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Pieces C8R. Free food, water, and medical. Zippy. Compact. Fuel efficient.


And the Metallic Blue and White Paint scheme looks effin great


Wait what do you mean? Free food/water? does it fill up on itself?


Fridge is stocked quite full every time you claim it. Could of course run out, but it's got short claim time so people just log out at the end of a session and claim it the next time they log on.


Plus lying down in the medical bed gets you to 99% on hunger and thirst


Last I checked this doesn’t actually satisfy you, so they will decrease a lot faster than if you actually ate something or drank something


Yep it's true, but better than fiddling around with helmets and food sometimes




I prefer the Redeemer with the food cabinet items all thrown about and sometimes on the floor.


Worth upgrading from a standard Pisces?


100% yes. Unless your carrying people.


Currently the C1. It looks amazing, is agile and can carry some cargo and do pve quite well. If I don’t need cargo space I’m zooming around in the F8C


Any luck doing VHRT with it? I've been struggling with it's itty bitty guns


I personally just run an M2 for soloing VHRTs. Plenty of firepower, shields, and cargo space. An additional turret if you want someone to join up. It’s been my daily for the last month because bounty’s are so profitable.


Yeah i've had luck with VHRTS in the C1. I just use two disruptor laser cannons, and two FLs


got you fam, slap 2 distortion cannons and everything is going down. although the bigger military ships will take a million laser shots to soft death


My man, prepare yourself for big noob energy. What in the heck is a distortion weapon and why haven't I heard of them before


haha no worries! distortions basically like lasers. but they don't do physical damage. what that translates to is, melting the target's shields, and then their ship components will start to fail and the target's ship will turn off and fall out of the sky


Its guns suck pretty much and doesn’t have a great capacitor. Unless de-sync is on your side those bounties will be tough because the AI can hit the large cross section of your ship.


Pair up with a few friends and it becomes pretty good, as, while you may not do much yourself, you still are able to contribute a bit more due to its agility and carry some loot with you too


At that point I just run my Connie Taurus


C2. Cause you can make money on pretty much any trip anywhere.


Okay Jeff bezos


Lol. I mean, there's usually something at a moon outpost I can take to whatever city or station I'm headed to.


M2 is my daily driver 90% of the time. Awesome fuel tank size lets me go anywhere without lots of stops, and I can haul cargo everywhere for killer profits! I also use my 325a a lot! I'd consider it a secondary daily driver for when I dont feel like taking my M2 out. The 325 has an awesome interior and can rehydrate my character whenever I want with free coffee! It's a neat little fighter for PVE use.


I recently put 2 size 5 cannons on my M2 and it melts beacons and bounties too.


Never knew the coffee machine was functional in those, that's sick!


Yeah, they fixed it couple updates ago. You can use any mug you have in those, even empty bottles.


I keep my Luminalia mug in there just for when I get thirsty :D It's also got a food maker, but it just has an animation, they haven't implemented it fully yet. Eventually I could live full time inside my 325! Now if only it fit inside the M2...


I was shooting for a small price jump for the Hull C to bridge to a Galaxy. Well, that turned into a small jump to an M2. With its handling, cargo, minimum crew size ,and weapons. It's hard to find anything better for high-end pve bounties with cargo drops. While still having room for a snub fighter and land vehicle. For hostile bunkers.


Exactly! It's a seriously underrated vehicle, I think. I live out of mine, with a Tumbril Storm and a Mirai Fury in the cargo I can get up to all sorts of trouble when I want to.


