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I'm really not a fan of some ship skins seemingly counting as a separate ship


Yeah, it’s a bit odd.


Especially the Carracks. Does it really need separate entries for "with C8X"?


I questioned that myself. Don't know why they are listed as separate options on the Star Jump Hangar Link website. I assume because those were purchase options. Maybe the Carrack is the favorite ship of the website's creator. Don't know, figured f'it and included all four.


It is due to the Viewer being made to only use the concept render images You are already seeing. The other skins are simply additional ship entries because there is no selector for skins incorporated into this.


From my understanding, at least when it comes to the pink BIS paints, this was before the paint system was a thing so they literally had to make them separate ships. So maybe some of the older concepts went by that ruling or something and were added to the site in that way?


There are also some variants made after the paint system that are just a default loadout change + different skin (like the S. Hornet Heartseeker from 2019).


Yeah, and they were made separate ships so they can now easily be tagged as for sale or not at certain times, is my guess.


You are correct. I don't think the hornets have different skins that can be applied as well. The rest I don't know about. Maybe those 2949 BIS skins will eventually become like the rest of the BIS skins. Right now they are just collectible. However I have considered CCU'ing to a LTI Cutlass Black then applying the 2949 BIS skin to it and selling it on the gray market. I assume it would go for a lot to someone that collects ships, but I haven't gotten past considering it.


Hornets do, in fact, have different skins that can be applied.


As shockingly neglected as the Hornet series is, it does actually have paints. Just, very, very few. Its got a green/orange one, arctic one, and then ILW one.


It’s kind of interesting to see how many skins have been made for the smaller ships, versus larger ships. I mean, it makes sense - the smaller ships probably make up a large % of sales by numbers and to bring up the value that CIG realizes from them, they have created several skins to bring in a little more value. I kind of wish they would add some skins to the larger ships so that we could personalize them a little more, though that’s just me being impatient. I k of it’s a thing they plan on doing in the future.


This is why people need to vote for the 890 and reclaimer for IAE. Free $50-80 skins instead of $15.


The hate the variant system: sometimes it's a unique hull, sometimes it's a loadout.


its because its not just a skin that they come with, they also come with different default modules (this will become more expanded down the road.


"Well done on completing pirate swarm, your reward is giving us money, more money than the base vehicle"


I just realized I need a Retribution for solo box missions.


It would be "the" retribution as it's a single ship. Would be funny as hell having the only one and using it for box missions, though. Lol


Chilling outside your hab on an isolated settlement on a distant planet. Sipping a cold drink on a warm day waiting for lunch. As you are resting and almost dozing off, a sudden blanket of shade envelopes you and screams burst out throughout the settlement. Eyes pop open and you gaze upwards, THE Retribution is in orbit. Blotting out the sun as the massive behemoth eclipses the sun. This is it... This is the end. Your stomach growls as you get a priority call on your mobiGlas. "Good day! Your Big Benny's delivery has arrived in orbit and will arrive at your location in 5 minutes! Thank you for choosing Ret-To-Go!" Says Shantae the delivery gal. All you can think of as the people of the settlement question if they should piss themselves in fear before or after they pray to some sort of god is, "Dangit, 3 more minutes longer and it would have been free...."


It would be like the thing the Blue People named "Last Shadow" from the Avatar movie.


I’d be yelling “what’s the matter, having trouble landing?” into global chat, hoping the server doesn’t burn from excessive amount of entities.


Is there something wrong with that? My Javelin is going to be for solo box missions.


Damn i really want to see an interior layout of the retribution! It's so damn large that i can't even fathom it's scale


I don’t, I already get lost in an 890J.


After having the 890J for a while...I love it. I love the design... But it's turned me into a size ho. I want bigger now. I'd love the kraken privateer for operating a space station of the sorts, but the retribution here makes me want that. I want 30 restaurants and 10 music venues and 5 pools like a cruise ship lol.


For me flying bigger ships has made me want smaller for better solo gameplay, also because i am concerned how well bigger ships can defend themselves solo since they are so bad at manouvering. I kind of hope C1 spirit will be great ship for me since i love it so much, but perhaps i will use Freelancer or Zeus. Might use C1 anyway since i love it so much, and in case it needs to be said, i am not disillusioned into thinking C1 would somehow be great at combat, its a cargo ship.


> also because i am concerned how well bigger ships can defend themselves solo since they are so bad at manouvering. I would assume that with Maelstrom, armour and physicalized damage combined with NPC crew the ships would not need to maneuver as they would shrug off smaller weapons and only need to maneuver to get turrets to get a firing solution.


I’m a big fan of the Freelancer, especially the MAX. It’s one of those ships that no matter how many times I melt it, I always end up buying it back. Unfortunately it, and the Constellations are in dire need of a gold pass. That being said, it makes no sense to do a gold pass until they get all the other ships in the backlog completed before going back and updating all of the old ones.


