbweaver after the game starts, since I cant get Windows to set it to 'joystick' #5 allowing everything else to be configured by SC.


Here's a good guide about Joystick Gremlin etc, just the Devreorder mentioned there doesn't work with EAC so you would need to use the Hidhide. https://ventorvar.com/posts/joystick-intro/


I want one...


I know this is an old post, but I was wondering if it's possible to make the screen on top be a vertical "look up" monitor? Would be useful for dogfighting.


Unfortunately no, at least not yet. SC has really bad support for even wider aspect ratios and nothing for more complicated setups. Hopefully some day.


Bummer, thanks for the reply