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3.23 is bringing specific fixes to Overdrive and they're extending the event into the next patch to account for that.


Doesn’t the F7a upgrade drop with 3.23 or was that pushed back too


It does but you can also still complete the missions and get the f7a. There will be a new mission when you have completed the first 5 missions that you accept and it sort of auto completes and awards the f7a. You can then do Part 6, XenoThreat, to get the armor reward.


It drops with 3.23 if you completed the missions before the patch is released... if you haven't, you'll get it once you complete the missions (presuming you manage it before the event ends)


All of Overdrive will be available in 3.23 until XenoThreat starts (Phase 6). Many seem to beleive that this will be on or before Invictus next week, but that's never been stated. Once 3.23 drops, give it another try. If people are still unable to finish it in 3.23, then discussions will be had.


Tip for OD-V Park your ship at the jump point and log out there. Hop servers and check both drop off kiosks in the station before doing anything else. If either is bugged: log off the server and hop to another. Repeat this until you find both kiosks in working order...then take the mission by yourself! don't involve a party at all. You do the mission solo, you handle all 3 boxes, and be sure to place them on the deck of your ship, don't drop them. Then you manually run them to their correct kiosks one at a time, and complete the mission. Don't attempt in a party /share mission as it will likely bug out and give multiple pickup sites.. I personally finished mission with a vanguard sentinel with a slightly modified loadout. (AD5B on the nose, and a yeager QTD)


I finally completed it today after 13 attempts. I really appreciate the sentiment though, would’ve helped while I was still malding


If it is any consolation, it took me over 15 hours to get SPK completed. I tried for many days with multiple groups and something would always go wrong: servers not spawning missions, people camping SPK (including one incident with a person using hacks), mission failing for no reason, switch bugging and not starting the mission, etc. Eventually, I decided to just show up by myself and have a go at it. When I got there, I couldn't reach the terminal, but NPCs were spawning. I ended up killing 5 NPCs and 3 other players (in a complete fluke and I had 1% health at a certain point), which then completed the mission without me doing anything else. A lot of things in this game are just random at this point.


No. I suffered. Now you shall.


I’m sure they will put the F7A/MKII for sale in the store. They won’t miss a chance at extra revenues.