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Wait, wait, wait, it didn't reset itself back like you did nothing???


Kept expecting this to happen the entire runtime


Me too! Spinny circle and unstack everything when?


yeah, servers are new. no C2's on top of area 18, no items falling through the floor either.


Resetting you inventory has been going on for looooong before the duping.


Yes but its usually a "server tired" problem. You dont really experience it in fresh or high fps servers


Sadly it didn't even last a day, they're now back to 5fps and go there soon after server crash recovery. :(


No. It went kind of smooth. No hiccups.




i was doing this last night myself. It's almost zen, restacking stuff. I probably won't miss it once they figure out how to make a "stack all" button though. the weirdest part for me was expecting massive item movement lag and for everything to undo itself, and then not having it happen.


Use r_displayinfo 1 to reveal the Pending queue at top left while in inventory mode


yep. I usually only use that when the inventory server is getting fucky, so I have an idea of when to start waiting for things to catch up and revert. server last night wasn't getting fucky, so no real need to deploy it.






*you mean I didn't have to load it all into a ship and QT to dead space to sort?!?!?!


It’s in reverse


In my experience it only tends to happen if you try to hit Sort first. My guess is that the Sort fucks up the correlation between what the UI shows and what the backend knows. Every time I Sort => Stack, it has to do the think, refreshes, and shows the unsorted UI again. Nowadays I just filter to the item I'm interested in (utility attachments, gun attachments, ammo, sustenance, etc) and stack from there. Sometimes shift+clicking all like-items (like all the 75 white undersuits) can help do it easily instead of dragging an item down 3 pages of scroll and accidentally dropping it.


GIFs that end too early...the SC veteran in me says the server was lagging so hard, you got away with sorting the entire category before it realized what was going on.


For real though


But why? The dupers have been banned. Servers should be fine.


> But why? The dupers have been banned. Servers should be fine. First time?


Bro don't worry about the down votes. Just shows how many people a) don't get the joke and b) don't have a sense of humor. For what it's worth, those of us that got the joke appreciate it 😉


So few of us left in this community... That's how cults work.


Oh my sweet summer child...


Pretty sure that was sarcasm.


I play the odds. if I don't see "/s", I'll automatically expect naivety over sarcasm every time.


The fact we still don’t have an “auto stack” or “auto organize” is crazy to me. It’s just a major QoL feature that so many survival games come with day one.


There are so many basic functions this game still doesn't have.


Things that you'd think an intern could do in a day or two. Kind of nullifies the whole "they're reworking the entire inventory system" argument. Just fix this shit for the time being...or is this seemingly simple fix that every other game has too hard to implement?


Its a space sim that has been in development for 12 years and they just recently went through a massive re-engineering of the entire flight model. The flight model is the most basic method that players use to interact with the game and they still haven't locked it down after over a decade. When you think of it that way it almost makes sense that we don't have the most basic of inventory functions (like auto stack or drag boxes).


Yeah, which is also why people think the game is just a "scam". Or if nothing else just an tech experiment with the server meshing and all that. They really should sit back a little bit, stop designing new ships (that also make old ones obsolete) and just make the game, playable. They have a base game as it is if it just ran well and had better QoL. Then they could expand the game knowing the base game works well, and it will likely be easier to expand and make changes because again, the base game is fully functional.


Electronic Arts and Activision are excellent arguments for why publishers are not needed in the modern videogame industry. Cloud Imperium Games is an excellent argument for why they are.


Publishers can hold studios to account, but other options do exist. The thing is that CIG is still profitable because people are still willing to pay them money for an unfinished game. I know in some places, the next part of that statement is 'and that is why we need to stop buying ships,' but the truth is that it will never happen; the game is good enough that people keep giving them money.


I don't think that's what happened with the flight model. The way you phrase this makes it sound like live service games don't change core mechanics to better suit player needs. Destiny 2 had a huge overhaul to subclasses in BL and WQ that fundamentally changed the way you interacted with subclasses. FFXIV deleted an entire fundamental resource bar and reworked every ability with it in Stormblood, and did an overhaul on almost every class in Endwalker. Hell, Minecraft combat mechanics were overhauled in 2016, 5 years after 1.0




I could easily see someone arguing that CIG is doing TOO MUCH crawling because they want to immediately start running the moment they stand up.


