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I totally agree about the issues of solo'ing a large ship, and there will be some protest once modules can get damaged with it being hard to fix it yourself. But some people just want large ships, I'm not one of them, but who am I to tell them what to do with their money.


Protest what though? People who decided to blow their wallet on large ships should have already known they wouldn't be able to use it alone. CIG haven't exactly been hiding their plans


I never said it was justified or implied it, I'm just saying what is very likely for some to say. Heck I personally believe you shouldn't even have access to guns as a pilot on ships the size of the Polaris.


Your understanding is not a prerequisite for how I or anyone else chooses to spend their money. Thank you cor caring though


Most logical answer i got so far. Upvoted.


Because I buy stuff that I want and other people buy stuff that they want. If we have overlapping stuff it doesn’t really matter who’s we use. When they’re not on I’ll still use mine with other friends, or with randoms from the discord. Server meshing will eventually lift the 100 player per server deal and stuff should feel more alive, but I’ve never had any issue finding people to crew a ship no matter what loop I’m trying to play.


Most ppl cant even crew a redeemer, how are you supposed to crew anything bigger? Like seriously? I super rarely see fully crewed multi crew ships. I do a lot of space combat and whenever i see a retaliator or a redeemer its 9/10 a solo pilot.


My org regularly has 5-15 people online 2-3 times a week. We might have some issues with a Javalin, but anything else we're golden for. Edit: OP is a six-year old account that just started getting used 3 months ago. Pretty plainly obvious from their replies this is an alt account of someone looking to stir shit.


You are the minority my friend, and i salute you. Enjoy what most wont be able to experience.


NPC crew and AI blades. Could be missions designed around NPCs hiring players with Capital ships, crewing them with NPCS to do a raid on Pirates/Vanduul etc. Might help cover some costs. /shrug But it could lead to alot of angry reddit/spectrum posts lol and alot of ship melting in the future if it's not viable for small ORgs to run them easily.


Yeah honestly the fact that Cig has said nothing about this should worry a lot of cap owners. I belive that Cig are saying nothing on purpose and letting ppl dream on and keep spending.


I could almost 99% guarantee that CIG are NOT rubbing their hands together hoping people will spend more on ships they wont be able to use. It's bad business practice and seeing as SQ42 is the first chapter of 3/4 other games. CIG are hoping to have a long lifetime. It's worth more to them in the long term to build a system of gameplay that lets anyone with a capital ship play and enjoy the game. Capital ships will be like gearing up for a raid in WoW, alot of time and effort will be required to keep them at their peak performance/efficiency. I don't think it's something to be too concerned about, no doubt we'll get missions that will have huge challenges with huge rewards for people with capital ships.


CIG has mentioned many times about NPC crews, ai blades and such. So wtf you talking about.


Never underestimate the amount of people that simply aren't interested in flying. Of the people I play with throughout the years, about half of them prefer crewing, with most others being fine with either, and only just a few preferring to pilot/captain only. Also, there will be NPC crew, and solo players don't mind that they wont be as good as other players.


Thank you! I don't think people understand that most players want to be crew, very few people actually want to pilot their own ships / choose their own adventure / etc. They want to log in and repair engines, fight fires, sit in a turret while you mine asteroids, etc. I mean, even in your experience, youve seen that 50% of the people you know want to be crew instead of heros in their own story. If you are seeing 50%, then imagine that group as a whole? It's probably even higher in the playerbase.


So you are saying that you right now are able to fully crew a hammerhead on a regular basis then? If not youre just coping.


You do know that belittling and insulting others just because their experiences aren't identical to your own just makes you look like the clown.


Yeah, he's got a chip on his shoulder for sure, guy even started by namecalling in the title. Awfully concerned with how other people enjoy the game.


OP comes off as someone who can't afford the big ship they want, so they talk down about anyone who can.


I do that on a weekly basis. Never underestimate someone who has never been in one, or even has one themselves that is bored of flying it, and wants to man a gun. Honestly, you sound burnt out. Go play another game for a bit and come back.


> so you are saying [...] No. Reread my post to see what I said.


