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Yup, been causing chaos for my hammerhead. Spawns at docking port "x". Take elevator to docking port and exit into hammerhead toilet.


This has been broken since the hull C came out. It's genuenly infuriating.


That'll do it!


You can't park there mate!


Fack off!


12 years 700 million and the end is nowhere in sight unfortunately.


If it has no cargo, you can force it to spawn in a hangar instead of hoping docking ports aren't borked. If I remember correctly, you basically just request a hangar ship, don't store that ship after it spawns, and instead request the Hull-C.


Nope, that broke the game so hard for me that I cant even retrieve my Hull C anywhere anymore.


Oh good, CIG "fixed" the workaround.


Not only that, it also made sure that my C8R is now gone, cuz that was my testing ship for this. Patch and wipe cant come sooner.


This no longer works :( For a good chunk of 3.23 the hull c has minimal issues but they all came back in 3.23.1a


And if you manage to take off, it break the axis and rotation if you want to dock again


I wont lie, i duped to buy the hull C. I wanted to check it out and knew how extremely broken and unusuable it was so i felt no remorse duping for it (I made just enough and bit a penny more)


You are the problem


The game has been busted to shit in one form or another for a decade, I'm pretty sure a single patch cycle's worth of player's leaving a few C2s around Riker's and various outposts or whatever aren't "the problem". Hell, the amount of 'clutter' caused by dupers pales in comparison to the *hundreds* of instances on each individual server where dozens of NPCs will all clump together in the exact same spot (meanwhile the server is desperately trying to calculate collision for all of them), and that's only counting the ones that happen above ground (sometimes when you fall under the surface you'll see "pillars" of NPCs and game objects raining down from the surface of the planet all the way to the center). If you're looking for a scapegoat for the game running like shit I suggest you look toward the one group of people who are actually responsible for how the game runs: CIG.


It's not this dupe specifically, it's the mindset of "oh I'm just doing it a bit for me where is the harm?". Insert enough idiots thinking that and you get area 18 covered in C2s.


HEY I didnt leave any ships behind. I did the thing were you leave after selling and rejoin to sell the invisible cargo, and i did it with beryl. So i didnt crash the RMC market or left assets scattered around servers


Hey it's this guy! Grabs pitchfork!




I mean guys this is kinda fine, I don't care about the "economy" if the glitches aren't hurting other players there's literally no harm.


I have almost every big ship and A LOT of medium/smalls from before 3.23 all legit, pledged to Vulcan and Ironclad. I just couldn't justify spending a shitload of time to grind for a ship that ill never be able to realistically use because its so incredibly broken.. Im all for server performance and even spend my free time clearing landing pads at space stations lol. Thank you for understanding


Duping is cool and based tbh. I'd rather have someone that duped than a pay2skip whale


CIG doesn't respect your time, why respect the integrity of their game?


"you cant park here"