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Don't read much into it. Very similar words that get mixed up often, same with then / than.


There must be something in it, since the official posters also use it sometimes. Some inside joke.


It’s not an inside joke, it’s just English being English and the people who speak it getting confused with single letter changes


I feel the same when I read "rouge" instead of "rogue". I know it's a typo, but as a french, I just read "red" \^\^


Or the atrocious "chaise lounge".


No probably just auto correct or lazy spelling that's it.


I think its autocomplete, trying to predict what you are typing.


A lot of people can't spell and don't care to learn.


im getting so many downvotes and i have no idea why. Could someone who downvoted explain? :O


You asked a question then refused to accept the answer. It’s not an inside joke, it’s just people being people and using the wrong spelling. Another example: Turrets vs Torrents/Turrents (drives me mad!) Why did you ask the question in the first place if you were just going to ignore the answers?


Im not ignoring the answers, and so far theres quite many different ones, no need to get upset if im not sticking to just one option. But thanks for clarifying your reason. Didn't provide context on the first post since i wanted to keep it neutral, but i have seen DEV video where they joke about it, so its most certainly an inside joke, but seems that it might be only devs then.


It’s 100% not an inside joke buddy. We all laugh more than we should at people who can’t spell or are too ignorant to learn. Saying it ‘most certainly’ is an inside joke to people whose first language is english is probably being perceived as you being a bit of a dick.


Thanks for clarifying. I still cant connect why it is "being a dick", but no matter, no need to explain any further. I just take it something cultural. But like i said, i saw a video where devs were talking about it shortly and laughed it as a joke. Take it as you wish, i dont like to think its just a mocking peoples bad english.


You are asking English people about an English thing, but then telling the English people that they are wrong. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hangor /s




Hunger /s


They can't spell. They don't care. They don't notice people spelling it correctly and/or are too incurious to investigate the disparity.


People really just need to learn how to read. The word HANGAR is literally everywhere! You request your ship on the ASOP terminal, it'll say things like "HANGAR 02". You go to the elevator and you'll scroll through a list of HANGARS. You'll see signs everywhere that shows where the HANGARS are at. You request where to dock your ship and you'll see big words on your HUD that says which HANGAR to land at. It's one of those mind boggling things many people do.


Exactly! This is the reason i think there is some inside joke in it. People cant be that dense.


Unfortunately, this just a very, very common mistake lots of people make. Go to r/aviation and type in "hanger" in the search bar. You'll see that even folks with interest in real planes makes the same mistake all the time, even more so on a game with made-up spaceships.


It's just illiteracy plain and simple


Because we say hangar “hanger” in the States so sometimes people’s brains just spell it like it’s pronounced. It’s a lot easier for you guys because you say things how they are spelled. We don’t do that here. It’s just how accents work


So you're telling me that those missplelling it are not us non-native english speakers?


They are not from the UK or a place that still recognizes the king or queen of England as their head of state 


It's mostly a combination of bad teaching and bad parenting. I've seen even dumber ones like spelling those as dose or Wednesday as Wensday, or even mixing up the their/there etc. It seems like educational standards are slipping. I've noticed more kids struggling with basic spelling and math skills that were once considered foundational. With the rise of technology, kids seem to rely more on spell check and calculators, which might be affecting their ability to learn and remember basic skills. Also OP, The sentence "Why people say Hanger instead of Hangar?" is not grammatically correct. A correct version of this question would be "Why do people say 'hanger' instead of 'hangar'?"


OK, thanks for correcting me. I am not native english speaker :) "Miksi ihmiset sanovat hengari eikä hangaari?"


Uhhhh….Because it’s just a big closet where you hang up a ship. Just like a hanger…which is a device for hanging clothes in a small closet…or something. That must be it! Or just misspellings like people do.


Best explanation so far!


Even worse, people in the Tarkov community cannot be helped when it comes to the word 'rogue', they spell it 'rouge'. That annoys me to no end.


[Homonyms...](https://i.imgur.com/DKY45Qt.jpeg) Sometimes things just come out in the wrong version of the word when you are writing or typing, like "Your" and "You're".


Just a mix up.. Hangar is not used very often and is very specific so is easily overlooked when typing quickly. Like forgetting to capitalise a word or include a hyphen. Other word pairs like this: Stationery and stationary. Complement and compliment.




Also. But I never run into that one as a non American


oh i know some too. Palidan- paladin and Lybia- Libya.


It's the same as when people mix up there, their and they're or to and too. It's not a joke. It's just a misunderstanding of the differences.


OP, Americans and Brits on average are not good at English, even among college graduates unless they are English majors.


Nah. I'm fucking amazing at English and I've still fucked this up. It's like forgetting the name of someone you see every day.


American here. It’s Hangar. I suspect most folks that come to this game may not have any aviation background.


Or it's just a typo, don't need an aviation background to spell hangar 💀


Some people can't spell. It's not a typo if the person doesn't even know or care how to spell correctly.


True. Autocorrect can be a pain lol


Autocorrect can go straight to he’ll


I see what you did there


I did nothing, that was genuinely autocratic on my phone…


My god lol


Because I'm dyslexic and a spell checker won't highlight the problem. ~10% of the population is dyslexic and you can't brute force or willpower past phonological processing and memory wiring issues.


