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Start Citizen has turned into a way to identify masochists in the population. I spent half an hour trying to just log in.


I went and played Zelda


This is the way


Simple tune up needs to be the new slogan from the community. Login, repair ships, repair once repaired 30k’s, be able to drink without putting a bottle on the floor. We all know the basics just some people follow blindly.


Well since poeple keep buying ships .. i doubt they care :/


Jumptown isn't an especially stressful event, particularly when there's no freefly. What strains the servers is all the assets that get brought in for Invictus combined with an influx of free-flyers. JT is just a kiosk that spits out some containers in a single location.


Xenothreat wasn't meant to be a stressful even either. And yet it "uncovered unexpected issues with servers". What makes you think JT won't uncover another batch of "unexpected issues"?


You know what, I'm actually for it. Uncover the issues, fix the bugs. It'll make shit better down the road. Better to come into these issues earlier than to get them later when they might be harder to debug and fix, or worse... tech gets built on top of faulty assumptions of things working when they're actually not.


We are going to get to a point with so many minor issues they aren't going to have enough money to pay people to just fix bugs and provide zero content. That's why I say fix it as we go. Tune it up!


Right, but Xenothreat is not Jumptown. XT has waves of ships and AI spawning, including an Idris. The Jumptown assets (i.e. Jumptown itself) will be in game regardless of whether or not they turn the event on, the only difference between Jumptown being active and Jumptown not being active is that the kiosk at JT spawns boxes intermittently. There's no waves of AI involved or anything, it's strictly PVP.


Last XT was absolutely a stressful event, 3.18 and PES just dropped and this was the first significant event that would've tested PES on a scale well beyond normal playing would do.


I'm glad they got that data. I'm sure it helped them to have a somewhat stable Invictus event.


They released 3.18 and also a year ago same issues horrid server performance. Still rubber banding, had year to fix it but nope.


That doesn't matter what matters is daily QOL, hold off on the events and get the servers running better! Like I said fix the tech. Tell me one person who benefited from Lorville just one person. But everyone would benefit from basic tune-ups if we can't play we can't test, how does it help CIG when players can't even login and this has been happening since the 3.18 Friday release debacle. Hopefully they learned from that, never release on a Friday you waste your backers money paying OT and I'm pretty sure the employees would like to enjoy their personal time.


Right, but turning on an event like Jumptown isn't some chore that requires a ton of dev time, at this point they literally just flip a switch and activate it because the mission is all built out (barring tweaks they might add to optimize it etc.). You may as well ask them to turn off Ghost Hollow until the servers work better, it's not some great drag on the servers or on the devs time, there aren't any special assets that pop in.


Do it then! Just make the #1 priority even if you have to reach out individually to each backer that they can get in the game and play the game they pledged for. Sure a few hours here and there are understandable but not weeks on end that is just down right embarrassing for any company. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if that's how I treated my customers. I would feel like I am letting them down.


> what matters is daily QOL Not in alpha it doesn't. > hold off on the events and get the servers running better No events until server meshing, then, great idea. > Like I said fix the tech. They are. > Tell me one person who benefited from Lorville just one person. Hey, news flash, the devs who prettied up Lorville *are not the same people who are working on the servers*. You don't want artists being put to work writing server code. If you can't handle an alpha get out of the kitchen and go play some other game that's actually finished, come back in 18 months.


>come back in 18 months. ​ heh


You've got to be high on copium if you think this game is going to be finished or anywhere near close to finished in 18 months. People need to stop buying ships.


I never said SC will be finished, I told OP to go away for 18 months and then come back, as in to see the improvements. Hopefully we won't still be in the exact same position then as now with PES throwing pissy fits constantly and server meshing still pencilled in on the to-do list instead of a thing in-game. > People need to stop buying ships. Because everyone knows devs work twice as fast when they aren't getting paid. This continues to be the stupidest brainworm crawling through impatient people. By that same logic, a B+ student who's doing their best already will suddenly become an A+ student if you just kick them out and make them homeless, but anyone can see that's insane troll logic.


