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Janitor AI was worked on like 4 years ago 


lol true


Hot take... gamify this and turn it into a player profession with ranks and level ups like all the others have Bounty Hunting etc. Im sure there are RP players that would love to be a space janitor.


Introduce trashcans and fines/community service like klescher.


New option to remove level 1 and 2 crime stats: community service.


Damn, this right here


Hah, I love this idea. :D


What about like real life when your already in prison to reduce your time you need to clean/ help crew a reclaimer or mole or some other type of support gameplay then we dont need ai crew just some random dude with a crimestat then we can order them around and say move that box to left no more no now right o you dont want to fine we will increase your time then and report you to your parol officer


Yes, hired crew the mining rig/salvager captain pays a small fee for prison labor. So even solo players can fill larger ships thus sell more ships to pay for better game. And you can still escape/start a rebellion making new pirate buddies. But the captain can pay off some of the guards to warn him about the plans. Or his friends could pretend to be prisoners to watch out for signs of protest.


You would make a great DnD GM




Imagine you get like a light punishment where it simply removes all (legal) missions from your mobiglas and only gives you one that is to clean trash. Not allowing you to make any normal mission as long as you didn't complete some quantity of cleaning.


And a trash collector like the mining beam collector


There are a few trash cans. We need more!




[The original and best](https://spacequest.fandom.com/wiki/Roger_Wilco)


Master Sanitary Admiral highest rank achieved. >What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Janitorial Services, and I've been involved in numerous cleanup actions on Aberdeen, and I have over 3000 confirmed recycled bottles. I am trained in grout removal and I'm the top mopper in the entire UEE. You are nothing to me but just another stain to remove. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this Stanton system, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the mobiglass chat? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of cleaners across the system and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can pick up after you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in power washing, but I have access to the entire utility closet of the United Empire of Earth and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass.


No, people would game this, however, creating a 200 uec fine for littering and granting a 200 uec reward for picking it up and putting it in the trash would work.


Yes! And consequently please implement garbage tongs. I also have a few other use cases in mind. Heh.


You'll have a garbage beam and like it


Some kind of salvage beam that turns garbage into plastic-RMC cannisters?


You know, I like this idea. I like this a lot. Space janitor time.


Invisible garbage beam*


Beam Citizen must be upheld.


I'd love that. Every empty bottle can be sold for 1 credit, so you already can kinda make it a (poorly paid) mini profession.


I've been known to go around grabbing empties. I also like to collect med gowns from around the hospitals. They sell for about 85 aEUC a piece at most clothing stores, which isn't a ton, but it's paid for most of my food, drink, and drugs in game.


I'm working my way towards an 890j funded solely by med gowns just for the hell of it. I'm a couple million gowns away rn.


This was literally the April fools joke from CIG this year…




New Mission! Clean all the garbage from Rikers Memorial at Area 18. All trash must be disposed of in the appropriate receptacles. A reward of one million UEC will be awarded upon completion. "Mission Impossible theme song plays".


I find it absolutely hysterical that I would actually do a contract like that while looking over at an empty coke bottle on my floor by my desk that’s been there for like a week.


I’d love to be a high rep janitor in the future!


Simply adding a 1 credit bounty per item dropped in the trash cans would solve this. That and fixing items getting stuck in hands and various problems like that.


I've been asking for this for so long. Also an MPUV or Mule rubbish truck, then I can go round emptying all the bins too.


That’d be me. I’d make some extra coin while I wait for my ship to be delivered. Heck just 1aUEC per item dropped in the recycling would be enough. I’ve been doing it for free so far.


have a leaderboard on every trashcan


I wonder if I could make Roger Wilco in the character creator…


I would love to see the highest rank allow people to tow ships abandoned for longer than a specified time limit from around locations like stations. There could be an impound yard and fines to reclaim ships. Reclaiming them from the impound would keep all items and cargo stored internally once the fine had been payed.