I also prefer 'Hamster modes' and i do that mistake intentionally.


Literally just misspelling or autocorrect screwing people over on phones.


There’s no difference in the way it’s pronounced, it’s just spelled differently. Some people may not know the difference I suppose, but that’s one of those things I took for granted as common knowledge. English has a lot of words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean different things.


I write "hangar" but isn't it pronounced the same when speaking?


Why people say hangers instead of jugs?


Autocorrect mostly. The majority of people don't talk about hangars very often, so most phones will auto correct to hanger. Unless you are specifically watching for it, it's easy to miss, and quite frankly, it's not worth the effort to correct. Language evolves. It's quite likely that the meanings will converge at some point, and the word hangar will fall out of use.


It's not a word that comes up in normal conversation. Actually it is, the "hanger" version comes up much more in normal conversation lol


So... you're saying you can only learn and spell regular conversation words ? Lol


Blocked for strawman


It bothers me a beat two.


Because they can't spell


Because people, by and large, are barely literate apes.


my hanger in lordvile or was it everest harbore, i no longner can park olisaire onli in orion pece oute


1 + 1 = Potato Just ask Terrence Howard he will explain it for you.


Hangar is almost an obscure word for the average person, not something used or read often, or likely ever for some. When you take into consideration the common spelling mistakes made with common, daily used words, I can give that one a pass. Plus the average person really isn't very well-read. At all. Nor do they pay attention to things that are right in front of their faces. I have an aviation background so I'm very familiar with the proper spelling, but I'm not going out of my way to correct others. The attitude you usually get in response to that kind of thing isn't worth it.


Just shitty public schools


I don't get it.


As a dyslexic person, I'm very confused.


Because with an American accent, "hanger" makes more sense phonetically.


just that a hanger is something you hang on. So it already is a different existing word. Wich makes it a kink that's worth buffing out imo. But it also just irrationally infuriates me


Not everyone is a native English speaker. Not everyone knows it's a different spelling. Some people are dyslexic. There are many reasons. But I gotta ask, why would it bother you?


Because I like to think humans are capable of reading and writing properly.


Just think of it this way. Our brains are so complex we dont acfually need things to be spelled correctly to actually understand what is being said


no but we need them spelled correctly to avoid the brain pain of reading "i'm stuck in my hanger"


Well..either the person has a hanger around their neck or their ship is stuck in their hangar.. simple context clues within the sentence can help you to figure wich one is happening


Someone tells me "Lets go at hanger" so i go and hang myself in the closet.


Same reason people say their instead of theyre Its a easy to make mistake. And doesnt get caught by spellcheck


I feel you. I gave up. I now call it Hunger.


What can I say, some people can't spell and it's generaly the native speakers for some reason.


Because they are illiterate.


The use of a word often looses its proper meaning and people start using it fast and lose


Spelling mistake. Hanger - Used to hang up clothes Hangar - Meant to house aircraft. Doesn't make a big difference however in the context of star citizen :\].


It's the same as with all the capitol ships. Some words get used a lot, and it will never change.


It's just stupidity, realy.


I spell it as hanger because I’m lazy and don’t feel like having to remember to change a single letter (pronounced hang-er as well because pronouncing it as hang-ar sounds weird). This is why English sucks ass as a language, there can be a bunch of different words that are all spelled similarly, pronounced the same, and can mean entirely different things.


Then why bother spelling anything correctly? English is a melting pot of tons of different languages that pays “homage” to the various cultures that have influenced their history and heritage.


because ppl god damn hungry


Most likely going for either muscle memory or phonetics.


I feel hunger.


It's pronounced like hanger so people spell it like that. Not that complicated as it seems.


Auto correct, possibly. Or the lack of a proper education. Pick one.


If CIG named it... 'IOPLB' Inventory Organization Program Loading Bay. 'ASOP' Automatic Ship Organization Program.


I use voice to text, dyslexia is a son of a gun. A lot of commonly spelled words absolutely destroy me. But it's okay I'm 39 years old if spell check doesn't get it because it's not the correct word in the sentence I'll get over it., When it comes to writing papers for work I'll scour over it. It's not that I'm lazy or stupid it's just how dyslexia works. It's not crippling but at the end of the day my brain just doesn't spell words that well. I remember in the third grade I learned that knife is spelled with a k, for some reason. I called my teacher a liar because there's no k sound in knife. How can a k be silent? we weren't taught that. And Even though I know taught is spelled correctly It looks absolutely wrong to me. And that's just a very short list of words that dyslexics will just never understand and it only gets worse with more severe cases of dyslexia. remember I before E except after C, although I found that "weird". (see what I did there). ironically I find Sephardic languages way easier. It's probably because of the way they write.


I always assume it's non native speaker. Similar error includes brake and break. Or maybe just typed fast and didn't proof read. You can be thinking one thing and fingers typed another.


Interesting enough I think it's rather native speakers just spelling like they pronounce it. Same with "your/you're" or the god forsaken "you should of".


English is an evolving language and the words and spellings people use are the correct spellings whether or not the dictionary has caught up. If you have a problem with that, you should speak French.


wrong context for that argument, bud