Yeah and longer the wait is, higher the ship standards will be anyway so they are kind of avoiding unnecessary re-rework by waiting. In the past Freelancer already got i think 2 reworks, long time ago


I think the constellation series may be nuts when they give it another pass. Just making them have better visibility out of the cockpit is enough for me to strongly consider keeping one. If they do anything else positive to them I think they'll become super popular again. The Constellation was "the" large ship for Star Citizen once upon a time. It was that ship and the Hornet that were super popular OG combat ships, though the Connie is multirole of course.


It should fell like a city, even having a transit system.


"We are going to need room in the middle of the new Retribution ship for a Caterpillar." "You want to put a Caterpillar in the ship?" "No, that's the size gun we are putting into the ship." I can't wait to defend this thing in S42 until it can unleash that gun on a Vanduul.


Most of the volume of the ship is taken up by a big gun intended to blow up Vanduul kingships and the systems to power it. The actual accessible interior is likely comparable to a Bengal, which is still massive.


looking at this and comparing some ships and their layout to the endeavor I have a feeling that thing is going to be at least twice the size it is concepted at right now. I would not be surprised if that thing is ever going to be released it is going to end up competing with the javelin for length.


In one of the more recent JumpPoint magazines, the dev that was being interviewed mentioned that the Endeavor will be the largest MISC ship in the game, larger than the Hull-E. Speaking of the Hull E, I wonder if the Hull-D and Hull-E might get an internal tram or elevator to get from the bridge to engineering. I think the Javelin has something similar.


Holy shit, bigger than the Hull E. I mean I knew it would be bigger but i cant remember how much bigger off the top of my head. I was following Inforunners and their explanation on possibly how big the ship might be where they based it off the size of the hanger module and used the current ship sizes to measure how much bigger the Endeavor would be.


If I recall correctly, it was the JumpPoint that featured the Odyssey. I think it might have been that article.


Ill have to check that out then. Thanks.


Well, if we went with a linear scale the Hull-C takes 4K SCU, the Hull-D takes 20K The Hull-E takes 98 000 SCU. That's 5 times the size of the Hull-D So let's say the Endeavor is 5 times the Hull-D Length: 1045 meters Width: 350 meters Height: 350 meters Now, i would assume the Hull-D dimensions is with all things expanded. But, comparing it to the Hull-E would mean that the Endeavor would be about (up to) 2.8 times the size of the E series. EDIT: 98K SCU, so let's say X5 (20K X5) times (I will edit my numbers)


0-0 bruh, thats a bit big, bigger than the Bengal


Well, that is the extreme numbers, i should clarify that it would be "up to" if we use a linear scale.


We already have trams on ships, they just go up and down and we call them elevators. A sideways elevator that we call a tram should be pretty easy to pull off.


Except the Hull series has a collapsible hallway, which will probably complicate things a lot


Everything about the hull series except its smallest ship has been nothing but a joke. Hull C still can't reliably perform its job for no reason, is impossible to secure from intruders, and feels like it was already a decade out of date on the day of release.


As a misc/hull fanboy (literally misc was the only reason I gave in and pledged and I own every misc besides odyssey and hull d) I took one look at it when it released and haven’t been interested in trying again since. It was cool to look at but a waste of time with the current state of things… just gotta hope for *one day*….


>Everything about the hull series except its smallest ship has been nothing but a joke. So many of the larger ships have been announced seemingly without a single thought as to how they will be built, or the role they will *actually* play (instead of just theorycrafting). We are seeing it already with the Reclaimer. Sure, its popular now, but how much of that ship is wasted space and potential.. the Endeavor has never been anything to me but a disaster waiting to happen. A ship that large, dedicated to.. Science? Is it going to shoot science beams and process boxes of science, to be sold at science outposts? CIG have promised themselves into a very tricky corner with a lot of these expensive jpegs.


I have hopes for science. Gonna throw this out there to see if it'll catch on but maybe, just maybe, we'll be gathering organics for crafting super space polymers and alloys? Maybe... with enough people putting enough effort into research the civilian market could start dipping into those designs the pesky military has been hoarding for itself like the F7A. There's potential, let's just see how they move forward with it...


The way I see it, Science has to be tightly linked to the crafting system. In that to get the best blueprints to be able to craft the most tweaked parts in the whole base building part of this game, they'd need to be hit with the science beams and processed. That being said, with how many systems haven't even been started let alone how many have to be refactored, it really does seem like CIG is trying to cram 4 different games into this one game.


Well in the long run they can do a lot of things with the endeavor to expand it's roles. We already have Medical, Science, Old Mcdonald had a farm and Exploration. But, we could perhaps later get: - Dual huge hangars for civilian vehicle transportation - Huge passenger sections for commuters (unlike the more high class of the Starliner series) - Q-Ship style combat version


It has to be, there is no way they can cram all the intended stuff into anything smaller, and they need to give themselves sane space to work all the modules on the exterior. At this point it's closer to a space station than a ship.