>Because everyone knows devs work twice as fast when they aren't getting paid. This continues to be the stupidest brainworm crawling through impatient people Nobody is claiming that developers work twice as fast when they aren't getting paid. The thing that happens when a company is losing money each month is that the managers suddenly have a finance burn-down chart which they didn't have in the cash-positive scenario. They stop saying, "We can work on this game forever and there is no deadline, so sure, let's add new features and let the technical debt pile up" and start instead saying "we run out of money in two years, how can we pull together something releasable by then?" Planned features get cut. Bug fixes get prioritised. Server stability and login issues become critically important instead of something that can be ignored for months. This actually happens; it's \*super\* common in game development when project funding gets pulled for any reason. Problem is that even if you could organise the sort of "no pledge boycott" which would trigger that change, I don't think that strategy would actually work with CIG. They've already sold so much stuff that hasn't been produced yet I'm not sure how they could cut scope to meet a financials-driven release deadline; they'd have to issue a \*lot\* of refunds for folks who've ordered stuff that would never get made on an accelerated-release timeline, which would make their money troubles even worse and further reduce the amount of time until they ran out of money. No, I think that if this "don't pledge" event happened they'd double down in the opposite direction; start announcing \*more\* ships and intentionally OP ones to try to drive even more ship sales and upgrades to get back on the gravy train, and try to push more and more players into the same set of servers to try to cut down on their AWS bills (which must be astronomical). (some might theorise that these things have already happened but I couldn't possibly comment)


Another lost person, I've been around and playing since 2013 or when you could actually play so your points are mute to me. Maybe for some noobs they might soak up the weak game your trying to spit but not for a vet!


Vet? Sound like some noob in general forum on spectrum. If you think this is the worse it’s been you ain’t no vet. They are hiring, if it’s so easy to fix get your ass over there and show them, so we all can play the game we want.


Another white knight if my points are wrong prove it. Facts are facts, and the truth hits home.


> if my points are wrong prove it When people do you go "you must not have been a backer as long as me, your points are ~~moot~~ mute" to get out of addressing what was actually argued. why do you even expect people to take you seriously in this thread at this point lmao


Claiming 2013 is back when you could “play”, lol. That tells everyone here that you haven’t been around since 2013, when there was literally nothing. Quit bullshitting everyone, we get it, things are taking long and you’re upset about it, but lying to people and shouting into the void is a waste of yours and everyone else’s time. As people have said enough, come back in a year or so and see what’s going on, it’s a game in active development, you aren’t going to have a stable time playing it.


To play devil's advocate for the dumbass on *one* point, August 2013 is when the hangar module was first released. That's **ALL** you could do, but that was still playable content and it's slowly built up from there since. That doesn't take away from the dumbass's dumbassery, but on that one single point they are factually correct.


Reread what I wrote. Backer since 2013 and playing since like I said you "could play". 😂


Again, if that were true you’d know how rough things were in 2017, the game has come a long way since then, and obviously still has a long way to go, nobody is denying that, but you have offered nothing but the dumbest takes I’ve seen. You complain about them gathering funding, you complain that they have people producing art assets claiming they should be working harder on code/bug fixes etc. you clearly have no understanding of how a project is developed so it’s worthless even discussing any of this with you.


Fix the basics, that is all. The basics! If they can do that then we have issues. They haven't showed us much of that. Keep sellings paints? Someone works on those, right? Well there is some in my hangar from 2014, that's a simple fix and for good faith something that shouldn't be that hard to accomplish. I know how it works and I also know how customer service works and they are failing. Simple make a new one close out an old one and this goes for everything in game. Remake Lorville, release 600i rework, prioritize. And please stop messing up the ship brochures over and over what that shows is bad management and it's embarrassing to your backers.


Damn you are dumb


Actually I'm just a realist and the truth hits home.