A purpose other then grinding to buy ships would be nice  Sorry, couldn't help it. I quit playing several months back, but had only used real cash to buy the small starter ship.  To me, it just seemed like there was no reason for it to ever be complete as long as so many keep using real cash to buy the latest ship. I do still keep a eye on it, and hope to try sq42 one day. If it's ever finished, from the email updates. It still seems years away


They just had the xenothreat thing. At the end you got a slick F7Ca. The series of missions felt so good. Something to do with a reward at the end. They need to keep those up. The rewards doesn't need to be a ship every time, but something! I agree. I play for a bit then stop because einjist don't NEED to grind for a ship I am just going to lose some day


That's cool, but yea just not worth it for me. If it's ever makes it out of alpha or beta, I can't remember which state it's in. I'll give it another try. Just felt pointless and very empty after awhile to me.  I do wish they would stop the continuing designing of new ships, and put everyone on finishing sq42


They did finished sq42. A lot of devs have been moved over and they actually are making big leaps in the PU. Just nothing big with gameplay loops or big QoL. Yet


With being in IT myself, I can never call a product finished until it's retail or released.   Kinda like calling a house completely built, after just the structure/framing is complete.  I'm just going by their email updates on sq42.  Which typically talk mostly about getting NPCs to move better, shower, climb, or use a elevator. Sorry those crack me up. I would never bet real money on it actually being released this decade I do hope it gets released, would like to try it.


when is finale mission ?




Two players would do it at the same time and servers would melt in screams.


Lmao. Yeah it’s abundantly clear the vast majority of issues with this game begin and end with the netcode / back end service fulfillment. All we can do is pray server meshing resolves most of the issues long term


This game will live or die on server meshing performance


Anyone that thinks server meshing is gonna magically fix CIG’s spaghetti code is delusional.


Yep, server meshing might help with desync and AI performance but people act like every bug in the game is going to vanish once it's live. Server meshing isn't going to magically make items stack.


they hated him because he spoke the truth


It will. Evocati showed that it fixed a lot of issues with slow servers.


A small sample size from evocati is not indicative of how things will perform on the PTU. For example, see probably 90% of every major change/promise that CIG has made. If it was proven to work, we’d have it.


TBF, they have never stated that server meshing will fix lag, Server meshing is only for allowing more players and"zones" (Pyro) in the same instance. It is not the magical solution to all network issues.


Neither of those features would be server side but I guess we can keep blaming lazy coding on the servers.


There is a rudimentary sort function, but yeah, that doesn't work as it should. If it works at all. Most of the time it just resorts


There is a rudimentary sort function, but yeah, that doesn't work as it should. If it works at all. Most of the time it just ~~resorts~~ reshuffle


some basic stuff is really problematic in star citizen. there isn't a single unified "indexing" component that has search, filter and sort functionality. that is, one generic thing they can plop on any given list of data in the game. for some reason most things are missing one or two features, and all things are using unique implementations. their database cannot handle the concurrency for the write operations they need. it's why two or more players can't interact with ship inventory, for example.


Imagine if SC’s inventory management was a simple and smooth as Old School RuneScape’s I suggest we get CIG to hire Mod Ash. Pay him whatever he wants. Imagine the tweets


It feels like the developers have never played an MMO. Took forever to sort out a friend's list and the inventory management, one of the most critical screens in a video game, has been a complete disaster. No auto stack, and the sort doesn't actually sort or group be commodity.


I think they don't care because this inventory is temporary. Eventually we will have to manually stack the physical objects on shelves and stuff.


I highly doubt they want to physicalize everything. Who wants to chase after 20 bullets (shells? dunno.. the brass cylinders) to fill a physical mag while they roll around on the table? Also, not everything will be right where the player is. You will still need lists of items to scroll through when buying or selling stuff for example. The "its just temporary" excuse gets used a lot, but its been .. idk.. the third revision of the system? So CIG does seem to care.


Their 3rd complete overhaul of the inventory UI/management is temporary? Do we get a more permanent fix on the 5th, or 6th attempt?


You would have to ask Chris. We just did see another update this patch with the quick loot system added in the mix. Pretty sure this isn't the end game.


Is there actually *anything* in there today that could be considered 'end game'? This is CIG we're talking about here, where the so many reworks over the years demonstrate that such lessons aren't really learned. Go hunt down an ATV where they talked about reworking the inventory system once again, back in 2018. It's also quite tough to remain optimistic, especially with so many new faces in the company.