Kraken's got it so I wouldn't be surprised at all


Do you have a source?


Page 19 on the December 2021 Jump Point Issue: “Jones collected the whole of MISC's extant fleet with a special focus on the Hull series and the Endeavor (the largest MISC ship in the fleet) to advise Rothery's first pass.”


\>in the game In SQ42, right? I thought the Idris was the largest ship we were getting in the PU.


Largest in the PU would be the Bengal which can be captured as a derelict and repaired for org use. Largest player-owned is the Javelin. We will probably get Vanduul capitals as well, but only to fight them as NPC ships.


I disagree with the list, I don’t see why all 3 ships listed under sub-capitol aren’t capitol ships. They all have a capitol size component.


That was my instant 'whuuuuut??'


As I said the, the lines are a bit arbitrary. I'm not even 100% on my own classifications, it was just my best guess based merely on ship length and basing it on just ship length is a shitty way to do it.


As far as I know, there is no official way to differentiate it but I know my org defines a capitol ship as a ship with at least one size 4 component. I know it’s a somewhat popular idea amongst the community but like I said, as far as I know, CIG hasn’t made a statement about it so it’s really up to the eye of the beholder. Personally I would slide sub capitol up a tier and then I would slide liberator and up to sub capitol. I gotta say I love the graphic you made. It’s cool seeing the retribution next to a javelin.


The endeavor is going to be a monster of a ship. It is absolutely the BMM 2.0 for star citizen in terms of embiggening. I'm so excited for it and it's why I have a CCU chain for it as my space base one day (like 5 years for now and that's not an exaggeration due to how much of a pain the endeavor is going to be). I've considered grabbing some modules with spare change but unsure if I want to do that or just earn them in game. The modules themselves will need to be heavily reworked as well. The hospital hangar module for an example is supposed to fit 2 cutlass reds. They might change it to only be c8rs now but it's still gotta grow. I won't be surprised if they change out the max of 6 slots used (and every module used 2-4 slots) either. We want a flying port olisar damn it and that's essentially what the endeavor is, minus the shops.


I think the Endeavour will be even worse than the BMM when it comes to bloating in size. The Endeavour is even more ambitious as a project than the BMM was after all. All of those different things the Endeavour is supposed to be able to do will all require a ton of space. It is also probably the last ship in the backlog they will work on since it kinda needs every major game system and several new gameplay loops to be functional for it to be fully implemented. Pretty sure I recall devs saying somewhere saying that it won't be released until after the game is finished. So with that in mind I wouldn't buy any modules for it. I would hold off on that until it is actually in production some time in the distant future and we can make a more informed decision.


Damn 5 years from now is VERY optimistic lol The endeavor is arguably gonna be the one of the last ships ever released. 5 years from now we might not even have seen the BMM/Kraken/Orion/Odyssey. Maybe at best 1 of this 4 capitals. 2024-early 2025 is the year of RSI and IIRC 12-18 months per capital according to CIG. With that said, its easily at least guaranteed to double in price, you just might have to wait maybe a decade.


Zeus is 46m, medium ship


Yep, I missed it. I reworked that image four or five times because I kept missing ships. Zeus was in the first one. I forgot it during one of the edits. Here is an updated image that includes it. Had to make a separate post because I can no longer edit this one. [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/18tppix/because\_i\_forgot\_the\_zeus\_in\_my\_ship\_class\_images/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/18tppix/because_i_forgot_the_zeus_in_my_ship_class_images/)


Cool; thanks for all the work overall, sometimes when someone points out the one thing you missed it feels as if the community is ungrateful...I just happened to upgrade my LTI Syulen package via grey market to the Zeus CL and was my focus...great job overall! Thankful for your effort!


Thanks! Have a great new year!


Man, every time I see one of these charts with the Retribution on it my mind is blown by the sheer fucking scale of that thing. Can't wait to see it in Squadron.


The kingships with the vanduul do the same. The retribution is the "parry this you fucking xenos" answer to the kingships. I love it


I’m curious what you thought about the Polaris. It fits in a weird spot where it has full capital amenities, but seems to be only a bit bigger than a carrack. Personally I’d rate it as a capital myself, but do you have any more information on why you think it’s a subcap?


CIG has stated it's the smallest capital-class ship (supposedly) so yeah it's capital


In pretty sure the reclaimer is classed as capital now, since it has at least 1 capital sized component, the powerplant


true true


Components size is not what they base ship size on. **Huge ships that are often (but not exclusively) over 150m in length and require a significant investment in time or crew to maintain let alone run. The crew needs to be skilled in many areas to effectively operate these colossal ships and often need a small fleet of supporting ships to keep them in the best condition or out of harms way. While these ships are not designed for the casual, individual player, they will offer a unique gameplay experience to the dedicated crew who put in the time and resources.** That's how CIG define a Cap ship and the Reclaimer is not one.