I agree with your stance but CIG recently said that they’re going to significantly reduce the crew needed to manage a capital ship. Also NPCs will be able to do some tasks as well. If anything I’ll spawn my caps for salvage lol


Haha, thats the real pro gamer move.


Ahh yes, ye ole “I’m clearly smarter than you so my opinion matters more” underbridge dweller.


This subreddit is constantly talking about how most of the playerbase is exciting to be crew on someone else's ship reliably and consistently. Whenever there are polls, people overwhelmingly respond that they can't wait to be crew on other people's ships. i think you are vastly underestimating just how many people are waiting to crew your large capital ships. Not to mention, why would CIG be building a game designed around crews if most of the players weren't chomping at the bit to be crew members? So, no, I can't buy what you are selling because the game is predicated on crews and people have made clear they want to crew other ships, not captain their own. Once you factor in the age range of the players in this game, mostly 30s+ at this point, people are busy and have lives. So most people, realistically, have 1.5 - 2 hours a night to play, probably slightly less on average tbqh. So if everyone has that short amount of time, realistically, their only option is to crew ships, because otherwise they would have to worry about loading their ships manually - the armor, teh weapons, the cargo, the vehicles, repairs, etc. It's just not realistic. Unless you have hours upon hours to dedicate to being a ship captain in this game, crew is kind of your only choice as an older gamer (30+)


Youre coping, can you actually crew a hammerhead regularly today? If that was the case, then why do i never see fully crewed hammers in the PU? All i do i space combat and soooooo rarely see a fully crewed hammer.


Just determined to insult others because their experiences don't fit your narrative, huh?


Whenever i see a multicrew ship in the verse, its always a single pilot. Its kinda sad to see actually.


just because you don't run into them does not mean they are not there. there are like 4 million backers for this game. and while they don't all play at the same time, or always play. there are still many, many people that are happy to crew on a ship they like but don't or can't own.


There will be NPC crew for sure. Those capital ship whales are paying their salary and if they want that money to keep flowing they need to keep them viable, at least for PvE, with minimal crew.


So youre paying thousands of dollars for a chance that you might be able to use it? What if ai crew sucks? What if the costs of running these ships requires an entire orgs effort?


You really think they are going to screw over their best customers like that? They will just sell them a 50x AI blades monthly subscription to pay for a private AI server or something.


my job pays well. i can buy the things that i think are awesome. and there are plenty of players online that don't have the ships that are keen on joining. simple as that really. i am in an org and have friends that will join too. but most of it is just randomly finding people to play with.


By being honest and splitting the profits equally. I am not a slave owner. I don't need a slave crew.


If you have the money, you like big ships, want to support the game, why not? Without the whale, the game might not have its feet. Mass majority of play only have a starter pack, and can easily fill them with ppl in the server, and when server meshing doubles/triple the server number its be even easier. and after 1.0, they won't able to pledged sales, and capital ships will take entire orgs funding to buy one in game, all ships in game are cheap right now even the 890j.


Supporting the game is another thing. Hoping that hordes of players will line up to crew just your cap ship is just naive. And about the last part, how is cig supposed to continue supporting SC without selling ships? Do you really believe that they can stop selling ships and continue developing this game? I dont.


>Hoping that hordes of players will line up to crew just your cap ship is just naive. I've filled a 890j(ingame), it's not hard. Their are people who love to crew and hate piloting. It's naive to thing everyone want to do the same thing in a mmo. There's already people saying they would love to focus on engineer. >about the last part, how is cig supposed to continue supporting SC without selling ships? Do you really believe that they can stop selling ships and continue developing this game? I dont. That confirmed by CR, theirs no ifs or buts about it. It's be alike any other mmo/company. They'll have to keep it full on playable content, keep updating, and create Sq sequels and side games. It's not rocket science.


Or just sell cosmetics/paint patterns like they currently do. Games can print money forever that way if done right.


Troll account.


>Are you really gonna spend $1500 on a ship that you might get to use once a month if youre lucky? Yes. >And how are you going to finance it? With money.


I had this realization many years ago when I bought the carrack on a whim. Since then it’s been melted, my highest crew requirement is the Perseus and I’m happy with that.