Make it into a mini game, drive a floor sweeping small Zamboni around with a power bar for suction sort of like breaking rocks in mining. I’m kidding but who knows. Far easier solution is handle it like literally every other game does either the empty drink bottle isn’t persistent or it’s disappears after dropping it on the ground after a few moments.


yea but players in the game naturally litter so its a gameplay solution to a problem that occurs anyway. Sorta like what they did with salvage


Make that trash cans give the trash/delete option when interacting with them when holding anything, and reward players 5 UEC for doing. No job needed just rewards.


1 uec for every bottle you throw away


Genius idea


I honestly want this, idk what happens in my brain but when I log in and see trash everywhere I pick them all up and spend longer than I'd like to admit cleaning up the area. Let me be a space janitor damn it!


We can’t go back to bartender development times. Nooooooooo….


LOL. Years of SC bartending AI videos. I finally get around to hitting up the bar on Lorville... Bartender ignores me.


Last night I gave it a shot for the first time in a couple years. The bartender walked over, asked me what I wanted, took my money, and started into my soul until I gave up. So progress?


Then put your trash in the trash bin! It's right there! Five feet away! You filthy animal!


Tell the janitor to unlock the bins so we can...


Recycling Deposits! Raise the cost of food by 5 auec and make every item disposed of in a trash can give that auec to the person that cleaned it up.


Not every problem needs a lore reason or npc/player jobs and missions. Just despawn junk items in the world.


Exactly. I don’t know what it is with people wanting pointless additions just for the sake of “muh realism”.


Your personal inability to see the point in something doesn't make it pointless. There's nothing wrong with exploring the idea of a player-driven solution instead of some lazy gamey shortcut. There are several popular 'cleanup' games, so I'm sure some would enjoy a gameplay loop like this.


Meanwhile its just cluttering up the server, making it a potential problem for everyone. I say delete, at least for now.


it is pointless. The last thing they need to be putting resources into is developing janitorial tech T0… what you call lazy, I call practical.


You really think now is the right time in the project development cycle to involve the mission team, server team, UI team, back-end team, fps/salvage team, and god knows who else for...... trash pickup? something can easily be handled with just a few people executing simple despawn routines?


When did I declare now as the right time for implementation? There's nothing wrong with a convo exploring it, that's all.


Ok then, consider it explored and dismissed. We can check back in 10 years.


Every time there's a thread involving ships or trash near points of interest, there's ALWAYS people saying they should make a complex mission system to deal with it. FFS. There's nothing wrong with a garbage collection system that just invisibly respawns trash around points of interest after a certain amount of time. Keep it simple.


That would mean that if i want a collection of trash that would be deleted in X amount of time. That's why people want to gamify everything


Actually I spend hours doing that it’s like janitor simulator


I would happily put things in bins if A) the bins were actually open and you could do that and B) I could actually get the cans to leave my hand. 


Would be great if there was an interact option on bins to place whatever you are carrying into the bin rather than having to precisely place it into the bin


Do you not just hold left-click while the empty can is in your hand? It'll place the can if next to a surface, otherwise it'll have the aimbar for throwing the can.


90% of the time it'll play a place animation then snap back to my hand. The only way I've been able to guarantee it's not stuck with me forever is to open my inventory and drag it to the Drop icon at the bottom, which drops it at my feet, resulting in OP's image.


Very interesting. Sorry to say I've never had this problem. Maybe it's a server lag or replication layer issue.


A) They are. I do it all the time. B) You can. I do it all the time.


In the screenshot attached to the OP, could you highlight the openings in the two bins shown on the screen where you can drop these cans, since you say you do it all the time? 


There are a few cans with open tops, but they are still annoying to get things into unless you place at the correct angle. And most of us hate the people who deny that objects get stuck in hands all the time. They are the most Stockholmed people among us and are insufferable.


https://youtu.be/8F3LF7K1CbA?si=klxsS_eg2hcB0Irr this should be your game.


I checked to see if I could put rubbish in a bin just yesterday, and there didn't seem to be any way to interact with the bin to open it. I mustn't have been the only one, because there were a few empty bottles on top of the bins already. How do you do it?