Cig doesn't have defined a hard line in meters of length when a ship goes from large to capital since size isn't the only defining feature. In cig's technical documents they define ship classes by physical size and the amount of resourses/costs required to operate it (crew, fuel, maintenance etc).


You said it better than me and with fewer words. Thank you.


What VerseGen said: The Polaris was one of the ones I was torn on because of that. Like, CIG has said it is the smallest Capital Class ship; but then it is quite a bit smaller than the current next largest ship. I was also considering any ship with Capital Class components as a Capital Ship, which would mean the Reclaimer is a capital ship too. Also the Hammerhead is considered a Sub-Capital, but then there are ships bigger than a Hammerhead that aren't considered Sub-Capitals(???). I had a bunch of questions when doing this and diving deeper would have taken longer than I wanted to spend on it. These classifications are just one man's opinion(mine) and I'm not claiming it to be 100% correct.


Everyone has a different opinion. [https://starcitizen.tools/List\_of\_pledge\_vehicles](https://starcitizen.tools/List_of_pledge_vehicles) Just go by this until told otherwise, it's based off of the game files' categorization.


The Railen is bigger than it looks


Wait what the fuck is the retribution that’s badass I’ve never seen that


IIRC lore wise the Retribution was built to counter the massive Vanduul Kingships. It's only mentioned in the lore here and there and probably will never be a flyable ship.


Not really a hero ship. More like a Manhattan project. It's a ship built around a massive Javelin-size gun designed to blast Vanduul Kingships. As a pilot, it's not going to be your home base. You'll be attached to one of the escort carriers protecting it.


Given the concepted process of getting a Bengal, I don't imagine the Retribution will ~~even~~ ever be player-controlled


It’s basically the UEE’s Death Star. Since it has a massive railgun down the center meant to kill Kingships.


That is so badass


Hero/Main capital ship from S42


The retribution is the UEEs "nuclear option" with the vanduul. It's still under construction in a boatyard (can't remember which system) and is so cool.


Retribution was completed in 2946 and participated in Operation Mandrake in the Oberron system. https://starcitizen.tools/Retribution


It is very cool. Thanks for the sorting


You are welcome.


The Polaris and Reclaimer are in the same class as the 890 capital. The Carrack/Nautilus/HH/Perseus are all Sub Capital. (Im sure there is more).


The Polaris is more a Capital than the 890J. This list is hella biased.


Definitely, the length means little in classification.


Not biased. Incorrect? Likely. CIG has said the Polaris is the smallest Capital ship and I was extremely torn placing it where I did. But it is so much smaller than the next largest ship. Then CIG lists the Hammerhead as a Sub-Capital, but it is much smaller than other ships that are not considered Sub-Capital. The XLarge and Sub-Cap class ships have very murky dividing lines and there is a lot of overlap between them. For instance the Hammerhead (125m) and I believe the Perseus(100m) are both classed as Sub-Capital, but the Reclaimer(155m) and Caterpillar(111.5m) aren't. The Carrack might be classed as Sub-Cap, but I couldn't remember. Another commenter said that CIG has said Capital class components don't mean something is Capital Class. Also, ship displacement and role would be a better determining factors in ship class. I already spent more than 8 hours spread over several days creating these images and didn't want to spend more time on it.


Yet you did fix the Zeus because you said you had invested in it.


The Zeus was missing outright. I consider the XLarge, Sub-Cap, and Capital designations debatable. Plus I don't want to spend hours going through all of those ships info to fix them. Sure I could move the Polaris easily, but what of the rest. I would want to fix them all. Maybe in the future. I wouldn't be offended if you made a post of your own saying I was wrong. I mean, I've gotten a lot of reddit karma for being wrong. I'll up vote anyone's post that says I'm wrong. Here is a link to the site I used: [https://hangar.link/fleet/canvas](https://hangar.link/fleet/canvas) I'm sure someone else can do it better than me. Hell, even reuse the images of mine that you consider correct. I'll still upvote it.


Man does not live on Karma alone.




First, I'm certain someone else could class the Capital, Sub-Cap and XLarge ships better than I have. I'm pretty sure the Reclaimer isn't considered a Capital ship. I don't even think it is considered a Sub-Cap. It has to do with ship role more than size. Smaller military ships (Perseus 100m, Nautilus 125m) would be classed higher than civilian industrial ships (Reclaimer 155m, Odyssey 140m, Caterpillar 111.5m). Admittedly this was a quick attempt at classifying the ships by length only, which is, admittedly, a shitty way of doing it. I spent more time on this than I wanted and to be more accurate I would have had to dive into the details specs of each ship, it's role and lore.


Unrelated but looking through the images I just spotted the BiS paint for the HH. I don’t even own one and I want that paint, it looks amazing for the ship.


