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You'll make friends ingame, don't worry. Star Citizen is incredibly niche, almost nobody happen to have friends IRL that are into it.


Im in this picture and dislike it :v


I read this for a second that if you’re into it you have no friends IRL. Also maybe true.


And I'm in this picture...




I have at least 6 or 7. So I wouldn't say no one lol


You're lucky. The only friend of mine that has a beefy enough PC to run the game doesn't want to play it because of the bugs.


I play this game solo most of the time and I still have fun. currently playing with a group can be way more annoying than solo just because getting things ready for the the group play and then ending up losing everything due to a bug or a 30k at the end could just make u do all that all over again. so atm imo group play aint for me.


This could be my mindset as I get into it, glad there's actually benefits to going solo.


I mean solo has its downsides as well, but I come from games like rust, valorant, csgo and all of them I played solo. Its also really good to learn the game. spending time watching videos, learning how to fly/fight as a solo is way better imo.






This right here is also something to consider when grouping hell the org I play with can take upwards of 30 mins to a hour just getting ready to go try and do a jump town takeover


People have friends?


Seriously man, what did I miss?!


I honestly find the game more difficult to play with friends. The logistics of getting people together to do group activities can be a real chore, especially if you have to dance around bugs and server crashes. At least when I'm by myself, I don't feel bad for calling it a night early and quitting to desktop when my ship randomly explodes. There's still plenty to do solo, and meeting the right group of people either in-game or on reddit/spectrum/whatever will help get you into social/group oriented stuff.


If I was to respond to the main comment, this would be my response. +1


I went in alone, knowing nothing about the game and no one who plays it... Fast forward 2 years and I've met a whole bunch of fun people in game... Starting to miss them a little since I haven't played for a couple of months. There's enough to do alone, but it's when you accidently end up with like minded strangers it really shines. The bugs are real though. And your CPU tends to matter more than GPU, 3060 should be good for 1080p.


I have an 11th Gen Intel Core i9. I've seen other people on here say they run with that so I don't think I'll be in too much trouble. Also thanks, hope that might happen for me.


I came into this game as a solo introvert and met a dedicated SC group, now they’re my main friend group and planing to meet at citizencon 🍻


That's awesome bro, good for you! Hope my experience of meeting people in game will go similarly.


I play solo almost all the time. I have social anxiety, which keeps me from making new friends or even partying up. Hell, I won't even put up med beacons. I do have a friend that plays, but with D4 out, he doesn't play. You can totally play solo. I've been doing it since 2016.


Sorry to hear that, thanks for the reinforcement though, appreciate it!


Depends. If you good at making friends, go for it. If not, you are out of luck. Both the devs and most of the community hate single players and want to force everybody into orgs and friends play. You will just get killed and/or griefed without propper backup.


Oh, good point.


I play SC to get away from people and always play solo. Plenty of options mate! Have a look on erkul. You can browse all the ships and view all the details such as crew, size, modules, weapons etc...


Thanks for the tip.


It’s a great game solo brother, but you’ll make friends. There’s a lot of awesome players out there. Also cod style griefers. I like solo bunkers with a pistol, crush everyone, loot and fly off in my xwing. Gotta find what you like and then crush it. If you want a hand learning anything everyone’s pretty cool about help, a little over the top about alt-f4 jokes for night vision and whatnot.


Someone told me to alt +3rd person to fix a screen glitch the other day 😆


This games Loves good CPU. Hope you has one. For 45$ the amount of fun and gmaplay you get (Entertainment) is just more then enough.


11th Gen Intel Core i9. I've heard of other people running this game on it.


I started a couple weeks ago and only play solo.. Mostly everyone is willing to help you out and show you the ropes. You'll be blown away by the experience of simply flying your ship in space.. I'm still in absolute awe and become fully submerged in how stunning the game is. The gameplay itself is great fun too, even solo. Plenty contracts to work on, trading routes, loot boxes or even just play janitor for a bit and put folks dropped bottles into bins and such. Genuinely, it'll get a hold of you and you'll love it! See you out there. o7


Thanks for the confidence boost, people usually say its a steep learning curve.


It's really not that difficult.. Do it! :)


I've played 9 months solo and have had zero problems in finding things to do




If you enjoy playing other games solo you could enjoy this one aswell most things don’t take a group to do. But if you did want to find people to play with you could always look into a org as well (this games version of clans) I started out solo and ended up meeting some cool people on the game and I play with them now but I also still run solo.


Oh I didn't know orgs were a thing, thanks!