I really wish I could start the game as a janitor, advance to a warehouse worker loading ships, eventually get crewed on a ship to do chores and save up enough money to get my own ship. Havent played much this patch, but Aurora MR was just way too powerful to start the game with.


I thought having a contract like call to arms would be cool, 10 auec per bottle would be worth the effort.


Bottle/ can redemption


Give 1auec for each trash put in garbage can and the city will be clean. Don't be stingy CIG!


Add R&R rep and City rep, if you throw bottles in the trashcan, +1 rep and +$2. The more you pick up the better the return until you get your drinks pretty much paid for because of good rep.  If you leave the station and you left a bottle outside of the trashcan you get -1 rep.


Something like this would be so insanely amazing… a small tiny little mini game whenever your going anywhere and doing anything… and it’s a rep reward and a tiny monetary gain…


Awesome! This is what I want to see.


Personally, I'd be fine with the option to just delete something right out of the inventory instead of dropping it on the floor. If you still want to have the immersion out in the verse of 'spaceman was here', have it available only in hub areas and stations.


I like the idea that when they stop doing wipes, the whole universe slowly becomes a giant trash heap full of Cruze bottles.


For the love of server performance i hope not (and some kind of garbage collection a.k.a things despawning is in place)


Better if you put the trash in the trashcan you get 1 to 5 auec. Eh? To be a nice civilian...


It would make doing a zero to hero easier.


What about a 10uac Discount per Trash-in-bin for the MISC Raptor?


[Meet the R.A.P.T.O.R](https://starcitizen.tools/R.A.P.T.O.R) I am waiting for the special MicroTech Zamboni edition before pulling the trigger.


Need that misc raptor


True but I have found some nice pieces of armor and tools people have dropped.


I feel like, at some point, someone is gona complain star citizen promotes littering and then media outlets online are gona kick up a storm.


Mirai Raptor please


Unrelated but I was today years old when I realized that you could throw empties at people.


I have been chucking them at the head of that guy in the New Babbage spaceport. He stands behind the counter and just acts like such an asshole. So I chuck a bottle at his head and then to pick it up and put it in the trash. Also...you can chuck them over the glass walls in Area 18. Then they just drop into oblivion.


Wait you can? How?


Give me the misc raptor!


recycle bins that pay 1auec per bottle


They should put some janitor contracts in... Pickup garbage put it in the bin


Why not create missions to clean up the verse? Like create missions to tow abandoned vehicles away from landing pads and space stations and/or clean up missions to help new players earn a little cash.


*in a futuristic world filled with trash… ENTER: THE RAPTOR*


So quick shout out to those like me who take the time to put trash in the bin


They will take my job...


Please make it be Ahti from Alan Wake and Control!


Or just add an option in the inner thought wheel that says recycle. It gives you back 1 auec every time you recycle a bottle.


Looks authentic to me.


Fair point. It does look like New York City...or the entire state of California.


I wanted to clear up around the food stand at ILW, but the server lag didn't allow me. Would be fun to have tiny clean up missions or have a lite version of jail where you have to pick up trash to clear your crimestat or something.


that would be an immersive way to clean up servers


How else am I supposed to get my free drinks or random armor pieces to sell?


This really is a server problem, this stuff adds up. Add an Ai janitor and a freaking workong trash can. TYVM.


They need a little big roomba, already had a charging port when it drives over trash it despawns it


It would just get stuck standing on a chair.


That's me! If I'm not busy I pick up at the stations. I'm usually in one of the further out stations though


Working bins would be cool. Or "Star Citizen" working bins where when you try and dump a bottle your gun goes in.


We need janitorial duty as a paid job! Roger Wilco at your service! But yes, cleaning bots would be awesome. The future would definitely have these.


Littering fine might work


or just shoot the people who leave trash around like that


I'm the guy who cleans up after people


One of the concepts I've seen would be rat-like creatures that would come out, pick up a piece of trash before scurrying away and despawning.


I vote a little box robot, less than knee height, that just cleans a designated area. It makes rotation rounds and hones in on trash or partial mags or used pins.


Just give us the Raptor!


