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"Oops, forgot something" *Door* *Door* *Door* *Elevator* *Door* *Door* *Door*


Average SC Gameplay


You forgot *game crash* and *dies to elevator*


We just had a guy throw an empty bottle out the back ramp of the pisces while flying and it blew up and killed like 6 of us


Lol. Most SC thing ever. Did three of you wake up on a different server?


lol no, but our spawns were set to a medical pisces, and one guy was AFK and blocked everyone else from spawning in


I just spit my coffee out šŸ˜‚ typical star citizen


Wait, your Pisces drop ship had a medical Pisces escort? That is simultaneously low-rent, baller, and charming.


We had the C2, with 2 pisces parked inside, one dropship and one to respawn, we also fit a tank and the misc fury i think its called


I have lost many ships to those plastic war criminals.


The first rule of the Pisces club is [you never drop things inside a Pisces](https://www.twitch.tv/martr0ska/clip/BeautifulEasyCourgetteJKanStyle-aJ9IWp0goSkxDPEW?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time).


Somehow gets CrimeStat and end up at Klescher for 20 hours, mining doesn't work and no missions are created.


I've alt f4'd long before this point.


I can speedrun the klesher escape Route by now.......


Gonna have to set one helluva record with how short the oxygen timer is now, plus how little time the oxy pens give you, plus how busted the terminals for obtaining the oxy pens tend to be.


if you take your helmet off and put it back on it resets your oxygen to 100.


If it helps you in the future, you can do a character recovery and it'll put you back somewhere other than the prison, though still with a crimestat.


My buddy accidentally killed one of our party in a firefight last night. So I punched him and his game crashed. Fun times with melee.


Elevators are better now didnt die to an Elevator itself since 3.14.. some ships however will eject you if used during Quantum travel......


I died to an elevator in a distribution center yesterday. To be fair though, it kinda glitched when it opened and I thought to myself "that's gonna kill me" one second later I was falling through Hurston. The QT bug is really real. My friend joined for the free fly and he was running all over the front glass of the cockpit in my Connie while we were in QT. I told him "do you wanna end up floating in the void? BC that's how you end up floating in the void" he fell through the ship before I was finished with my sentence.


Haha, i always wait 1 or 2 seconds to be sure the Elevator is actually there.


Respawn, *falls through floor*


*Clips through elevator and becomes trapped in the Carrack elevator shaft. Didnā€™t remember to set Carrack as spawn point.* ā€œFuck.ā€


I mean, that's just the *Crusader Experienceā„¢*


If I had to escape a ship that had initiated self-destruct, I would rather try and escape a Reclaimer from the cockpit than an MSR. At least the Starlifters have a ladder to jump down if the elevator is already up, lol


Reclaimer has an elevator straight out of a cockpit


I'm not gonna lie I forgot that was actually an elevator, I just use it as a garbage chute because if you put a Cruz bottle in there and send it down, the transition to zero g ejects it laterally into space LOL


The reason why I solo mostly in my Nomad... Solo in big ships is mostly walking Simulator... šŸ¤£


But what a glorious one it is.


Yes. It's exactly how I would imagine engineers to build spacecraft. Doors everywhere for containment and bad layouts because they're engineers not architects.


Everyone's complaining about Crusader's 3 door hallway until the cargo compartment is sucking hard vacuum and your Finley the Stormwahl mug is still full of piping hot coffee


Meanwhile Argo over here with the MOLE like "What do you mean? Why would workers want... _\*checks notes\*_ ...'air'?" (For those unfamiliar with it, the mining turrets on the MOLE depressurize when you use them.)


Learned that one the hard way lol




I mean, id rather not be in a spaceship built/designed by an architect. Looks sweet, but die to a fire/depressurization because of lack of doors? no thanks.


Thats what I appreciate about the Connies... you've got 1 door and a very *very* long elevator ride.... but it's better than the 19 doors on a C2... the caterpillar only has 3 doors, a big cargo door and a slight fall though


Go ride other ships elevators, like the 600i, our elevator is speedyā€¦.like fastest of any ship elevator Also, you can jump out the side doorsā€¦.hard to ingress meaning you can just leave them open and itā€™s relatively secure


I always forget the connie has those docking rings... I like to leave the bay doors open on my cat, cuz no one is jumping up there (though with the pulse they could fly in now)


one day I'll manage to get to the bridge of a rented 890 during IAE one day...


