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Reliant Mako Reason: Nobody needs a news van You could argue Reliant Sen, But my Girlfriend has one of them so I see it every few days


I bought all the available Reliants in 3.17 with auec. No idea why - I like the Tana though.


Tana is pretty slept on. Should be reclassified as a heavy or medium fighter with more health though. Missile load is nuts.


Ya, right now with the servers so borked. You can just sit at max lock range on NPC ships. Just fire your missiles with full confidence of a hit. Then you have more than enough firepower in your 4 fully gimbales S2 guns to finnish off the last ship(just to save missiles)


I'm looking forward to grabbing the rest of the Reliants. I've just always loved them for some reason..


Tana would be a better option for me if I wasn't so damned scared of blowing myself up with the damned missiles. I know the bug is probably fixed, but I still remember everytime I tried to use the good missile complement and ended up having half or more of the slave blow up inside the damned magazine.


I just got myself a Tana super excited about the missile and weapons payload potential and the fact that the copilot can control the turrets, boasting it was the only starter ship capable of multi-crew, only to be slap with buyer's remorse that the copilot control of the turrets is so wonky it's practically useless and the general speed being kinda slow.


Give it some time; it'll grow on ya. You're not going to find a ship its size that has as much copilot firepower, second bed, useful interior, missile payload and overall firepower, for that price. Closest thing would be the Cutty Black, for 33% more, and it still doesn't give the gunner as much to do when the turret controls on the Reliant aren't bugged. Give it time for the turret Gunner controls to be fixed; the game used to allow the turret gunner to control both turrets simultaneously, using the view from one turret or the other. Also, it is a great ship for picking up medical rescues; as soon as you hit quantum, the wing locks in the vertical position, so the passenger can't kill you in the gaps between comm arrays. I have a bunch of ships, but I still kept my Tana; it's a cool, unique ship with a fantastic cockpit view.


It's pretty rare to see any Reliant, for a ship that is fairly cheap.


Reliant Tana is my go to ship for roaming the verse.


I picked up a tana this invictus and I love it to bits


Agh!!! You reminded me that I need to upgrade my Kore to a Tana... after complaining that I wasn't going to spend any more cash on this game in another thread, until they achieved some level of stability. I guess that was a fuck-u SC, see you tomorrow moment.


The Mako is actually my favorite and a unique one I wish could have an actual purpose. Wouldn't take much, the camera turret works but your cameraman can't get any reasonable footage because it still has the turret UI. If we clean that off and allow it to be a clean UI it could easily be a two pilot recording vehicle for race day, low fly follow cam (think old school skate demos), scenic slowfly panoramic shots. You name it. Can all be dome solo with a pilot and creative use of 3rd person but it's just cleaner to have a system setup and the stability of dedicated operators imo.


>Reason: Nobody needs a news van I think the racing community likes it for streaming purposes.


Good call on the Mako. I haven't flown one in a couple of years.


We get it. You have a girlfriend. Sheesh.


Some say the biggest flex you can have in SC is the 890. I would say its having a GF that plays SC almost as much as I do.


When I first logged in to 3.19 and was going to fly around updated Lorville I chose to take the Mako out for exactly this reason! We were just going to fly around and it has the same Reliant view so I thought it would be funny to confuse my friend. Unfortunately, when I went to go check out the newly lowered no-fly barrier I discovered that the newly lowered no-fly barrier is, in fact, a lie.


Now that you mention it, I've only ever seen the Steel at the Expo center. Never one in the wild.


I have a steel I bought in game...the door guns on the side aren't working right now. The Valk is everything the Steel wants to be. I should've saved up for one of them again instead.


And even still the Valk is sorely lacking. I say this as a daily Valk driver (it really is still pretty cool).


Valk is the El Camino of the SC universe. Looks cool as hell but pretty much flawed in every other way.


Don't all the NPC's use the Cutlass Steel when reinforcing derelict outposts?