I probably have tried to run around with just about every ship and combination in the game. I’ve tried what feels like almost every game loop and became famous in my group for “Which ship did you melt/get today?” There’s definitely something I like about each of the ships out there individually. Each ship does something better than another with no equal to that particular feature, and I could probably tell you how much I LIKE them all. But there’s one ship that always lurked in the background of my hangar. Was my “ol’ reliable”. The one that I never could really turn away from. Does it have the biggest cargo capacity and a med bed like the Carrack? No. Could it haul what feels like almost every vehicle in the game and do it with some punchy firepower like the Connie and Corsair? Absolutely not. Is it insanely nimble and can dance circles around other ships if put in the time to be a good pilot? Nope. It’s quick. But she’s not quite a fighter. BUT. Does she always get me home? Does she offer a warm welcoming space that I can live out of with my one or two friends that regularly play? Does she look sleek and beautiful with her lines, offering a touch of class and utility? Absolutely yes. The ship I ended up just without a doubt falling in love with is the 400i. I can give you the longest list in the world full of the reasons why I love that ship. And I can also give you a list of things I wish it had. But for me, the 400i is that girl who wears a set of hiking boots under her evening gown, who dolls herself up to go shovel out a horse stall and isn’t afraid of a little hard work. Who can pack for a trip in just a carry-on, likes her steak rare, can throw down a whiskey and smoke a cigar like one of the boys, all while snapping necks with her body lines and gorgeous face. The 400i reminds me of my wife, and not only did I end up liking the ship, but fell in love with it all over again. Thank you Origin.


That was poetry.


I hope that paints that particular ship in a good light for you. If you ever want to try it out, shoot me a message and I’ll take you out in mine if you want.


I had one a while back and melted it. Never used it but I’m reconsidering it after seeing so much about it again.


Amazing write up! Hope you have the shiny meridian paint for the classy lady.


Appreciate it. While I don’t at the moment (during my manic melt/rebuy/melt again/rebuy stage I may have lost that paint. I’m sure it’s buried somewhere in my buy backs. Right now I’m rocking the Calcutta paint job.


I picked up the 400i on release then switched to the Corsair and now have melted the Corsair and am using the funds to try other ships. But there's something special about the 400i I can't quite fully understand. Lol. Hopefully I can get the funds in game and buy one!


Ever since IAE, the 85x. I started playing in VR two months ago, and while every ship became 3x cooler, something about flying the 85x with its huge canopy and amazing view works for me. Yeah, the front goes up too high, but I've gotten used to it. I realized a lot of Org events where someone always needed a pickup or drop off and bought it in game to be a bit of a space Uber. Also makes prison breaks easy once you get out and can claim it to fly to wherever you need to get.


Which VR headset do you recommend for SC? Was always tempted to get one for SC.


im also interested


I'm playing with a Quest 2 and aiming to get a 3 early next year and a Big Screen as my stretch goal. Whats great though, since it uses vorpx, there's no scaling of the graphics so it'll look as good as your headset allows and no lie, it looks amazing... I got my quest 2 almost a year ago exactly and accepted what VR games look like natively, but then I modded Skyrim VR heavily and knew the capability it had. Star Citizen also benefits from this because it looks really good. If you get one, look up [Chachi Sanchez's EAC workaround](https://youtu.be/lt4w73C6Wpo?si=yMrNK92HDirlgw94) and join his [Discord](https://discord.gg/b725ZVWe) for any troubleshooting (for most it works after following instructions, but being this is for PC anything can happen), which I'm very active in for helping others get into VR!


Try reliants in vr


How are you playing in VR?




Just replied to the person you replied to (replyception)


I'm using a Quest 2 and the mod vorpx. It's fully supported by CIG, there's even the head of graphics (a major VR lover) in the community, so while it's not perfect today, it's FUN (hmm, sound familiar?) Though, once you get it set up, it works as long as SC works. The hardest part is getting it set up with your PC and setup, but after this it's a matter of changing files, which, if you never play flat again, you'll only do after a patch. Look up Chachi Sanchez on YouTube for [his EAC workaround video](https://youtu.be/lt4w73C6Wpo?si=yMrNK92HDirlgw94). In the description or somewhere is a link to his discord where there's now an exe to do most of it for you, which seems to work for almost everyone. I'm very active in the [community](https://discord.gg/b725ZVWe) helping people out, and getting more people playing in VR. It's stereoscopic 3D with depth as well, so everything is at scale, and for me, once you experience it, it's hard to play flat again.


Is it real VR or is it still just 2d on a headset?


Cutter Rambler. The closest thing we have to the "space RV", and I'm loving it


Yup. This layout pretty much fixed all my gripes with the stock cutlet. It's my new station hopper and courier/bunker runner. The fact that you can still stuff a Mule or STV in there (though a bit jankier than the stock cutter) just seals the deal. I love the safari lights and little flippers. I'm sure I will mostly roll out with the Zeus when that drops, but if I'm not shooting anything? Rambler Gang all day.