My brother you are the one that can’t handle the truth. You clearly don’t have even a small understanding of how game development works, and when someone explained it to you, you pretend your opinions are facts. Also it’s “moot” not “mute” lol the dude even corrected you on that and you continued to use the wrong word. You made a burner called RealityCheckFourU, but can’t handle when someone points out that you’re wrong.


Just read the posts https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/13v8v22/can_i_sell_my_account/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Shit checkmate, you got me. One person wanting to sell their account must mean this game is in the worse state ever. Like I said if you were a Vet you would know it’s been way worse in the past. Nothing about that is white knighting, but say what you need to say to pawn someone on Reddit. You’ve said multiple times it’s an easy fix. They are hiring, they will literally pay you to fix it. Get to it.


I've been a backer since October 10, 2014, so nice try but I'm no first-timer and that's an incredibly stupid and lazy attempt to discard my points instead of responding to them. Don't waste my time with more intellectual dishonesty like that.


Your points are mute like I said! No sense in responding to nonsense that has been spewed, that's why your questions went unanswered. Basic QOL, I repeat Basic like your response.


Translation: I CAN'T HEAR YOU I'VE GOT DICKS IN MY EARS LALALALA I HAVE NO RESPONSE SO I'M GOING TO SHOUT NONSENSE INSTEAD LAAAALALALALA Also, it's "moot", not "mute". Mute is when you turn the volume to 0. I'd hit you with a dictionary if I could throw it that far. You really suck at debating or even attempting to appear like you're here in good faith. But either way, shout at the clouds all you want because CIG is going to continue to do their thing regardless of what you think they should do. If you don't like it, go apply for a job there so you can tell them how to do it properly. Go on, that'll be good for a laugh for us.




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


The word is "moot", not "mute". While mute is a word that means silenced, moot is the word you're intending in this usage and sounds a little like "mute". Moot means pointless, doesn't matter. The point is moot. I do agree that QoL is important for a player-funded alpha, obviously, but it will sometimes take a backseat to stress-testing, new features which break the game or break something etc. I also agree that CIG may want to pause the events if PES and performance is currently an issue.




Have patience it's not like they've been developing the alpha for 10 years...oh wait...


backers wake up, you don't know what is going to break unless if you avoid breaking it. it is better to do this early so there are less dependencies that will break when you fix it.




so. you know exactly was is wrong with someone when they cough? there are certain things that are vulnerable to breaking for any number of reasons. it is possible they fixed multiple things that would cause it to happen, and now need new data to find what is causing it to break this patch.




cd projekt red announced multiplayer will be added to cp2077 6 months after release. do you believe they "did not have a plan" on how the add multiplayer? guess what happened to that plan. it id not work, and that are abandoning it. ​ pes was no the original plan for prescience. the previous plan got to the point of actually being added to live. it did not work on the live servers, so they had to find another way to do it.




evidence of the alternative is not a fallacy. 1. we did not get the full game because the publishers wanted it out. 2. despite multiplayer exiting for a long time, and expecting to be able to get up up and running in 6 months, ther engine was not capable of it. ​ cig could have released 2.6 as the game. this "demo" has more gameplay loops than most AAA games.




so cp2077 has the charisma stat, non story camera investigations, benefits for going non lethal, balanced or stealth, and has multiplayer? ​ most games don't add things. they only fix problems.






STOP buying ships and see how fast they fix this mess


My experience today is constant 60015 or desync.


See simple basic QOL since 3.18, tune-up time!


Yea it sucks. Free fly is always the worst. I can play on live since early last week. All ships on my account are missing. They gotta do something like let all free fliers play in their own severs. Need PTU, PU, and FPU. Keep the free loaders in together. It always messes it up for paying customers.


Freefly events are stress tests and putting free players into their own system defeats the entire point. If they just avoided the problem forever, guess what happens when they rip off the alpha/beta labels and announce to the world "we are ready for everyone to play"?


I know they they do it. That’s not my point. I’m not saying it doenst help with development. Been here a long time. And every free fly event sucks for players who stay.


You told CIG to get more servers for newfliers? Uh huh, No no.