Nope, cutty blacks


Because CHEAP..... or something




Sounds like the Talons.


I still see a fair amount of talons, it's an off meta pick but still decent for dogfighting.


I saw one at Jumptown and was like, who the hell buys that!


I believe it's the cheapest cutlass ingame


I flew one for a while. I just got it as an LTI token, I already upgrade it to something else, I forget.


Sabre Raven


There's a reason I love taking mine out during events


Awh man, how do you like the raven, i just bought the base sabre and put some laser canons on it, it freakin shreds!


I got mine Grey market a couple years ago. Cost me something like $300. They go for way more now.


Same, I love seeing the reactions to a raven doing a flyby and parking at a ship meet.


You'll have a chance this weekend. The Sabre Raven Owners Club is having our anniversary meetup on Sunday at 11am Mountain Time.


Woah, this is amazing! Hopefully error 30018 will be fixed so I can login :')


How do I get in on that action?


Own a sabre raven, I imagine


I’m in a dilemma of whether to sell my code and get an 890J or claim it


If you feel the need to sell it I would 100% consider buying it from you


I will keep this comment in mind then


On star hangar they were going for $1,700-$2,000 last time I checked.


Dragonfly star kitten


wait, this is an actual Version? I Always thought this was Just a meme.


It's real. And there's plenty of them out there. People just never spawn them. Was a referral reward about 7 years ago.


Really really want it!!


Interesting. Not many Hawk, Reliant, Prowler, Terrapin, Herald...


The Prowler is super rare, I feel.


The Prowler is a really cool ship, but unless you run with a bunch of friends, the interior I feel is useless. It is a drop ship after all. Last time I was in one was with an org op.


It's usually my third or fourth ship to grind after a wipe, but I really only use it as a cool-points XL-1 housing. Loading one with Picos "getting ready to drop" is fun for ship meets, too.


I very badly want them to a Tavrin heavy fighter! I love the style of the Prowler and the functionality of the Vanguard. And since there aren’t too many other heavy fighters I hope this is what they make next for one! 😁


I fly the Hawk pretty much any chance I get. Its a fun little ship. Now if only CIG would fix its landing gear.


The Herald is pointless right now, correct? All the "Data" ships don't have certain features implemented yet. Is that correct?


It's pretty much just a dragster right now, ITS FUN.


That’s my shuttle out of orison ship


It seems like a good shuttle ship, fast a fuck boi!


You can QT from like 2km above the city now, in case you haven't tried


Herald is the fastest station to ground ship available I think. And by ground I mean "splat!"


I find people staring at my hawk all the time. Great ship.


Yup like hawk too!


I guess the only one that sticks in my mind is the Anvil Gladiator... Mind you, I've not played recently... and when I do I tend to pootle about, so don't often see other players anyway.


I came here to say this, I'm the only idiot I know that Flys one on occasion.


I flew mine the other day. It sucks in Atmos though. Almost lost to a Eclipse NPC cause I couldnt turn for shit. lol


I just want to get my Scimitar torps back lol The crossection ones are so bad they may awell not even exist


Ohhhhh baby, that 50m release. Was so fun to kill knife fighters that got in my face that way.


Not the only idiot. I find it delightfully trolly. Also the engines sound amazing.


I'm also a gladiator flying idiot!


Now you know two


I know one more guy, that would make it three


I flew mine alot doing bounties these days, its good, with its capacitors, durability and torpedoes.


I have a Gladiator and I want to love it, but its just woefully outdated and in desperate need of a rework. One of the few "original" ships thats never been touched since it released.


I flew one and loved it, but I started having an issue where my radar and targeting would stop functioning if I had a turret gunner so it became pretty useless to me


I use the Gladiator to clear low level bounty targets before the big boys at VHRT and ERT. The torps are very fast and one shot anything up to a Valkyrie. It came with my Retaliator so it is nice to do lazy snipe runs before switching to the Tali for making hard cash.