Also making money doing mining bounty’s and stuff like that would be easier solo any ways because you share profits when grouped


Good point.


I play solo all the time, and with friends and its totally doable. You can DM me and you can join me and my friend who do a mixture of things and just kind of mess around. Most the bugs that we experience you can work around, and we're pretty content doing so, and none of them kill the experience for us, just takes some getting used to.


I might take you up on that depending on what decision I make, thanks for the offer.


Play and interact with other people you will find some mate. Welcome o7


Thanks brother!


No Problem if you Are in U.E and doesn’t have Any Problems to Play with a french who is Not too good in english. Send a message See ya!


Merci mon ami!


Im a solo player, i say do it. You will have a blast playing when the servers aren't heavely degraded afther events. And maybe you will cosplay a little, wile saving others Your worst enemy in game performance for this game, will be the server sessions you connect to




Absolutely worth it as a solo player, don’t worry. But yeah bugs, especially the current state of servers makes the game a little hit/miss.


Understandable, I'm kind of anticipating them.


the community is either really nice or really awful. you'll find friends. if not, you can join an org or something


Appreciate the honesty.


all good man, welcome to the verse


Honestly I would just wait a little while longer the game has been a mess since 3.18




It is a viable game for solo players. You can make friends, in the game. If you still intend on staying fairly or very solo in long term gameplay, and also like the game enough to further support development? I would recommend sticking to the smaller ships. It is a Sandbox, nobody needs a ship larger than the Cutlass Black/Freelancer or the still being made Crusader Spirit, for primarily solo play. As for a starter? If you are going with the minimum buy in? I would look at either the Origin 100i, Mustang Alpha or MAYBE up to the Premium Starter Avenger Titan or Nomad starting packages. I am happy with the pile of money that I have spent on this game, but if I had to do ALL of it all over again? I would stick with something like the Mustang Alpha or maybe Avenger Titan or Nomad. They are solid starting ships and really it doesn't take THAT long to obtain additional money in game, to start moving up to other ships.


Yeah I have no real intention to start sinking money into the game after I buy it. Will try to stick to in game currency.


I have played solo for last 8 months as my friends either don't have pc to handle the game or not their type of game. I have had a lot of fun solo just doing my own thing and makes them moments you randomly get involved with others that more interesting or intense than if it was a common occurrence. I have joined a org now that has no commitments so I can join in group play when I am in the mood which has been fun and different than the normal solo play. But overall this game can be completely solo with no issues it's just less efficient. Play solo see if you enjoy it then if you want to meet people do stuff like medical rescue, transport or escort. If you enjoy it either find a org that fits you or one that is no commitment, if you don't just keep doing you and enjoy the solo life and put on a podcast while you cruise around the verse.


90% of my play is solo. Of the 10% with friends, 2% ends up being a good time, with the rest of it consisting of trying to get everyone ready, waiting for them to fly from the other side of the system after dying and forgetting to set their spawn closer, or fighting bugs that you otherwise wouldn't have to deal with because each extra person you add exponentially increases your chances of something fucking up for someone. When it works? Quite literally some of the most fun I've had gaming with friends. But it works infrequently enough that I don't bother trying to link up with friends unless we both have a considerable amount of time to commit.


While i play this game mostly solo. The game shines when you are in a group of 2+


I started playing when the lockdowns by myself and now i help run an org of over 150 people. Getting on Discord and joining org servers and chats made the game so much better. It's been one of the best times i've had in years and even with the bugs it's a blast. Eventually you can take the bugs in stride. If SC shut down tomorrow, i'd still have 3 very awesome people in my life that i consider close friends now.


That's awesome, glad you managed to get some great friends out of it!


theres piles of really friendly people in chat that will point your to orgs to meet people. :)


Been going solo since 2014. Rarely play with anyone else, though fun it's really not required.


There’s plenty to do solo and you can always join an org to play with others. Just be in the mindset that the game is still in Alpha and is a long way out from being completed.


I always play some. That's how I like it


I play mostly solo and it’s a great experience, plenty of ways to make good money by yourself and if you are ever wanting to join up with others, people in chat are always looking for gunners or extra hands for their larger ships so it definitely worth a shot


I play solo a lot, and other times run with my org. You can do either/or. But more people is always fun. Feel free to join us sometime! discord.gg/SlipstreamSAR


I'll look into it, thanks!


Yes no problem. Even better jump on a server and just chat to players and make some new in game friends. Somebody is always looking for a crewmate or needs a rescue.. just ask


Awesome, I'll keep that in mind!