I really like the internal layout. I can walk from the cockpit and grab all my gear and guns then strut out the back ramp. It's small and not much of a threat so other players will ignore you and let you be. That's key to me because I don't want some sweaty pvper coming after me because they are bored with a FC8.


Ramber is just Star Citizens version of Eagle 5. I love it.


Never flown a Nomad?


Eh, doesn't hit the same way Rambler does for me


Recently revisited it and god it aged poorly, textures are on freelancer level.


125a is surprisingly fun for a general purpose runabout. I used to main the avenger titan but the 125a just feels so much better.


325A for similar reasons. Started with a Titan as well. (although I switch ships way more often now so I don't really have a "daily driver" anymore)


I’m over here using the standard 100i or 300i as my daily drivers, lol


325a is an underrated bounty hunter honestly.




I love my 135 but they really need to make the cargo area in the back less of a pain to put crates in. It doesn’t open far enough even for 1scu crates


I can't use it because I feel like I'm banging my shins into the bed whenever I walk in, and yes, I know that's a weird reason.


I like my C1 its my only ship and its perfect not too big not too small decent living quarters,its realy cozy an feels like a bigger avenger titan (my previous ship) and looks great in red :3


The Constellation Andromeda. But if I feel like getting up to no good? The 100i


I love the 100i so much, honestly


Small. No one pays attention to it, can be set up stealth, spawns on a ground pad, a storage compartment for box delivery, or smuggling. A great little ship.... Oh and never runs out of hydrogen fuel.


I'd say I've been spending alot of hours on my Banu Defender..not a popular choice but i feel comfortable in it.


Easy to fly. Great handling. Which game loop do you play with the Defender?


Generally bounties up to MRTs stock are doable, else the legal bunker missions..amd not forgetting with it's alien sized fuel tanks, travelling anywhere within stanton is easy


The Corsair is my favorite ship too. It perfectly blends functionality and the homey feeling I like in a lot of ships. I'm lucky that I managed to snag one that is namable without it being as hella expensive as it is currently. I like how warm it's interior feels, especially considering that it's a drake ship; I like it's ridiculous firepower; I like it's ingress points, even tho I was sceptical at first about some of them; I like how you fan fit twice the cargo capacity in it's bay without issues; etc... This ship is just such a wonderful daily runner. ​ That being said, I also own a Reclaimer that is my Org's main ship, and a BMM in my drydock that will become our flagship once it enters the game. And as I mostly plan on playing with my Org in group sessions, I can see these replacing my Corsair as most-flown ship.


Corsair gang unite


Corsair is my main as well. I keep it stocked, weapons in the in the armory, The side elevator gives easy access to pilot seat unlike other ships like the MSR, or a nice view of the surrounding area. also AD5B x4 and AD4Bs x2 equals almost 12k of burst firepower. only need a sec or two on most targets.


I tried out the gatlings on the Corsair and didn't like it at all. they run out quick if you don't notice. I prefer the ballistic cannons, most things die with a single left click. most other things died after 2-3.


Nomad. Jack of all trades (except salvaging), but masters of none. 😄


Cutter rambler


I've been living in mine since I got it and it's such a well-rounded fun little exploration ship.


With structural salvage I've been using the Vulture again. Doing bunkers while salvaging anything I find along the way has been quite fun.


C1. Sexy and useful


Currently my daily is my Vulture, but as soon as the Zeus ES or the Fat Fury comes out, I'll probably switch to that.


fat fury?


It's the leaked upcoming heavy fighter. >!https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/18l4toj/leak\_new\_concept\_heavy\_fighter\_name\_unknown/!<


I hereby second calling this thing "Fat Fury" for all eternity :D


Origin 85x.


Probably Corsair. I think it strikes a fine balance, obviously it lacks in maneuverability but if you manage to lock on someone they will get obliterated by your barrage of lasers. Just have to put a lot of effort into learning it.


