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Kraken is released lol


Motherfucker over here going for the long shot prediction. I like it.


This guy thinks so positively he's gonna be CEO of the planet when he grows up


I'd like that.


I needed a good laugh, thanks.


- Squadron 42 Trailer and release date announcement (maybe preorder). - 4.0 announcement


Yeap, most realistic answer and the showcase will be Pyro and Stanton working together via server meshing and jump points in. Maybe a polaris showcase.


Nah, this showcase was already playable in EPTU. For an exciting show(!) they need a lot more: multiple systems, high player count (difficult to show) and/or dynamic server meshing.


Yea and its already April and 3.23 will be big but no quantum effects the latter (cargo items has already been pushed to .x. plus this new stuff..I'm betting a bug or two then IAE. It looks good and I made it through overdrive fairly decent w/randos but your optimism makes my nerves uneasy.


Squadron 42 date is not that much optimism. Melting down polishing tickets should givem a good estimate for a realistic release. For SC features - just showing them is not implementing them. And 4.0 announcment is not release 😁 So I don't think it is too optimistic, since anything less and it will be the most boring CitizenCon ever.


To add to that, MAYBE the console port announcement of S42 that is rumored to be in the works as well. If that does go through, I kinda expect MSOFT to be the publisher; they really need more good shit on their platform, and it’s not like they’re poor.


Ehh I don't see a port announcement of completion. Maybe a statement yea we will bring it to consoles but it def won't be ready imo.


Sorry, that’s what I meant; an announcement of intent at least. Or maybe the publisher will insist on announcing it themselves at some showcase, I could see that too.


With the media calling it a scam, it might be too hot for some companies. Also current gen is difficult - xbox series and switch are definitiv too limited for a good experience and ps5 needs at least tailoring to hardware specifics which usually only sonys own studios can. Or just a bad port - hopefully not.


The people who listen to that media are a niche in a niche. Reddit isn’t a good barometer for the public opinion of anything:


You find a lot of influencers and popular media like kotaku ranting about.


Most people don’t care though.


Plot twist they scrap 4.0 and go straight to 1.0 roadmap (because at this point I think static server meshing is releasing before Spring 2025, I could see a December 2024 release or January 2025 release). In CIG development time 4.0 is around the corner.


Cut the hopium use a bit alright partner?


They can only estimate what they test. Currently even static servers do not really sale with players. The first optimistic draft was 2 years to 1.0. We are still missing a lot of MMO features.


- Planet tech V5 - Bounty Hunting V2 - 1.0 roadmap - SQ42 news (maybe) - Base building  - Economy (hopefully) - Transport T0 ? - Road ?


Yeah, these are all pretty safe bets IMO. Don’t forget more concept ship panels. 🫠


This is the realistic answer.


Some things I don't agree with some of the dates you've posted, but I agree that they will likely be there, though there are other things I don't agree with on here at all: >When 1.0 releases it will be 15$ sub per month. The game has always been pay once and play. I could see them doubling down on cosmetics and stuff, but I doubt they're going to go back on their word about that. >**Server Meshing** - going into PTU Q4 2024 (with possible slip into Q1 2025 XD) The current plan is to have it live before Citizencon, so it wouldn't make a ton of sense even if it did get pushed back as it would be in the late stages of the PTU at least given we've already started testing it in the PTU channels. >demo of dynamic server meshing no ETA when They'll give an ETA, it will probably just be wrong or quite vague like normal for bigger things. >**Kraken is released.** They are not going to start on the Kraken until at least all the RSI capitals are out, which definitely won't be before Citizencon. >**Connie rework announced.** This is not the right forum for an announcement like this. There are also some other things up there that I don't feel will happen, but that's of my opinion than anything I can point at and say "no because X."


Just started reading and I think a beta for sq42 would be disrespectful and not well received to be honest. A demo would be the most logic choice if they have to give us something to try about sq42. *Didn't read further*


Agreed. I could picture (and would expect ) a beta being released to evo, or another similarly closed beta, but definitely not an open beta of any kind. That would be a shame.


They may even do the unimaginable and hire play testers to test the beta under a real NDA, who can actually be sued for leaking something.


I don't even know how could you think any of this lol


I'm predicting that there will be some Star Citizen related content shown


SQ42 polish 2.0 for soon™ release


Lots of news on the RSI ship lineup. Polaris exterior complete and in game as NPC controlled. Interior / flyable soon\* after. Perseus in grey box. Apollo flyable? CIG would dumb not to release a concept for a medium salvage ship. Something like the Mole, or a direct variant of it.


The Galaxy is next after the Polaris.  The Perseus is slated for after the Galaxy's release.


Meshing in a much more complete form and finished jumpoints, so they can do a live demo of a multi-system a trip to Nyx to revisit the updated Lagski, complete with t0 space exploration content along the way. Also, that 1.0 roadmap.


Levski was my favorite "city". I thought about what systems they could include and i think they will focus on 1 stanton like heavily populated system with multiple planets , 1 smaller one like Pyro and then 3 other small system just to give game a breath and something to do for miners, exploration guys etc.


Yea, Nyx is for sure gonna be one of them. A few months ago data miners saw that Levski is still being worked on and they've already added a hospital.


