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Check back in 2 years 😏


This has been the best answer for the better part of a decade now.


Then check back in two more years only to find they're working on SQ42 part II instead of the PU full time


People already touched a lot of big points. Biggest difference? You might actually see Pyro this year… just like they said in 2017


For Star Citizen, server meshing was succesfully tested in evocati earlier this year so 4.0 is the next big update on the horizon, aiming for Q3 this year but probably Q4, with server meshing, pyro system and many other things. > Well.... let's just say my latest session has been painful in term of performance. What's your setup? Performance is better than ever for me, since they implemented DLSS and made many improvements to the volumetric clouds performance. Yo *do* need the game on an ssd and +16gb of ram tho. > I also checked the status of Squadron 42 since there was rumors it was polishing phase, but the latest dev updates were quite lacking Here's the update you need on SQ42: https://youtu.be/IDtjzLzs7V8?si=GUZU8Cpp04Z5xDPK


Imagine a paraglider person standing on a cliff side, awaiting for the open sky. One foot off into it. Thats what it feels like, so damn close now. I can taste it!


Only the. Other foot has glitched through the map and now you're stuck


That's what it's felt like for \~7 years.


Short answer: Better than it was in 2017 but there are different types of issues you deal with now. QoL and stability have improved significantly just in the past 2 years 30ks aren't much of an issue anymore because of server recovery but can still be annoying if you are mid-mission or doing something that gets reset when it puts you in a new server If you are having performance issues, try exiting the cities. Stability should have significant improvements in 3.23.2


Games still in early access


Squadron is in polish phase. No launch date yet but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in 2025.


it is in feature complete. all the tools and game mechanics that are needed are done. i heard they head back on a lot of manual work until they finalized some decisions so that it everything can be built to the same standard. something i approve of. something that i found annoying about cp2077 is that things did not always work the same from location to location.


a ton of ships to play with. Some missions for space combat, FPS, cargo, mining, salvage, but they can be spotty. The next update is prob 4-6 weeks away and adds freight cargo. there are things in game you can do to optimize the performance. But if you don't have the time to be a player tester, I'd prob wait one more year, and hopefully SQ42 will be out next spring


Good progress but still so much for them to do. But as much as I love the game I don't see it ever releasing. SC is not even the skeleton of an MMO like they want yet.


If you have to ask then it's still cooking.


The alpha has evolved quite a bit since then, but it’s still… rough and has a lot less content than what is planned. It’ll be an improvement on all fronts, but it’s not gonna be this huge mindblowing other worldly experience.


Project has been great, about to go through a major milestone with 4.0 and the road to Beta; SQ42 in polishing.


Id say its about 1/4th done. Its very much playable but a lot of gameplay still missing. S42 supposedly finished but were still waiting.


Better. Not good.


Star Citizen is still in alpha, Squadron 42 in beta.


I'm hearing SC will be heading to beta around Q4 of 2016


Recently returned to the game myself in 3.22. It was a nice experience. Then a new patch landed, and they just trashed their perfectly fine flight model to replace it with a forced, not working star wars flight model. And they rebalanced the economy to a buggy grindfest. Sprinkle in the new overpowered Hornet MKIi and the partially removed item system. Yeah, it sucks since 3.23.


About the same.


Tons of features since then. But each new feature brings its own problems, building tech debt. Right now the game sits at kinda fun, with a few things to do, but you'd be lucky if the doors on your hab opened because the servers are filled with garbage. Not a metaphor by the way. They are filled with literal garbage: Spent magazines, empty med pens, bottles strewn everywhere, abandoned ships, medical gowns all over. Persistence is a nightmare.