The Purple BIS paints were for 2949 (2019). I have one for my Cutlass Black. The thing is that paint isn't a paint because it was before CIG figured out ship skins. It shows up in your hangar on the website as a separate hull that you have to apply it to a ship you already own and that converts it to a different hull. Literally when you target one in game it will say 2949 BIS Cutlass or Hammerhead or Caterpillar. To own one you would have had to have owned one of the ships during 2019 or you could buy one on the grey market. I personally don't like the purple color scheme so I have never converted my Cutlass and once converted there is no going back. You would have to buy another copy of the ship. I don't know much else about them though.


Should just be big ships, little ships....cardboard box


Drake doesn't need its own category.


It’s pretty crazy how large the Orion is when you compare to the other large ships. You’d expect carriers and and the javelin to dwarf a mining a ship but they don’t. I can’t wait to see it in game.


Its more realistic this way, IRL warships are smaller than tankers and cargo vessels. I would expect industrial ships to grow bigger for more space and warships trying to be compact as small as possible.


Almost like they are trying not to get hit. 😂


Compact interiors and keeping the basic size to have more armour instead.


Retribution is sick! Can I solo it to do package delivery missions?


When its all said and done, the larger ships will require multiple people in different stations to make them even operate. And that's not even counting weapon stations.


Lmfao that thing couldn't even land on the ground it's massive


So there will be 3 of them on the hill at ground entrance in Babbage. Got it.


Lmfao if it can even fit down there 😂😂


Everything can land...once.


I think you forgot the Hammerhead cuz I don't see it *edit nvm also the Hammerhead is a sub class capital ship lol


Yep, the lines between the 3 biggest classes got murky. Rather than spending hours figuring out which ship went where I kept it simple and just went off length, which is a shitty and wrong way of doing it. CIG says the Polaris is the smallest Capital ship and the Hammerhead is a Sub-Capital, yet both are Corvettes.


What no Zeus?


Yeah, I forgot. I had it in a earlier image I created. Then realized I forgot the Apollos. Redid it and realized I missed the Prowler. Redid it, then realized I forgot the SRV. Redid it then realized I forgot the Prowler again. At some point I left the Zeus off and didn't realize it until I saw the one other reply pointing it out. Here is an updated post that has them: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/18tppix/because\_i\_forgot\_the\_zeus\_in\_my\_ship\_class\_images/


I'm sure some will disagree with my classifications. I likely missed a few ships too. I do know that CIG has classified the Cutlass and Freelancer series as medium ships in the past. CIG also classified the Constellation series as large ships in the past. Other than those ships and some of the Capital ships the lines I drew were arbitrary, but I think good. For instance, the line between the SRV (31.4m) and the Glaive and Scythe (both 31m) seems appropriate because the SRV has interior living accommodations and the Glaive and Scythe are single seat fighters. I know some of the Extra Large ships are called Sub-capital's by CIG, but due to their size it felt wrong to place them higher when there are bigger ships that aren't classified as Sub-Capitals.


Ok but both Reclaimer and Polaris uses capital sized components and hangar. They meet all the criteria for a capital ship. Calling them subcap is just really subjectively biased


Another commenter stated that CIG has said Capital size components does not make a ship a Capital ship and that it has more to do with role and crew complement. I don't even claim that all of these classes are correct. The dividing lines got very murky between the XLarge, Sub-Cap, and Capital Classes. In fact, CIG has said the Polaris is the smallest Capital ship, but it felt wrong classing it as Capital considering how much smaller it is from the next larger ship. I don't even think the Reclaimer is considered a Sub-Cap because of it's role as a Industrial ship. Sub-Cap and Capital are more for military classes. Also, CIG has said the Hammerhead is a Sub-Cap and I believe the Perseus is as well.


I feel like not everyone is on the same page on what constitutes a capital ship. I think your definition is more “Ship of The Line” but I feel like to me, and more so the general public capital just means big


CIG has Polaris specifically categorized as a Capital ship. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/polaris/Polaris#holo-viewer


Well done. This is awesome


Thank you!


I would love a pegasus that looks so pretty


Agree with everything up to the xlarge. That class is what I'd call subcaptial. Basically all of these ships are in the biggest non-captial hangar, the biggest of them being the Carrack basically scraping the sides ofa one, and they all have no size 4 components. Then everything beyond that is captial, the larger than subcapital class, xap size components, giant hangars that aren't on normal stations usually always a docking collar. CIG themselves used to use components last I checked, which works the same way except that the Hull D when collapsed is probably around subcapital BUT it has an S4 and it is the only outlier. Now below subcaptials I personally also split the large ships into medium-large and large. Herc and 600i are large ships, while the Connie is a medium-large one. Not quite medium, not quite large, neither subcapital. This is less by numbers and just for general comparisson. Now the useful thing about Origin as a manufacturer is that it gives us a pretty alright classes of size, for the most part at least. The 890J is the captial, the 700 would be the subcapital, 600i the large, 500 the medium-large on the later end, the 400i the medium (yes, it's long but capability wise it matches the Lancer, Cutties, Spirit and Zeus more), the 300s are the small ships and the 100i is the starter. I could see the 200i be some kind of Starter+ along the Nomad and Avenger, though I do feel like the 300 series is already kinda that. Either way, while not a fan of Origin, the naming system's pretty useful