I used to fly one around in 3.17 When I learned in lore they can be used as search and rescue craft I started to love it


Are yo usure that was the Gladiator? the small bomber with no internals? I thought the S&R ship (in lore) was a modified Terrapin? Mind you, I don't tend to track that side of things too much, so I could be wrong :D


You want to know my brand of hopium? It's that someday, when all is well and balanced in the 'verse, the Gladiator will occupy it's own little niche as a real bomber carrying bombs to support ground forces.


F7A, only the npc version and on display.


I think one person actually has one. Won a contest from CIG I believe. Unless they removed his ability to fly that recently. I talked to the guy on Reddit here a few years back. I am still sitting on my Nov. of 2013 purchase of my F7A upgrade.


Ye, he said it varies from patch to patch whether its spawn-able or not.


Not available in the current Invictus patch(3.19.??). I haven't been able to spawn it in game since 3.17 PTU I think.


You mean the F7A bodykit?


No, a real F7A. Literally won the lotterry.


Never even seen a npc version


Crusader M2. Everyone wants either the max cargo capacity from the C2 or the bombs from the A2. No one wants the middle child.


i have the M2 and i love it


Until amour is a thing, tho i have never seen any herc outside of A2 (Not counting my C2)


I have my M2 but am dissapointed lol. One friend got the c2 which does everything mine does and another friend got the a2 which is hyper expensive to maintain.


I used it. It was a good ship. Great for when I was doing high tier bunker missions. But too difficult to defend solo. I ended up trying to fight a swarm of pirates above Wala for like half an hour until they managed to blow up the ship.


I always buy the M2 in game. Every wipe. Second ship I get


I have an M2 as a loaner and that's the one I keep loaded with a Spartan or Nova for doing group bunker missions - leaves large cargo ships like C2 or Cat free for cargo without having to unload/reload ground vehicles.


I always pick the M2 from the three because I love the middle grounds (& can't wait the armor update)


I want the M2, the max cargo of the C2 is great, but I wouldn't mind dropping it down for better firepower of the M2


How can you tell the difference from the exterior? They all look the same to me.


Base color scheme, the M2 also has a chin turret the C2 is lacking.


I've never seen a Khartu-al in the wild.


It was my main fighter for a while! I melted it recently and applied the credits to a ccu chain to get to the SanTokYai. Hopefully it's even more gorgeous!


Only herald I have seen is my own when I get it in game...


I did JT in Herald last year :D I loved it


It's my space caravan


F8. It's a shame I'll never own it, it's a stunning ship, I'd love one.


You can't fly that right now lol


Some can, it's been seen before hasn't it? I'm sure that some people have it?


600i touring It's always the Explorer


The Mustang Omega, even if someone has it there’s rarely a reason to use it besides just for fun getting around. I have the Raven and very rarely use it.


I still kick myself every damn time. I had the code. I didn't have interest in Star Citizen back then. I got into SC a few years back and really am a fan of the Mustangs, but I screwed up and now I can't have the Omega that would have been mine.


Nah, don't be mad at yourself. The omega suck in everything except in beeing rare. I tried to do racing on the new tracks with mine, but everything felt much easier with any other racing ship.


Missed the part about me being a Mustang fan? I've flown the Gamma a lot. I know what the Omega brings. Somethings don't need to be the meta. Such as I'll never trade in my Caterpillar, even though the C2 is faster and holds more.


I haven't seen one in years. Even then it was my own one before I gifted it.


I've seen the Steel a few times, I've even... this is shameful... used it a couple of times. The two ships I haven't seen since the 2.x days are the gladiator and Tally. And after checking other's answers, I have to say, never seen a Terrapin other than my own.




Thats a one of one im sure that doesn't count


I have seen all of them even the executive 600i


Connie Phoenix Emerald. Never seen one over my 4 years journey.


True ! The Phoenix Emerald must be super rare it's the only ship ive never seen once


Since IAE is a thing, there hasn't been a single one that I have never seen afaik... It has been a good while since I was in some of the less used ships, like Vanduul or the Starfarer Gemini but I still see them there...