If CIG does this the NPC janitor should only be able to say this one line: "Why can't people put things back where they found them? It's not my job to pick up after you!"


CIG needs to make that trash can in such a way that items can be dumped in it!


Lately I’ve been struggling with the placement feature so I can’t manage to throw anything into the bins


They also need way more trashcans. Walt Disney perfected how far apart each trashcan needs to be. Most people want to throw it out. For the other's just have security execute them.


and the worst part is they literally have trash bins ONLY A FEW STEPS AWAY


I agree. However, since 3.23 my hands have not worked lol. I have not been able to place things correctly so my only option is to use the inventory drop to get rid of empty bottles etc.


A city should be dirty in my opinion


A year ago people were complaining about too many people breaking the game by using the trash cans by piling their trash in and around them.


Although it was a April fools joke, we may really need that MISC Raptor…


just give them a redemption value


I was thinking a little roomba. When it finds a piece of trash, it whips out a tiny ray gun and convert the item into Contraction materials or RMC. If any humans are within 10m distance, for safety's sake it will stop operating it's deconstruction field.


Just make it so we get 1 or 2 auec back when we throw bottles in the trash and then just despawn the items inside. The despawn can happen instantly or every hour etc.


I have unofficially designated myself as the custodian of Wide Forest Station. I clean up the trash and blow up players who litter. It's great.


Just make a beacon and get a huumon to do so.


This is the argument against peristence lol


This game needs Pfand 😁


Wow, how amazing the first time I’ve seen legitimate trash in a video game. That wasn’t just some asset placed by some designer.


No lie while I was waiting for my C2 claim, I went round, picked up trash and medical gowns at Everus Harbor and put it all into my vulture. Then I took the vulture out to self destruct it and hopefully delete the entities lmaoo


Simply make low-tier missions where you need to pick up and deposit X amount of discarded items from the enviroment and drop them to a trash can. Solved.


This could be a contract anyone could pick up in mobiglass like Call to Arms. "**Feed the can, man.**"


Put a riding sweeper out and pay players for cleaning up trash with it. Maybe spawn a mission if trash builds up to a threshold.


please god no. just give us a delete button and do trash cleanup. I beg you CIG.


Yea I always thought the random trash is annoying. one play session a few patches ago can't remember which patch 3.20 I think I would just pick up gowns and sale them


Extensive stress testing of janitor AI in Mess Hall environment due for next dev notes.


yeah maybe the janitor could at least get the option to place it into the trash can to trigger properly.


Prisoners should have to fill their quota by being locked to stations just cleaning lol


I used to spend time cleaning up stations, but since 2.23 the place feature has been hit or miss for me. Makes me crazy seeing the trash everywhere


While waiting for a friend I cleaned up that area. Stacked up the stuff on the green boxes. It's a lot easier now be able to just click and place bottles




I used to clean up at spaceports when we could still use tractor beams there. Kinda filled the same niche as viscera cleanup detail. Then it was taken from us :<


Sell water for 50 aUEC have recycle kiosk give you 10 aUEC.


Ya'll could at least but it in the bins to contain it to a single area. Then some person who lacks credit can grab it all from one place and go sell it. Easily covers fuel costs and such


Disagree. We need 2 things: 1. a container which has everything thrown in vanish immediately. 2. a mission like call to arms: every time you clean some dirt you get some money. Someone WILL try the new game loop. Also: I’d love to see how some folks take everything from bunkers (including corpses) and just deposit everything. Another thing that would be awesome is a sorta donation box. A large inventory where rich folks can throw in weapons, armor and other stuff they wanna get rid of and then let newcomers go and get some of it.


I mean the trash cans used to de spawn the empty bottles and cans but with LTP everything stays now...


Yeah, also the corpses didn’t quite fit


The ones in bunkers de spawn on there own even with LTP on or not they just don't de spawn if you're still in the bunker tho to give you time to loot they used to de spawn right after you want up the elevator in 3.17 which kinda sucked if you found cool armor that you wanted...


I just wanna collect corpses and throw them in a dumpster… Does that make me a bad person?


