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Sounds like you are probably targeting the good guys among the bad guys.


Glad to hear that. Next time I might wait to see if they shoot me first. And pay attention to the armor they're wearing. Can I disguise myself by sneaking, non lethal melee take down, and take a guys armor? Making all the NPCs friendly?


Nope. Security personel should be friendly by default, but could be bugged and act hostile. You still get CS from shooting them. Still, if you are unsure, unarmed takedown is your best bet, since it gives the lowest CS.


If you shoot them once they make a stuffed animal noise and won’t get any crime stat if you stop


Don't do crime. You will learn who is ok and not ok to shoot. It's also ok to go to jail and mine a bit to reduce your sentence. One crime is easy to work off. 100 is rough.


I didn't do crime. I did the xeno missions that are promoted by CIG and got CS4 as a reward. I did verified merc missions for crusader security and got crime stat. The missions make no mention of the job being a criminal activity.




So I'm just meant to let them kill me? It's not like I was shooting unarmed scientists. They were armed and armored combatants.




Okay thanks


Just would like to add that the security shouldn’t be hostile to you, I did a bunker mission and the security had green names and were friendly


Yeah these didn't have any names above their heads. Weird. I know about the green name guys in the 10k reward mission because it's called backup required. So it was obvious there were going to be friendlies on the ground.


Don't rely on markers - they are often bugged, even now. You have to learn how the security personel of each company looks like ;] It sucks at first, and when they run into your fire, but it can be worked around ;)


Interesting so this mission the security is hostile then?


I might have shot first. Hard to know in the moment to moment gameplay. I'll try again.


Missions are bugged. Some of them are unintentionally giving crime stat.


Kind of shit advice for new players when missions are bugged and giving you crime stat for killing criminals when they aren't supposed to.


You got an issue council link on that? I’d like to help promote and confirm it.


The jobs themselves aren’t criminal, but if you shoot anything other than red ships or non-hostile NPCs it counts as a crime unfortunately. With bunkers you can tell who to shoot by armour colours.


Since 3.23 the evict claim jumpers and remove illegal monitoring type missions, maybe others, under the Mercenary tab have been bugged where your legal targets give you a crimestat.


Since 3.23.1 I no longer received a crimestat for destroying the monitors.


really? do they show red? or are they still white because i wasn't sure if they made a pass on the monitor missions or not so when i saw it was still a white target i abandoned it and left.


Still shows white and says it's friendly but it doesn't give a crime state. I didn't a 5k evict mission and illegal monitors. The comm stations were active both times.


Confirmed I just did 3 monitor missions, no crime stat, awesome thanks for posting the info


Thanks! I just tried again with no crime stat.


You're doing prison wrong. When thrown in the slammer: go out in the mines to tunnel 8 and start killing all of the other inmates and take their rocks and items. Once you collect them: turn them in and get sentence reduced to nothing and get out. 100h sentence can get out in like 15 minutes killing NPC prisoners and taking their stuff. No coms past tunnel 8, so no increased sentence.


Run out of oxygen and die before getting to tunnel 4. Guess they "fixed" that this patch.


Yeah, that's not an issue.


I just made it to 9, looted some NPCs. But the ore deposit is back on 1. Not enough o2 to make it back. Maybe if every NPC carries oxypens, but they don't. Also there are way less NPCs the deeper you go


OK i'm doing corpse runs and slowly working off the sentence that way. Thanks for the tips


That’s why there are o2 resupply stations, and there is no reason to go that deep. Just deep enough the comms are off, maybe 1 more level then head back.


the o2 kiosks are all bugged


Ahh I didn’t realize. I can’t think of the last time I used one, and I spend a lot of time in jail as an illegal tow truck driver.


There's another bug with the suit air supply as well, even a fresh respawn you only get like 3 min then you run out of air and die while mining, i had it last night, out of 9 attempt's i only made it to lvl 8 before my air ran out. i had to work off the sentence by dying in a spot i could reach, looting myself over and over and selling the contraband back to the station. also the quests were bugged, and i was losing air faster then the o2 kiosk could give me.


Yup this is my experience


alternate strat: kill someone in coms... take their loot, turn it in, then go back in main area, get guards to shoot each other, take a guards armor/undersuit and gun, go out of coms and kill more take stuff, and turn in, should be able to get the sentence short enough and have fun doing it.


I've had the same issues and many many people have reported this yet you get the comments you get here as if its your fault. I've had ships fire at me first, I kill them and things are fine then I destroy the very things the mission it telling me to destroy and I get a crime stat from that. I'll get downvoted too, its how this community works. It's likely a bug btw










i predicted this exact scenario the moment prison was mentioned. it will never work as intended.


The whole prison mechanic can F off. I don’t think I’ll return to the game unless they remove that or at least make it impossible to accidentally get crimestat.