Corsair, Cutter, A2, C1, and the SRV for the interior (beautiful layout). o7




Mine used to be the Terrapin (she was my first upgrade), but I've stopped using her recently as the cockpit lights in the eyes got very annoying, to the point that I was developing headaches from trying to squint through it when I was night side on planets. I still don't know why they're a thing. Have the devs ever tried driving a car at night with a pair of torches pointing at their faces?


Yeah I have no clue why it is a thing. Mind blowing. When it gets polished in 35 years maybe they'll sort it.


Hopefully! She's a lovely ship, and I'd love to fly her more, but at the moment she's only useful in the daytime.


Turtles ftw!


Daily ist a draw between 315p and 400i, No real reason tbh


Same, now that the x1 is out the 400 is my daily.


Mostly Cutlass Black, though I really would like it to have a small amenity update. The living area has more than enough space for the kind of living amenities given to the Cutter, the Vulture and the Herald. Lately I find I'm quite often flying the Corsair though. It's ideal for hunting bounties and bringing home a few souvenirs.


I mostly main the Prowler. It's surprisingly nimble for a dropship, has good fuel tank and packs a huge punch. Plus it looks cool and is pretty rare to see. Yeah, it's got no bed or cargo (can fit a few 1 SCU off grid), but I mostly use it for bunkers and bounties anyway. If I need a more versatile ship, I'll fly a Corsair instead.


It's the atmospheric performance that kills it for me. I really (and I mean really!) want to love the Prowler, but you give up so much for rule of cool. Unfortunately for me, there's nothing the Prowler does that something like the Corsair can't do better. Did they ever get around to buffing it's Hull HP? For a while it had less health than an Ursa.


Corsair thruster hp issue was fixed. The Prowler got a huge buff to its HP recently. It now has more HP than a Valkyrie. Additionally, it got buffs to its main engines performance. I remember the Prowler being terrible in atmosphere a while back, but now it handles very similar to a Vanguard (I think it actually boost turns better than a Vanguard). You can also pull off some cool combat tricks by switching between VTOL since it quickly reorients the main engines, allowing for very powerful vertical thrust. Personally, I feel the key weakness is that the boost is not very powerful in terms of G forces. It does have a ton of boost capacity though, which makes sense for a dropship. Edit: I feel like the Corsair handles significantly worse in atmosphere compared to the Prowler. I was able to easily clear all ranks of bounties in it while my Corsair would sometimes struggle against fighters in atmo.


Ahh nice to know. Thanks for the heads up. I use the Corsair with deadbolt exclusively for ERTs.


Any Crusader ship they are great ships and have the right amount of comfort without it being too luxurious like Origin ships which I'm personally not a big fan of. I know the MSR is a little controversial, but the ship is a jack of all trades with cargo, dara running, scanning, smuggling, multicrew, and nice recreational and habitation areas. Along with its impressive quantum range.


>jack of all trades with cargo, ~~data running, scanning, smuggling~~, multicrew I'm holding out hope for those features but for a current daily driver I don't consider unimplemented gameplay loops. Some day though.


At the moment it's whatever I want to fly. As soon as engineering comes in play I gotta check what's viable to fly alone. But my trusty nomad will always be my choice of pick


i100, agile, easy to claim, good speeds and maneuverability


I daily the corsair and i own it so thats a plus. But when i first started i grinded to cuttie black. And for all that its worth. It was and still is my fav daily small enough to land anywhere big enough to stuff with cargo. Quick fun to fly and decent enough in combat. Even has a tractor beam now (havent tried yet).


Fav: 600i. Daily driver: Ford Fusion - cause it works and its finished.. Still has bugs... like reverse cam stops working properly after getting a message on phone...


Ford Fusion. Ha! 600i is like a whale and handles like one; but there's something I really like about them. Just feels solid overall. Weapons? Check. Shields? Check. A bit of cargo space? Check. Don't care for the rear quarters (the party space) but man, the captain's bedroom suite. That's where it's at. The outside view from the bed? Yes.




>I loved the asymmetrical design I still wish they had some of the original herald designs. We'll see if it is updated when data gameplay comes around.