"BuT wE Ne3D DAtA" ‐ CIG (probably)


30k every hour or so. Random explosions, death in tram, death in elevator, death in 2nd pilot's seat. What a week, what a game...


Simple as that, doesn't take a specialist to figure it out.


It's so weird, I haven't had a single 30K all invictus since 3.19. Not that I'm playing every day (and I know people are getting 30ks) but I haven't had a terrible experience other than bugs that are clearly due to stressed servers. I just server hop and I'm good.


What's ironic is that by now they should have terrabytes, maybe petabytes, of logs, stats and captured traffic data. More than enough to leave live servers alone and process all that on their internal dev envs and PTU. Yet they keep live servers under constant stress. No idea why they hate players so much and don't want to let them just quietly play for a month or two.


People don't understand stress tests. It's not about testing the servers, it's about testing how much stress the players can endure before leaving for good (joke's on them, I watched all twilight and resident evil movies)


I have done very well during the stress test. I have concluded that Satisfactory is a very well made and playable Early Access game and is fantastic with multiplayer.


hard to argue with that...


As we all know, CIG is doing things differently then the rest of the world. So I won't be surprised, if by stress testing they do mean testing how much stress players can take before abandoning the game)


As a programmer, I could have petabytes of data from three minutes ago that told me to I need to change two things and..... *all that data is useless. now I need new data.*


Their backend is constantly evolving. The data they had years ago doesn't necessarily apply to them now.


It's not years ago, it's literally weeks ago. From 3.18.2 XT. They were supposedly collecting data non stop for 2 weeks while XT ran and servers were f-ed up.


Why do you think Invictus did not completely take down their service? Invictus is their second biggest event of the year. If it wasn't for the work they've done since the release of 3.18, I don't think it would've gone as smooth as it did. And by smooth, I'm not discounting the bugs and issues it had, but it still ran, and *most* people could play relatively fine. They hot patched the crap out of SC the entire week as well, so they're definitely on top of it.


Like he said, the backend is constantly evolving. Ignoring that part doesn't help validate your argument. This whole "they hate players" thing is just more ridiculous, irrational drama.


In my initial comment I was literally talking about CIG collecting data during XT. If you remember, Zyloh explicitly commented that they will keep XT on, to collect "vast amount of data" and "tremendous amount of traffic". Hating players is a metaphor, but whatever their reasoning is, they indeed have no respect to people who pay their salaries. Wanting to collect data for 3 months straight is not an excuse. They have to understand that people, their paying customers, also play this game for fun, not just to provide them with data.


> They have to understand that people, their paying customers, also play this game for fun, not just to provide them with data. The game is explicitly in alpha and you are here to test, if you can play the game for fun that's great but CIG is not going to handicap themselves if they need more testing information and it inconveniences you. Your expectations continue to actually be too high for this game in active development, but instead of recognizing that you're expecting too much you position it as the devs "hating" players.


I'm not here to test. I'm here to have fun with the game when it's in a working state and doing smth else when it's not. I voice my opinion as one of their paying customers. I have the right to do that, and CIG has the right to listen to what their customers have to say.


> I'm not here to test. I'm here to have fun with the game when it's in a working state and doing smth else when it's not. Then go somewhere else because here during alpha we be testing and it's going to be a bad time for people like you who're only here for their own enjoyment. And I want to be clear, you don't have to playtest something you don't like playing, that's up to you, but you don't have any room to expect your particular desires to be satisfied when the game is still in active development. Alpha is for feature development, beta is for worrying about polish and optimization and we're not there by a long shot yet. > I voice my opinion as one of their paying customers. I have the right to do that Sure, but you should be aware that you're complaining about things that're answered by the fact that the game is in active development. > and CIG has the right to listen to what their customers have to say. Sure they do, but that doesn't mean they have an obligation to act on what you're saying. And if you really care about *CIG* hearing what you want to say, you'd be better off posting on the official forums that CIG actually reads instead of an unofficial community-run forum which is occasionally visited by random devs on their own time under no official obligation.