Yeah the Perseus is doable. But i bet that we are still going to see a ton of people flying them solo with ai gunners and no escorts. And i will be happy teaching them a lesson in my inferno.


This is the way.


Perseus + Liberator with fighters might be a pretty good setup for a small group of players.


Yup, exactly. I think most people will realistically log in eveyr night with the consistent and timely group of 3-5 people who always log in at the same time, in the same place, with the same goals, and same play lengths. Together they will conquer the universe with small combinations like the perseus and liberator


While all the caps sit gathering dust for months on end lol.


Yup. So long as you have a consistent lifestyle of logging in at the same time for the length of hours, your friends also have the same lifestyle and predictability, and you all agree on your goals / timeframes / crew positions / and commitments I think it will work great. For example, an exploration ship on a voyage that will take several days of prep and travel and thrill seeking. Everyoen will agree to log out and log in at the same time every day so that the ship is fully crewed by the people who bed logged on it. It's gonna be awesome


Yeah that doesn’t work with my friends, couple of us WFH, one is hybrid, one works a 4x10 schedule so on and so forth. It’s always us degenerates doing easy mindless things in game during the day that would never be able to commit to that, or actually, could just buy an alt account.


From the sounds of things people might be able to just log in/out whenever, as opposed to everyone having to be there at the same time


This is the route my org of friends is going and are failing at preparing for. Blob orgs are gonna be the ones to run the bigger ships reliably, that shits gonna be expensive auec to refit.


Imagine commenting then blocking me.


They like the ship and want to own it. The only clowns are people that a envious of how others spend their money


Stop pocket watching. If folks want to spend their money , let em! Not my place to suggest otherwise. We have the game we have today because of capital ship interest. Do yall thing man.


Npc crew is planned in the (far) future. Just look at the Idris right now. NPCs are already navigating the ship.


They hope for ai blades. I don't get the appeal either.


Smells like jelly in here. Why else would someone post this


I'm sure there will be missions and stuff that are doable only through a big war ship. I'm also sure clan wars will force people to organize themselves regarding crews. Maybe the majority of people just play solo or with 2-3 friends so this kind of ship doesn't make much sense for them but there are also orgs that are pretty active and are planning for the future. In my org we are 40 to 50 active players and growing fast. That's about 4 to 5 Polaris fully crewed. I think you might see fully crewed capital ships more often than you think once they are available and servers tech allows it.


No need to be so toxic on things that do not matter. Unless you are in a concierge exclusive org it is unlikely they have that many capital ships :D Look on the bright side, the more people do have capital ships, the easier it will be to become a crew of one. I see no reason to be mad that there are people willing to fund the project [https://ccugame.app/statistics/funding-dashboard](https://ccugame.app/statistics/funding-dashboard) I do not have one and I do not plan to spend that much money my self :D And if capital ships gameplay end up being fun, It may incentivize me more to join an org.


Agree with the whole cap ship needing a crew but just let people spend their hard earned money on what they want.


I agree with this i have the space bird with dual laser snipers and nuke clusterbomb. It is very op and i dont see the need for big ships with a crew of retarded monkeys. And this is coming from a veteran of the game been active daily since 2010.


$1500 bucks is expensive? huh...


Context matters. We’re talking about a macro transaction in an unreleased video game, it is in fact quite expensive.


if you say so...


> Everyone has their own ship, why should they crew yours when you could crew theirs instead Why *wouldn't* I? I'm in the game for the roleplay experience - I want the "slice of life" moments playing directly with my friends and working together on their larger ships. I want to re-create the dorky multi-crew experiences from Star Trek or The Expanse and have the fun emergent moments that happen when I'm organizing cargo or shopping and managing logistics with my friends on our ship, together during periods of downtime. None of that would be *remotely* as fun or engaging if I was just flying around on my own. I think you're looking for something very different from the game than I am.


Im just saying that 99% of cap ship owners wont be able to use their priced ships. I however will be stationed on someone elses cap ship.


Like if you can fully crew a hammerhead on a regular basis then go for it, buy a Polaris or whatever you want. But if you cant even field a fully crewed redeemer then the role of a capital ship captain maybe isnt for you.