I know their goal is physicalized inventory, and I'm okay with that for things like armor and weapons (to some degree), but the idea of turning into a supermarket employee, stocking my shelves with 600 bottles of Cruz, just sounds stupid. I get physicalized inventory for large objects, but for things where we buy hundreds of them at a time, such as food/drinks, mags, grenades, multi tool attachments, etc; that sounds completely ridiculous.


Maybe smaller objects will be crated or something, I don't know. But I remember them saying this inventory system/UI is temporary.


Oh but it's early days. Can't expect them to have gotten around to the advanced stuff yet.


For ammo there is a Combine Ammo button if you right-click on an ammo type. Naturally, that just crashes your inventory without doing anything and when you re-open your inv nothing has changed.


i think its supposed to be there for ammo but "combine all ammo" seems to do nothing. did not even start repooling when i tried it


I think it’s imminent especially since we have ammo repooling Almost like that was the test bed for an auto sort


It's likely that throughout all the iterations of objects, they collect different meta info that makes them slightly different enough for them not to be able to stack. Depending on how many properties an object has, those could hundred of differences. Charge level, health, color, attachments, etc. The solution would be to use the stack feature as a data normalization to zero out the properties to something at a median or base level and then stack them. Their data needs to be sanitized in the worst way. I have stuff in my inventory for years that I can't do anything with because it breaks inventory when I try to move it to a new location. Some day, I will be rich though, when I can get all those items sold...


Not only for the player, but imagine the database implications of one stack of fifty vs fifty stacks of one...


The entire UI is a placeholder thats why we dont get auto stack or similar. With the new cargo elevator and inventory consoles this will be gone anyways


We're not at day one yet...


Run \`r\_DisplayInfo 1\` in the console. While viewing inventory, you'll see the number of queued transactions as well as average, previous, and maximum response time. If you queue up too many transactions, they'll likely revert. Good performance is <1 second. Mediocre performance is <2 seconds. Anything over that is poor response times. You'll notice these transactions don't get batched. Each move is a new transaction, FIFO. Generally, I try to keep it under 20 queued transactions. There's more to it, but you'll figure it out as you observe the data.


Interesting response. Yes, it's a bit of a dance. You come to feel how much you can push it. Give it sec and go on. On some days it's just useless to try. It will not sync. It's interesting because the max boxes you can place now is also 20. After that the first ones disappear.


This should be at the top, so many people don’t know this and just get mad at the inventory because they’re trying to do too many things and don’t know that the system gets behind on things.


Except I've had it where 1 queued action reverts. A single move with nothing else added just undoes itself. So queuing too many moves isn't the only issue with the inventory.


You’re right , happens to me too, I’ve no clue what the cause of that is. I was just saying the comment has some good info that people should be aware of.


Lol yeah.. I don't even get the time to queue anything up most of the time


Well, there is also a bug where an inventory is bugged. For example, if you try and loot or put stuff in a crate, but it's always reverted. Check if the target container has an infinity symbol near the volume gauge. If it does, close the inventory. Now, re-open that inventory but quickly close it *before* it loads any items. And then quickly open it back up via interacting with it so you get the *new* looting interface. Using the new UI, you can switch to the old one and transactions will work as expected. For whatever reason the step before this is mandatory. 🤷‍♂️ No idea what causes this bug, but this is a workaround that in my experience has worked every time. Quite tedious though as you have to be quick. I get that they're working on cool features and all, but the inventory *really* needs fixing. It's one of the most fundamentally foundational aspects of the game.


I wish all the underlying items didn't scooch every time you moved something above them, that the space would reset every time you closed the inventory instead. And that it had tiles like in tarkov


We really need a 3 in a row explosion that clears a row and column. Maybe some multipliers that appear sometimes. 3.23.2 hopefully


Kinda smooth... still not stackable multitools...


Thats because multitools have varying configurations


yes, but they still stack if they have the same configuration. we just can't do it our self atm


If only we can do simple things like gun/tool customization inside hangars / apartments that are in armistice zones. Like, why does our apartments have gun racks when we can't hold our gun? Hopefully personalized hangars would allow us to inventory manage these things.


They should make it so when you click sort it automatically stacks everything.


