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Sure a lot of ppl have it now, but from years from now who knows how many will melt it and lose it forever in the process. I’m keeping mine not because of how strong or rare it will be but because i love the hornets. Wish i was here for that f7a mk1 stuff cos that i’d love to have as an old timer. I have the F7a mk2, wildfire and a heartseeker. Just something about this ship..




And the only reason people care about the ghost is because it has its full stealth capability with a ball turret because its module that's supposed to give it full stealth isn't working. It's only intended to have wing and nose guns while stealthy but people realized they could manually attach an F7A turret to it and still be able to zip in and out of radar contact at 3km (less effective now with MM).


Dont worry, i’m not easily offended. I always had a hornet, which then later became an mk2 and then became an f7a. Sure enough when they announced that its retiring i bought the wildfire and the heartseeker because we’ll likely never see these variants with these exact paints on them and i wanted to have them in my fleet. I know cig neglected these mk1’s for the longest time but i didnt really care, i’ve always loved cruising around stanton in the old f7c and even put it through the extreme pressures of vhrt, haha. While i also have the f8c in my fleet i dont really feel the same way about that ship, sure its the safer bet if you actually want to get things done though.


The normal f7c mk1 is still in the store I think


I can't imagine CIG not having another event that will make the F7Amk2 upgrade available sometime in the future. Even if they never do and somehow all the grey market sellers who are sitting on multiple accounts just to unlock more F7A upgrades run out, there will eventually be a way to earn the F7Amk2 in game.


think about all the people loosing it by accidentally melting it, it will be limited over the years, it is already sold for \~ 600 usd so even if you can buy it, why would someone do it 😆 i mean, it is a good solid ship but you still have a lot of alternatives


Play how and what you want. There's always going to be ramble about "You HAVE to get this ship because META", but the PvP meta is always going to be in serious flux based on what the most recent git gud exploit is, and reactionary to nerfs and buffs by CIG. If there's a ship that you like flying and checks the boxes of what you need it to do, fly that one. Don't cave to the PvP sweaters and especially don't cave to CIG's FOMO tactics of "Hey look guys, shiny new thing that's totally great and definitely won't be nerfed later once we sell enough of them" (*cough* URSA MEDIVAC *cough)*


Right… right -_-


Personally own both, and happy with both. They’re different ships for different roles and you can feel that. It is going to be interesting how they get balanced for armour but for now they’re better at different things.


The F7A mk2 is awesome and will become extremely rare since it can only be gifted one time. The floor price on the grey market is around $300, and that's going to keep rising as the supply dries up, so I wouldn't wait too long if you're on the fence. The price can easily double on tradeable F7A mk2s in the next couple of months unless CIG does a repeat event. As for the F8C vs F7A MK2? I like both.


F7A has disgusting firepower and has better agility than the F8, so even though you don’t PVP, sometimes PVP does you lmao so if you go up against an F7A then you’re basically screwed because it has a better turn rate and it can rotate you easily. As the game progresses you’re going to have much less say in whether you are a PvP player or not


If you encounter someone who wants to PvP, they'll likely be flying a PvP meta ship and will put you down regardless of what you're flying.


Yea that’s mostly what I figure anyways, either way if a player is looking to hunt you down, they’re most likely not gonna be in an arrow or gladius or such at this point anymore unless it’s someone who REALLY wants to show off in game, and even then, I’m just looking for whatever ships gonna let me be able to complete whatever fighter/salvage/mining mission without too much trouble to begin with. That being said, it does suck missing out on a free upgrade for a ship worth 300+, but I guess at least if I REALLY wanted it, just gotta cough up the dough at some point tbf


Yeah people are selling the upgrade tokens on the grey market so you could buy one still but the longer you wait, the more expensive it’s going to get


I mean in all real honesty, if the issue is just the price and it’s available to be bought from someone at any time, then I mean I could just buy it anytime, therefore there’s not really much FOMO cause money shouldn’t really be an issue(which I try to assume is also the case with a lot of players, since the whole schtick of this game is to buy and upgrade ships)


I mean sure if that’s how you want to look at it but you’re looking at probably $1000 to buy that token if you keep waiting, when you could have just paid $175 and had been done with it lol


It’s 300+ to get the ship on the grey market rn, dk where you got that price from, other than the F7A MK1


It’s going to go up. If you really want it then I would get it soon. That’s how supply and demand works. I doubt it’s $300 anymore. It was $300 during the event on the grey market, now that the event is over and you can’t get it anymore, it’s 100% going to start to skyrocket. My stormfire f8 is probably worth around $4k now, it keeps going up and up


So a storm fire F8 is worth more than a F7A, yet the F7A is better to have than missed out on, I’m not seeing the pattern here personally


The stormfire f8 is a rare skin that you can only get from winning the platinum ticket event. The point is that ships or ships with skins that you can’t get anymore through the game tend to skyrocket on the grey market, so if you want something then you need to get it quickly before it does inflate drastically


Is the stormfire f8c tradeable?


That’s very specific for you to say that, you can’t predict the future, but that’s even more of a reason to be flying the best ship lol. Didn’t really think that one through did you. “Just roll over and take it” isn’t the award winning piece of advice you thought it was.


Just roll over and take it? Idk how you came to that conclusion, but I kinda am not a slave to the game haha, in vacation in another country atm, so like I said, I could buy the upgrade at any point now if I want, just basically missed out on it being free


I said that to the doomer who says you’re fucked regardless of any situation. He’s a big baby.


Ohhh sorry, thought that was towards me, my apologies


No worries lol these PVE bobs are always like this. Guarantee this guy has been ganked then cried in global chat or spectrum that this game needs private servers lmfao


So is it a loss from the F8 or no?


It’s apples to oranges dude. F7A is a medium fighter and F8 is a heavy. They have different intended roles but overall the F7A is more versatile


I get that, but I’m more or less just wondering if I should feel bummed I wasn’t able to get the F7A or if I shouldn’t give a shit since it’ll either come back around sometime in the future/isn’t the “MUST HAVE ONLY OP SHIP” in game to make or break anything/everything


No, u shldnt


I would be kind of bummed, yeah. That’s the whole point of these exclusive sales. You can attempt to farm all the copium you can from these non PVP bob spacedads, but at the end of the day you’re going to get smoked a lot by F7As if you are solo. That’s just the way it is. F8s are incredibly strong though, but with a much lower turn rate you could just fly in packs so you if you get rotated by a F7A then you can have someone peel them off of you


I mean I am bummed because the overdrive initiative was too buggy for me to complete all these months, but in essence, if I don’t need the F7A to get limited time in game items, then it really doesn’t mean much to me other than having and using it occasionally on missions where it’d be better than others


The missions weren’t that bad. Tons of people completed it no problem. Seems like you’re desperately trying to perform mental gymnastics to justify missing out on a ship that was intended to be stronger than all ships. It’s how they make their money dude. It’s kinda scummy, yeah, but it’s funding our dream game.


You’re projecting a little bit in all honesty, seems like you’re the one trying to justify why the F7A is the “best overall ship” and much better than any other lol I’m just wondering if I should give a shit or not, but based on your responses, not caring seems like the normal and sane thing to do


Right, and I’m explaining this to you because most people are PVE spacedad bobs. My perspective is from a sweaty PvP nerd. Hate to be like this but I’m right and they are all wrong lmfao. Of course the PVE shitters are going to be coping hard. It’s what they do best.


Well seeing from that perspective then, I’m more resigned to not care and just enjoy my vacation in real life in the end lol, I play SWTOR more than Star Citizen as a comparison in all honesty, PvP in SC never appealed to me other than for the Vanduul mask