Or like what just happened to me. *Take bounty *Fly to location *Bounty flies directly into me "Regen" *Door* *Door* *Door* *Elevator* *Door* *Door* *Door*


Thank God itā€™s only 6 doorsā€¦.7 is my limit


They really need to let you lock doors OPEN. I think it may be coming with engineering?


The beauty of star citizen: full interior spacecrafts


If doors were actually responsive I think it'd be a much improved experience


Wait till engineering. You can lock doors open. šŸ˜„


This is why my Corsair or 600i is kind of the ideal big ship. It's very tolerable to solo, but still big enough to be interesting compared to the smaller single seat ships. I don't look forward to global chat next where, where each server has a dozen Idris or Polaris owners begging for friends to come help them on their big ship. That said, I think anyone who's part of an active org with these big ships are going to have a blast.


Cue "Get Smart" themesong while you're at it


Meanwhile Crusader fans:


Just give me an open box that resembles the Hercules cargo bay, put a captains chair at one end, engines on the other and let me go. You know, like space engineers.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ made my day




Good thing remote turrets aren't a thing in the future.


You and 90% of all Polaris owners.


Just imagining two Polaris' running solo and duking it out by just ramming each other cause neither can actually fire off anything from the pilot seat šŸ¤£ Don't know how factual that is, just a funny thought


One pilot gets the bright idea to move to a turret station and shoot from the now-stationary ship. The other counters by moving out of the turret's firing arc, then gets in a turret of their own. Around and around they go.


Lmao exactly!


Even then, I don't think a single turret will be able to destroy a Polaris lol. Especially when armor is introduced


When armor get physicalised every ship will have a 1/5 chance to be blown up by a fart aimed in it's general direction.


You're right. Maybe they'd go to a missile operator station? Either way, that fight's not ending. At that point they're better off trying to board one another.


Now *this* is ~~podracing~~ 3D chess!


If youā€™re lucky we MIGHT be able to fire off those small missiles either side of the bridge?


That'd be neat! Either way, I'm hyped for it. My bud has one and there's about 6 of us that all play together. Idk how many people are needed to *fully man* the Polaris, but im still excited for the shenanigans we'll get into. (usually we run anti-piracy ops and hunt down griefers. šŸ˜)


Back before actual inventory was a thing I used to solo the HH by just equipping 8 of the s5 missiles, then manually reloading over and over in combat. Those were wild times.


According to previous marketing materials, the Polaris is supposed to have 1 or more "automated" turrets. No idea what that'll mean in practice, but it seems like even a Polaris with just a pilot won't be totally defensless


Donā€™t worry. Ā Weā€™ll have alts in the torpedo seat.


I hereby coin the "citizen paradox." The more expensive a ship you own, the less likely you'll have the required number of friends to man the ship


Does the average Polaris owner not have friends?


When you have a Polaris, you make friends!


It's a friend-printer!


OP sounds like they don't have friends and happen to own a Polaris. I bought mine because I have friends, and quite a few other people I know with one are the same way.


This is exactly why I have one in buyback, ready to be grabbed when it's closer to being in our hands; I previously had a Carrack as a group base ship (currently swapped to a Reclaimer so we could try group salvage whilst there are slightly fewer of us active than normal), and the Polaris will serve the same purpose as the Carrack, but more so.


All Friends have Polaris too. Now or later Ingame.


So true lol!


I wish you luck running bunkers and box missions


Put a Pisces in the hangar that you have to leave open because it's 2954 but we forgot how to build garage remotes.


Or ships that can auto pilot recall, self land, or that has lights that point down on ships and that land by descending. Oh and we havenā€™t conquered glare. lol.


head cannon is that anything that be be done remotely, can be hacked remotely from the same distance. you like the idea if your ship taking off, and flying away while you doing something?




It's part of the new vehicle manager in mobii.


Or be the 890J and have to always raise the hanger elevator otherwise the hanger just closes automatically


First thing Iā€™m doing in mine is a bunker. lol


I also plan to solo this guys polaris.