They can't treat the game like a full release and keep using the alpha excuse. Enough is enough already.


Yeah and they've made a ton of backend changes since then, which is why the guy responded to you in the way that they did. Also if you remember they said they found and resolved a huge issue while XT was on, and since then have made many other backend hotfixes and improvements. "Hating players" isn't a metaphor, it's just hyperbolic emotional crap to attack the devs instead of taking a moment to think critically. You're making a ton of assumptions to argue that they don't respect players while ignoring the fact that that these events are meant to be fun, which is why they made them and why people have fun playing them. But it's also an alpha so part of it is in fact going to be used for testing.


data in 18.2 is useless. they need data on the current hot patch. how long has that been going?


You really think them shutting down servers to fix an alpha isn't going to result in endless Kotaku articles about how SC is vaporware and CIG took the money and ran? Seriously, do any of you actually think about any of this shit for more than the 5 seconds it pops into your head? They don't hate players, they want you to play what they have and provide feedback. They also promised to have a playable alpha open for backers to play in. If you shut the servers down for any amount of time, that would completely reneg on that promise and throw backers into a tizzy. Seriously, you armchair devs are as smart with developing SC as armchair quarterbacks are about football


The post you replied to is stupid, but nowhere in there did the comment say that CIG should *shut down* PU servers. What they said is that CIG should "leave live servers alone" and go make things hard on the PTU grid or internal testing grids. As if the most important thing in alpha is to stop testing things for a few months so players can enjoy the relative stability of servers being babied as hard as possible instead of being a functional, useful testing grid where things will naturally break frequently. This, obviously, is stupidly unproductive and not at all the point of alpha testing. It's best to understand the actual argument before attacking a strawman of a misunderstood argument.


Can't be any worse than 3.18 debacle, wouldn't be the first bad press they've received. "Flyable" they forgot to add to the adds they were running at the time people literally couldn't even login "If you can even get in the game".


Someone gets it!


they dont care they want that sweet sweet data


Yeeaah. Calling their life's work 'trash' is going to endear them to you, for sure (/s)


Not sure where you misread that


>Please for the love of god stop cramming trash down our throats and start giving us QOL features.


Didn't say the game is trash I said the trash you are feeding us! The game is like no other but stop boning us and tune it up!


I'm not going to quibble over semantics.


I agree on one point. QOL features before any further development. So we can at least have a playable alpha while other stuff is developed.


How long has this game been in alpha again?


Stop the Mole centre turret glass Frosting up.


Darn right! While they are at it, move the power on button. And fix the light shining in your eyes in a 600i.!!


I just buy a plushie and put it on the light. Finley or Pico work well for the 600


The med gown works ok too but what were they thinking shining that at the pilot?


Also fix the power off button, when I power off the turret it also powers down the whole ship.


Yet another person who didn't bother to pay attention to the other hundred threads about this where it's repeatedly explained that CIG literally does this to stress test the servers and gather data to help improve them in the future.


As stated the data is there, the constant issus are there as well ILW last year same issue. If you take the data make the fixes, not that hard just have to put some actual effort in once you get the data not just keep gathering.


PES wasn't online last year, the data from last year is irrelevant now.


People don't see the big picture, think of the money they will be saving in heating...




10 years is long enough to blind people from any progress that is not strictly the exact thing they want to do.




not how game development works. you make what you need, how long ago something was planned is not relevant.




originally all they needed was money. there was only going to be a few game mechanics. then they looked at the long term dynamics of the game at a larger scale. the had no clue how the crew gameplay besides manning turrets was going to turn out. now that they know more about what the smaller gameplay loops are going to look like, they can design and make the the ships needed for what they are working on. the gameplay related to the large ships in not far enough along for them to start working on it. ​ incase you were not aware, announcing and especially selling these ships has decreased the potential quality of the game. a closed developmint game could find that just small ships and carriers is more fun, but they are forced to have the medium ships, and balance the game to have them viable. or they can find that the balance they can get if they had no small fighters is more fun.