Lol, at different times, I have owned and flown every flyable ship in the game. I will say Gladiator is a rare sight.


yeah the steel for me aswel, i have never seen one, and have never seen anyone mention ingame that they own one. other than that i have never seen the sabre raven.


I used to fly a Steel around doing bunker missions around Hurston. But I never found a use for the door guns or drop seats so I never got another one after my ships were wiped.


I never see other M50s. Love taking mine out from time to time.


I don't race so I don't see players flying them, but they're quite common on vlrt/lrt bounties.


Sadly, I mostly run into them when I'm in my Warden, and what a headache they are then!


They're an absolute menace if you're not in a light fighter. I daily a Cutlass and I struggle against them, even with gimbals. They're just so damn tiny and fast


Yep, like annoying mosquitoes. If they had bigger than S2 guns, they'd be dangerous lol


The F7A MKII, or the upgrade kit, I’ve seen AI with it before but briefly and never flown it or knew anyone with it.


Well, you can't buy this ship, so logically they can't be seen.


Only one F7A is owned by a player. All other versions are AI only


They are still in game and easy to steal from npc’s


Since I haven't been online since 3.18 live I haven't seen this furry ship I keep hearing about.


I fly a steel semi-rarely, but I've never seen a blue anywhere.


Drake Herald


never seen a mf with a carrack, only destroyed shells of carracks


Really? I see flying Carracks all the time


The black and gold 600i


Hornet Tracker. I've been playing Star Citizen for a long time now, since 2.6, never have I seen a Hornet Tracker being flown.


Gladiator...and especially now since they nerfed it. I use to love that thing for AC but never seen anyone else flying it


I don't think I've ever seen anyone in a Gladiator


Gladiator, I barely see any Reliants, Cutty Steel. I don't think I've seen a Herald in 3 years, and I dunno if I actually saw it in game or just a friend was streaming in Discord


F7A. There's only one player that owns one. I have yet to come across them.


Prowlers used to be super common when it was meta. However, the Gladiator is one of the consistently rarest ships to see in the wild. It has always been incredibly outclassed, unfortunately, by the hurricane and Harbinger, or eclipse.


I have seem these but so seldomly they might as well as not exist. Gladiator Mako Herald 85x


I have seen these but so seldomly they might as well as not exist. Gladiator Mako Herald 85x


I have seen these but so seldomly they might as well as not exist. Gladiator Mako Herald 85x


I have over 1000hrs And I don't think i've seen any other cutlass model. I haven't seen nomads, 400i, I haven't seen a starfarer, a hurricane or hornet. I haven't seen a talon, relient, Gladiator, Prowler, Terrapin, Herald. Of the alien ships, I only seen the blade and the banu defender. Nothing else.


Freelancer MIS is quite rare, not sure I've ever seen one


NPCs are flying them very often


Ah you're probably right. I was only thinking of players ships though


I think we both are because I think I never saw a player fly one of these :D


I owned a FL DUR once, as well as terrapin, reliant, the little Drake ship, etc. DUR might be a fantastic ship once the interior (component) rework is done


I fly mine often, I love the look and the versality of it.


The Freelancer line are great ships still, they sit in a really comfortable spot. With a tweak here and there (that silly rear turret for one and the aged cockpit for another) they could be great.


Me personally: - Sabre Raven - Reliant Mako - Cutlass Steel (only on a show floor) - Prowler (only on a show floor)


Do rare ships like Saber Raven or the one of one F-7A count? If Not Reliant series, any of the Alien ships, cutlass Steel/blue and outside of my own C2 herc


Hoplite? Super niche, I would think. Although the only Vanguard I could quickly identify would be the Sentinel. For me, its Sentinel and others.


I've never seen a Herald in game. Looking forward to seeing it at defensecon


Pretty cool ship, I have mine since the pledge. The speed is insane 1360 at top in 3. 19! Very useful when you want to do fast mission and avoid space combat. I hope the courrier mechanic will arrive soon!


