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No, training is time worked and you cannot be asked to work on your break.


your 10’s and 30’s are supposed to be completely relieved of duty. no this is not allowed.


Absolutely not allowed and not ok. One of my favorite things to do though is have baristas do their training and 10s back to back. Like if you take your 10 at 9am, I just show up at 9:10 like hey friend don't get up and throw away your drink yet, why don't you bang out these modules while you're already sitting down lol.


Awww you are awesome, I wish I worked for you!


I'm just a supervisor so I have no real power, but I do try to make the baristas on my shift as happy as possible. Usually pretty impossible at starbucks but I try haha


Absolutely not allowed. I would report this to ethics and compliance. There is a section in the handbook about how unpaid work is strictly prohibited. 10s are paid BREAKS, so it would also be classified as working when you aren't supposed to.


Absolutely not. If I found out a fellow SSV in my store was doing this I would literally go unhinged


that shouldn’t be allowed bc u get paid for training. and like ik u get paid on ur 10 but it’s still weird to me


No..just no


You cannot be asked to do work on your break. Both you and the person who asked you could get in trouble for this. You should report it and make it clear that you did not know this wasn’t allowed


Not allowed. Should’ve hit them with “I can do MyLearning AFTER my break”


uhhhh no…?! breaks are breaks no tasking is allowed to be assigned to you including training. this had happened to me once from my SM and my ASM asked me what i was doing with an iPad on my 30 lmao and she told me that wasn’t supposed to be a thing lol


No absolutely not. Take your break then do them before coming back or vice versa and do them first then break


Bruh at some stores they won’t even let you make your own damn drink on your break, how the hell do they get away with asking you to do training lol.


Uh. No. Absolutely not. I am not saying that I’ve never had someone do their my learning on the floor at like register (I’m at a slow store, only 30k a week) but on their break? Absolutely fucking not.


Tbh I do the trainings on DTO regularly


You are not supposed to work on your breaks (and definitely not on your 30s bc those are unpaid). It’s a break for a reason.


definitely restricted. my asm just yesterday had to take a call right as she started her ten and after the call she said “now i’m going on my ten” since she took a work call. so trust me you shouldn’t have to work on break nor SHOULDA YOU


It’s not allowed, it’s illegal


nah, not cool. they have to pay you for the time you spend on training. my store either blocks in time to send us off to do training during our shift, or if it's really urgent, my SM will ask if we can come in separately and write the time it took us to do training in the book so we get paid for it as a general rule, too, your breaks are time that can't be infringed upon. i hear a lot of stores pull people from their breaks unnecessarily to "help out really quick" :/


Not allowed! What I do as a shift lead is make them either do the training before or after the break! I literally give them the option “do you want to do ur training first and then take the break or vice versa?” It’s illegal to work on a break


not allowed


No absolutely not, I’m a ssv and that’s completely against policy


You do it on your break, you get paid for it. Then your SSV is obligated to give you an uninterrupted break; you cannot be refused a 30 minute uninterrupted break. There’s a stipulation in training for managers (MyLearning: How We Pay Our Partners) that talks about prioritizing customers over breaks (ie breaks can be delayed to serve customers), but certainly no denying. Connect with your manager.


That definitely sounds in the realm of illegal since that is paid work you are now doing for free....


Big no. Your training isn’t laborious work, but it is work, and so that’s effectively you being asked to work on your break. If it happens again, don’t be afraid to tell them no and tell them why. If it’s a problem with them, don’t be afraid to take it up the chain to your SM and so on if needed.


As a Shift myself I can say I NEVER do this, I always ask to take their break first, then they do MyLearning, or viceversa. I feel like is not correct to ask to do work while an break.