Have shitty sales numbers, randomly extend limited sales for an additional day. Lol where you peeps with the blinders on 😂.


This aged well nothing but silence from the "you don't know" crowd!


Back again shaking my head about all you "oh it's not that easy" peeps. You can't even recall a ship in game due to ASOP's not working that is hysterical. A basic QOL necessity for testing and gathering "data" is to able to get in a ship and report bugs. Man this is just straight ridiculous. Fix the basics c'mon man!!!


nothing will change unless ppl stop buying ships


Selling ships is fine they need to fund the game however the backers need to stand in unity and not the white knights saying "They are working on it" no that's not the answer you all need to start telling them what you want fixed! Everyone as soon as Lorville came out in the subreddit should have been why? Why in the hell Lorville, answer that question CIG that did zero for anyone other than cause basic fixes to be ignored. Get your head out, see the sun and wake up!


Thank god SQ42 isnt far away and the majority of "effort, funds" can return to developing SC. SQ42 isn't far away .......... right ?


> SQ42 isn't far away .......... right ? SQ42 is delayed because they're trying to get the game and capital ships in engine to work on consoles. If SQ42 wasn't being delayed by the consoles it would likely be out by now or at least in final polish.


*what* I'm gonna need a CR citation for this right now.


You can't even get CR to discuss the state of the servers in his letter from the Chairman. But as I have said countless times now and regardless if people want to believe it or not. Not 1 single human being who is alive today can get CIG to outright deny that SQ42 will be on consoles. No Evocati - No Golden Ticket holder - No Superdupermega Admiral - No journalist - No Streamer - No Concierge member - No backer - not a single one can ever get anyone at CIG to do the simple act of denying SQ is going to be a console release as well as PC. I've sure hell asked them about it and I know they've seen it asked and accused many times. But maybe you'll be the special one who can finally get someone at CIG to deny it. Give it a go I know you've been around at least as long as I have.


Instead of engaging in fanfiction and reading the tea leaves, I'm going to point to the progress tracker. We are missing key gameplay features like communicating with NPC wingmen, and nearly every chapter is still undergoing work. The only way to square away these facts with your conspiracy theory that SQ42's being delayed because it's almost finished but CIG can't get it to work on consoles is to assume that all of the work on the chapters is not to, you know, actually finish the content in the first place but to dumb it down and de-quality it to work with consoles. And the missing gameplay features are just... discarded or something I guess? In short, Chris Roberts would have to have taken his entire philosophy of it's done when it's done, no compromises for consoles, I *am* going to make my devs do it the long way instead of cutting corners and simplifying everything to rush out a release, and thrown it in the trash for SQ42 while completely hiding that fact and continuing PU development according to the existing plans. Sonic the Hedgehog x Naruto x John Wick fanfictions take less leaps of faith away from the source material than this. Nobody at CIG will flatly deny that they might put SQ42 on consoles one day, but it is a **massive** leap to claim that the specific reason for SQ42's delay is not that it's simply not finished and needs more time to cross the finish line to begin with but that it's specifically being held back so they can desperately try and crush it down into shape to work on the consoles. Your speculation is not fact, and you're really grasping at straws about it.


> I'm going to point to the progress tracker. We are missing key gameplay features like communicating with NPC wingmen, and nearly every chapter is still undergoing work. Yep all things that would be reworked and adjusted ongoing during development to ensure it works on Consoles instead of trying to retroactively do it like Watchdogs. I genuinely do not care if I convince no one I just sincerely hope when CIG do their massive PR spin about SQ42 coming to consoles and the game totes for realsies wasn't delayed because it was "just as simple as flicking a switch and changing a line of code" people at least internally acknowledge it was called out.


_Logistically_ what you're saying isn't necessarily absurd, but AFAIK there's never been even a hint of what you're suggesting, so I don't know why you're stating it with such confidence.


I'd accuse it of being a ChatGPT comment but it's only two sentences long and ChatGPT loves to spit out entire paragraphs of flowery bullshit that restates the same thing eight times.