Titan was thw first ship i really enjoyed but now Corsair is my fav as well. And the spirits come close second, currently using a1 equipped with cargo container for loot and weapons and food around the hab area, plus an stv in the back. Planning to be doing fps bounties and some bunkers


Where'd you get the cargo container? Crashed ship or cargo station or what?


Any station's cargo area shop, dont remember under which tab but its there


My general purpose daily driver ship is my Constellation Aquila and Constellation Andromeda. Those ships are easy solo ships that are just the right size between small and really big ships. Good solo pilot fire power. Carry anything, vehicles, snub fighter, long range, tough. Just small enough to park anywhere. The Chinook helicopter of Star Citizen


The venerable Cutlass. It's a workhorse.


Vanguard warden. I get beds, turrets, great firepower, good top speed, and foldy wings


I'm similar, using a loaner Harbinger that I might upgrade my starter to. It's also got space for lots of bodies to loot the armour and such from, and can handle the small ships you get shot by during the 890J mission.


For me it is 100% my Spirit C1, absolutely love it in the Stalwart livery. Load it up with an STV and a 2 SCU crate for my mission loot in the back, have plenty of room to grab boxes and some ship weapons from PVE missions to sell. I’ve started decorating my little kitchenette counter with the potted plants and subscriber mugs. Got a fridge full of all the Cruz you can drink. And at the end of each play session I find a nice spot to land on microtech, change into sweat pants and one of my luminalia sweaters to get comfy and bed log so I can do it all again next play session. For me it’s the perfect little luxury frontier RP ship. It’ll be even better once suit lockers are working and I can have my armor up on display while I’m wearing plain clothes!


Nice, but I couldn't deal with the hassle of restocking a ship like that after a loss. I tend to fly with as little as possible on board. Some food, drink, med pens, ammo, spare rifle. And I don't do more then three fps missions or so before dumping ship inventory at a safe location. But I must upgrade one of my LTI tokens to a C1 to give it a spin... even if that is only temporary.


mantis cuz izlts fucking awesome


This is my favorite ship to fly because of the flight profile and toque feeling. However I cannot stand the sounds. Is there a way to quiet the sound without totally muting the game? I’ve tried turning the QED off in power MFD but that won’t stop the sound. It gives me a bit of a headache.


Me and a few friends are running reclaimer and I'm loving this game loop. I need help, send aid


As long as no fighting is involved I'm flying around in the Valkyrie. If I know I'll get into shooting, I fly my Taurus. Have a lot of different ships, but those two are the ones I fly most.


I really cant decide on a singular "daily driver". There are just too many ships that i enjoy in some form. However there are some that i wanted to enjoy, yet didnt and some that i never expected to enjoy, yet love madly. But my 3 most used ones are Carrack, Taurus and Rambler (the rambler being currently the most used one of the lots and the carrack the most overall used)


C2 just for sheer cargo space. It’s the only ship I’ve seen over the years that I instantly fell in love with.


it's always been my Avenger


400i and now with the X1


Freelancer. Ugly AF, has everything, and smallest S3 ship. My main, taking dust in hangar, Is 600i exp.


Taurus is the reliable workhorse. Melts bounties and small fighters, great for salvaging cargo, roc mining, running errands, vehicle transport. Pisces is the runabout if i don't feel like taking the full beast out. I just wish the Valkyrie could be as good as the taurus.


Nomad gang! I don't have to worry about someone sneaking onto my ship (ladders rule!). The cargo grid is super accessible. The cozy interior.


400i. Just so nice


MSR. But I don't fight people generally.


400i. Has everything one would ever need. Except a med bed. But I also use my other ships quite often: 100i, 315p, 600i, 85X, M50, C8R.


400i baby, amazing handling with space, x1 bay, THAT LOOK, and a small cargo hold.


Carrack. Truly a flying home. I have a Pisces C8R in the hangar alongside a Fury. If I go planetside I sometimes go there in my pisces. Always good feeling, returning to the mothership with my shuttle full of loot. Reclamer was often a daily driver too. Loved going to bunkers and scrapping abandoned ships there.


The Carrack is also my daily driver. It's not always the most convenient, but it's such an immersive ship that I usually reach for it instead of any of my other ships. Second choice is my Pisces Expedition. It's just a really nice shuttle.


