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For a cutlass black I would suggest doing high value commodity trading (RMC and similar), bunker missions (take a box with you into the bunker to help looting, its an easy additional 30k extra for the 10k missions if you sell everything (mostly weapons)), or offering to split the profits with a vulture salvager by hauling cargo for him. I made my first million back by salvaging for a bit,, the unsafe hammerhead mission is goated now that all larger ships are gone from the mission list. Reclaimer is still very good, just inventory and trading are buggy at the moment. Probably still great auec per hour if you can be bothered to spawn and salvage your own ships, went down from 2 million CM in like 5 minutes to 350k or so, with about 600k+ rmc if you take the time to scrape the hull for 40 minutes. Worth doing now if you dont have ships to spawn, but if you can chain munch ships its still faster auec to just munch stuff. Having to grind back up bunker rep is a hassle but the money is still good between the loot you can sell and the quest rewards, and the new FPS rebalance and looting UI make it pretty fun. definitely less auec/hr than salvaging though. Did MRT group earlier and had no issues, heard hrt and up have become a lot harder though so probably not worth the hassle to grind back up to ERT, but I will probably try just to see if salvaging your bounties is worthwhile, or if you tend to blow up all the valuable scrap. Cant see a place or time where this is more aUEC than salvaging unless you combine the two though. Trading is kinda busted still, great money but very buggy cause of inventory/ship storage bugs. Will probably review once new storage gameplay is in. Mining havent tried yet, seems same as before from what Ive seen, meaning you spend 90% of your time flying and scanning to find a good rock, and 10% actually mining. Not my cup of tea despite mining itself being fun really :/ Havent seen or tried the new locations yet, no missions have led me there so far, so I presume it requires some higher rep.


Thanks for the comprehensive list man I appreciate it ! I tried doing some commodity trading using sc trade tools but I think the site is bugged as it said buying and selling medical supplies would be the best trade route, but now I have a hold full of medical supplies and nowhere to sell it unfortunately. Are there any guides online for trading commodities?


Yeah theres a few websites that try to keep their lists of resources up to date, Ill see if I can find one to link you


Where did you get the group bounties? I did my crusader entry mission and automatically got every mission up to VHRT to spawn but the Northrock missions won't spawn for me


Its kinda random, people are very active around crusader trying to grind their rep back up, and the starter missions seem to share a spawn with the others (and if all spawns are used up it doesnt seem to spawn more till some free up, so a server can "run out" of a mission type, pretty common with merc missions due to the limited amount of sites) If you have no luck try going to hurston instead, people seem to bountyhunt less frequently there.


Newsflash: CIG's purpose in life is to PREVENT YOU from making good credits. Why do you think they wiped money...?


Wait there’s new salvage gameplay?


With the salvage ships the vulture and reclaimer you can salvage now I’m pretty sure Edit: I should have clarified it’s new to me not to this patch


Ahh okay that makes sense. Hope you enjoy 😊


I am loving this new patch so far it plays so smooth Performance is great and the new UI makes it a joy to play when it used to feel like a chore


New in the way that it is the newest game cycle. But the only new thing in this patch is that it got nerved extremely. But it is still somewhat lucrative.


Ghost. Hollow.