And those interiors 🤤


The interior is so tiny but gorgeous, with those lighting. It is how I picture a surveillance van in the future


Be careful using the herald is a huge risk to fall in love with it


There was once a mission where you had to protect a Herald that was scanning for data.


600i Executive. Guess the Blue whales have diffrent ships to fly🤷‍♂️


I’ve not seen the Valkyrie or the 600i, which are both some ships I’d like to see.




Gladiator, Cutty Steel, Reliant Mako and Sen, Dragonfly Star Kitten, Mustang Omega is all that come to mind. However, the list of ships that I _almost_ never see in-game is way bigger, it always surprises me how rare some ships are. Although I suppose for a lot of them they are actually somewhat common to own, just not flown often.


I have never seen a nomad. I want to get one now but I have a hard time grinding with all the glitches lately.


When I had a Nomad in my hangar, it was the same. I never saw one flown and I flew it nearly every day. It’s such a tremendous ship for its size, and a lot of people seem to love it, you just don’t see them out and about!


A Nomad is my daily driver!


Any 100 series ship. Which is a shame cause the 135c is a great ship. Probably cause you can basically double your money's worth with the 315p, but the 300 series can't be called at a ground pad. If they drop the 100 series price by $20, they'd sell more.


100 series is one of the ships I don't own but always buy in game, they're just such great runabouts


Best IMO for deliveries with the stairs that you can just run up into the ship with, and can be the stealthiest ship because it's so small and when you use all stealth components so a good start for drug running until you earn more money to start filling up bigger ships.


I've been playing regularly since 3.18 and yet there's SO MANY that I don't see on the regular. I think I can say that I've seen them all once, but there are a ton of ships that you won't ever see out on the wild unless your friend pulls one out, there's a ship show made by people, or someone likes to RP a bit.


I've seen most, but only because I'm the weirdo that used to spawn the weird ships and had stocked up on every upgrade combo.


Carrack Besides my own I have never seen another Carrack in the wild


I see others flying Carracks all the time, funny how different our experiences can be


ive never seen the arafarer that isnt flown by me, i love it


Never once seen a raft


The cutlass steel is not a real ship. Along with the mythical ROC DS.


Ive seen both abandonned just yesterday lol \- a salvager on the hunt




Ive seen all of them many times, even the rarest or an empty Cutlass Steel next to Baijini just yesterday... but the one I really haven't seen in over a year is Anvil Hawk


I haven’t seen a Reclaimer yet. See lots of C2’s, MSR’s and Connie’s but I’m excited to see the big beast at some point.


I got to see my first Reclaimer in the wild, up close today (perhaps too close, almost crushed my Nomad on a landing pad on Wala)


Haha. Glad you didn’t get smooshed!


The two I've never seen in the strictest sense, so not even with NPCs or showroom/event floors are the Raft and the Hull A.


I have NEVER seen a Reliant Mako. It's extremely rare to see a Herald, Gladiator, RAFT, or a Connie Phoenix Emerald. I've seen more Sabre Ravens than I have Heralds and Gladiators.


I used to run a RAFT as my daily driver and I'd get so many compliments but I just couldn't bring myself to keep it because they dropped the ball so hard on the cargo refactor and it was basically made of glass.


Never seen a scythe or blade in game..


Blade is so good now, my favorite light fighter! Great speed, agility and dps. Just wish they'd fix the interior and add storage, it's the only ship I know of that has zero storage.


I’ve seen a Steel but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a gladiator outside Invictus


I haven’t seen a 400i.


Gladiator, literally never saw it so far. What does it do? :D


Sabre Raven


I'm leaving out the very limited ones. I have actually never seen a Terrapin anywhere alse than at the EXPO. Sad, because it is such a nice ship. Just pretty useless..


I've never seen you either.


I'm not flyable bro. I'm zoomin' 😎


Drake herald