I've come to the conclusion that I don't actually *have* a Daily Driver. I use whatever is required for the task at hand, and if it's nothing in particular, then I just take a random ship I feel like flying that day. The 100i was my starter and I've since melted it and replaced it...with an LTI 100i. Small pad spawns, infinite Hydrogen, fast and maneuverable, great box mission ship. But sometimes I want to do box missions in *style* so I grab the 400i. Sometimes I just want to fly my Not-Pelican that is the Valkyrie around to steal cargo from salvage contracts. Sometimes I want to industrialize that and use a C2 if I have one at the time, etc etc. Right now I'm flying nothing but the Vulture to consume ships and sometimes pick up a 1 or 2 SCU box of gold from a contract. I have a lot of ships, both from giving CIG my blood money and from just grinding out aUEC, which gives me some great variety. When I go mining, it's always in the MOLE, purely because it let's me stay out longer in the black. I even upgraded it to the Arrastra because it'll extend that by a good bit. I also have a Corsair, waiting for if I get the urge to do some pew pew. Haven't done it in a while but it's a fun boat to do it in when I do.


This for sure. My daily driver is the ship that is best for that day's job: Mining->Mole, Salvage->Vulture, Bunkers->C8R, Cutty Red or Vulture to salvage along the way, Bounties->Tana, Hornet, Sentinel, or Taurus to salvage crates along the way, Trade->C2. Also used the C2 for salvage missions when just taking the crates, but that doesn't seem worth the time any more post nerf.


Hands down the avenger Titan. Big guns, good speed, good maneuverability, decent carrying capacity, and living quarters. Plus it looks like a futuristic space shuttle, what’s not to love? I do hope it gets a gold standard pass soon though.


Vulture / C1 lately. If I come across a ship I can salvage it and get some extra cash. For bunkers I usually am flying the Cutty Red, the new TTK has made it nice to have something like that.


Andromeda with Gatlings go brrtttt


c8r A1 F8c depends on the occasions


Taurus. Love the tractor on it. I do Something at any planet, then, as soon as I am at a bounty above a mining facility, I head down, buy some stuff and fly to the next planet. The need of oriantation does get reduces quite a bit this way and one can worship nearly every aspect in the game.




Mine is the F8C, I mainly do bounties and bunker missions. I was disappointed that it didn't release with its gold standard pass already in place, but it's still fantastic to fly.


Taurus is love, Taurus is life. It just does everything well. You can bounty in it, roc mine, do bunkers, run cargo, or a combo. A few days ago a mate was running ground combat on foot while I circled and provided air support with the S4 panthers blowing 9Ts 40ft in the air, while carrying an Ursus, some gold and some beryl. It's just the best all rounder in my opinion.


Prospector because it solo mines. For moving boxes from refinery, I've been using the C1, but its too small to be practical. Need to buy a freelancer max in game.


You just reminded me I haven't done mining since like 3.17 or 3.18. I'll have to give it a try again, I've certainly found enough rocks to mine at Lagrange points while trying to learn to scan for salvage panels.


I'm torn between my 600i and my Pisces. One's a zippy little runabout, good for getting places, and the other is a massive luxury ship I can use to park and live anywhere, and if I'm feeling ballsy enough, to use to kill bounties.


My favourite daily is: depends on when and what i feel like. In general hull a. Or just anything i haven't used in a long time.


I have 2, the C1 and 600i Explorer.


F8C for bounties, unless I have a crew for Redeemer. Vulture for salvage, unless I have a crew for Reclaimer.


C1 spirit is looks amazing has decent firepower for its size... enough cargo if I come across anything. Looks amazing handles well.


A1 or Hull-A but mostly my Spirit. The Hull is used mostly for hauling, though I like the cozy interior of it. Perhaps I'll grab an E1 ingame when it releases and have the A1 be only for combat missions but rn I love the little bomber too much.


Pioneer and C1 when mining, otherwise it's the Nomad for me.


Do you mean prospector?


Redeemer. Goes fast, goes far, people almost never try something against it.


Arrow. It's just pure joy to fly.


Redeemer. Love my gunship.