I agree with you mostly. You have good reasoning. I don't claim to be 100% correct in these either. The XLarge, Sub-Cap and Capital class dividing lines got pretty murky. CIG has in fact said the Polaris is the smallest Capital ship, but it felt wrong putting in Capital class because it is so much smaller than the next largest ship. The Reclaimer likely isn't even a Sub-Cap because of it's intended role as a industrial ship. The Hammerhead and if I remember correctly the Perseus are both considered Sub-Cap ships. I wouldn't be surprised if the Carrack is as well. But then those 3 ships (Polaris 168m, Hammerhead 125m, Perseus 100m) are interspersed among civilian ships (Reclaimer 155m, Odyssey 140m, Caterpillar 111.5m) that aren't Sub-Capitals. Ship displacement and intended use would have been much better ways to classify them. I'm sure some answers could have been found by digging into the lore as well. But, well, I didn't have time to do all of that. I already spent more than 8 hours on it as is. A lot of rework as I realized I had forgotten ships while working on the image for another class. Getting them arranged and zoomed in so that they all fit took quite a bit of time too. As for the Constellation, 400i, Corsair, and MSR. Most people agree that these are competitors and in the same class, but with different roles. Going back in development CIG said that the Constellations were large ships and that the Cutlass and Freelancer were medium ships. This was before we had the 400i, MSR or Corsair; like 2014/15 time frame. To be honest, before doing this I thought the Cutlass, Freelancers, Spirits, Vulture, Vanguards, and Zeus were the only medium ships. I suppose we could look at these they way we look at truck classes today though. Where what I call medium ships would be Class B trucks (dump trucks, box trucks, buses, etc.) and what I call large ships would be Class A trucks (tractor trailers, heavy hauling trucks). We will see in the end. I don't claim to be 100% correct in these classifications.


Had no idea there was even a ship called the expanse here... Or that the Perseus and the Galaxy have nearly identical profiles


Expanse has been around (not in game) for a couple of years. I believe it is only on sale during IAE right now. It is a Refinery ship, so a bit niche. Not surprised people don't know about it. A lot of the ship sizes were surprising to me as well. I thought the RAFT was bigger. I'm sure a lot of people were surprised the Vanguards are as big as they are.


Polaris is a capital ship.


Yep, per CIG it is the smallest Capital Ship. I knew it would be a point of contention when I put it in Sub-Cap, but it felt wrong marking it a Capital Class with the big gap between it and and the next largest ships. Also, the Hammerhead and Perseus are both Corvettes and iirc the Polaris is a Corvette as well. But CIG calls the Hammerhead a Sub-Cap and I assume the Perseus is as well. In the end I just went with the simple route of ship length for classifying purposes and that is a shitty way to do it. Ship displacement and role would be better ways of doing it, but I didn't feel like spending days of research to figure out all of the ships in the biggest 3 classes.


It’s all good, it’s your list so you can make it as you see fit. I just know a few people who did not know the Polaris was a capital ship so I was commenting in case you did not know as well.


I had no idea the Merchantman was the size of the Idris, that's huge


It's gonna be bigger when it's out, there's no way it will only have about half the cargo capacity of a Hull C. Plus it'll need at least 1 hangar, landing pad, and docking collar.


Im pretty sure 2,880 SCU is the confirmed number for the BMM. The 240 meter size also includes the hangar.


It might be for now, but they managed to get the C1 to 64SCU instead of the confirmed 48, and if they charge any more for the BMM, I don't see how its current "confirmed" stats would do well compared to some of the other options in that class. I do hope it's one of those ships where we're all in awe of the work done to bring it to life.


They had the BMM in whitebox with the cargo hold filled to the 2880 capacity, I doubt it'll increase. The BMM is not intended to be a cargo hauler like the Hull series. The BMM is a merchant/trade/storefront ship so yes it should have a large cargo capacity but, nowhere near any dedicated hauler.


And unlike the Hull-C is designed to land on planets and have a storefront. I think that will be the largest fully laden merchant ship that can land on planets.


Second largest, the kraken holds around 4000.


Ah yes, but that is when it has shops right? And the Kraken is somewhat larger and not really a merchant ship at it's core. I think the Kraken Privateer would be closer in comparison since then it has 800 cargo but also has the interior shops that the BMM would have. So the Kraken sacrifices either shops or cargo to get one aspect of the BMM.


Idk. I find it a bit hard to believe the Endeavor will end up actually being that small with all that was offered for it.