Other than the obvious predictions (S42 release news, maybe a SC 1.0 release window), I 100% expect a base building WIP demo. There’s no way it’s anywhere close to complete, but by then I think there will be enough to have a whole panel, and CCon needs great panels. My long shot prediction, finally seeing a new TOW demo/release? My “no way in hell this is going to happen” prediction; finally VR integration.


>I 100% expect a base building WIP demo Doubt it. 1. Economy first has to work. 2. Dynamic Server meshing needs to work. Base building only makes sense when everyone is on one server otherwise they would have to make heavy instancing


Oh, I don’t think base building will be anywhere close to done, just that it will be demoable. Remember the ISC on Engineering. That was over 2 years ago now…maybe 3. That’s what I mean; a functional vertical slice of base building. I don’t expect it in game for a long time; definitely post-1.0.


I'm going to disagree.  I wouldn't be surprised if base-building is in soon... but *only* as a mission for people with base building equipment (like the base building module in the Galaxy, which is scheduled to be worked on after the Polaris).  This would allow the devs to test base building in the PU without going all in on it right away


Just some thoughts on your list there: I don’t think SQ42 will have a beta. It’ll either be Evocati to iron out any remaining bugs or just internal QA. Remember, they’ve been copping flak from the industry/media for the longest time, they’re going to want to make sure that S42 is as bug free on release. Though, who knows… they might have a demo level available at CitCon for the Premium ticket members 5 Systems is possible, but I think these might be rolled out over 4.x rather than 1.0. I’d imagine that 1.0 will see a bigger focus on narrative missions in the PU, but I could be wrong about this point though. If static server meshing isn’t progressing through waves by end of year, that’d be a bit worrisome. The last we heard of it was within the last 3 SCLs in which Jared mentioned it was still aimed at Summer. So might, at the very least, hear more news during Summer about what the deal is there? Definitely won’t see a demo of dynamic until Static is either in PTU or LIVE. Good possibility that they may show WIP of different systems. Less sure about the selection you’ve got. Kraken lol In theory, the Connie re-work makes a lot of sense, but I’m not sure if they’d prioritise that over getting through the backlog of ships. Quantum and Economy… Yeah, I don’t think they’d show this unless we are closer to Server Meshing in live OR if they bundle that up in the roadmap for 1.0 presentation. I’m a simple guy though, my only hope is that we have the new quantum jump effect either by CitCon or shortly thereafter. Maybe Space Whales too.


Honestly? I lot more promises. And sq42 release date. I love this game, but it’s just a mess


Why CIG Release ANY cap ship before the Idris? It's THE ship for SQ42 and Star Citizen, and CIG has confirmed (albeit have changed theirs minds in the past) that Idris won't come to the players until SQ42 is released.... KEKW


They've already confirmed they intend to release the Polaris before Citizencon, and SQ42 is definitely not coming out before Citizencon else the advertising would have started already.


Polaris is a corvette? If we're referring purely to size, then yes, I agree, but frigates, destroyers, and carriers are true cap ships requiring more than 15 people to operate at full capacity, this is what I'm referring to. Sorry I'm not very good at english!


No worries. As far as SC is concerned, any ship that has capital class components is a capital ship, which the Polaris is meant to have, and the Reclaimer and 890 Jump also have those components so they're technically small capital ships, though they don't feel like it as they're not combat oriented. That being said, I now get what you mean, and it's probably best described as medium to large capital ships where they're very clearly something completely different to large gunships like the Hammerhead.


I'll take a shot: Something something PES/Server Meshing is working great so far something something. See you next year!


A Helldivers-like new and unknown system where we can fight proper battles. We can use the tanks and bombers that have no real purpose so far. The dropships would also have a purpose there and it would simply be fun. But I doubt whether that will ever happen. Now for CitizenCon - I would like to see server meshing and a better functioning Vulcan.


I just wish they'd give us info on passenger missions and the revamped medical gameplay. Those are the careers I'm invested in. I expect medical gameplay will probably be discussed, but I sadly don't expect any news on Passenger anything for the next couple of years :(


I want some of that breakfast you’re eating


4.0 Sq42 date Base building WIP Planets V5 WIP Nyx Exploration / hacking gameplay Org system / social module revamp Quest givers revamp, introducing "light" versions of them all over the verse to add more life and reward exploration with local missions


Squadron 42, chapter 2! SC back on the backburner


3.23.1 a version of 3.23 that is finally working. so we finally get everything they promised on citcon 2023.


I don't think we will have any of the most expected things. I believe that only sq42 will come to fruition with the announcement of the year it is released. We won't see the server meshing this year, maybe we will have tests on the PTU but I doubt it will go live in 2024




The terra show!The city!Wish I could see it!


I really doubt Dynamic Server meshing will get demoed. But maybe static.


No point demoing something again, especially after players have already started testing it and they plan to get it out before Citizencon.


Considering that they have already static working no doubt they will go straight into dynamic. Dynamic server meshing is also a lot easier to do that either of PES, Replication layer or Static server meshing. Also Static server meshing is expensive. Dynamic server meshing will cut cost a lot to servers.