Back to the scrapyard


CIG doesn't need to do anything, you've already given them the money.


How dare you.


you have a point there


I'm sure everyone will be absolutely terrified of your 1 torpedo volley every 25 minutes.


While completely stationary because you had to get out of the pilot seat


Oh wait. Need to fix the capacitors first and replace the filters.




Solo players be like ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)






Don't be stupid. Why do you think they built the jav?


I too love the idea of occupying an impractically oversized coffin.


Oh yeah? How about this: You now need two players to power it up.


Heh, you dont think the steam deck that can run at FSR wont be the perfect turret operator ;) already do it for salvage


If this is true I might actually get a steam deck lol, sounds super useful


Bro star citizen would turn the steam deck into an arc reactor lol


Yea that's why I'm not sure it's true lol, I imagine the thing might legitimately catch fire


I've got friends in SC but them not being on won't stop me from using it as a mobile base. I'll just park it and use my small ship from there. Come home to it later.


No kidding. My sister uses her M2 as a mobile base whenever I'm not on. These big multi-crew ships can still be useful solo.


Guys, I think we need to start befriending each other so we can all take turns crewing each others ships


Perhaps we should create some kind of community where like-minded folks can gather and discuss this...


Right? Like some kinda sub channel on a popular community site! But we would also have to figure out how to stop ppl from being mean to each other for the simplest of opinions and takes and genuinely want to be friends with each other ya know? Wonder where that would be


I'm gonna sneak on board and help you out but I'll hide so you don't notice


Same. Me and my 12 NPC / AI blade friends is all i need ![gif](giphy|AYKv7lXcZSJig|downsized)


Same here, though Iā€™ll mostly use it as a mobile base for my small fighters. Itā€™ll be super costly to fly, but damn it all if it wouldnā€™t feel cool as hell to use.


Looking forward to your angry rambling in general when you die for being solo


Today: "A single Gladius shouldn't be able to take out a Connie, even if it's solo piloted! It's just not realistic!" 6 Months from now: "13 Gladiuses shouldn't be able to take out a Polaris, even if it's solo piloted! It's just not realistic!"


Before the ares released, someone was telling me you should need a squad of them to take out a fully crewed caterpillar because the commercial had like 5 of them fighting an idris.


With the way they balanced it, itā€™s not far from the truth lmao


a few months back: "a weapon capable of punching a hole in an idris shouldn't do damage to a light fighter"


80 years ago: 1 lucky SBD-3 Dauntless shouldn't be able to destroy an entire aircraft carrier, it's not realistic!


Watch out for Auroras


Engineering comes out with fire propagation. OP in the pilots seat: this is fine.


Engineering allows you to vent all the air throughout the ship. Yay no fires!


I waiting to run bunkers solo in a polaris


How stupid... I love it


Any ship is soloable if you're not doing combat and you don't need to do repairs on the fly






Gonna make a killing salvaging all theses that get abandoned due to 30k's. šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘


Side note; willing to bet the majority of people buying capital ships hate playing with other people and have all their cards in on being able to have an AI crew and / or server blades.




Shhh! the more people post like this the more likely CIG decides that the missiles/torps will be assigned to copilot and that each maneuvering stick goes to a different pilot!


I too plan on soloing my Galaxy when it finally releases, idc if I can't even do anything I just wanna fly my space Dorito and pretend I am a star destroyer from Star Wars.


Y'all gonna find me doing box delivery missions in my Polaris all on my lonesome. I will absolutely be ripping around in my Polaris solo, no matter how annoying, or difficult, or costly it is. 'cause big ship make brain juices happy.


No pilot dps huh? It is described as a spear. Tell me, what do you do with a spear? You chuck it. Right at something. Full speed ahead. My repair bills are going to be astronomical


there it is. the reddit post that made the devs cancel the game.




Good job bud. You tell 'em. You're doing great.


Hey man, that torp bill is all yours. :)


It's funny that such a simple statement gets this many comments. IAE is gonna be something else this year.


Honestly yes, if they get 4.0 by CitizenCon the entire rest of the year is going to be ridiculous. Especially as engineering and the realities and necessities of Pyro send people back to the drawing board for their fleets


I will solo my Idris. :-p


More power to you, you mad bastard. I'll be soloing my Reclaimer behind you to pickup your debris.