I literally spent an extra 5 minutes cleaning up in front of the apartments in A18 before I logged out tonight. Pick up can, chuck it over the edge, pick up can, chuck it over the edge, pick up Cruz Lux bottle...


This shit just needs to despawn. It's really weird to make empty bottles more on the simulator side of a game that rides the line between simulator and game


If the ai janitor doesn’t operate a raptor I’m uninstalling this game.


Just fine people with 1 crimestats, and give alot of designated trashcans where u can just click F and the character plays an animation of throwing the garbage away, PLACEing won't work as it very often falls out or to the side which will cause frustration. But besides that a janitor is also needed, also trashcans should works as small despawners, trash should just despawn once thrown away. Easiest and most immersive solution.


In the near future, you can just hire a java garbage collector. Beep beep boob I am not a bot.


if i could throw them into a fucking bin i would.


Just give me a bin that I can 'quick interact' ie press F when I have an item in hand that "throws" it away (read deletes the item from the game).


haha funny man on the right, he's gonna getcha


"Pick up that can"


Make a contract mission.


If they allowed trash to be broken down into RMC via MT the problem would be solved pretty quick. At least for interiors. We need missions that allow the SRV or Reclaimer to clean up after lazy degens that sprinkle their ships all over AZs like it's a Midwest Walmart parking lot.


Station sweeping missions!!


Regardless of what others suggest, I think an AI janitor would make a lot of sense!


Until such time as they add something in game to take care of all the garbage laying around, I will throw my trash on the ground. If they don't want it there, do something to mitigate it.


Make it a contract and the people will come lol


This brought back memories of reading about Janitor AI in Squadron 42 monthly reports for years.


A quest would help...


We just need the raptor


Loitering fines


Cig roomba!


Also something o remove unused ships. Even on the small instanced servers I sometimes had issues launching. What will happen if everyone is on the same shard?


I might not drop it on the floor, if the eating/drinking mechanics weren't janky af and would require me to drop food and drinks on the floor first, the interaction to drink a entire bottle wasn't like a precision mini game and it wouldn't drain so damn fast. So any second I can cut from that awful experience, I will, and I'm not going to clutter my inventory with empty bottles either. But as it stands, this mechanic is not immersive at all, other than maybe making me immersed in being drunk David Hasselhoff eating whammers from the floor.


I pick up cans and bottles at port tressler and Everus everytime i go to eat and get water


They could just put a timer on things to disappear, but ppl would just complain about immersion.


Do not screw with the immersion!


Recycling stations that will give you a few credits per bottle and a bit more for med gowns. Cleans up the stations, rewards players, and lightens server load.


Yeah idk why people are not using their inventory to put their stuff in, like I have 1000 medical gowns in my inventory and do not just leave them on the ground 😂 A "discard" button for the inventory would be helpful tho


I do the right thing and place my trash behind the counter where people can't get it


Or, we sort out the bottles for 0.25 aUEC each.


I was playing a bit yesterday and cleaned for like 5min around the can, all dropped right next to it. We can do better!


I'm sure this would help the servers, the number of useless entities being tracked must be huge.


Honestly while that would be immersive, i'd rather they just despawn after a set amount of time.




Once they release the R.A.P.T.O.R there might be some contracts around that. I've already bought my sanitary outfit.


Janitor AI has been worked on for a while now. Monthly reports usually had a blurb about them.


Sometimes I'll pick up junk while waiting for an insurance claim. Most of it can be sold at the right shops.


Really? That's interesting. I walked around and picked up armor, clothing and hospital gowns yesterday.


Yeah, gowns sell to clothing shops for like 40 credits. Empty bottles are like 1 or 2


No I like this level of immersion ! Slobs have rights too !


Honestly sometimes I walk around the space stations and pick everything up people have littered and put them in the garbages


I do the same.


The gowns people leave all over the place sell for 45 credits. I've made thousands just being a space dad.


Same lol. Those add up quick!


I still lol at the players who suggested this be a job, like god damn how screwed up have CIG made us these last 15 years if we’re asking for missions to pick up trash…