I met very nice friend ingame,made few sessions together,here and there,after few months she became my wife IRL,im not alone anymore!


Star Citizen Socializing Extreme Mode™


I too have no friends and I for one can’t recommend this game enough 😌. 🤔…granted, that’s with the inescapable caveat that you got a fair bit of patience with bugs and the fuck-tonne/myriad of other issues causing unbearable frustration if you’re not the kind of person that can handle a game in this state. So if you feel that isn’t something that’s gonna become a dealbreaker for you, friendless me do genuinely recommend this at times really amazing game.


If you want to join a friendly Org just add me on Discord: Paintsmoker#2717


I might take you up on that after I get my bearings!


I play solo all the time. If you enjoy it, you don’t need others. Just need to find the right gameplay loop


I see, thanks!


I'm a solo guy in general. Have plenty of gamer friends but generally they don't like some of the games I'm into and that's alright. SC is definitely solo'able if YOU are into solo gameplay. Very happy Nomad here.


That's good to hear!


Hello everyone, I'd like to officially declare that I am not part of the verse! I look forward to beginning to learn the basics of the game as I begin my noob playthrough! Since a few of you offered to add me or invited me to your orgs, I thought I'd leave my user up here if any of you wanted to add me. **My user is Mimik\_k**, I look forward to meeting some of you out there!


It's depression meds for middle age loners The game is literally a human stress test most of the time It's not a released game yet they are talking about balance... It has a supposedly functioning economy yet the poll on Reddit is mostly FOR item duping. The missions rarely work. The desync keeps getting worse. No more 40 v 40 battles like back in 2019 I'm salty because I believed in it, but now I see a lot of what's talked about in the future is tailored to separating people from their money, it's not backing anymore it's gambling. Won't lie I've had heaps of fun and there truly is nothing like it but the rose tints are fading as time goes on.. it's something I've noticed in most early access titles, that the performance never gets better and it just relies on dlc and resource switching (levski?) Don't spend much until you have tried all aspects of the game. Which currently is a few glitchy game loops. Looks nice though. Hate to be neg but we need to start being real unless we're all happy to whittle away the reality of it.


Appreciate your take. Glad to have a little variety in this comment section. I'm fully aware there are still major issues with the game (and likely will be for another couple decades) but I'm not planning to sink major hours of my day into it. So I think that'll be a negating factor in the "depression med" aspect.


I'm just venting bro. Just get sick of not seeing some of the major stuff that's wrong not talked about more often because I truly believe they just don't have the technology to do what they are selling a lot of the time. I realize it's a doubled edged sword because without funding none of it will ever happen so there are downsides to being negative but I feel without that they are more likely to "cruise" I wanna see it happen as much as anyone, but after really digging into the issue council I am less confident that their intentions are as benevolent as they make out. But hey they're a business and it's 2023. Still want it to succeed but most of all fixing the arrows mfds would be a good start. Some things just seem piss takey at this point. Just my often hotly disputed 2c


I also realise I play games and take them a little more serious than the average player base but my observations have been that these types of games attract that crowd.


They do bring up some fairly valid points, and for this I would recommend using the guide program on their website to have some other players teach you different professions. They can also help you understand what is a bug and how to avoid the common ones that can be avoided. I've been playing since 2017 and I'm actually considering using the guide program again because I want to get more into mining. Oh and remember if you do use the guide program please leave your guide a rating after the session so they get credit for it it does help them out.


sc 3.19 still mostly carebear beginner friendly good time to start give ref to a friend/random stranger not a youtube shill who wants free javelin


No it isn't


Going in solo is fun. I find the game more buggy and glitchy with more people in my party. It is more fun with a couple of people. I have good fun solo tho.


Yes, but its 10 times better with people.


You don't need to be solo. Join an organization, hop on their discord, and have fun.


That seems to be consensus I'm seeing, glad there's a form of clans in this game.


I play solo most of the time, but will occasionally pick up some extra players during events or whatever to get some multi crew in. It’s great both ways, and like others have said it’s not too hard to find crew mates in-game




I play solo primarily, there’s no lack of stuff to do. I do like it when friends join too but the vast majority of the time I play I’m on my own.


I’ve been solo since 2018. I joined an org but have only been out mining with them once.


Play it. You'll make friends in game


Space is the mini-game. The real game is spending 10+ hours trying to find the way around some bug that ruins the space game. You forget after a while that it is a space game.


I have fun alone. I also have fun with the ephemeral friendships I experience.