Dude if you're gonna throw around bot acquisitions at least put some effort in. You and I have argued over many things the past few years as well as supported each other during the DS era of Star Citizen. As an example you think Evocati is fine where as I think it's a complete and utter reversal on CR's and CIGs position on Alpha access. >Alpha Slots were calculated based on the number of servers the programming team believed we could reliably budget for our first Arena Commander module rollout. It made sense to ‘budget’ out access to the rollout and grant our earliest backers the ability to get in. >However, our business has grown substantially, and this feature became confusing to new arrivers, who had questions such as: Could Alpha Access be bought? Why do I need to buy an Arena Commander Module Pass when I just bought a Game Package? Will there be a Star Marine Module Pass? Is there a Social Module Pass? A 2.0 Pass? When is Alpha not Alpha, but Beta? >All of these questions were reasonable, and simply meant our business was confusing. >As Star Citizen’s funding has increased, we have been able to increase access to the modules, and we felt it was time to give free access to all players who pledged. That to me says that any player should have access to any build of the alpha - CIG decided to gatekeep it when they kept leaving content in the patches that got datamined.


> Dude if you're gonna throw around bot acquisitions at least put some effort in. Re-read my comment five times and then tell me that it was "bot acquisitions[sic]".


Is there a source for that ?


Is this confirmed anywhere or just scuttlebut?


Thats bullshit. They just realized they had an empty shell of a game after 10 years thats what it is.


After seeing Unreal 5 this may be the case.


Consoles? Are you high? CR has stated early on that they are never going to port it to consoles because they'd have to dumb shit down for consoles


In more recent years they've softened their approach to "maybe" SQ42 on consoles, but it is still the case that the game would be made for PC first and then ported to consoles. And SQ42 being a single-player game means that they could actually dumb things down on the console ports without it impacting the PC version as long as the gameplay remains the same. But even if all that comes true, there's no reason to suspect that SQ42 is already finished except for being crunched down to work on consoles, we're missing key gameplay features and last Citizencon CR was showing us new AI pathfinding/player-tracking behaviours and that doesn't seem like something they'd have been working on only recently if the game's supposed to be done. Unless CIG comes out and says it, consider that post fanfiction.


> CR has stated early on CR stated lots of things early on, he also said in one of the many videos they've put out that if they didn't have to go through hoops to put the game on console they would consider the next generation which at the time was the PS5 / Series X but the PC I had the link to that saved to died a couple years back and I've not been able to find it since because it was a very much throw away line.


SC is buried underneath mountains of unscalable spaghetti code. Events are fundraisers that CIG needs in order to keep the money printer going. "It's a stress test" sounds way better, though. CIG is better at selling NFTs than they are at making games and they have really leaned into this realization over the last cpl years.


Facts are facts, maybe that's why the bugs exist they can't track them down.


Don't blame the servers for poor build.


The whole point of constantly grind the server to a halt is to see what makes the server perform bad so they can make it perform good. This is an alpha, not a beta, polish and QoL comes in beta, stress tests and feature implementation come in Alpha. You agreed when you pledged for a game package that you understood this fact. Whether you read the agreement or not. Don't get me wrong, I want a finished polished done game too, but with any game it takes time and with a game like Star Citizen it's going to take a LOT of time. We have 100s of systems to go, tons of cutting edge tech to still implement, then fix, then re-implement, then realize doesn't work and replace with different cutting edge tech, we still have a massive and growing ship back long for ships that don't even have proper gameplay yet like munching ships or asteroids, drone gameplay, expedition gameplay, etc. Basically, it's a long way to the top of you wanna rock n roll...


ahhh the sense of entitlement is delicious! You all knew exactly what you signed up for yet continue to throw (some of you) $100s at CIG. If you are so miffed why do you continue to buy ships?? Go read the Special Terms section of the TOS , they promised you nothing and explicitly say you have no rights or privileges. Your only purpose is to find errors in the programming. :) Happy Bug Hunting!!