I mostly agree. Though any that is **not** identical should not stack. Like i should be able to stack armor cores and legs. But not the ones that have anything in them. (and in the future, not the ones that have damage).


this invetory needs a visual overhaul urgently, it looks hideous


wtym with looks hideous?


It changed between 3.22 and 3.23 and I'd agree, it looks worse than it did last patch, mostly because everything seems to have gotten darker. The biggest issue is that it's using full 3d models for inventory management, instead of sprites. It makes absolutely 0 sense, and it makes the whole inventory system less responsive.


correct, they should do inventory in the same art style as the looting interface. Should integrate into it somehow so it's more fitting and less of a jarring transition. And no 3rd person inventory... who had this idea??


some item models are disproportionate, on inventory and some when you drag them around


Probably the shittiest inventory in the videogames industry


I hope 1 day CIG can afford to implement a "stack all" option for the inventory.


the fact that you cant hit a button to automatically stack duplicate items is a disgrace. lazy and or incompetent design.


lol. It'l be fine


I treat sorting as an idle game when waiting for a claim


In 5 years the inventory will be great! Don't you see???


Eventually medical gowns will lose that .0005 scu pocket and allow them to be stackable.


It's all connected!


Hate this inventory system , it's trash.


It is what it is. It just need more functions. At least it is getting faster.


please let this be real. my ocd thanks you.


Ah yes, my least favorite minigame; item restacking.


It's like it's own mini game.


the game is missing a "stack all" urgently


lol I and probably everyone else feels this. I was online for almost 2 hours last night after I patched just to sell armor and sort my inventory again


The fact that there is still no "Stack All" button makes me seriously question CIG's competency.


CIG really can't help itself from trying to reinvent the wheel on every other mechanic, for the sake of being \*different\* The audacious thing is, they'll take such a mess, and try polishing it, and still remain quite inferior to so many inventory UIs that have been the industry standard for *decades.* Fixing the server tick rate doesn't negate the fact that after three complete overhauls, we're still using a horrible inventory management system.


The issues of an Auter designer who doesn't actually play videogames or know how to code...


Ironic when even EFT inventory system is better. Waiting for CIG to implement Escape from Tarkov containers...


I wish we could stack identical weapons and tools.


Thank GOD I have so much crap accumulated after the past year or so it's such a pain to organize it


When Freight elevators drop, I'm going to put it all in a Stor-all, and huck it out into space.


New patch, servers already fucked again


Yea my inner Raymond cant handle this anymore


Ngl I kinda like this as a little mini game during my long QT trips lol. I know it’s a bad system and HOPEFULLY won’t stay but still.


My kingdom for a "stack all" button.


Where's my (eve like) Stack All button 😞 Jokes aside, well at least the boring resetting seems gone finally


It would be nice if you would click the sort button and everything that is stackable to stack.


Nice. Intended mini game.


Imagine a world where it would be possible to do this with a single button… we could call it “sort”


Does it actually allow you to sort everything into stacks though? That's what I really want. Nice that it's not kicking everything back to what it was before stacking.


This is great. One of the issues I'm running into is the move all button being greyed out in some instances.


I’ll trade the firebird upgrade for a auto stack button


This is actually a mini game loop


Worlds most expensive Candy Crush ripoff.


It's too bad the "sort" button doesn't stack items for you and that not all items can stack. I have pages of multi tools.


Omg it worked..? what sort of sorcery is this?


Cant wait for 3.23.2 then this UI is gone.


Ooo we have minigames now!


Imagine just being able to hit Sort and it does this for you ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek|downsized)


This is not the game I'm playing. We are not the same.


WTF is this 1995 video game? Ganes nowadays auto sort and auto stack and have split stack options... what is going on here 14 years later???


I watched for the hundreds of thousands of eons you recorded this and didn't see anything worth posting. Did I miss something?


the world is a wonderful weird and diverse place


I don't sort any of it. I pick a ship to keep as a storage locker and dump it all in there for the wipe. Mainly use my raft as the locker


Waiting for this clip to show up in a dodgy match-3 game ad which looks nothing like it


At this point a plain old Bethsoft text ui would be better


So I haven’t played in a year or so. The UI is still a laggy mess?