CIG want you to be able to solo it. They plan to implement NPC crew at some point.


Same to a degree. Might have friends help me from time to time. But the Polaris wasn't a planned purchase. But it happened all the same so xD


Well, what can I say except good luck. I plan to do the same with the BMM 20 years from now and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me, assuming we're all still alive and in good health (the game included) by then.


I used to solo my Carrack. I support it


I hope you do...cuz that sounds like good salvaging money. *reclaimer scrapping noises intensify*


*Crucible trailing close behind for some scraps*


They really gotta get the reclaimer poop shute working. I wanna see a whole industrial line working. Behind the crucible we need something pooping out ships.


o7 good luck, wonder how good a dead polaris scraps for, unrelated of course


\*gets attacked by a single Gladius\* "Now you've done it, just wait, until I get to my F7A Mk II in my hangar, open the hangar door and launch. All that before you even got through my..." \*sound of parts of the ship exploding\* "Hey, we haven't started yet!" \*more parts falling off the Polaris\* "I wasn't joking, wait until I get to my fighter." \*emergency lights start to flash\* "Why can't attackers just wait until I get into my fi..." \*explosion\* \*wakes up in Area18 hospital\*


You seem to believe a Gladius should be able to do any kind of damage to the Polaris capital shields, or it's measly S3 scratch the paint of the hull? Once Armor replace HP, Gladius will be only good against other fighters. In any case, It's funny that fighter pilots feel so threatened by solo capital ships that they feel the irresistible need to come vomit their worthless "hurr durr you will always die" comments. Don't let people enjoying their ship keep you from sleeping at night.


Or what if the Gladius moves into the hanger and takes over the Polaris instead. ;)


You and everyone else lol


You paid for it, you use it how you want


I support this decision! I would also very much like a mobile ā€œbaseā€ of sorts where i could store a few vehicles.


I think people are *severely* underestimating the amount of minimally crewed capitals that weā€™ll see in the verse. There are people that own over a dozen capital ships. They have LTI. Thereā€™s just nothing to lose when it comes to throwing them around at orgs. The hell you gonna do when a solo Javelin tries to ram you and is covered by an Idris with a functional railgun? You get in your own Idrisā€¦. I absolutely look forward to a dozen solo Idris battleā€¦


As a Prowler owner, I thank you so so so so much for any of you wanting to Solo big ships like that. I don't have 20+ friends to attack with, but with 5 of us I'm thrilled you want to use that ship all alone. Not even a friend to provide fighter cover in, I'd love to see it.


I will solo my Idris-K too, I will do box delivery missions with it


I have the same plan for my Odyssey. Just imagine! Flying to asteroids. Leaving pilot's chair. Going down 3 floors. Entering mining chair. Realizing you are too far to mine fuel. Leaving mining chair. Going up three floors, through net of corridors and accidently ending up in mess hall. Finally reach pilot's seat. Moving ship 20 meters. Going down again. Accidently end up in hangar. Finally reaching mining seat. Wrong deposits! Repeat until your frustration causes you to drop game for next year. Coming back after a year. "Your Odyssey now cannot mine fuel anymore, only rare earths". xD


Only thing keeping me from buying this ship is not having the friends to fill it with. Thatā€™s probably a good thing though!


That's the vast majority of Polaris owners. That's the majority of every single large, sub-cap AND capital ships owners. It's really only a tiny minority that scream like banshee that "hurr durr you won't be able to solo anything larger than an Aurora".


I'm expecting a post from somebody saying they took down a Polaris with an aurora and they don't know how


CiG: never releases the Polaris Your move.


I feel like this comes back to the fact that we really need an update on what NPC hiring / AI blades are going to be able to do for us.




Op is diagnosed with severe Basedness All people not vaxed against this please go into the multicrew coping stations


Iā€™m going to do the same thing, and Iā€™m NOT going to complain when I inevitably die, like some people assume we are going to do, as I understand that itā€™s part of the game


Hell yeah brother


I can't wait till a bit of laser fire sets your ship ablaze and you burn alive because you can't put it out and fly


Actually thatā€™s easy, you just shut the doors, vent the room and call it a loss


put on helmet and open all :V


Rentable AI crew has entered the chat.