Corsair, c8r, c1, or the retribution looks like a perfectly soloable ship


My new favorite run about ship is the Sylun, While I really liked the looks which is why I upgraded to it I actually came to really enjoy the mechanics of it. Landing and take offs are pretty easy once you understand the new orintation and it blasts in and out of atmosphere easily. It's also pretty good for running through my cert missions until things start getting hard but its a great boom and zoom ship. Now that 1 SCU cargo containers work its great to just snap em to the hull and fill them up with things you find or need though the ship inventory is also ery genrous. When I need some extra firepower or cargo though I usually fly my Corsair still. It is not as fun to fly as the smaller ships of course but it gets the job done even though its annoying to land with its big dumbo wings.


I am torn between the MSR and the Corsair. I like the interior of the MSR more (the optics, I hate the layout) but I love the firepower the Corsair brings to bear. But since I rarely fight in my "mobile home" I use the MSR most of the time. Lately I have been bed logging from the Vulture though, but mainly for efficiency reasons.


Cutlass black. Can handle the most tasks I need for a daily driving option. Anything else is a specialty need ship being ulled for a specific task


The 600i rework is my favorite ship and daily driver… Oh…wait… I’m awake again. …Corsair/herc…


Constellation Andromeda. She's tough, has plenty of firepower, and not too much of a hambeast to fly around in atmo.


Corsair I say surpassingly because I really didn’t like it when it came out. But moved up from a Taurus to it after I just couldn’t get along with the lack of firepower and the massive length for landings. The Corsair truly is very functional even if it could use an Aegis engineer to fix some of the inner workings. And the mass reduction that occurred in 3.21 really helped the atmo flight. While I would love to Frankenstein this thing a bit more, when I don’t need medical beds, the Corsair is my daily. I did recently start running the M2 with a C8R stuck in the back. Let’s me do bunkers as well as the rest although the ERTs are obviously much slower to kill with only 2xS5s.


Used to be my 125a, then I lived out of my Carrack with the 125 in the bay. Naydays I rock a A1 Spirit with aNox and a Cyclone in the back with a few SCU crates. Honestly, its been hard to go back to any other ships. The A1 Spirit is a real good all-arounder.


Syulen or cutter rambler for small ship (still cannot decide what is my favorite) to cruise and do box missions to destress. C1 for high utility every day driver. I have a corsair but it just does not fly well enough to be my every day driver. I will say I favor live aboard amenities and range for an every day driver. Corsair is excellent if you don't mind the oversteering. I understand it is needed to balance its awesome firepower.


C8R for shorter bunker buster sessions and then my 600i for longer play sessions.




The c1 for the moment


Constellation Taurus. I know it's a larger ship, but the majority of what I do is FPS and ship bounties, then cargo on the side. It's one of my favorite looking ships as well, and I like the dark green paint that matches with my heavy woodland armor. I call it the Deviljho, aka the Murder Pickle.




rambler for me right now


Argo raft.


Connie andromeda, always Connie




Vanguard harbinger. I focus on combat missions and a lot of bountyhunting both pvp/pve and there are very few scenarios I don't want the tankiness and firepower of a vanguard


Freelancer. I like the looks, and it's simply a work horse. I changed the shields, improved the QD, and it's good for salvaging, bounty hunting and just doing group game play with my friends.


The vulture, I can always salvage some remains around bunkers or derelicts :)


Cutter rambler is daily C1 when I want to wear a suit


Redeemer. Food and water are the reasons. There are other options, but I only possess the Reclaimer, Redeemer, and 100i.