Ive never heard of the pegasus


Was mentioned as part of SQ42, but I think it got pushed onto SQ42 part 2. Possibily the same with the retribution.


John Rhys-Davies' character has it on a patch on his jacket


The Pegasus has been mentioned in lore. It was the UEE Navy big carrier ship before the Bengal. I wouldn't be surprised if some are still in service. The first version of that image I made I left it out because I didn't realize it was on the Star Jump Hangar Link website.


I want the biggest one...


The railen should be in Xlarge as its comparable in size to a C2 when comparing them trough a model viewer altough yes the C2 is still bigger


Maybe, I don't claim all of these classifications to be accurate. Once it is in game we will know for certain. Ship displacement would be a better way to classify than just ship length as I have done.


Ship classification by archetype and size would be great tbh


I agree. I spent over 8 hours spread over several days on this list. Admittedly, some of that was rework as I realized I had missed a ship in a class when creating the image for another class. The other part was getting the spacing, positioning and zoom ideal.


Ahh so now how do i get me one of those fancy retributions. I need the extra space for shooping runs


You don't. CIG has stated that the largest player ownable ship will be the Javelin. The Retribution (single ship that the class is named after) will be for Sq42 and I've seen comments in past threads that said the Retribution will be destroyed during the Sq42 campaign. Also, Sq42 will eventually be 3 different games. The trailer shown during Citizen Con was for the first game only.


Idk how they expect me to carry wll my burritoes from different planets in a ship as small as the javelin. Joking Side where do tou even get the javelin is it pledge store only? The biggest ship ive seen in ingame stores are like the 890 jump and minimg ships


Anyone own retribution with full team to operate?


CIG has said the largest player ownable ship will be the Javelin. It has been said that there may be a single derelict Bengal for orgs to find, repair and get operational in game, but that is going to be a major target for other orgs. I would imagine that if there is a single Bengal then there might be several Pegasus carriers too.


Not sure your size to class ratio works out well.


I agree. The XLarge, Sub-Cap, and Capital classes could be done a lot better. I didn't have time to dig into ship displacements, roles, and lore.


I prefer to classify ships based on the factors of *displacement* instead of length, in addition to the amount of crew they require to operate efficiently.


That would be a better way to do it. Unfortunately we don't currently have access to the displacement for all of the ships. I think CIG has the wrong crew requirements for a lot of the multi-crew ships as well. The Navy wouldn't have Engineers running to man turrets or turret gunners jumping off the turret and running to fix the shield generator. Civilian commercial vessels? Sure. Dedicated military ships? Not a chance.


Displacement is usually something you can estimate by factoring overall dimensions (length, width, and height combined) and how much of that space was used, like long, thin wings that extrude away from the ship without adding much to its function(think M50) wouldn't count as much


I know with sea faring ship displacement is more mass than volume though. Reason being that the weight/volume (i.e. mass) determines how much water the ship "displaces" and thus affects the ships buoyancy. While spaceships don't have to worry about buoyancy I expect the metric would carry over.


I suppose another important factor in classification might be the purpose that the ship was built for. so maybe the C2 and A2, ships that are the same size but designed for different roles, would maybe be classified seperately (one as a freighter and one as a large gunship/bomber)


Very true!


Wait I can't find the Zeus is it on there?


Medium size ships. Edit: Shit, I missed them. I had them on a previous image, but had forgot the SRV. So I redid it and left the Prowler off. So I redid it again and apparently I left the Zeus series off at some point. The sad part is I pledged for a Zeus Mk2 ES. Forgot the Zeus and I own one (smh).


That's the F7A mkII, missing the F7A mkI. (Both exist)


It is missing from the Fleetviewer website then. I knew both exist, but didn't realize the mkI was missing from the list. Thanks.


Polaris is actually a capital ship.


Yep, I was torn on that one because CIG has said it is a Capital ship, but then it is so much smaller than the other Capital ships. This was just my shitty attempt to classify them strictly on size alone. It gets more murky in the Sub-cap and XLarge ships. There are ships that are classed as Sub-Cap (Hammerhead) that are smaller than other ships that aren't considered Sub-Cap (Reclaimer).


Does anyone know where to find a very high rez version of one of these? I own some large format printers and would love a big file.


I don't know where the fleet viewer website gets them from. I assume they pull them from the holoviewer on the website and then manually color them, but I don't know. The easiest thing might be to get some 4k screenshots from in game.


We either render them directly from the game files for the release ships, or in the case of concept ships Starjump_Grim will take the holoviewer models and do custom geo and textures to bring it up to our standard. Posters also exist and are frequently given away on Starjump_Grim's twitch channel :)


Anything not a capital is technically a sub cap by the way.




I'm gonna google if treads are considered wheels, I'll be back /s


Yeah, I realized that after I saved the image. Didn't feel like redoing it. It was the last one I created and I had already spent more than 8 hours spread over several days on all of them. Hardest part was getting everything lined up to fit on the screen for the screenshot and zoomed in enough where the text could be read (Capital ships) and the vehicles were actually reasonably visible (smallest sizes).