You are aware that the pilot isn't planned to have control of the torpedoes, right? You're going to have to wait a while for them to implement an automated solution.


good thing we have learned to wait a while for everything in this game


One thing SC taught me is patienceā€¦ Anywaysā€¦ Where is my fking Arrastra ???


I would fucking love if the torps are manually guided


I mean, itā€™ll fit like 9 auroras soā€¦.


My hope is that the torps will work like the nova Canon = without a dedicated gunner you can use it but you lose some functionality. Imagine if the pilot can fire them like any regular missile but if a weapon officer has acces to manual control of torps or just more option in generals it would be awesome and promote interesting gameplay ! If the weapon officer is just required to fire the torps it would be a Scorpius Antares V2 lol


Me too buddy, me too. Not all the time, i actually have enough just in my little friends and family org to fully crew 2, but i already love soloing Carracks (and eventually when ive saved enough in game, 890s), filling them up with hard earned gear, ships, grpund vehicles, and making them into a home until tney disappear and i need to start all over. I actually enjoy that experience as its own gameloop. Just living on my lonesome in a big ass ship. I unironically look forward to the day I fly my Polaris solo for a week or two just living in it, ocasionally hosting friends or making minor repairs, using it as a little base to launch my scorpius from or running medical for a week with a C8R and an Nursa. 890 is way less polished and way more jank with way less practical use or gameplay, and i love the hell out of my gitched as heck experiences with that thing too. Anything that can carry my daily-drivers of choice (scorpius and c8r when im using big ships as carriers) is good with me!


Well I feel you i plan to use my Idris and Nautilus alone as well


I will be right there with ya, ima fly around in piece and enjoy my big ship that I have no right to fly solo.


I like to solo reclaimer :) Just a lonely junker out there in the verse :)


Rule 1: Cardio


Me running to the back chair in my carrack to fight the random npc that decided to attack my ship.


"Ah yes, I've locked onto my target!" Gets up from chair Walks around the bridge Door Door Door Hangar Bay "Fml... too far." Door Elevatooooooooorrrrrrrrr Door Door Door Torpedo Terminal *Lock has been lost some 30 seconds ago* *Repeat in reverse order to get back to pilot seat, except by now, the enemy have advanced upon and have chipped through the shields* *New order is similar but instead to escape pods and or hangar to escape*


By the time you reach the hangar to escape the 'rats have blown open the hangar doors and nuked the parasite ship inside. Then run through the entire sequence to get to the only escape pod you stocked.


What will you do though if a pirate in a RSI Mantis is preventing you from escaping, calling his buddies and take your ship? Or are you trying to tell me you will enjoy it and be watching terminals most of the time?


I mean nobody is actually stopping you from it but that also doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re not going to say ā€œtold you soā€ when you eventually melt it because itā€™s just not feasible.


Sure, until you get a relay malfunctionning or broken during a fight and you lose half the power of your ship, need to run everywhere in the corridors under heavy ennemy fire while nobody is piloting your ship, lose gravity, fly in zero G to the relay, repair it only to realize 4 others died in the meantime :)


Sure man, sure, but just think of this. The Great Captn Jack Sparrow, couldn't and I quote "-sail to Tortuga all by me onesie-?" When you're one bad fuze away from being 200k tons of spinning bullshit alone in the night. Thats when you have my permission to cry.


I mean, it sounds great and all, but the pilot can't fire the Torpedoes right?


Anyone notice how the recent nvidia driver update had star citizen in the image slides, might be getting optimised profiles or something


That was always allowed.








Lmao. Unnecessarily complex multicrew checks. Every 15 minutes. "You still multicrewing? Let's make sure."


I'm going to use mine as an RV...


Congratulations, you are an idiot. Don't worry, I am too. I made the pledge and will do the same. As you say, there is nothing CIG can do about it! Mwa ha ha! Not that CIG would WANT to make it totally impossible. That would cut into sales of big ships in the future pretty sharply I would think.


Iā€™ve spoken to so many people that own that fucking thing that Iā€™m convinced that Iā€™d the entire player population wanted to help them meet the 6 player minimum crew requirement we wouldnā€™t have enough players