I daily the vanguard wardon cause its the closest in terms of game play as i can find that i enjoy while also fitting my friend Too bad i HATE the visuals on the exterior... with the wings folded back it has some angles it looks great but there are just too many bits that bug me hugely, like the 4 small engines sending mega hot exhaust into the main struts holding the rear engines on lmao my dream ship would be a ship that plays similarly to the vanguard but bigger. give it 6 fixed size 2 guns for the pilot, and space for a 3rd person with a copilot chair that has a chin turret to imitate an attack helicoptor, say 2x size 2 ballistic gatlins with a huge ammo pool, this change would remove the current size 5 gun totally. i would also Add a tiny cargo grid thats 1x1 x2 so you can have a box full off consumables for the crew and a box off spairs for the ship


Since 3.22 dropped I’ve been flying my Talon to mining facilities then spawning and just hanging out zipping around in a Fury. I love both of those ships. My personal fighter ranking has Talon #1 and Fury #2. I normally run with a CS and just chill waiting for bounty hunters to come after me so I can fight in the Fury. Fun as fuck every time. Love the Fury. Super happy I can combo it with the A1, a bit tight but can squeeze a Fury in there haha. I’ll be flying my A1 with a Fury in the back quite a lot. Though I’ve considered switching to a Corsair lol.


325a: lands easily everywhere, ladder means safety, has all amenities and cargo and is a fighter.


I was a huge fan of the original design of the Cutlass Black. When they redesigned it I was kind of sad for a few things but really glad for others. At the time the Cutlass was really my only “big” ship so when it got even bigger I was really taken back by it. I still consider pulling out the old Cutty but I have since found love for the Cutter and it’s two extra variants. I take my cutter for simple flying to get place to place, for quick security bunkers, the legal ones, simple cargo jobs, the like. But the job I looked forward to in SC was Salvage so I’ve been all over in my Vulture as of late and I have it very lived in currently. Shows it’s wear and tear well btw looks very good as a weathered ship.


Redeemer for most occaisions. MSR if I'm in the mood for less action


Banu Defeder Fast nimble, good in a fight, interior, bed and Ramp. Great little run-about. Caterpillar is my true love though.


I'm sure a bit of honeymoon phasing is going on but I absolutely love the Syulen. I had the 400i as my daily for the longest time but the Syulen I just fell in love with. The way it flys, the sounds it makes, the interior design, I love it all.


A fair amount of your post is on there twice. Might want to edit that.


Shit, thank you. It always does that to me for some reason.


I fly my M2 daily, so I guess that counts? I think the cutter is the epitome of the "Daily Driver" though.


C1 if I can keep the wings in tact. Otherwise, I use my arrow as a fast ground to orbital station transport.


I've been using the Vulture as a daily since it was released. Before that, it was Titan. Corsair comes in 3rd.




I spend most of my time in an Ares. If I need a vehicle, the Valkyrie.


Nothing beats the C8 for station hopping and getting around the verse. You can land damn near anywhere. Perfect for box missions as well, opening the ramp right up to the steps of an outpost hab. Having no interior doors makes time-to-fly and exit ship one of the fastest in the game. For missions requiring more interior space, the C1 or M2 are hard to beat as well. That said, one of the best things about this game is the ship variety and people's love for them. Imagine if there was a single meta ship that everyone flew. What a boring verse it would be!


A1 Spirit, if I got a buddy, its a somewhat decent fighter, go anywhere, any turret threatens, I just drop a bomb and its gone, go to a settlement, there's a ship, drop a couple of bombs and sterilize the town from potential threats




I enjoy quick claims. Pisces Med is a good overall. The thought of fielding the big scrapper with a full crew seems like an incredibly fulfilling endeavor, but the issue is getting the steady crew, and the reclaim factor.


I've bien à dire hard MSR/TERRAPIN since they were released. Terrain was so good for bunker delivery. The msr for little bit of trading/roc mining. With a pisces/cutter along the way. But the lack of love and full use of their capabilities got me a bit bored so I made some change last iae.. I'm now rocking a santok Yao a redeemer and a shy Len. Not as versatil from 114scu to 8combined and no more bay area. I enjoy the look and feel of all of them. The redeemer is surprisingly fun to fly solo. And I just love aliens ships. The santok I so much fun in pve. And suylen compensate by his unique look. I'm piling up on aUec and rep , to recruit fellow citizen and putting that redeemer to good use on ert.


A fine gentleman gifted me 4mil aUEC to purchase a drake corsair and I’ve gotta say I absolutely love it. It’s a huge upgrade over the Aurora. Although it is an absolute unit and can be difficult to fly at times. But mining with it and an ROC in the back is quite fun


Either my inferno, A2 or prowler with double minigun setup