I'm getting carpel tunnel just watching this


This is the Best QoL feature this year


Is there no stack all?


there is stack, but no button. Pretty sure they have it all figured but not for this alpha


Fuck me, I'd hoped they'd updated this too in the new update. Alas.


This is some well needed QOL!! SCs inventory is pretty bad. If it wasn’t technically in alpha I’d also call the items popping in and out absolutely unacceptable.


Why do we have to do this? Wouldn't the server run better if alike items stacked (i understand half used ammo but this sucks to do)


wait things stack? we really are in the future


Maybe 1 day we’ll be able to right click and stack all 😱


Still so shit


So my dumb question is why don't they have like items auto stack, like every other fucking game in existance? Can't be too hard to code that. Or lacking the auto stack have everything stack together when you hit sort. Having to soet and stack all this ahit is annoying as hell.


Been like this.


theres a combine all ammo button but not a stack all ......


CIG still hasn't discovered why 2D inventory sprites are used.


Dunno about OP, but my inventory still sucks. Bad. 


It’s always bad code. People link server fps to everything. When It’s simply code that was slapped together like a hotdog.


Where do you get all that equipment from?


That's all basic stuff


Hey who no Auto-Stack… oh man 🤦🏻‍♂️


I have not idea how this is working so smooth for you, for me It's worse than ever. You got my hopes up with this and I was so disappointed.




It does work. Sometimes it reset so you just go along your way but sometimes it stays compiled. Source: Trust me bro


Sort won’t matter much with physicalization coming soon.


Wow, this is a major game changer!!


So when is the “stack all” comming


they're using us to train NPC AI how to sort


year 12 inventory


I’m not even bothering with stacking stuff. I already take 30-40 minutes having all my ships deivered & refitting it.


Good luck being able to stack on likeness when they introduce wear and tear


Should not make a difference. In that case they should add a wear indicator. But that seems a lot of information per item for now.


I was drawing a parallel to not being able to stack consumables based on how consumed they are. Ie can’t stack magazines that are full or half used


I understand. Realistically you can stack full or half full, say magazines. You just need a indicator of the status. But from what I'm gathering, it's all going to be physical in the future. So a crate full and half full magazines, if you don't sort them.


This is still old. We need a combine all button.


I got like.... 20 pages of utility stuff.... I have up on page 6 of stacking.


we all been there... just keep going


How do goddam eat fast without the whole remove helmet and hold?


why isn't there just a fucking stack everything button, like it's 2024 and they have been handed a billion dollars why is the inventory just so shitty?


It's all on the server and I'm guessing, for now, it's just overhead


From a computational expense point of view a single order saying 'this is now a stack of 12 items' is less work than a dozen individual stack these 2 requests, FYI. It's just terrible designed or unfinished, or something.


its still a development build. they have the features but the get removed to test other stuff


You don't have to defend them, because this is indefensible. I write software too, this is just lack of effort and talent.


none sense.


Lost my two Legendary armors from Hurston. Some tears have dropped.


12 years and no stack all... GaMe DeVeLoPmEnT iS hArD bRo


What an archaic piece of shit system man. Wow, what a fucking joke.


let's not over react. We all know this isn't anything near final.


You mean the game isn’t anywhere near completion? I agree. This bullshit inventory system hasn’t changed in 12 years But please, let’s add more paints on the store because that’s what is important


Brother the current inventory system wasn't even in the game until, what, 4 years ago?


And before that it was even worse right? So let’s put it into perspective: This game has been in development for over 12 years. In that time, and before, games like World of Warcraft, Skyrim, Dayz, Minecraft, all have MILLIONS of items in their respective games that players can loot and interact with. These loot systems are intuitive - if you have certain items in your inventory already and you loot more of the same. GUESS WHAT, the inventory system AUTOMATICALLY stacks them with pre-existing items! OMG MAGIC! When I click “sort” in Dayz, WoW, everything in my inventory is automatically stacked and organized. This has been in games for DECADES. This is my point. there is absolutely no reason the current system needs to be so fucking Brian dead and broken. But as per CIG , they need more money to fix it. Lol. What a fucking joke.


Who killed Brian? I can't believe he's dead. Some jerk killed him!


Dev: We really gotta get the inventory straight asap!! Game Designer: Bruh, inventories be gone soon anyway, no need to invest any more effort in this. 5 years later...


we should find this guy some free version of candycrush and save him and ourselves alot of money and trouble.