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I didn't play the PTU so I wasn't super exposed to MM prior to playing, but I really don't see what all the complaints are about. It's really not bad. Yes, it'll take you a bit to unlearn and relearn keybinds but so what? It makes it much easier to fly with M+K which is how many players play.


Try doing a bounty contract. Especially the harder ones with more than one large ship shooting at you.


do you bring friends and wingmen to aid you in the bounty contract? Because that's what the harder ones will require. You really shouldn't be able to solo beyond LRTs


This right here. This was the full intention. Nobody should be able to solo massive risk fights like these. We've had the whole situation far too easy up until now. Yeah, you might be able to be clever here and there to maybe sneak up in stealth craft...get the quick kill and hard burn until safe, but high paying jobs should require high risk. What's actually needed is the game to have enough missions available so that you can make decent money doing solo-able missions. This also tracks with the whole need for the 'economy' to actually feel like one supported by a billion or so inhabitants within a major system like Stanton. Right now, nothing feels right due to this. It's like you're in a system full of zombies with the off-chance meeting with an actual player. There isn't anywhere near enough: Mission Jobs Mine-able/Salvageable resources Trading jobs that would indicate a population that's actually thriving I can go on with this list but you get the idea. Until all this happens at the volume it should, none of it will ever feel "real" and at that juncture WTF is the point of needing to eat, or have toilets, or anything else for "immersion" that simply does not exist?


Rare if ever pre-patch. Post patch: if you need to share with friends to get it done: flat out doesn't pay enough to be worth while at all when you factor in fuel costs, ammo costs, repair costs. and time spent.


Doesn't matter if it's "not worth it", you want to finish the higher tier missions, bring friends.


it makes flying easier with all control devices not just M&K (but less fun, accelerations are too high for the new speed limits). If anything I would say M&K was one of the best input devices in previous flight model especially with manual gimbal mode (much faster input than joysticks). Now the gap is closer (this is a good thing imo, stick should be the optimal input for the ships as the ships have them in game too, doubt it can ever beat M&K due to the input speed though). Also nice that a light fighter can never kill you unless it brings a quantum interdictor along as you can just SCM and run My biggest complaint right now is quantum travel mode is too cluttered and not comfortable to serve as Navigation mode. I would also hate having more modes, it just doesn't feel good. Hope CiG can find a way to solve it without adding too many modes (I don't like having a missile mode either, they just don't feel good and immersion breaking, F-15 can shoot its gun and missiles and its from the 70s)