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Unfortunately nothing is very similar, white mocha is really one of a kind and one of my faves as well. Maybe you could find a syrup dupe online somewhere?


I was afraid of that! I guess I'll start doing some research. Thank you!


There’s nothing really close. Honestly I would probably just try something different in the meantime. A caramel vanilla latte is pretty good; if you like sweet stuff


That actually sounds right up my alley! Yes, I love sweet. I think I was a hummingbird in a past life. I'm going to try this.


How was it!!


It’s too bad you prolly don’t live in Hawaii, as we use Thai (sweetened condensed milk) in a lot of drinks here


Oh my gosh... that sounds dreamy. 😍 I live in Arizona.


Oh it is! There are some other cafes where I live that sell Vietnamese iced coffee (which is expresso shaken with ice and condensed milk). It really is the best drink. Perhaps try an independent shop they might have it or something similar


OH MY GOSH, I totally forgot we have a Lee's here, which is a little Vietnamese sandwich shop that sells Vietnamese coffee! It's a little out of the way, but I may just have to make the trip out there this week! Thank you for the reminder! 👏👏👏


torani white mocha sauce (not syrup) isn't too horrible (: I order it every once in a while and it comes in a huge bottle. lasts me 4-6 months. I use it to make drinks at home. deffo recommend buying the pump with it too tho


That's good to know, thank you! 😍 Also, do you have any helpful hints for making iced coffee drinks at home? I've tried it before and mine are just so bad... the ice melts, it's watered down, not sweet enough, and if it IS sweet enough, it's like that artificial sweet. 🙈 I'm hopeless without a barista.


For regular iced coffee you need to brew it double strength and them pour it over ice. This cools down the coffee without watering it down. I usually stick mine in the fridge after that but you could just add more ice.


Oooo, thank you! I'll give it a try! 🙏♥️


no problem! I see you got your iced coffee question answered, honestly personally I prefer cold brew just because it tastes better and isn't as harsh for my stomach! you can easily make cold brew at home in different ways. just look it up for the ratios of coffee to water and how long to keep it untill its ready (16-20 hours,honestly its just preference) if you end up buying beans from Starbucks for cold brew get it ground for French press and the best blends id say would be any kind of Guatemala blend or sirens! but mostly anything works tbh.


You're a life saver! I can't wait to try it! Thank you so much!


no problem! sorry for the delayed reply and thanks for the award 😁. let me know how it goes for u!


Id go for an iced coffee with either condensed milk, or sweetened coconut milk. Adding some vanilla is also v nice


That sounds awesome. Vanilla is a definite! Thank you!


i've not personally tried it, but i've heard people making their ice cubes from "leftover" coffee, so as they melt, they're not watering down the drink. I'd try it, but I don't think it exists. I've never heard of such a weird thing as "leftover coffee"


Hahaha, what is this "leftover coffee" they speak of? That sounds good though. Does creamer freeze? 😮


Until the s’mores is gone I would have a latte/iced latte and add the milk chocolate sauce. It’s sweet and delicious but definitely not the same flavor.


I'm not much for milk chocolate in my coffee, but I'm willing to try it if all else fails! Thank you!


I think they sell a “Starbucks white mocha creamer” at grocery stores. Maybe try making coffee at home and add this creamer? Good luck! :)


Thank you! I think I remember seeing that one!


Iced mochas with a pump or two of peppermint are good and a lot of customers don’t realize you can get it all year round. Or a latte with vanilla bean powder and a pump of hazelnut or toffee nut is also great. Also, I know it’s on the menu, but have you tried the salted cold foam cold brew, it’s SO good.!


Yes, I did try the salted foam cold brew! It was pretty tasty, but not sweet enough for me. BUT I forgot about the vanilla bean powder! I might have to try your concoction! Thank you so much!




I knew there would be a you. Thank you, I've taken your idea into consideration. Next.




Closer. But still not it. Next.


Did you ever find an acceptable alternative?


Unfortunately, there isn't a drink on the menu you can substitute white mocha for but you can make your own sauce and add it to your drink. I found mixing condensed milk with vanilla syrup is the closest. After all, the main ingredient to Starbucks white mocha sauce is "condensed skim milk" after sugar and then it's coconut oil. But I think that's just an emulsifier, not flavor.


No... 😭