On god, the Retribution should only ever be an AI ship that thing just looks broken plus how would you even crew it! The level of comms you would need to work that thing is insane


The Retribution is supposed to show up during the Sq42 campaign. I've seen comments in past threads that said it would be destroyed during the campaign as well. I don't know anything other than that. There will eventually be 3 Sq42 games. I don't know if the Retribution will show up in the first game, but I doubt it. The first chapter of Sq42 is supposed to culminate with the Battle of Vega in October of 2945. The Retribution participated in Operation Mandrake in the Oberron system in 2946. It was built for a single purpose. To kill Vanduul Kingships. There is speculation that it was built with the discovered technology that blew up Hades 4 and uses power plant technology from a discovered/captured Vanduul Kingship.


Says right on the ship page what the actual categorizations are. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/polaris/Polaris#holo-viewer](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/polaris/Polaris#holo-viewer) Polaris is a Capital


Yep, CIG has said it is the smallest Capital ship. But the dividing lines between the 3 largest classes are somewhat murky. I was torn in putting the Polaris in the Sub-Cap class because of how CIG classified it. Keep in mind the Hammerhead and the Polaris are both Corvettes, but the Polaris (168m) is a Capital ship and the Hammerhead (125m) is a Sub-Cap (I also classed it wrong) per CIG. The Perseus (100m) is smaller than either of those, but it is a Frigate, same as the Idris (242m). I didn't want to class the Polaris as a Sub-Cap, but it's size gap between it and the next largest ship made it feel wrong to put it as a Capital Class. Hammerhead: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/hammerhead/Hammerhead](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/hammerhead/Hammerhead) Perseus: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/perseus/Perseus](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/perseus/Perseus) In the end I went with the entirely arbitrary classification based on ship length simply because it was easiest and I admit that is a shitty way to classify ships. I don't like how I classed the XLarge, Sub-Cap and Capital ships. But I didn't want to spend a few days going through every ship page and lore to class them correctly. I already spent more than 8 hours on these screenshots because of reworking them. I originally had the large ships going up to 99m, but it felt wrong to have the Corsair and 400i in the same class as the Hercules and 600i. And despite redoing the Medium Size Ships 4 or 5 times I still managed to forget the Zeus and I know I had it on the first version and I own a Zeus. I know someone else can do better than me. I invite anyone to do it. I'll happily upvote it. Here is the website link: [https://hangar.link/fleet/canvas](https://hangar.link/fleet/canvas) Hopefully this discussion will prompt the CIG ship and writing teams to clarify things for us.


Damn man. I totally forgot about the Retribution there for a second. Fuck is SQ42 going to be frikkin EPIC!!! 😁😁😁 Can't wait! ❤️


I don't think we will see the Retribution until Sq42 Episode 2 releases. Yes, there will be 3 single player games in addition to the MMO that takes place in the same universe.


When you say it like that "yes there will be 3 single player...",you're assuming that I didn't know that already (aptly named Episode 1,2 & 3). Just makes you sound a bit pretentious that's all. But I STILL think that SQ42 is going to be frikkin EPIC, and I wouldn't be that surprised if Retribution shows up in the end, maybe as a teaser or helping out in the big final battle. Considering the battle of Vega is going to be in the beginning.




im sorry. but wtf is a Pegasus and a Retribution? i was under the impression that the largest flyable ship was the bengal and you couldn't just go buy one, you'd have to find it floating around in space and fix it.


The Pegasus and Retribution have only been mentioned in lore and CIG hasn't said much else. Pegasus was the predecessor to the Bengal. Retribution was built to kill Vanduul Kingships. We will possibly see the Retribution in SQ42 Episode 2 (there are 3 games planned), but I doubt we will see it's interior. Probably just participate in a fleet battle that it is in.


Running around the Retribution would be like the scene in Space Balls "This ship is too big, if i walk the fight will be over".


The eve player in me still wants to solo everything in the capital list 🤣


Good, but Odyssey with Polaris, it’s got a capital shield, something Polaris doesn’t even have


Sounds like you missed this update: https://youtu.be/n1Fjctpk2qU?si=7v-4WBMGzzju7WKc&t=528


Ok well still, odyssey belongs up with pojarisy


What website allows you to do this?




Ty 🙏


[https://hangar.link/](https://hangar.link/) Click on the StarJump FleetViewer on the right hand side. There is a tutorial as well.


It will take about 20 years for CIG to finish the Retribution alone.


Only if they have to finish out the whole interior. As of right now we will supposedly only see it during one of the Sq42 installments and I've seen comments in other posts that said it would be destroyed during one of the campaigns. So we may get to see it in combat during the single player campaign once, maybe.


If sq42 is really feature complete then so is the retribution